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针对我国现阶段存在的失业问题,提出四种解决方案:财政投资政策要注重就业创造标准;高校培养目标要明确;建立职业咨询制度,解决下岗职工再就业问题;创造新的就业岗位。  相似文献   

This study investigated demographic characteristics such as type of university attended, course of study and gender as determinants of duration of unemployment among university graduates in Nigeria. Data were collected from 1 451 employed university graduates in 300 firms in Nigeria. Results showed a significant difference between duration of unemployment and course of study (F(6,1444) = 17.84; p < 0.05) with graduates of Engineering and Medicine having the least duration of unemployment. Significant differences also existed between duration of unemployment and the type of university attended (F(2,1448) = 5.50; p < 0.05). Unemployment period was significantly shorter for graduates of private universities compared to those from public universities. However, gender differences did not significantly affect unemployment period (t0.05 = -0.211; p > 0.05). One major policy implication of the findings is that entrepreneurial skills and initiative should become major concerns of higher education institutions to facilitate employability of graduates who will increasingly be called upon not only as successful applicants but also and above all as job creators.  相似文献   

大学生自愿性失业的经济学分析   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
自愿性失业是一种不满足于已有的工作机会而继续寻找工作的失业现象。从二元劳动力市场理论、职业搜寻理论和保留工资理论的角度分析,大学生自愿性失业其实是一种理性选择。解决自愿性失业问题,应更多地发挥市场机制的作用,打破劳动力市场的分割,从而使大学生自觉主动地调整就业期望值。  相似文献   

An expansion in higher education in combination with the recent global economic recession has resulted in a high college graduate unemployment rate in Taiwan. This study investigates how the high unemployment rate and financial constraints caused by economic cutbacks have shaped undergraduates’ class choices, job needs, and future income expectations. Therein, the results obtained from a structural equation model indicate that students whose expenditures were most affected by the economic recession were in greater need of paid employment and were also more likely to take practical and credential courses, which resulted in heavier course loads. Clearly, the economic downturn and the consequential high unemployment rate have directed undergraduates to select more practical education, wherein they now prefer classes that are more likely to increase their employability. The results obtained in this study indicate that people use college courses to enhance their competencies and employability. Finally, regardless of the economic situation, female undergraduates expected significantly lower pay after graduation in comparison to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

This study examined the post-graduation labor market experiences of recent college graduates for evidence of age-related barriers to employment. Older graduates were considerably less likely than younger graduates to seek new jobs following graduation, but, among those who did, the two age groups showed little difference in their job-seeking behaviors or their susceptibilities to unemployment. Despite these similarities, older graduates, on average, had fewer post-graduation job interviews and fewer job offers than younger graduates. The relationship between age and number of job interviews disappeared after controlling for the effects of other variables, but the relationship between age and number of job offers remained. Nonetheless, older graduates appear to have been employed in better jobs one year after graduation. Their higher average salaries were not explained by sociodemographic, educational, or employment-related variables. Thus, findings are generally inconsistent with the view that older graduates face age-related barriers to employment.  相似文献   

Around 60 per cent of UK universities practice job sharing. This article is based on a survey of Personnel Directors in UK universities concerning their perceptions of job sharing. These responses were then used to carry out a cost benefit evaluation of job sharing from the universities' perspective. If productivity of workers in the shared job rose by as little as 0.35 per cent – one third of one per cent – the estimated increase in Personnel Section costs would be covered. If there was a 5 per cent increase in productivity, the ratio of benefits to costs would be 14.3 to 1. Universities also save as a result of greater retention of staff, and there are also important benefits to society, particularly less overall stress and reduced unemployment levels.  相似文献   

Unexpectedly, the duration of first unemployment among first degree holders has quickly increased in Rwanda after considerable loss of the skilled labour during the war and Genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in 1994. The time it takes a higher education graduate to land a first employment is a key indicator for the evaluation of and optimal investment in higher education. A long-term first unemployment has negative psychosocial and economic consequences, and is an interplay of diversified factors. Yet, these factors have not been ascertained in Rwanda, whereas their knowledge is crucial for an efficient planning of higher education and employability of the graduates. This study aimed to fill in this knowledge gap for the period 1998–2009. We fitted a binary logistic regression model to data from the 2010 Employer and Graduate Survey (n = 1007) that was conducted by the National University of Rwanda. The results showed that the duration of first unemployment was significantly associated to the graduate’s age, job search method, acquired skills, further graduate studies, monthly salary and category of employing institution. The results suggest that the higher education sector should identify and fill skills gaps in the existing curricula or its delivery with reference to the labour market requirements.  相似文献   

BackgroundTemporal dynamics during the early adulthood transition among children in out-of-home care is a neglected research area, leaving the possibility of coping with childhood adversity over time a poorly understood topic.ObjectiveTo explore early adulthood education and employment trajectories among young adults who experienced out-of-home care during childhood and to examine how various care history factors predict these trajectories.ParticipantsWe use longitudinal birth cohort data comprising individual-level information from national registers of all children born in Finland in 1987 (N = 59,476, of whom 1893 were in care).Setting and methodsWe use trajectory clustering from a previous study on the 1987 birth cohort to compare trajectories between children in care and a propensity score–matched group of peers never in care. We investigated the association between care history factors and trajectories with multinomial logistic regression modeling.ResultsCompared with the matched peer group, children in care were less likely to enter trajectories characterized by education and employment (38%) and more likely to enter trajectories involving early parenthood (14%) or long periods of fragmented social assistance benefit receipt and unemployment (21%). Those on early parenthood trajectories were almost exclusively women, whereas those receiving social assistance benefits and experiencing unemployment for lengthy periods were mostly men. Entering disadvantaged trajectories was associated with, inter alia, placement as an adolescent, residential care, and aging out of care.ConclusionThe study demonstrates the relevance of examining longitudinal trajectories in children in care’s early adulthood. Many young adults with care experience need support in education and employment beyond young adult age.  相似文献   

用问卷调查法对不同年龄和学历人员就有关失业问题的态度和情感体验进行了抽样调查,在对数据进行统计分析的基础上,揭示了不同年龄和学历群体对待失业问题主观态度和心理体验的异同,进而提出做好下岗人员工作的对策。  相似文献   

This article extends the evidence base on childhood circumstances, education and psychological distress. We examine the link between childhood advantage and disadvantage, the type of school attended during adolescence and psychological distress at ages 16 and 42. The analysis uses a large, population-based birth cohort study, the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) (n = 17,198) using a structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. More advantaged young people were more likely to attend private schools, but we find no evidence for an effect of private schooling on psychological distress for men, and for women there was an association between private schooling and raised psychological distress at age 16. Having a university degree was associated with a modest reduction in psychological distress in mid-life. We establish that maternal psychological distress at age 10 was a risk factor for the offspring’s psychological distress both in adolescence and in mid-life, and adolescent psychological distress predicts psychological distress in mid-life. We conclude that schools which are academically successful do not necessarily provide wider benefits in terms of mental health.  相似文献   

Time-management skills are acknowledged to be important but there has been little actual research on this topic with students. In this study we examined the scores obtained from 293 first-year students of psychology on a British version of an American time-management scale. The students were divided into three age groups: traditional-entry students - aged less than 21 years (N = 172); borderline mature students - aged 21–25 years (N = 50) and older mature students - aged more than 25 years (N = 71). Our analyses indicated (i) that women students in general reported significantly greater time-management skills than did men students, and (ii) that our older mature students reported significantly better time-management skills than did the other two groups. Academic performance, however, was only modestly predicted by age and scores on one component of the time-management scale.  相似文献   

本研究利用2003年- 2009年北京大学实施的全国高校毕业生调查数据,考察高校学生毕业后发展路径选择的变化趋势及其影响因素.研究发现:(1)随着就业竞争加剧和金融危机所带来的冲击效应,高校学生的毕业后发展路径选择呈现多元化格局,其中继续升学和非传统型就业群体比例增加;(2)高校毕业生中有超过四分之一的群体在毕业后陷入失业困境,其中女性,来自农村地区、家庭社经地位和文化资本积累不足等先致性因素导致毕业生陷入失业困境的概率增高;(3)高校学生毕业后发展路径受到个体特征、所属高等院校特征、劳动力市场发展状况以及宏观社会经济发展环境等多层面因素的影响.  相似文献   

劳动力市场分割与大学毕业生失业   总被引:102,自引:5,他引:102  
具有大学以上学历者占我国全部劳动者的比例非常低 ,但最近几年大学毕业生找工作却有越来越难的趋势。这种看似矛盾的现象是转型过程中劳动力市场分割这一制度背景下 ,大学毕业生与用人单位相互搜寻的结果。过大的城乡收入差距和过高的工作转换成本 ,使大学毕业生“宁要城里一张床 ,不要农村一幢房”,但城里的用人单位却因过高的解聘成本和户口成本而不能吸收更多的大学毕业生。因此 ,大学毕业生就业难的缓解和解决 ,要依赖经济发展 ,也离不开体制改革  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育规模的不断扩大,大学生就业形势日益严峻,出现了大学毕业生的失业现象。大学毕业生失业主要有结构性失业、摩擦性失业、自愿性失业三种类型。造成这种现象既有高等教育系统内部的原因,也有劳动力市场供需双方的原因。要解决目前大学生失业问题,一方面要调整高等教育结构,使其适应劳动力市场的发展;另一方面要建立大学生就业市场机制。  相似文献   

近年来,我国就业形势十分严峻。除了受产业结构不合理、区域经济发展不平衡及国际金融危机等客观因素的影响,就业者的劳动意识、专业知识结构等主观因素影响也不可忽视,文章试从失业群体的行为分析,探讨导致就业压力的成因,并提出完善促进就业政策的一些建议。  相似文献   

Secondary education in Swaziland has rapidly expanded in the decade or so since independence. Alongside this achievement has been a growing apprehension that the modern sector's capacity to generate employment is not commensurate with the rising number of educated young people leaving secondary school. The emergence of a ‘school leaver problem’ as disenchanted educated youngsters remained unemployed was therefore seen as a real possibility towards the end of the 1970s. Such considerations formed the backcloth to tracer surveys conducted in 1979 which investigated the post-school experience of secondary school leavers who left school in the period 1973–1977.Some aspects of these surveys are discussed in this article which covers the experience of school leavers in finding out about jobs and training, waiting time for jobs, and estimates of unemployment. The occupations entered by school leavers are then assessed in relation to demand projections for educated manpower.These observations reveal that institutional arrangements for transferring school leavers from school to work are embryonic and for a large minority of leavers family and other influentiaal contacts are more important than qualifications in securing a job. For Form 3 Junior Secondary School leavers some credence may be given to the popular impression that unemployment is worsening but Form 5 High School leavers are experiencing little difficulty as yet in finding work. More tentatively it would appear that the marginal additions to the skilled labour force stemming from school leavers are not modifying the occupational structure in line with recent manpower projections.  相似文献   

国际上实行失业保险已经有1个世纪了,许多发达国家在失业保险的普及程度、在失业保险促进经济与社会发展方面都有宝贵的经验,有许多做法值得借鉴。我国人口基数大,国家财力有限,失业保障水平低,怎样让有限的失业保险金发挥应有的失业保险作用这是全社会普遍关注的一个问题。通过解析国外失业保险制度来探讨我国失业保险的路径。  相似文献   

Adolescent girls and young women in urban slum areas in developing countries face a myriad of challenges regarding education, sexual health, livelihoods and gender-based violence. One way of understanding how these challenges interact with each other is through the Asset Building Framework, which posits that girls need a combination of social, health and economic assets in order to make a healthy transition from childhood to adulthood. This study sought to examine barriers and facilitators to health behaviour change and economic activity for girls within the context of this framework. It involved a combination of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with 128 young women who were in the age range of 18–25 years, living in various slums in Nairobi, Kenya. We found that economic assets reduce young women's dependence on others (especially parents and relationships with men) so that they are able to make positive changes in health behaviour. Social networks, self-esteem and financial literacy all played important roles in positively positioning girls to make the transition to economic activity safely and successfully. We suggest that programmes that seek to improve girls’ and young women's health behaviour or economic activity include elements of asset building within all three categories of assets.  相似文献   

知识失业境遇下大学生创业教育模式探微   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着我国高校招生规模的扩大以及毕业生就业制度的改革,大学生就业形势变得越来越严峻,“知识失业”成为我国一种新的失业现象。这种境遇下,在高校开展创业教育更具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Late in first decade of the 2000s, the closing of pulp and paper mills in the rural northeastern United States contributed to economic decline in the region and to rising concerns about population decline due to out-migration among local emerging adults in search of occupational or educational opportunities. In this context, and drawing on a life-course framework, the present study used four waves of panel data from the population of 7th- and 11th-grade public school students in a rural northeastern U.S. county to explore whether the county unemployment rate was related to perceived local job prospects; school connectedness was related to subsequent perceived job prospects; and the effects of county unemployment and school connectedness on perceived local job prospects varied by age cohort. Initially, changes in respondents’ perceptions about local job prospects paralleled shifts in local unemployment similarly for both cohorts; yet after the older cohort respondents had completed high school, their perceived local job prospects fell sharply, while perceptions among the younger cohort respondents, who were still in high school, remained stable. Among the older cohort respondents only, school connectedness was associated with subsequent positive perceptions about local job prospects net of relevant controls. Same-age cohort comparisons, evaluated when each cohort was in 12th-grade, showed no differences in the short-term effects of school connectedness on perceived local job prospects, despite variations in the age-linked timing of the most dramatic rise in unemployment during the study. The results highlight the lasting importance of school connectedness for teens raised in struggling rural economies.  相似文献   

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