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9.指令(issuing a command)(1)Say/R ead after m e,please.(2)Follow m e,please.(3)D o what I do.(4)R epeat,please./R epeat after m e.(5)O nce m ore,please./O ne m ore tim e,please.(6)Com e here,please.(7)Please com e to the front./Com e up and write on the b…  相似文献   

6.课堂活动(Classroomactivities)(1)Start。/Startnow.(2)Everybodytogether./Alltogether.(3)Practiseinagroup./PractiseIngroups/Ingroups,please.(4)Getintogroupsofthree/four…(5)Everybodyfindapart-ner/friend.(6)Inpairs,please.(7)Oneatatime./Let'sdoitonebyone.(8)Nowyou,please./Yourturn(Studentsname).(9)Next,please./Nowyoudothesame,please.(10)Let'sact./Let'sactout/dothedialogue.(11)WhowantstobeA?(12)Practisethedialogue,please.(13)NowTomwillbeA,andtheotherhalfwillbeB.(14)Pleasetake(play)thepa…  相似文献   

N o Parking H ere.[Parking Forbiden。](此处)禁止停车。K eep O ffThe G rass.[Lawn].勿踏草地。K eep Clean.保持整洁。N o R ubbishing H ere.[G arbage Prohibited./Com m itN o N uisance.]禁止倒垃圾。N o Littering.请勿乱扔纸屑、果皮。D on't Litter(U p)The Floor  相似文献   

Amazing Letters     
ATTITUDE=100%Sample Text如果令:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z分别等于百分之1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526那么Hard work(努力工作)H A R D W O R K=8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11=98%Knowledge(知识)K N O W L E D G E=11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7  相似文献   

教学目标1.进一步巩固和在情景中运用4个运动类单词rowing,clim bing,jogging,running,及时掌握另外4个运动类单词swim m ing,fishing,skating,skiing。2.能听懂、会说日常交际用语D o youlike…?Y es,I do./N o,I don't.W hatdo you like?Ilike…Let's go…G ood idea.That's  相似文献   

课堂英语教学用语(一)1.上课(Beginningaclass)(1)Let'sstartnow.Let'sbeginourclass/lesson.(2)Standup,please.(3)Sitdown,please.2.问候(Greeting)(4)Hello,boysandgirls/children.(5)Goodmorning,class/everyone/everybody/children/boysandgirls.(6)Goodafternoon,class/everyone/everybody/children/boysandgirls.(7)Howareyoutoday?3.考勤(Checkingattendance)(8)Who'sondutytoday?Who'shelpingthismorning/today?(9)Iseveryone/everybodyhere/present?(10)Isanyoneaway?/Isanybodyaway?(11)Isanyoneabsent?/Isanybodyabsent…  相似文献   

(圆点前为期号,圆点后为页码)以引厂刽们引月创幻劝引7) 8) 1) 4) 6)7)补())l)材钧0) 2)3)针怪.1 1 ..咨11礴、一,‘l,..﹃11 11 111‘苦111玉O口9︺9︺争臼11?﹄,曰nJ八石月任J4)住﹄‘/6./6./6.(7.(7.(7.(7.(8.(8.(8.(8.(8(8.(9.(9.(9.(9. 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 11. 11.11.(l2 12. 12. 12. 12.12. (1 .1) (2 .1) (3 .1) (4 .1)5/6 .1) (7 .1) (8 .1) (9 .1)(10.1)(1 1.1)(12.1) (1 .4)(2 .18)(2 .20) (3 .6) (3 .8) (4 .4)/6 .54) (7 .6) (?.8) (8 .4) (8 .6)(9 .10)茂峰彬勋贵成噪同平锋责扬晓鸿衍炳志启宪宝口夭黄宁廖罗韦张徐谢孔陈/…  相似文献   

一、L isten and num ber.(32%)()playing the guitar()artclass()playing sports()studying English()gym class()drawing()English class()m usic class二、L isten and w rite Y or N.(12%)1.H and outthe paper.()2.C lap your hands.()3.C heck your work.()4.Line up.()三、L isten and tick.(12%)N am e A rt class G ym class M usic class E nglish classPamSandyD onnyB eth四、R ead and m atch.(18%)1.W hat's he doing?2.W hat's she doing?3.Y ou can do it。4.W hatare you doing?5.W hatare they doing?6.G ood …  相似文献   

阅读与提高(Ⅰ)A.同步阅读Ⅰ.M iss G reen和M iss R ead虽然初次见面,但是聊得很开心。请你把她们的对话补充完整,好吗?每空填一词。M iss G reen:12。M iss R ead:G ood afternoon.M iss G reen:Excuse m e.A re you M iss R ead?M iss R ead:3,I am.4your nam e?M iss G reen:M y nam e is H elen G reen.M iss R ead:Can you5your nam e,6?M iss G reen:Y es,7,H elen,8,G reen.M iss R ead:Thank you.K ey:1.G ood2.afternoon3.Y es4.W hats5.spell6.please7.H—E—L—E—N8.G—R—E—E—NB.提高阅读Ⅰ.D avid一…  相似文献   

一、选择题: 1.下列图形中,轴对称图形有() ①角,②三角形,③圆,④线段,⑤正方形,⑥扇形,⑦平行四边形,⑧等腰梯形. A .3个B.4个C.5个D.6个 2.如图1所示,只有两条对称轴的是(). 孚☆O塞丫夕 镶 (l)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) 图l A.(l)和(3)B.(3)和(4)C.(4)和(6)D.(4)、(5)和(6) 3.如图2所示,在乙AOB内部有一点尸,点M、N分别 是点尸关于OA、oB的对称点,衬N分别交OA、OB于C、D. 若△代刃的周长是20 em,则线段耐刃的长为(). A .5 em B.10 em C.20 em D.40 em 4.等腰三角形的周长为13。m,其一边长为3Cm,则该 等腰三角形的底边长为(). A .7 em…  相似文献   

一、1.(A)2.(C) 3.(D)4.(B) 5.(D)6.(D) 7.(A)8.(D) 9.(D) 10.(B) 11.(A)(B) 12.(C) 13.(B) 14.(B)15.(A) 16.(D) 二、1.Fe+H2SO4:FeSO4+H2 ↑;2H2+O2=2H20.2.Fe2O3或Fe2O3·H2O或Fe2O3·xH2O;在钢铁制品表面上涂油、刷漆、镀耐磨和耐腐蚀的铬等.3.①+3;②置换反应.4.很疏松,易吸水;致密氧化物  相似文献   

一、语音:找出每组单词划线部分的读音与所给单词划线部分的读音相同的选项(5%)( )1.1eague A.1anguage B.change C.goat D.bridge( )2.rr~ny( )3.a121_gry( )4.newsA.saidC.haveA.beginC.norA.1istB.GermanyD.makeB.plantD.thankB.sirice C.boys D.rna牌( )5.w—ood A.f—ool B.good C.food D.sch_ool 二、用括号内词的正确形式填空(10%)6.This book was7.At themany years ago.(write)of this term,our school presidentmade a long speech.(begin) 8.Itis saidthatthe storyhappened severalago.(century) 9.He is busyshoppin…  相似文献   

Thanks very m uch.W ho can drew a fish?W here are you going?W ho is it?1 2W hat are you doing here?Is it w et today?3 4W hat do youwant,sir?G ood m orning.A .M e, sir. B.You re welcom e. C.Good m orning, Peter.D .Its m e, John. E.Tea, please. F.Shopping.G .W aiting for the bus. H .N o, its dry. ( )●答 案 :1~8 BA FD G H C E7 8对答如流(英文)@刘碧群…  相似文献   

如果令英文字母A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S V W X Y Z分别等于百分之12345678910111213141516181920212223242526,那么什么能使得我们的生活变得100%的满呢?先看看我们通常认为非常重要并终日竭力追寻的那些因素吧1.Fortune(财富)/M oney(金钱)F+O+R+T+U+N+E=6+15+18+20+21+14+5=99%M+O+N+E+Y=13+15+14+5+25=72%2.K now ledge(知识)/D octor(博士)K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E=11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5=96%D+O+C+T+O+R=4+15+3+20+15+18=75%3.Love(爱情)/Lover(情人)L+O+V+E=12+15+22+5=54%L+O+V+E+R=12+15+22+5…  相似文献   

一、选择题 二、、.}xl一3 ..一,二,.,一‘1,使分式传二兴书气没有意义的x的取植”一‘,一“x艺一x一6’一’“~尸一’一一‘-一 )(A)一3.(B)一2.(C)3或一2.(D)士3.2.设m=x十}x一川,则加的最小值是()(A)0.(B)1.(C)一1.(D)2.净中加彝是( 3.如图l,直线几刃V和丑F相交于点O,乙石口N一600,八口一Zm,乙八OE=200.设点A关于EF的时称点是B,点B关于MN的付称点是C,则八C的距离为() (A)(B)(C)(D) 二、填空题 8.分解因式、- 护一Zx一2尹 4y一xy-一 9.加图4,梯形AB勿中,AD//邵,EF为中位线,匀油D:S△卿一3:7,则S梯形月E尸。:S祥形助cF一~…  相似文献   

T Y Z O O J H G V BP Q E D R C X G Y JI O P L K U Y T N MC E R G B E A C H JN J Y T R F V B K OI P I K J U Y G B NC F G H B V U J Y TD E V B P A R K G HO P I U Y H K J N M上期答案:mother happy love gife“慧眼小飞侠”:周昊吉林省长春市一汽十四校三(2)班卓翔宇广东省潮州市饶平县黄冈镇师范实验小学602班日文王宇杰安徽省合肥工业大学附属中学小学三(2)班贺钰哈尔滨市动力区中英小学四(3)班伍易柔哈尔滨市道里区河松小学五(2)班WORDS大搜索~~…  相似文献   

1.Mary熏couldIspeaktoAnn,please?(L.50)(玛丽,我可以和安通电话吗?)这是打电话的常用语。答语可以是:ThisisAnnspeaking.(或Annhere./Annspeaking./Speaking.)(我就是安。)/I蒺msorryshe蒺sout.(对不起,她不在。)/I蒺mafraidsheisn蒺thererightnow.(恐怕她现在不在这儿。)/Certainly./Onemoment./Waitaminute.(请稍等。)2.Thanksalotforinvitingmetoyourparty.(L.50)(多谢你邀请我参加你们的聚会。)“Thanksforsomething”或“Thanksfordoingsomething”的意思是“为某事或因别人做了某事而感谢”。又如:Thanksforyourhelp.(谢谢…  相似文献   

下面有一道饶有趣味的数学题,大家尝试来算算:令:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z分别等于1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%16%17%18%19%20%21%22%23%24%25%26%那么:Hard work(努力工作):H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K=(8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11)%=98%Knowledge(知识):K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E=(11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5)%=96%Love(爱情):L+O+V+E=(12+15+22+5)%=54%Luck(好运):L+U+C+K=(12+21+3+11)%=47%结果:这些我们通常认为重要的东西往往并不是最重要的。问题:什么能使我们的生活变得圆满?猜想:是Money(金钱)…  相似文献   

Fan 型条件与泛连通性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设G是n(≥5)个顶点的简单图.本文证明了若对G的任意一对距离为2的顶点u,v都有max{d(u),d(v)}≥(n+1)/2成立,则G中任一对顶点x和y之间存在长为6到n-1的路.,Let G be a simple graph with n(≥5) vertices. In this paper, we prove that if G is 3-connected and satisfies that d(u,v)=2 implies max {d(u),d(v)}≥(n+1) /2 for every pair of vertices u and v in G, then for any two vertices x, y of G, there are (x,y)-paths of length from 6 to n-1 in G, and there are (x,y)-paths of length from 5 to n-1 in G unless G[(N)(x)]=G[(N)(y)]≌K4or K5, or G[(N)(x)],G[(N)(y)]are complete and (N)(x)(n)(N)(y)=φ.  相似文献   

第一试 一选择题(每小题答对得5分,答错得O分,不答得1分.) 1.集合s二(牙,!argz一。,。为常数}在复平面的图形是 (A)射线argZ=2“.(B)射线argZ=一Za. (C)射线argZ‘一a.(D)上述答案都不对. 〔答〕(D)(命题组供题) 2.下列四个图的阴影部分(不包括边界)满足不等式 109二(109洲,)>0的是(A)15.(B)10.(C)7.(D)6. 〔答〕(D)(命题组供题)4.方程sinx二lgX的实根个数是(A)1.(B)2.(C)3.(D)大于3. 〔答〕(C)(河南供题)5.若a>o,a钾1,F(x)是一奇函数,则G(x,一尸(‘,.〔示纷+合」是(A)奇函数(B)偶函数(C)不是奇函数也不是偶函数.(D)奇偶性与a的…  相似文献   

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