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北京市教育科学“十五”规划重点课题“北京市中小学教学资源有效开发与推广应用的指导原则的研究”对国内教学软件开发中存在的问题进行了调查,从中进一步分析发现教学软件开发流程中在开发人员、开发团队和开发活动的实施与监控方面存在很多问题,本文针对以上三方面提出了相应的优化指导原则。  相似文献   

教学软件开发流程优化研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京市教育科学“十五”规划重点课题“北京市中小学教学资源有效开发与推广应用的指导原则的研究”对国内教学软件开发中存在的问题进行了调查。在其研究中,通过进一步分析发现:教学软件开发流程中,在开发人员、开发团队和开发活动的实施与监控方面存在很多问题。本文针对以上三方面提出了相应的优化指导原则。  相似文献   

国内教学软件开发中的问题及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着教育信息化的发展,教育领域对教学软件的需求不断增大。为了满足教育需要,现阶段我国开发了大量的教学软件,但许多教师和学生反映:很多教学软件不符合实际的教学需要,教学软件的实际应用情况不尽人意。在这样的背景下,北京教育科学“十五”规划重点课题“北京市中小学教学资源有效开发与推广应用的指导原则的研究”课题组对国内教学软件开发的实际情况进行了调查研究,以期得出解决教学软件开发与推广应用中的问题的方法。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的发展,教育领域对教学软件的需求不断增大。为了满足教育需要,现阶段我国开发了大量的教学软件,但许多教师和学生反映很多教学软件不符合他们教学的实际需要,教学软件的实际应用情况不尽如人意,为此,“北京市中小学教学资源有效开发与推广应用指导原则的研究”课题组对国内教学软件开发的实际情况进行了调查研究,以期解决教学软件开发与推广应用中的问题。  相似文献   

教学软件需求分析有效实施的指导原则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学软件的盲目开发造成的软件产品不适合教育的实际需要的问题日益突出,由此引发的教学软件资源浪费现象屡见不鲜。调查发现教学软件在开发中对需求分析的忽视或实施方法不当是造成上述问题的主要原因之一。本研究在对国内外教学软件开发、软件需求工程等领域的相关文献进行广泛调研的基础上,针对教学软件自身的特点归纳出教学软件开发的需求分析在分析过程、分析内容、分析方法、指导思想、质量控制等五方面的系统性指导原则。  相似文献   

本文以国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目(96-750)“计算机辅助教学软件的研制与开发”03子专题中“小学语文智能化扩展阅读”软件的设计为例,论述了智能教学软件开发的基本方法与步骤,说明CAI软件的开发应以现代学习理论为指导,结合学科教学的特点,进行详细的教学设计。  相似文献   

资源、学习资源与教学资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当前的教育技术领域甚至整个教育领域,人们在非常接近的意义上频繁使用资源、学习资源、教学资源,但是对他们的界定和其间相互关系的论述相对较少,对各种概念的解释也莫衷一是。大量研究课题在研究过程中要求对这些概念术语有清楚的认识。北京市“十五”重点课题“北京市中小学教学资源有效开发与推广应用的指导原则的研究”总课题组在界定自身研究范围的基础上,  相似文献   

教学软件开发的过程缺乏规范的指导将直接导致软件质量低下,造成广大师生对教学软件的质量不满意,达不到满意的教学效果。开发适合不同层次、不同学科高质量的教学软件成了重中之重,在教学软件开发的整个生命周期引入项目管理的科学方法与理念,能大大提高开发的质量和效率。  相似文献   

在深入分析统一软件开发过程(Rational Unified Process,简称RUP)模型中的核心工作流及其迭代开发模式的基础上,针对当前教学软件开发模型中所存在的一系列不足之处,提出一个面向教学软件的RUP改进模型来指导教学软件的开发过程,并予以实际应用。改进后的模型把教学软件的特点与RUP模型中"用例驱动、迭代开发、架构设计为中心"的软件工程过程思想紧密地结合起来,设计出领域分析、需求建模、教学设计、系统设计、测试、软件评价等教学软件开发中特有的关键活动,并为其提供必要的准则及指导,同时建立起清晰的过程结构体系。最后把RUP改进模型运用到一个实际的教学软件项目开发实例中予以实现,取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

教学软件项目式开发模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前广大师生对于教学软件的质量不甚满意。教学软件的开发过程缺乏规范的指导则是造成教学软件质量低下的一个原因。在对国内外已有研究成果进行梳理的基础上,本研究对国内典型的教学软件开发公司进行实地调研,提出了具有可操作性的教学软件项目式开发模型,并通过对专家、教学软件开发公司的项目经理及开发人员的访谈对该模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the application of software engineering practices to the development of instructional web sites. The development of a web site, to support a distance or campus-based online course, is a very complex process that involves many instructional and technical aspects, including the instructional purpose of the course, its content, its structure, its interface, and its teaching–learning activities. The use of a method is essential for dealing with the complexity of this process. We describe, in this paper, a software engineering method that helps course designers and teachers to develop high quality instructional web sites. The design of the method was based on the integration of well-known principles, concepts and process models borrowed from instructional design, method engineering, and object-oriented software engineering. The method addresses the managerial processes required to plan, organize, and control the project, as well as the instructional and technical activities involved in the development of high quality course sites.  相似文献   

"数字图像处理"实验课教学改革与实践   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
根据《数字图像处理》课程本身的特点以及国家示范性软件学院培养实用型软件人才的目的,将基于项目的学习理论和方法引入数字图像处理的实验课教学中,并从实验环境的建立、学习内容的筛选、教学策略的运用、以及学习评价等方面进行了论述。教学实践显示,这一系统的教学改革方案对于提高课程学习者的学习效果有显著作用。  相似文献   

Sound may hold great promise for instructional software by supporting learning in a variety of ways. Conceptual and preconceptual barriers, however, still appear to prevent software designers from using sound more effectively in their instructional products. Interface books seldom discuss the use of sound and when they do, it is most often simple verbatim narration of on-screen text. This content analysis of 12 award-winning instructional software products indicated that, while sound is being incorporated into many learning environments, many instructional designers are using sound only for literal, information conveyance and not yet exploring how to exploit the associative potential of music, sound effects, and narration to help learners process the material under study more deeply.  相似文献   

The failure of many instructional design initiatives is often attributed to poor instructional design. Current instructional design models do not provide much insight into design processes for creating e-learning instructional solutions. Given the similarities between the fields of instructional design and software engineering, instructional designers could employ the ideas and techniques employed in software engineering to improve their design solutions. Software engineering development and project management methodologies can be employed to develop effective e-learning solutions. Furthermore, software engineering design principles used to develop high-quality software can be applied to planning and enhancing instruction. Fundamental software design concepts, such as abstraction, modularity, reusability, compatibility, extensibility, scalability, and maintainability are all important factors that can potentially lead to the development of high quality instructional solutions. This paper explores the possibility to integrate software engineering design principles into instructional design for e-learning solutions, which not only augment the generic instructional design approach with the best practices from the field of software engineering, but also make the development process more productive and efficient. Finally, this paper illustrates how all of the software engineering design principles are interrelated and can be realized in practice to enhance the quality of instruction.  相似文献   

教学设计理论和实践在近百年的发展历程中,走过了一条逐渐技术化的教育背离之路。在这一过程中,教学设计逐渐从服务于教育的手段演变为抑制人发展的桎梏。改变这一现状,需要站在教育立场上挖掘教学设计的本质品性,凸显主体视野下的价值选择、个性视野中的生命成长和实践视野中的过程生成等重要特征,并从确立"育人"的根本方向和实现教学设计的整体优化出发,引导教学设计重返"育人"之路。  相似文献   

SQA规范对于教育软件开发的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卡耐基·梅隆大学软件工程研究所提出的CMM(capacitymaturitymodel,软件能力成熟度模型),提出了软件开发中从混乱的、个别的过程达到成熟的规范化过程的一个框架。其中SQA(softwarequalityassurance)是CMM第2等级中的一个关键过程域。SQA通过贯穿整个软件开发过程的质量监控,可以显著改善软件产品的质量。教育软件的开发同样如此。本文从SQA规范的角度出发审视教育软件的开发,探讨其对教育软件开发的启示。  相似文献   

通过对远程开放课程实用卫生统计学教学一体化设计、教学实践、问卷调查、统计分析、考核成绩统计分析等方面的实证研究表明:远程开放课程教学设计要以远程学习者的学习需求为根本,是远程开放学习环境的一体化设计,具有教学过程远程化管理与教学质量远程监控的功能。远程开放课程教学设计的重心要下移,从关注教学内容转变为关注学习情境,进而关注每个学习者的学习需求。  相似文献   

针对当前国内教学软件开发模式的缺陷,分析教学软件开发中的教学设计过程和软件工程成分,明确两者结合的基本关系,提出教学系统设计与软件工程结合的开发模式,阐述了它的要素和阶段。  相似文献   

The existing research on the instructional accommodation process of college students with learning disabilities focuses on attitudes and theoretical models without delineating actual practices. To date, the discussion of facilitating factors and barriers to this process has been broad and lacking specificity. Surveys were mailed to 485 faculty members at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, who received an instructional accommodation form from the office of Learning Disabilities Support Services in the fall of 1995. The survey focused on faculty members' reported degree of ease or difficulty in implementing instructional accommodations, their perceptions regarding adequacy of support, and their own beliefs and understandings concerning the need for and benefit of providing instructional accommodations. The results indicate that beliefs about the helpfulness of and need for instructional accommodations were associated with the provision of the accommodations. Also, a perception of support from the University influenced the ease of providing instructional accommodations. A significant difference was found between the behavior of tenure-track faculty and non-tenure-track faculty.  相似文献   

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