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21世纪,国际间的文化、经济交流将会日益频繁。英语,作为世界上使用最广泛的语言,将会发挥更重要的作用。在生活中,人们进行交流的主要形式是听和说,听不懂就说不出。就不能进行交流。目前,我国正准备加入WTO,社会对英语言语能力,特别是听、说能力提出了更高的要求。因此,我们在英语教学中,要提高学生的听、说能力,就要重视听力教学。  相似文献   

从新托福听力测试看大学英语听力教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新托福考试以交际语言教学理念为指导,从听说读写四个方面全面检验考生在学术环境中实际的英语语言交际交流能力.其听力测试完全模拟北美大学的教学、生活实景,并采用真实语料,全面考查考生在真实学术语境中的听力水平和交际交流能力.文章认为,新托福不仅将会对我国英语教学、测试产生积极的影响,促进我国英语教学与测试的改革,同时也对于我们的英语听力教学有着有益的启示.  相似文献   

相对于TSE而言,新托福的口试在形式与内容上有了继承和发展。这个部分有6道题,持续约20分钟,包括独立回答题,读听后回答题和先听后回答题等三种题型,以考察学生的阅读理解,听力理解和口语表达等综合能力。下面我们就结合ETS对新托福口语部分的指导说明来揭开新托福口语的“神秘面纱”:  相似文献   

英语听力理解能力在英语四大基本的语言能力(听、说、读、写)中排在首位,是人们进行交流时必不可少的条件。在英语教学过程中,我们发现,学生的听力能力较弱,这给英语教学带来了一定的麻烦,所以提高学生的听力能力既是重点也成为了难点。  相似文献   

王伟 《学苑教育》2012,(18):61-61
语言的交际应用能力包括听、说、读、写四个方面,其中听、说是英语的实践环节,听是说的能力的深化。要提高英语教学质量,必须注重对学生进行口语、听力的训练,听力训练的首要条件是教师在教学中尽量多讲英语,给学生营造一个英语学习的氛围,一方面注重了口语教学,另一方面也提高了听力水平。  相似文献   

非英语专业的研究生听力教学应注意合理安排课堂内容 ,将其内容设计为听故事、听托福、听新闻 ,会收到很好的教学效果  相似文献   

听是语言学习的基础性能力,是说与写的基石。会听才能会说,会说又促进会写。因此在小学英语教学中,务必要对学生进行扎实的听力训练。本文对此进行了论述。  相似文献   

新托福考试已于今年5月份开始在我国内地实行,前不久美国教育考试中心(ETS)还公布了北美各大学对新托福网考成绩要求及新旧托福分数换算表。新托福考试从考试结构上来讲分为:听、说、读、写四个部分,对学生的听力、阅读、写作、口语四项英语语言能力进行综合测试。除了网考,新托福考试的独特性还表现在分数的测评体系上。新托福的分数报告不再只停留在报告考生的英语水平和各单项语言技能的成绩上,同时还会通过提供一个诊断报告让考生本人和接收院校了解考生的英语语言学习要求。新托福四项技能的分数范围都是在0-30分以内的,并按级别递进,针对每一个级别还会有一个详细的分数说明。  相似文献   

托福听力在整个托福考试中占有重要地位,托福听力讲座虽然难度偏大,但并不无规律可循。准确把握听力材料的结构是理清全文脉络、抓住文章的重点的关键。在托福听力教学中教师应对讲座结构的思路进行分析,并培养学生对篇章结构把握的能力,这样在听的过程中就会有很强的导向性。  相似文献   

听说领先,读写跟上,学习语言首要是能"听"会"说"。但应如何提高英语听力水平,学好英语是摆在英语学习者面前的一个难题。本文从三个方面入手,论述了培养英语听力技能、提高英语听力水平的方法,希望给英语学习者带来启发  相似文献   

The TOEFL is widely used by colleges and universities in the United States and Canada to measure the English language proficiency levels of hearing international applicants. At the National Technical Institute for the Deaf, a faculty committee recommended that this popular test instrument be used to measure the English reading skills of deaf international applicants to the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. This study examined the merits of using the TOEFL to measure the English reading ability of hearing post-secondary international students seeking admission to English-based colleges and universities. Forty-one hearing foreign students were tested in the fall of 1989 at the English Language Institute at SUNY Buffalo. The instruments chosen were both the TOEFL and the California Achievement Test of reading ability. The majority of the research subjects who scored between 400 and 500 on the TOEFL achieved a grade level of less than 8.0 on the California Achievement Test.  相似文献   

基于雅思和托福说部分新要求的启发,并针对当前大学英语口语课堂教学中存在的学生说英语环境不真实、不积极等问题,本文强调了英语口语流利性在口语教学中的重要性,在此基础上从口语流利性的最新概念理解和成因分析展开论述。文章认为,在新形势下,机会与环境,动机和态度,以及缺乏对目标语和本族语的了解是导致口语流利障碍的重要因素。文章进而尝试从不同角度探讨对口语流利性教学的最新对策与建议。其中4/3/2教学技巧重新被放在很高的角度提及。  相似文献   

IELTS、TOEFL考试已成为备受关注的英语语言测试方式,其发展势头是始料不及的。作者认为对于这些国际公认的英语语言测试系统应该进行深入研究,找到它们与大学英语教学的关联,从而为大学英语教学改革提供一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands internationalization of higher education may lead to an increasing use of a foreign language-for example English-as the medium of instruction. This may raise the issue whether learning in a foreign language affects academic performance, given the language problems international students are faced with when studying abroad. The present article reviews research in this field and presents a study into the academic achievement of 90 Indonesian engineers. These subjects took a one-year English-medium postgraduate course at the International Institute for Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering in Delft. Language proficiency was measured by TOEFL and academic success was defined as the average score on seven written examinations. A most remarkable finding is the observation of a cut-off point in the relationship between English proficiency and academic success. This has led to the hypothesis that there is a range of TOEFL scores within which a better command of English increases the chance of being academically successful. The lower and upper limits of this range may vary according to academic discipline or may even be institution-specific. Additional findings are presented as well as implications and directions for further research.  相似文献   

本对中国大多数英语教师在托福教学改革中说英语提出了质疑,分析了会影响母语不是英语的人用英语进行交际的一些的因素,同时建议开展一些具有创造性的课堂交际活动。  相似文献   

This article reports two studies to illustrate methodologies for conducting a conditional covariance-based nonparametric dimensionality assessment using data from two forms of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Study 1 illustrates how to assess overall dimensionality of the TOEFL including all three subtests. Study 2 is aimed at illustrating how to conduct dimensionality analyses for a testlet-based test by focusing on the Reading Comprehension (RC) section in combination with item content analyses and hypothesis testing. The results of Study 1 indicated that both TOEFL forms involve two dominant dimensions corresponding to the Listening Comprehension section and the combination of the Reading Comprehension section and Structure and Written Expression section. The extensive RC analyses from Study 2 revealed strong evidence that a significant amount of the RC multidimensionality came from testlet effects. Confirmatory analyses coupled with exploratory cluster analyses and substantive item content analyses further identified dimensionality structure having to do with reading subskills.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical test of the impact of English proficiency as indicated by student self-ratings and TOEFL scores, and selected nonlinguistic variables on the level of academic difficulties perceived by international graduate students. A simple random sample of 450 international graduate students from three large universities in upstate New York were contacted by mail in the fall of 1988. With two mailings, 245 completed the Survey of International Students' Academic Language Needs. It was found that Self-rated English Proficiency was the most significant predictor of the perceived level of academic difficulty. In addition, Length of Prior English Training and Age were also significant predictors. TOEFL score was found to be a nonsignificant predictor of students' academic difficulty. Implications of the research for English-language educators, ESL program and curriculum design, and U.S. university recruitment policy on international students were discussed.  相似文献   

依据《英语课程标准》,参照CET、PETS、IELTS、TOEFL等国内外权威英语考试体系,提出设计新课标英语高考全国卷题型改革方案,建议取消单项选择和短文改错,增加翻译题型、听力的填空题型和阅读理解的选择搭配题型,适当调整完形填空的题量和权重,增加写作的权重和题型,使英语高考笔试试卷更具科学性、时代性和多样性,更好地发挥高考风向标的正确导向作用。  相似文献   

本文根据批判理论的观点对英语测试,特别是美国TOEFL和英国IELTS进行了历史回顾和现状分析,结果表明:影响英语测试的因素除语言学、语言教学和语言测试理论外,也受到社会政治和经济因素的制约。国外外语测试都是在一定的历史背景下发展起来的,都有其特定的历史条件和社会需求。  相似文献   

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