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Rules and Mist akes Katherine Hepburn said“if you follow all the rules,you miss all the fun.”There are more rules in the English language than we can follow;that’s why we constantly make mistakes when we speak and write in English. We make mistakes sim…  相似文献   

Last time, we discussed a few basic but important rules in writing English, and I hope these are useful to you. As we all know, English is the official language of many countries, including England, Canada, South Africa, and the United States. It is also widely used among some largest populations such as the Indians and Chinese. ……  相似文献   

Dear Big Mouth English readers,There are many rules that help to keep us safe,especially on the road.Today,Peter wants to learn to ride the bike.He must learn to follow the rules,as must we.Remember now,in China,you must be 12 years or older to ride a bike on the street.  相似文献   

Writing Tips--英文写作常识(1)   Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills. I personally think writing is the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language. Today, we'll talk about some basic rules in English writing. If, somehow, your teacher taught you things that are different from what I am going to tell you below, please follow your teacher, because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.……  相似文献   

I hope I’ll have more chances to speak English in class,because we can learn English well only by using it.However,we have no such a chance at home.I hope the teacher will arrange all kinds of activities in class,such as dialogues,short plays,reading contests and so on.I don’t think it good for the teacher to talk all the time while the students take notes only.I think it necessary to learn some grammar.But we shouldn’t study grammatical rules in  相似文献   

Just think of all the different conversations we have in one day and compare that with how much written communication we do in one day. Which do we do more of?. In our daily lives most of us speak more than we write,yet many English teachers still spend the majority of class time on reading and writing practice, almost ignoring speaking and listening skills: Do you think this is a good balance? If the goal of our teaching English is truly to enable our students to communicate in English,then speak- ing skills should be taught and practiced in the classroom.  相似文献   

Many readers asked me about how to improve their writing skills.I personally think writingis the most important and also the most difficult part in learning English as a second language.Today,we'll talk about some basic rules in English writing.If,somehow,your teacher taught youthings that are different from what I am going to tell you below,please follow your teacher,because she or he is the one who will grade your paper.  相似文献   

What do we teach English for? For Language itself? Definitely not. Language is a means of communication. So it is no good teaching English all about its grammar rules and long lists of words without using it in real communication. Very often we have many students,who bave studied English for 6—10 years and acquired a vocabulary of thousands of individual words and a good mastery of hundreds of grammar rules but can not use them as a means of communication.  相似文献   

TEFL-CHINA is a national organization whose mission is to strengthen the effective teaching and learning of English as a foreign language in China while developing international connections. The 1st Annual International Conference offers TEFL professionals, domestic and abroad, opportunities for professional development through the exchange of ideas and practices in English teaching and research. Participants integrate knowledge of current trends in the TEFL field while developing a professional network. In today's China, 500, 000 teachers teach more than 60 million students English, within 4 years the number of children learning English will have become nearly 100 million. Therefore,this conference will allow ideas and suggestions to be discussed and we will hopefully be able to formulate a methodology to follow and improve TEFL in China. Recently, Prof. Bao Tianren, head of TEFL-CHINA and the English Coaching Paper Office, met Mr. Phillip Griffin, executive officer of IATEFL, to discuss how TEFL-China can work closely with its counterparts all over the world. We would like warmly to invite all foreign experts in the field of TEFL and TESOL to come and give presentations at  相似文献   

刘杨 《海外英语》2011,(15):42-43
In recent years,as we all know that English is spreading and using widely in china.It has developed from monotonous language and knowledge to multiple and compositive language and knowledge.For example,the level four and the level eight test of English major and the level four and level six text of non-English major is also reforming.They usually major in reading before,but with the time going on,they need all the students to apply the ability of listening,reading,writing and speaking all in one.Spoken language is the most unsubstantial link all of these days.Of cause,it’s reflected in English teaching,it makes spoken language an unsubstantial link in College English Teaching.  相似文献   

大学生要想切实提高英语写作水平,必须大量阅读英语文章以扩大词汇量,并需要学习英语国家的文化背景知识以在写作中正确选词,同时学习英语思维以避免母语的负迁移,坚持练笔,认真修改作文。  相似文献   

被动语态是外贸从业人员及在校学生在函电写作中常犯的错误。由于英语被动句所受的限制比汉语多,在母语迁移的影响下,二语学习者常常忽略英语被动句的限制,写出错句。基于普遍语法,通过主谓不一致、提升结构、语序、时态和系动词五个方面的分析,得出了在函电写作中被动语态出现错误的原因:二语学习者在语言学习过程中出现了一段时间的石化现象,持续产生不能根除的错误,并随着时间的推移,不断地调整普遍语法的参数,获得与二语输入更为接近的语法,即出现了比较稳定的错误类型。通过帮助使用者确定正确的参数,可以避免使用被动句时出现相应的错误,从而实现有效沟通促进外贸活动开展的目的。  相似文献   

民族院校预科教育要关注英语教学的定位、英语培养目标的确立。英语教学中如何实施教学理论和实践相结合的原则、英语教与学如何协调配合、英语作为第二语言教学如何遵循语言学习的获得和习得规律,解决了这些民族预科教育中英语教学的特点及规律问题,才能使英语教学质量有一个大的飞跃。  相似文献   

"己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人","己所不欲,勿施于人"是最普遍最基本的道德原则,也是普世伦理原则。本文主要以全球化为背景,论述普世伦理原则永恒的道德价值性,人类社会依然需要普世伦理原则引导。  相似文献   

需求价格弹性的计算与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用价格弹性定义公式,运用积分方法求得需求函数,根据价格和需求量的一系列数据,采用回归分析法确定需求函数的待定常数,用需求函数进行价格式需求量的预测和决策,从而避免了直接运用弹性定义公式计算弹性系数并进行价格或需求量预测和决策的弊端和错误,同时运用需求函数进行价格预测或决定时,提出用优选法进行取值计算,大大简化了高次方程求解的过程。  相似文献   

形容词-名词搭配错误在二语习得者的产出性错误中占很大比例。对南京航空航天大学金城学院英语专业学生写作中形容词-名词搭配错误进行随机调查,结果表明,形容词-名词搭配错误并不总是随着年级和英语水平的提高而递减,大一、大二学生犯语际错误多,而大三、大四学生犯语内错误多。为此,教师应提高学生的词汇搭配意识,帮助学生建立语义场,使学生有意识、有目的地进行词汇学习。  相似文献   

素质教育有其丰富的内涵。全面推进素质教育是教育界的一场革命,是一个渐进的过程,也是一项社会系统工程,需要社会各界的支持和参与。目前,在推进素质教育过程中出现了一些不容忽视的新情况、新问题。必须遵循教育规律,通过进一步深化教育改革,建立、健全和完善有利干推行素质教育的内外部机制来逐步加以解决。惟此,方可使素质教育得到全面实施。  相似文献   

小雅 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):12-14
1.每日练习。你的声音就是你的工具。你可以阅读、写、记英语,但如果你不磨砺自己的工具,你的口语水平就不会得到提高。开始可多用英语进行简短的交谈。你在课外说得越多,你的口语水平就提高得越快,你掌握得也就越快。这包括高声朗读,运用新单词,用英语交谈、提问、演讲,听自己的录音。希望录音机和镜子在你学习英语的过程中成为你的好朋友。  相似文献   

本研究以某本科院校日语专业一年级学生为研究对象,通过词汇测试和访谈来考察中国日语初级学习者的外来语书写错误特点及其原因。研究结果表明:促音、拗音与类拗音及长音方面的错误频率最高。书写错误的原因与不了解外来语原语及音译规律有密切关系。因此想要提高外来语学习效率,教师有必要指导学生掌握外来语原语知识和外来语的音译规律,同时加强练习,增进学生对外来语的整体认识。  相似文献   

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