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目前大中型医院使用尿液分析仪已经很普遍,但是对于国产与进口仪器的性能了解不多,所以有必要对其性能进行评价;现就我院引进的两台仪器(进口MIDITRON和国产H-100)进行初步分析,结果报告如下:1 材料1.1 德国BOEHRINGER MANNHEIM公司生产的MIDITRON型尿液分析仪及专用试纸条(批号:28722041)。  相似文献   

目的 :观察奥美拉唑联合阿莫西林和呋喃唑酮治疗幽门螺杆菌感染的效果 .方法 :将2 4 0病例随机分为两组 .治疗组采用奥美拉唑联合阿莫西林和呋喃唑酮 (简称奥组 ) ,对照组采用果胶铋联合阿莫西林和甲硝唑 ,疗程两周 .结果 :治疗组和对照组HP根除率分别为96 7%和 6 8 3% ,溃疡及糜烂面愈合率分别为 90 0 %和 6 1 7% ,两组差异有显著性意义 (P <0 0 1) .结论 :奥美拉唑联合阿莫西林和呋喃唑酮是目前一种理想的根除HP治愈溃疡及糜烂面的方案 .  相似文献   

目的:探讨灭幽门螺杆菌(HP)煎剂疗效。方法:采用回顾性方法,在西药治疗基础上服用HP煎剂72例,与同期西药治疗病例88例作副作用及疗效对照。结果:中西治疗组副作用小,HP根治率高。结论:灭HP煎剂有减轻西药副作用,提高HP根治率等作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨次乌头碱(HA)配伍甘草次酸(GA)对缺氧缺糖(OGD)损伤H9c2心肌细胞的保护作用及其作用机制。创新点:首次在OGD模型中证明HA+GA对H9c2心肌细胞有明显的保护作用。此作用与减少细胞坏死和凋亡有关系,且其作用机制与磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶/蛋白质丝氨酸-苏氨酸激酶(PI3K/Akt)信号通路有关。方法:采用H9c2心肌细胞为研究对象,将其分为七组:正常组、OGD模型组、OGD+HA组、OGD+GA组、OGD+HA+GA组、OGD+LY294002组、OGD+HA+GA+LY294002组。采用Hoechst 33342染色荧光显微镜及透射电镜观察前五组的H9c2心肌细胞的形态学改变;采用酶联免疫吸附测定法(ELISA)检测前五组细胞上清液中乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)以及天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)的释放量的改变;采用异硫氰酸荧光素-磷脂结合蛋白V/碘化丙啶(FITC-AV/PI)双染色法检测前五组细胞凋亡率的情况;采用蛋白质免疫印迹法(Western blot)检测加入抑制剂LY294002前后丝苏氨酸蛋白激酶(Akt)、磷酸化丝苏氨酸蛋白激酶(p-Akt)、B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病-2相关x蛋白(Bax)、B细胞淋巴瘤/白血病-2(Bcl-2)及半胱氨酸天冬氨酸蛋白酶-9(caspase-9)等细胞作用信号通路PI3K/Akt相关蛋白的情况。结论:(1)Hoechst 33342染色荧光显微镜显示OGD+HA+GA组抗凋亡作用最明显;(2)透射电镜观察OGD+HA+GA组凋亡现象改善最多;(3)LDH、CK-MB及AST的含量变化显示OGD+HA+GA组心肌细胞损伤指标降低最多(P0.05);(4)Western blot法检测结果显示HA+GA可以减少OGD对H9c2心肌细胞的损伤,其作用机制与PI3K/Akt信号通路有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察中西医结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征合并胰岛素抵抗的无排卵型不孕症的临床疗效。方法:选取90例多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)合并胰岛素抵抗(IR)的无排卵型不孕症患者为研究对象,随机分为对照组和研究组各45例。对照组采用西药常规治疗并加入行为治疗;研究组在对照组基础上联合自拟中药方进行治疗。观察组对比两组治疗效果。结果:研究组临床疗效明显优于对照组(P<0.05),研究组周期排卵率和排卵率均明显高于对照组(P<0.05);两组治疗前监控指标差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗后,研究组空腹血清和黄体生成素水平均明显高于对照组,血清胰岛素及OGTT 2h胰岛素水平均明显低于对照组,其差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:中西医结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征合并胰岛素抵抗的无排卵型不孕征,其疗效较好,具有临床应用推广价值。  相似文献   

目的:研究IL-4mRNA和IL-4蛋白在哮喘大鼠CD34+细胞中的转录表达及孟鲁司特(montelukast,MK)对其表达的影响.方法:将SD大鼠随机分为3组:哮喘组、MK组和正常对照组.用卵白蛋白制备大鼠哮喘模型.应用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验测定血浆中IL一4和γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)浓度;用MinjMACS磁珠分选系统分离骨髓CD34+细胞;采用sYBR GREEN I荧光实时定量PcR法测定CD34+细胞中IL-4 mJRNA的相对表达量.采用免疫组化技术测定CD34+细胞中IL-4蛋白的表达量.结果:哮喘组骨髓CD34+细胞中IL-4mR NA和IL-4蛋白的表达量高于其它各组(P<0.01);哮喘组除了IFN-γ水平低外,IL-4浓度和嗜酸性粒细胞(Eos)绝对值都是三组中最高的(P<0.01);除哮喘组外,其余组的各项指标相近(P>0.05).IL-4 mRNA表达量与IL-4浓度、Eos绝对值呈正相关(P<0.01),与IFN-γ浓度呈负相关(P<0.01).结论:哮喘大鼠骨髓CD34+细胞中IL-4mRNA的表达增强;孟鲁司特可以下调IL-4mRNA的表达.可能成为其抑制哮喘气道炎症形成的重要机制之一.  相似文献   

本文研究了中国大学生和本族语者在使用高频动词get上的差异,结果表明:1)中国学生严重超用了get+N.的形式;2)过多使用了get+Adj./V.-ed的结构;3)在类连接get+V.- to do的使用上,与本族语者相比,没有量上的明显差异;4)对get+N+C和get+Adv.结构的使用,明显少于本族语者。研究发现,学生在各类连接的使用中,大致存在以下问题:1)频繁重复使用个别词语;2)对不同义项的使用和掌握不均衡;3)搭配不当。造成这些现象主要原因是受到母语迁移、中介语发展和当前的英语教学方法的影响。  相似文献   

目的 应用中药、西药、中西医结合治疗排卵障碍之不孕症,观察探讨其临床疗效。方法:95例排卵障碍之患者,分为中药组、西药组各30例,中西组35例。按中医辩证将不孕症排卵障碍患者分为肾阴、肾阳虚两型,采用以补肾为主的中药周期疗法。经后健脾补肾,经间期温阳通络,经前期益气养血,行经期活血通络,结合女性生理卵泡发育成熟、排卵、黄体生成、黄体萎缩四个不同阶段给以促卵泡汤、排卵汤、促黄体汤、活血调经汤。在治疗上,对于偏肾阳虚者,以滋肝肾为主,适当佐以温阳药;偏肾阳虚者,以温肾补阳为主,适当加以滋阴药,在补肾的同时兼顾肝脾和气血,气虚者加健脾益气之药,血虚者加补血养肝之药,使肾阴阳达到相对平衡。西药:据不同病因或疾病应用促排卵药,同时改变宫颈粘液,补充黄体功能,应用微生素之类与组织液疗法。结果:中西医结合治疗比西药组或中药组疗效明显好。中西医结合组排卵率85.08%,西药组60.08%(P<0.05),有显著性差异,中药组53.33%(P<0.01)有高度显著性差异。中西医结合组妊娠率52.12%,西药组26.67%,(P<0.05)有显著性差异,中药组16.67%(P<0.01)有高度显著性差异。平均妊娠效应周期为2.88周期,最长为6个周期。通过B超动态监测卵泡发育情况,未出现卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS)和未破裂卵泡黄素化(LUF  相似文献   

青岛市75家二级以上医院,包括综合医院、中医院、专科医院全部开设“扶贫病房”。该市“扶贫病房”的收治范围包括市政府、区政府公布的特困企业职工、城镇特困居民和农村特困户。扶贫病房除挂号费、药品费、X光拍片费按国家收费标准收费外,诊查费、护理费、床位费、一般治疗处置费、常规检验费、透视费、手术费等降低50%;彩色B超、CT、核磁共振等检查费用降低30%。同时提出按照“合理、有效、廉价”的原则,在确保医疗质量的前提下,扶贫病房可采用廉价技术服务,能用一般药品,不用贵重药品;能用国产药品,不用进口药品;并必须配有主治医师以…  相似文献   

(一)追捕1.游戏目的:培养学生机智、敏捷的品质,团结战斗的精神和集体主义荣誉感,发展奔跑和躲闪能力。2.游戏方法:将学生分成10—16人为一队;每队再分成甲乙两组。甲组跑,乙组追。跑的组以某一小块地方为“家”,追的组可随机等在“家”外的各个地方。游戏开始,甲组人可单个出去,也可全体出动。乙组人可采用拦截、追捕、合围守“家”(不给甲组跑出“家”的  相似文献   

Objective: We dynamically measured serum inhibin B and estradiol in the early stage of hormonal stimulation to predict the ovarian response in in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. Methods: A total of 57 patients (<40 years of age) who un-derwent the first cycle of long protocol IVF or introcytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment were included. Serum inhibin B, estradioi, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were measured four times: (i) on Day 3 of the menstrual cycle (basal); (2) on the day before the first administration of gonadotrophin (Gn) (Day 0); (3) on Day 1 of Gn therapy; and (4) on Day 5 of Gn therapy. Comparisons of these measurements with ovarian responses and pregnancy outcomes were made and analyzed statistically. Results: (1) On Day 1 and Day 5 of recombinant FSH (rFSH) stimulation, ovarian response, i.e., numbers of follicles, oocytes, fertilized oocytes, and embryos, had a positive correlation (rS=0.46~0.61, P=0.000) with raised inhibin B and estradiol concentrations, but a negative correlation (rS=-0.67~-0.38, P=0.000 or P<0.01) with total rFSH dose and total days ofrFSH stimulation. (2) No significant variation (P>0.05) between the pregnant and non-pregnant groups on the basis of mean age or on all hormone concentrations at four times of the IVF cycle was observed. However, all the seven patients aged >35 years did not reach pregnancy. Conclusions: (1) Serum inhibin B and estradiol concentrations obtained shortly after Gn therapy may offer an accurate and early prediction of ovarian response; (2) Low levels of serum inhibin B and estradiol obtained shortly after Gn stimulation indicate the need for a longer period of Gn treatment and a higher daily dosage; (3) No obvious pregnancy difference among patients of age <35 years was found; however, IVF pregnancy outcome is significantly lower in women of age >35 years.  相似文献   

Background and objective: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) plays an important role in the regulation of ovarian function and ovarian cancer cell growth. In this study, we determined whether administration of the GnRH agonist (GnRHa), triporelin, prior to cisplatin treatment affects cisplatin and/or prevents cisplatin-induced ovarian damage. Methods: nu/nu mice were injected with ovarian cancer OVCAR-3 cells intraperitoneally. After two weeks, the mice were treated with saline (control), cisplatin, GnRHa, or cisplatin plus GnRHa for four weeks. At the end of the experimental protocol, blood, tumor, ovary, and uterine tissues were resected for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining, immunohistochemical analyses of Ki67, nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), and caspase-3, transmission electron microscopy of apoptosis, or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analyses of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH). Results: Cisplatin treatment effectively inhibited tumor growth in mice treated with human ovarian cancer cells; however the treatment also induced considerable toxicity. Immunohistochemical analyses showed that Ki67 expression was reduced in cisplatin-treated mice compared to control (P<0.05), but there was no statistically significant differences between cisplatin-treated mice and cisplatin plus GnRHa-treated mice (P>0.05), while expressions of NF-κB and caspase-3 were reduced and induced, respectively, in cisplatin-treated mice and cisplatin plus GnRHa-treated mice. Apoptosis occurred in the GnRHa, cisplatin, and cisplatin plus GnRHa-treated mice, but not in control mice. Ovaries exposed to GnRHa in both GnRHa mice and cisplatin-treated mice (combination group) had significantly more primordial and growth follicles and serum levels of AMH than those in the control mice and cisplatin-treated mice (P<0.05). Conclusions: Administration of GnRHa to mice significantly decreased the extent of ovarian damage induced by cisplatin, but did not affect the anti-tumor activity of cisplatin.  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the accuracy of a scoring system combining zygote and embryo morphology in predicting the outcome of in vitro fertilization(IVF)treatment.Methods:In a study group,117 consecutive IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection(ICSI) cycles with embryo transfer were carried out and 312 embryos were scored Using a combmed scoring system(CSS)of zygote and embryo morphology before transplantation.In a control group,a total of 420 IVF or ICSI cycles were carried out and 1176 embryos were scored using a cumulative embryo score(CES).The effects of the combined scoring system on the embryo implantation rate and pregnancy rate per cycle were analyzed.Results:Using the combined scoring system,the embryo implantation rate(27.6%)and the clinical pregnancy rate(48.7%)were significantly higher than those in the control group(20.8%and 38.6%,respectively).Also,the implantation rate of embryos scoring≥70 (38.5%:82 sacs/213 embryos)was significantly higher (P<0.001)than that of embryos scoring<70(4%:4 sacs/99 embryos).The pregnancy rate of patients with embryos scoring≥70 using the combined scoring system(66.7%)Was significantly higher(P<0.001)than that of patients with embryos scoring≥20 using the cumulative embryo score(59.0%).Conclusion:The results suggest that selecting embryos with a high Score(≥70)using the combined scoring system could inerease the implantation rate and pregnancy rate,and that using a scoring system combining assessments of human zygotes and pre-implantation embryos might predict IVF outcomes more accurately than using a cumulafive embryo score.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the factors that might influence the success of an embryo freezing and thawing program. Method: The relationship between the pregnancy rate in 73 cycles of embryo, freezing and thawing program and the following factors was analyzed: maternal age,E 2 level at the time of HCG trigger, embryo storage time, number of thawed embryos transferred, presence of sponsoring embryos and intact embryos. And the survival rate of thawed embryos with different morphology, cell stage and storage time was evaluated. Result: Transfer with three or more than three thawed embryos resulted in pregnancy rates of 38.5% and 35.7%, respectively, compared with 5.3% for transfer of fewer than three embryos. The presence of sponsoring embryos and intact embryos significantly increases pregnancy rate in embryo freezing and thawing program. No other factor examined had any effect on pregnancy outcome. The survival rate of good morphology embryos was higher than poor ones, but was not influenced by cell stage and storage time. Conclusion: Embryo morphology before freezing, number of thawed embryos transferred and the presence of intact embryos are important to the outcome of embryo freezing and thawing program.  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜手术在妇科手术中的应用和治疗效果.方法:对23例卵巢良性肿瘤患者,实行了腹腔镜下肿瘤囊壁剥除术,保留了卵巢;对3例多囊卵巢行打孔术;对9例异位妊娠患者,6例行患侧输卵管切除术,3例行保守手术.结果:35例患者手术均成功,无1例中转开腹,无1例出现并发症,近期随访无复发.异位妊娠保守手术者均于术后二周复查血HCG为阴性,无持续妊娠,无术后出血.结论:腹腔镜手术具有损伤小,恢复快,并发症少,治疗效果可靠及住院时间短等优点.尤其附件良性病变是腹腔镜手术的最佳适应证,值得有条件的医院推广应用.  相似文献   

Objective: Embryonic chromosomal abnormality is one of the main reasons for in vitro fertilization (IVF) failure. This study aimed at evaluating the value of Fluorescence in-situ Hybridization (FISH)-based Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in screening for embryonic chromosomal abnormality to increase the successful rate of IVF. Method: Ten couples, four with high risk of chromosomal abnormality and six infertile couples, underwent FISH-based PGD during IVF procedure. At day 3, one or two blastomeres were aspirated from each embryo. Biopsied blastomeres were examined using FISH analysis to screen out embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. At day 4, embryos without detectable chromosomal abnormality were transferred to the mother bodies as in regular IVF. Results: Among 54 embryos screened using FISH-based PGD, 30 embryos were detected to have chromosomal abnormalities. The 24 healthy embryos were implanted, resulting in four clinical pregnancies, two of which led to successful normal birth of two  相似文献   

目的探讨以四联疗法作为一线方案治疗幽门螺旋杆菌(HP)阳性的胃病患者临床疗效,并与传统三联疗法比较,找出更有效的根治HP的办法。方法将105例HP阳性患者随机分为2组,对照组48例患者给予传统三联疗法,而治疗组57例患者给予含铋剂的四联疗法,治疗结束后4周复查2组患者的HP感染。结果对照组HP根治率为77.08%,治疗组为92.98%,两组结果经统计学检验有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。两组的副反应无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论四联疗法根治幽门螺杆菌感染较三联疗法疗效更显著,且副作用小,费用合理,可作为初治方案进一步推广。  相似文献   

Objective: Embryonic chromosomal abnormality is one of the main reasons for in vitro fertilization (IVF)failure. This study aimed at evaluating the value of Fluorescence in-situ Hybridization (FISH)-based Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) in screening for embryonic chromosomal abnormality to increase the successful rate of IVF. Method:Ten couples, four with high risk of chromosomal abnormality and six infertile couples, underwent FISH-based PGD during IVF procedure. At day 3, one or two blastomeres were aspirated from each embryo. Biopsied blastomeres were examined using FISH analysis to screen out embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. At day 4, embryos without detectable chromosomal abnormality were transferred to the mother bodies as in regular IVF. Results: Among 54 embryos screened using FISH-based PGD, 30 embryos were detected to have chromosomal abnormalities. The 24 healthy embryos were implanted,resulting in four clinical pregnancies, two of which led to successful normal birth of two healthy babies; one to ongoing pregnancy during the writing of this article; and one to ectopic pregnancy. Conclusion: FISH-based PGD is an effective method for detecting embryonic chromosomal abnormality, which is one of the common causes of spontaneous miscarriages and chromosomally unbalanced offsprings.  相似文献   



To reevaluate whether relatively few oocytes obtained in one cycle are an indication for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).


A total of 406 cycles with three or fewer retrieved oocytes performed in 396 non-male infertile couples were retrospectively reviewed. Cycles were classified into three groups by different fertilization techniques: the in vitro fertilization (IVF) group, insemination with conventional IVF; the ICSI group, insemination with ICSI though semen parameters were normal; and the rescue ICSI group, re-insemination with ICSI after conventional IVF failure.


The ICSI group resulted in higher normal fertilization compared with the conventional IVF group. Correspondingly, the cycle cancellation rate was decreased in the ICSI group, though it was not statistically significant. The clinical pregnancy rate and implantation rate were lower in the ICSI group compared with the conventional IVF group. Rescue ICSI was a method to avert total fertilization failure in conventional IVF, increasing fertilization and ensuring embryo availability for transfer, but the normal fertilization was the lowest due to delayed insemination and the chance of pregnancy was very little.


Obtaining only few oocytes in one cycle is not considered as an indication for ICSI when the sperm sample is apparently normal. Rescue ICSI is either not recommended if conventional insemination fails. Such patients should not be subjected to the unnecessary costs and potential risks of ICSI.  相似文献   

目的 :观察枸橼酸铋钾联合克拉霉素和替硝唑根除幽门螺旋杆菌 (HP)感染的疗效。方法 :将12 2例幽门螺旋杆菌阳性的消化性溃疡病人随机分为两组 :治疗组用枸橼酸铋钾联合克拉霉素和替硝唑短程治疗一周 ;对照组用奥美拉唑联合头孢羟氨苄和甲硝唑治疗二周。结果 :治疗组和对照组的HP根除率分别为 83 9%和 85 % ,溃疡愈合率分别为 85 5 %和 88 3% (p >0 0 5 )。结论 :枸橼酸铋钾联合克拉霉素和替硝唑能有效根除HP ,促进溃疡愈合 ,且不良反应少 ,疗程短 ,经费低 ,病人顺从性好 ,值得推广  相似文献   

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