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高等教育市场化筹资是其缓解经费短缺、实现自身健康发展的需要。高等教育的市场化进程,正在促使高等教育的筹资和融资方式发生新的变化。本文在分析高等教育市场化筹资可行性的基础上,提出了高等教育市场化筹资的基本方式。  相似文献   

本文从私立和公立高等学校与高等教育的比较入手,揭示在社会主义市场经济条件下公立和私立高等教育和高等学校作为社会主义高等教育体制结构中的地位、特征、性质以及它们的发展前景,阐述了在公有制为主体的条件下公立高等教育和高等学校在整个高等教育中的主导和主流地位,私立高等教育与高等学校是国家高等教育的补充地位;指了公立私立高等学校在现在和将来都是互相竞争、互相学习、互相促进、互为补充的对立统一体,其结果将是“多赢”的局面。私立高等学校的健康发展,将促进高等学校的改革,将敲响我国高等教育全面发展的钟声。  相似文献   

中国高等教育大众化进程中的财政政策选择   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
袁连生 《教育与经济》2002,(2):19-23,18
自20世纪80年代以来,中国高等教育财政进行了重大改革,建立了学费制度,后勤部门实行了产业化和社会化,学校社会服务收入大大增加,全成本收费的民办高校有了很发展,形成了以财政拨款为主,多渠道筹资的高等教育财政体制。但是到21世纪初,随着公立高校规模的迅速扩充,公立高校学生人数大幅增加与投入不足的矛盾日益突出。受制于财政资金短缺与居民收入水平较低,政府大量增加高等教育拨款和继续大幅度提高公立高校学费困难很大。高校经济困难对学生资助制度的不完善已经影响到了教育公平,也使提高学费水平受到了限制。公立高校面临财政困境,要继续推进高等教育大众化,高等教育财政政策有两种选择:一是继续扩充公立高校规模,提高公立高校学费水平,形成高收费公立高校为主的财政模式。二是限制公立高校规模,稳定或降低公立高校学费水平,以维持公平;大力发展全成本收费的民办高校,以完成大众化的数量扩充。  相似文献   

高等教育营销的动因与策略分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着社会主义市场经济的建立与完善,我国高等教育事业获得了较大的发展。本文在高等教育市场化特征的基础上,分析了高等教育营销的动因和基本策略。  相似文献   

肯尼亚公立高等教育财政体制在20世纪90年代由国家包办转向成本分担。在新体制下,肯公立高校通过提供平行学位计划与文凭课程,及各种生产、经营和服务活动进行筹资。筹资改善了办学条件,扩大了入学机会,提高了办学效率和社会适应性。但创收仍面临种种困难,经费仍然非常短缺,且片面追求创收导致教育质量下滑,学科结构失衡。肯尼亚公立高等教育财政体制的改革应注意协调高等教育规模、结构和质量的关系,并调整各类创收活动的结构,提高创收人员的创业素质。  相似文献   

高校筹资是高等学校生存和发展的命脉。现在我国高等学校都面临着资金上的困难,虽然对公立高校实行了成本分担制度,但效果并不是很理想。民办高校筹资情况更加不容乐观,基本上是以学养学。筹资困难和现在我们单纯二元式的高等教育观有很大关系,如果将高等学校看作第三部门的组织,则应当有助于高校筹资的多元化。  相似文献   

高职院校筹资的市场化是缓解资金短缺、实现自身健康发展的需要.当前,高职院校的市场化筹资不仅具备了前提条件和内在动力,同时也奠定了制度基础,并构筑了政策保障.而高等教育的市场化进程,又促使高职院校筹资、融资的方式和途径发生新的变化.  相似文献   

我国高等教育市场化存在的矛盾与对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等教育市场化的问题,是一个在学术界颇有争议的问题。在以市场经济体制为主导的社会中,高等教育不可避免地要受到市场经济因素的影响。本从教育与经济规律关系入手,阐明现阶段我国高等教育的一些市场化特征,揭示高等教育市场化存在的矛盾,澄清对高等教育市场化的一些模糊认识,并就如何建立一种新的市场化高等教育理念、如何推进高等教育市场化提出解决的看法。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济体制呼唤着高等教育的改革。随着市场经济体制的逐步建立和信息化时代的到来,市场经济的大潮必将冲破高等教育原有的运行机制,建立起完全适应市场经济的新的运行机制,反映在教育体制和办学体制上,就是要实现教育(本文仅限于高等教育)市场化,通过政府宏观调控的教育市场,对教育资源实行优化配置,从而达到教育总量的基本平衡。除了基本的教育规律外,教育市场化的整体运行应完全符合市场经济体制运行的基本规律,简言之,教育市场化就是市场经济体制影响派生出的市场教育体制。从这一层面讲,教育市场化已成为中国高等教育体制改革不可逆转的趋势和必然的格局。(一)1.社会发展的需求,使教育市场化成为必然改革开放以来,伴随着经济体制改革和经济转  相似文献   

高等教育消费的国际比较与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1.基本情况。美国是世界上第一个实现高等教育大众化的国家。1950年到1971年,高等教育入学率从14.3%迅速提高到35.3%,公立院校学生所占比重也从50%提高到70%以上,猛增20个百分点以上。美国实现高等教育大众化很大程度上是通过发展公立高等教育实现的,尽管美国推行的是公立和私立混合型体制。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

《高等教育:以学生为中心》(Higher Education:Students at the Heart of the System)白皮书围绕高等教育经费、高校信息公开、教学招生改革、教育公平、管理框架等内容设计,推进英国高等教育市场化步伐,提出以学生为中心的思路。通过市场之手的运用来缓解高等教育中政府财务窘境,竞争促进流动,提供更好的学习经验,保证毕业生质量,促进高等教育机构发展。  相似文献   

Growing emphasis has been placed on universities to contribute to the innovation process and as a result academic research and development expenditures have increased in recent years. Nevertheless, little is known about the specific ways in which universities have expanded their research capacity. This paper examines how universities in the United States (US) have expanded research capacity as research funding has increased. Specifically, it identifies what type of research infrastructure, including various categories of human capital and research equipment, are most closely associated with increased academic research funding. Using data from 375 US universities spanning the period 1990–2005, through multiple regression analysis this study finds that ‘traditional’ and new ‘market’ based elements of research capacity are associated with increased research funding. The implications of this study extend beyond the US since many countries are both investing in expanding research capacity and transforming the way research is organised within universities.  相似文献   

This article describes the changing face of institutions of higher education in Russia in comparison with other countries. It is shown that the ratios of funding sources for higher education in Russia are similar in structure to those in other countries. However, the absolute amounts of funding from these sources are three times less in Russia than the level of the OECD countries. We analyze the following two strategies that Russian universities have used to cope with reduced public funding: diversification of sources of income and changing the structure of expenses. These strategies have been borrowed from the experience of foreign universities that have reformed their financial management. We identify the following main trends in the financing of Russian higher education: concentration of support on leading universities, reliance on public support for higher education as a main source of funding, and the weak use of public-private partnership mechanisms as well as endowment funds. We provide an assessment of the impact of these trends on the economic position of universities.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,美国营利性大学顺应社会发展趋势,以市场需求为导向,抓住时机进入资本市场;关注弱势群体,获得政府政策支持,实现快速发展。然而,2010年以来,美国营利性大学在经历了约40年的发展后陷入了教学质量降低、新生数量减少、大学理念与公司理念矛盾逐渐凸显以及在资本市场上的表现不佳等困境。目前,我国已有一些民办高校选择登记为营利性高校,开启了我国营利性民办高校的办学之路。文章通过梳理美国营利性大学发展的动因,分析其面临的困境,为我国营利性高校的发展提供以下启示:顺应时代潮流,为营利性大学发展营造良好社会环境;发挥体制机制优势,处理好政府、市场和营利性高校的关系;以转型为契机,探索营利性大学内涵式发展道路;加强政府监管和第三方评估,实现资本逐利性与教育公益性的平衡;积极发挥资本市场的作用,同时注重风险防范。  相似文献   

在过去的30年中,西班牙的高等教育经历了许多变化。在1983年,由于人们对私立大学的合法性的认可开始了高等教育的竞争状态。1998年以来,由于学生人数的减少以及人们对高等教育需求的下降,进一步推进了高等教育的改革。2001年,西班牙政府颁布了一项新制度以推动公立大学的市场化行为和私有化运行。尽管目前来评价这些变化的作用可能为时尚早,因为大学公共资金拨付制度仍保留不变,而这是今后需要调整的关键问题,这样才能为高等教育提供真正的竞争条件。虽然市场已经进入到西班牙高等教育领域中,但是公立大学源源不尽的公共资金将是阻止一个真正公平竞争的市场形成的一股巨大的力量。  相似文献   

拓展高校融资途径 化解高校资金难题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校沉重的债务负担已经影响到了高校教学工作的正常进行,资金短缺严重影响着我国教育事业的健康发展。随着我国金融市场的逐步发展,越来越多的融资渠道可供高校选择,融资租赁、售后回租、BOT模式等都是解决公共投资不足的有效方式。在银行贷款之外积极拓展新的融资途径是解决高校资金难题的有效途径。本文探讨银行贷款之外的其他融资途径,为高校解决资金难题提出建议。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):169-188

This paper examines the responses of Kenya's public universities to resource dependence difficulties arising mainly from public finance challenges. The study shows how Kenya's public universities have attempted to hedge against declines in state funding by actively, and purposively exploiting the opportunities in their institutional environments. The universities have not only managed to creatively circumvent a rather restrictive policy environment to pursue economic self-determination, but have also assumed an entrepreneurial institutional behaviour characterized in the main by some form of revenue diversification and market-like behaviour. Through this entrepreneurial behaviour, Kenya's public universities have managed to shift the locus of their resource dependence to the market, to various extents.  相似文献   


In Britain and New Zealand the neoliberal assault on universities has shifted from new public management and funding models to the special status of the public university. The project aims to complete neoliberal business initiated 25 years ago by more fully marketising and financialising universities, starting with ‘unbundling’ and outsourcing and culminating in new forms of privatisation, rent-extraction and rebundling. This paper analyses two documents commissioned beyond government to create political momentum for this project: Avalanche is Coming and The University of the Future. These both capture the zeitgeist of reform while simultaneously creating the university futures that they portend. We examine the market-making work they perform in reimagining and reinventing universities ahead of policy reform. We argue that claims made to support fundamental restructuring of public universities lack substance or evidence. Rather, each is underpinned by different configurations of ideology and self-interest that together envelope universities in new agendas of marketisation, financialisation and privatisation. We suggest that in this latest restructuring of public universities critics should pay more attention to the work of consultancies and think tanks alongside the micro-details of market making. By doing so, they too might reimagine public universities, but for a different political project.  相似文献   

Privatization in higher education is usually understood either as the surge of private institutions or as universities’ growing reliance on private sources of funding or otherwise operating more like firms. Joining the growing literature on university entrepreneurship, this is a case study on the less examined problem of entrepreneurial universities in developing countries. In a period of roughly 15 years, the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Chile, founded in 1888, turned itself from a mostly teaching institution to a research-oriented university, responsible for one-fourth of the Chile’s mainstream scientific output and 40% of all Ph.D.s awarded nationally. Yet, public funding represents today only 17% of its revenues, down from almost 90% in 1972. How such academic development could have occurred as the State withdrew and the market took hold of Chilean higher education after the reforms introduced by the military rule of Augusto Pinochet (1973–1990) is the theme of this work. Universidad Católica’s policies and strategies are described, and the factors contributing to its success, together with their limitations, identified. The case suggests that orientation to the market can be more a means for survival and growth under the pressure of privatization, than a result of a ‘Triple Helix’ strategy of universities, government and industry to generate innovation out of academic knowledge. Secondly, while in the industrialized world, higher education entrepreneurship is associated with knowledge production for economic development (‘Mode 2’), entrepreneurial universities in the context of developing countries may just be finding their way to the academic, disciplinary mode of research.  相似文献   

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