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1.当某人对你说:“Excuse me.”时,你应说:“______”A.What? B.Yes? C.You're right. D.That's right. 2.当某人问你某事,你不知道时,应说:“______”A.Sorry,I don't know. B.Here you are. C.Who are you? D.That's OK. 3.当你想问某人能做某事时,你应说:“______”A.How do you do? B.What's this? C.Sorry. D.Can you do it?  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小 题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) 6. A. That’s right. B. May I help you: C. Yes, this is Mr Li speaking. A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.D. I am Mr Li speaking. 7. A. That’s great. B. Sure. C. OK. Here you are. D. No, you aren’t. 8. A. OK. You are right. B. All right. Thank you. C. That’s a good idea. D. That’s all right. 9. A. Yes, speaking. B. Ce…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Very warm.B.Very well.C.Too much.7.A.You are welcome.B.That’s a good idea.C.Never mind.8.A.That’s all right.B.I am sorry.C.I’d like a cup of coffee.9.A.I think you have a wrong number.B.Yes,I am.C.Who are you?10.A.Nothing serious.B.That’s right.C.That’s all right.C)对话理解:根据你所听到的对话及针对该…  相似文献   

1.All right,That’s right和That’s all rjght.All right.是“行,不错,对”的含义。当对方回答正确时,可用此短语。例如: A:Can you spell the word“pen”? B:Yes,p-e-n. A:All right.That's right.是“对,正确”的意思。肯定对方答案时  相似文献   

<正> 表示“谢谢”和“不用谢”的方法很多,经常使用的有以下几种: Thanke a lot. Thank you! Thank you SO much. You are welcome. That’s a11 right It’s OK.  相似文献   

我的说课内容是《牛津小学英语》3B Unit 5“Plus and minus”的A“Learn to say”的句型教学部分,主要包括句型“What’s…plus/minus…?”“It’s…That’s right.”“Sorry,you are wrong.”“Oh.no。”  相似文献   

【考点1】—Thank you very much.—You’re welcome.(词义替代)(03长沙)A.No,thank you.B.I think so.C.Yes,please.D.That’s all right.【解析】选D。That’s all right用作答谢用语时,意为“不用谢”,相当于You’rewelcome./That’s OK.等。【练笔】1.—Thanks for helping me so muchL—.(补全对话)【考点2】—It’s nearly twelve o’clock.It’s timefor you to go to bed,Jane.—OK..Mum.(04甘肃)A.Good night B.GoodbyeC.Good evening D.See you【解析】选A。Good morning.Goodafternoon.Good evening.是人们在早上…  相似文献   

一、文际关语告项训栋()1.初次认识某人,你对他说的问候语是_ A.How are you?B.How do youdo?C.What’8 your~e?D.G以对m~ing()2.当你受到别人的夸奖(如:Yonr Picture 15 very good.)时,你要说_ A .That’5 right.B.No,it isn’t.C.Thank you.D.1 think 50.()3.假如你的英语老师叫Jeff Green,你对他的称呼正确的一项为_ A,Teacher Jeff. B.Teacher Green.C.Mr Jeff. D.Mr Green.()4.当你要向某人询问间题时,你要说_ A .Exeuoe me.B.I’m son了. C .Can you answer my question?D.Who are you?()5.和西方国家的人们交往,特别…  相似文献   

一、听录音,选出正确的回答。(1×5=5分)()1.A.Yes,it is.B.No,I can’t.C.Yes,there are.()2.A.I can see10.B.There are10.C.I have10flowers.()3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,I’mnot.C.Yes,I do.()4.A.That’s all right.B.That’s a good idea.C.That’s a slide.()5.A.Yes,I like.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,I like to.二、听录音补充句子。(1×25=25分)1.It is the first the term.2.There are two,a and asitting-room.3.Nowit’s the.4.Shall we the song“Weand”now?5.you a book head?6.you ice cream?7.dothey?8.Theydon’t …  相似文献   

下面是同学们在日常生活中经常遇到的一些情境,用英语怎么说呢?请你选出正确答案填在括号里。()1.你不小心踩到别人的脚,你应该对他说:A.Excuse m eB.That’s all rightC.I’m sorryD.Thank you()2.你向别人借自行车,你应该说:A.H ere you areB.M ay luse your bike?C.Let’s go thereD.I don’tknow()3.该上课了,黑板还没擦,班长不知谁值日,应该问:A.Look at the black-board,please.B.W hat’s on the black-board?C.W ho’s that m an?D.W ho’s on duty today?()4.你向朋友介绍某人姓名时,应该说:A.They are X u xiao andZh…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 计 5 分)6. A. No, it’s not. B. Thank you. C. Not at all. D. You’re welcome. 7. A. Go down this street and turn right. B. I am glad to be here. C. Nice to meet you, too. D. How are youH 8. A. Thank you very much. B. OK. See you tomorrow. C. All right. See you then. D. That’s right. 9. A. It’s December 25th. B. It’s Tuesday. C. It’s 7:00. D. It’s Monday. 10. A. …  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。( 20 分)A) 听力辨图: 根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分)1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____1. B CA B CA B CA B CA B CB) 情景反应: 根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分)6. A. Nice to meet you, too!B. How are you?C. Good morning.7. A. I’m all right.B. I agree with you.C. It’s a pleasure.8. A. I’m Ann.B. That is Ann speaking.C. Hold on, please.9. A. Hello, goodbye!B. Hello! I’m Jim Green.C. That’s nice.10. A…  相似文献   

right是英语的常用词,尤其在口语中经常听见“All right.”“That’s right.”“That’s all right.”等说法,你能弄清它们的含义和用法吗? 1.“right”主要用作形容词,也可以用作名词或副词。  相似文献   

1.听力。(20分) A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题x分)辐堤壑A BC巍鲤蟾A BC蔚耐惋A BC奥夔沪A BC龚费夔4︸t︶1.()2.()3.()4.()5. () B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.Yes,we are.B.Yes,1 am. C .Yes,you are.D.Yes,they are. 7 .A.Goed idea. B .1 wish you haPPy·C .HaPPy New Year! D.HaPPy birthday·8 .A.That’5 all right. B .All right. C .That’5 right D.li’5 nothing imPortant. 9.A.Hold on,Please. B .Yes,I’m Me如…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A.听句子,选出与图画内容相符的选项。共5小题,计5分B.听句子,选择正确的答语。共5小题,计5分6.A.H ow do you do﹖B.H ow are you﹖C.That’s all right.D.Fine thank you.7.A.N o you m ay not.B.Y es you can.C.I am sorry Li M ing is using it.D.I don’t know.8.A.That’s right.B.It doesn’t m atter.C.Y es we do.D.A good idea9.A.N o.I like chicken.B.N o.I w on’t.C.D on’t be so kind.D.I am full.Thanks.10.A.Y es.It’s I.B.Y es.I am speaking.C.Y es.It’s M ary speak…  相似文献   

范先翔 《初中生》2002,(28):35-36
1.你与好友久别重逢,见面时他对你说“How are you?”,你的回答应当是:A.Good,thank you.B.Fine,thank you.C.Yes,I’m fine.D.How are you?  相似文献   

Fine!/That’s good!好!Muchbetter!好多了!That’s really nice.真好。Notbad!/That’s right!不错!Congratulations.You got it right!祝贺你,你答对了。You’r ereally working hard today.你今天真的很用功。You are good at that.那可是你的长项。Good work!/Well done!干得好!Nicegoing.做得不错!  相似文献   

[HY主持]在英语里,All right(以下用A代替).That’s right(以下用B代替).和That's all right.(以下用C代替)是非常要好的三兄弟。他们在日常交际中不仅被运用得十分广泛,而且外貌也非常相似,其用法到底是否有区别呢?瞧!三位嘉宾已被我请到小沙龙里来了,下面还是听听他们的内心话吧。[嘉宾A]我常常被放在be动词之后作表语,来形容某人的身体健康状况,相当于fine、OK、well等,意为“身体好的”。如:“How are you today?”“I'm all right.”“今天你身体怎么样?”“我很好。”不过,我还可以单独使用,表示赞同对方的建议或邀请,意为“行”、“好”、“可以”。如:“Let's go to school.”“All right.”“咱们去上学吧.”“好的.”  相似文献   

一◆l see. 我明白了。◆I get it. 我知道了。令”lint。s iille。 很好。◆That’s right. 没错。◆That’s it。 正是如此。◆Absolutely. 完全正确。◆It really is. 的确是如此。◆Whatever you say. 悉听尊便。◆You bet. 当然是这样。◆I guess so. 我猜想是如此。◆I hope So.我希望是这样。◆I know how you feel. 我了解你的感受。….……............7...….....................◆I know what you inean. 我明白你的意思。◆I agree. 我同意。●sec在这里是“知道”的意思。._geI在这里足“领会.理确的意思@That’s true.…  相似文献   

1.Two friends were travelling togetherthrough a forest.One of them said,“If wemeet any wild① beasts,I’ll help you and you’llhelp me.”“ That’s fine,” said his friend,andthey walked on.(两个朋友一道旅行,穿过一片森林时,其中一个人说:“要是碰到野兽,我就帮助你,你也要帮助我。”“好的,”他的朋友说。接着,他们继续往前走。)  相似文献   

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