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由外文出版社出版的“中国城记”系列丛书(中、外文版),立足于全方位展示中国城市特色,一座城市一本书,讲述中国城市经济、社会、文化等各方面的发展,记录生活在这些城市中普通人的生活,立体化地介绍中国。  相似文献   

浙江省象山县城的东郊有一个美丽的湖泊,它就是东谷湖,这里风景如画,环境清幽。在湖畔有一座目前我国规模最大的个人根雕艺术专题博物馆,它就是2006年9月开放的“德和根艺美术馆”。 这座根雕艺术殿堂的主人就是浙江省工艺美术大师张德和。  相似文献   

洛阳市中心新建成的东周王城广场,绿草如茵,鲜花灿烂,新栽的大树枝叶繁茂,生机勃勃,广场中赫然矗立着一座博物馆更加引人注目:它的正门上一排篆体大字“周王城天子驾六博物馆”,古意盎然,充满王气!这是一座展示东周王城、东周王陵遗址的专题博物馆,它引起了人们的无限遐想。 东周瑰宝举世无双  相似文献   

<正>为推进"美丽乡村"建设,促进新型城镇化健康有序发展,提升中国传统民居保护与研究水平,展示古城扬州民居保护与利用成果,恰逢扬州建城2500周年之际,由中国民族建筑研究会民居建筑专业委员会、扬州市城乡建设局、扬州市古城保护办公室、中国名城杂志社联合主办,扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院、扬州意匠轩园林古建筑营造有限公司、扬州市历史文化名城研究院、扬州市历史文化名城研究会共同协办的中国民居学术研讨会,定于2015年8月下旬(具体日期以正式通知为准)在江苏省扬  相似文献   

<正>为推进"美丽乡村"建设,促进新型城镇化健康有序发展,提升中国传统民居保护与研究水平,展示古城扬州民居保护与利用成果,恰逢扬州建城2500周年之际,由中国民族建筑研究会民居建筑专业委员会、扬州市城乡建设局、扬州市古城保护办公室、中国名城杂志社联合主办,扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院、扬州意匠轩园林古建筑营造有限公司、扬州市历史文化名城研究院、扬州市历史文化名城研究会共同协办的中国民居学术研讨会,定于2015年8月下旬(具体日期以正式通知为准)在江苏省扬  相似文献   

<正>为推进"美丽乡村"建设,促进新型城镇化健康有序发展,提升中国传统民居保护与研究水平,展示古城扬州民居保护与利用成果,恰逢扬州建城2500周年之际,由中国民族建筑研究会民居建筑专业委员会、扬州市城乡建设局、扬州市古城保护办公室、中国名城杂志社联合主办,扬州大学建筑科学与工程学院、扬州意匠轩园林古建筑营造有限公司、扬州市历史文化名城研究院、扬州市历史文化名城研究会共同协办的中国民居学术研讨会,定于2015年8月下旬(具体日期以正式通知为准)在江苏省扬  相似文献   

张清 《文化交流》2005,(2):53-54
古镇罗城地处四川省南部犍为县,这座城因其形状酷似一只大船,被列为中国100个典型古镇之一.  相似文献   

对外化交流是我国化建设的重要内容,也是我国整体外交的重要组成部分。艺术节由于具备节目多样、时间集中、各界参与性强和影响面广等优势,在各国的对外化交流中一直扮演着十分重要的角色。中国上海国际艺术节已成功地举办了两届。通过举办剧场演出、剧目交易、艺术展览和群众化活动,中国上海国际艺术节努力荟萃各国艺术精品,展示中国艺术佳作,汇集化方面精英,从而大大开拓了市民化视野,提升了城市品位格调,展示了中国、上海改革开放的良好形象,有效地促进了国际化艺术交流。就像孙家正部长所指出的“上海这座城市因为有了艺术节而变得多姿多彩,魅力四射。”  相似文献   

楼兰王国位于今天中国新疆巴音郭楞蒙古族自治州若羌县北境,西南距若羌县城220公里,东距罗布泊西岸28公里。这座古城坐落在东经  相似文献   

日本奈良中国文化村派人来中国设标,要制作一个唐代古建筑含元殿的木模型,含元殿建于唐初,李世民曾在此殿聚会议事,后毁于战火。一个叫张振江的普通农民以12万元的最低造价中标。他根据史书对含元殿的描述,并在我国建筑专家的帮助下,经过全家人一年的努力,将按遗址地基计算的原殿尺寸,以50∶1的比例缩小的含元殿模型摆在日本人的面前。望着这个精致的木模型,日本人不断地点头,他们服了:“真是做得太棒了!”现在这座含元殿模型在日本奈良中国文化村,接待着来自世界各地的游客,向他们展示中国唐代的建筑艺术。  相似文献   

来自浙江省天台县的姚沁,1995年10月参加了美国国际小姐选美大赛,从全世界130个国家、162名佳丽中脱颖而出,戴上国际小姐的“皇冠”,并获最上镜头小姐称号。1998年,姚沁被邀请到北京,《人民日报》发表文章称她是“和平大使”。  相似文献   

一家子全“玩”陶艺 虽然生活在太湖边的小县城浙江长兴雉城,但青年陶艺家钱樟法却常有上海、杭州、南京及国外喜欢陶艺、紫砂人士的拜访,一些国际性赛事和会议也常邀请他参加。就在去年5月,他应邀向在日本举行的2008年日本美浓国际陶艺展寄去了作品《溪水源源》;接着又收到9月在西安举行的第43届国际陶艺协会大会的参会邀请。这是联合国教科文组织在中国首次举行的大会,钱樟法的作品通过筛选将参加“精品”展……  相似文献   

我行走在古徽州大街小巷,慢慢地品味,细细地琢磨。有时候,我会把耳根贴在古城墙上,细细地倾听历史前进的脚步声;有时候伸手抚摸光滑的练江边缆石,揣摩久远岁月留下的生活印迹。小城光是中间三座大石桥,宋代的,巍峨又精巧,令我折服。这一切,先辈早已经用最美的文字描绘过它们了。比如那位山水诗人谢灵运惊讶这里是“江山共开日广,云日相照媚”;曾在古婺州留下八咏楼的沈约用“千纫为乔树,百丈见游鲮”赞叹这里树木的葱茏和江水的清澈;李白来这里寻找隐士许宣平不遇,却在太平桥畔的酒楼里面写下名句:“人行明镜中,鸟度屏风里。”  相似文献   

"老字号"作为城市文化积淀的一种载体,是劳动大众勤劳智慧的结晶、荜路蓝缕创业成就的杰作。老字号文化不等同于一般的商业文化,它应该是商业文化中最深沉、最典雅的一部分。如今,"老字号"面临着新挑战、新机遇,如何用文化铸魂,擦亮"老字号"的金字招牌,发掘更多的文化蕴涵,提高产品或服务的文化品位,使之"老树春深更著花",再创新的辉煌?百年中华老字号"沈宝山"作出了可贵的探索,提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

Cultural Capital   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Economists traditionally distinguish between three forms of capital: physical capital, human capital and natural capital. This paper proposes a fourth type of capital, cultural capital. An item of cultural capital is defined as an asset embodying cultural value. The paper considers usage of the term cultural capital in other discourses, notably sociology after Bourdieu, and contrasts these with the proposed usage in economics. The relationship between cultural and economic value, upon which the economic concept of cultural capital relies, is explored, and the possible implications of cultural capital for economic analysis discussed, including issues of growth, sustainability and investment appraisal. The paper concludes with some suggestions for further theoretical and empirical research.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a production function for artistic output in which quantity and quality of output are specified as joint products from the inputs of labour and capital provided by individual artists. A model is constructed specifying the quantity of creative and commercial output and the quality of creative output as a function of inputs of labour time and of physical and human capital. Included in the latter is a variable to account for the contribution of creative talent to an artist's human capital. The model is estimated for a sample of practising professional visual artists and craftspeople in Australia. The results suggest that a model along the lines indicated may be taken as a plausible representation of the artistic production process.  相似文献   

Utilizing Orbe’s co-cultural theory and Bourdieu’s theories of capital, this study examines the lived experiences and the communicative interactions employed by members of seven multicultural families in South Korea. Findings show the intertwined roles of economic capital, social capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital with co-cultural communication orientations, when interacting with members of the majority group. Particularly, findings reveal differences between Korean husbands and immigrant wives. For Korean husbands, economic and social capital are the most critical influential factors in their choices of communication orientations, while for immigrant wives, cultural and symbolic capital are most significant. Additionally, contrary to previous research, Confucianism and patriarchy played key roles in the marginalization of Korean men in multicultural families and influenced their co-cultural communication orientations.  相似文献   

The cultural atmosphere in a society is accumulated over time through the consumption of cultural services and is diminished through depreciation. Using cultural capital (e.g., cultural heritage, paintings, music scores), cultural services are provided by the cultural-services industry (e.g., museums, opera houses); cultural capital is enlarged by new cultural goods created by individuals. Individuals’ utilities are positively affected by the cultural services they consume, by the cultural goods they create and by the cultural atmosphere and the cultural capital accumulated in society. In a laissez-faire economy, individuals tend to ignore the positive external effects of their cultural-services consumption and creation of cultural goods on other individuals via accumulating cultural atmosphere and cultural capital. Consequently, suboptimally little cultural atmosphere and cultural capital will be accumulated. The efficient intertemporal allocation can be restored by introducing an appropriate subsidy that not only stimulates consumers’ demand for cultural services and the creation of new cultural goods but also enhances the accumulation of cultural atmosphere and cultural capital.
Sao-Wen ChengEmail: Phone: +49-271-7404534

This paper uses Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory to develop tools for analyzing interdisciplinary scientific fields. Interdisciplinary fields are scientific spaces where no single form of scientific capital has a monopoly and therefore multiple forms of scientific capital constitute the structures and stakes of scientific competition. Scientists compete to accumulate and define forms of scientific capital and also to set the rates of exchange between them. The paper illustrates this framework by applying it to the interdisciplinary field of behavior genetics. Most behavior geneticists envision their participation in the field as a means to compete for scientific capital in other fields. However, the scientific capital of behavior genetics has different values for scientists attempting to deploy it in different neighboring fields. These values depend on situations in each field and the ways behavior genetics mediates relationships among them. The pattern of relationships of exchange helps explain the social hierarchy and several features of knowledge production within behavior genetics.  相似文献   

钟友 《文化交流》2013,(9):41-43
"一部戏剧史,半部在浙江。"目前,浙江省有56个剧种列入省级"非遗",24个剧种列入国家级"非遗",因而被称为"戏剧大省"。但据浙江省政协文卫体委员会和浙江省戏剧发展促进会调研,只有14个剧种可以登台表演,有11个剧种已经进入濒危状态。如在千岛湖畔的淳安县,古属睦州,睦剧全盛时有90多个剧团,300多名艺人。而现在县里只有一个睦剧团,戏称"天下第一团"。为此,浙江省文化厅专门制订  相似文献   

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