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普通话中介语的研究对于推广普通话、推动普通话教学及普通话水平测试都具有重要的意义。20世纪90年代以来关于普通话中介语的研究在普通话中介语的理论研究、中介语理论在普通话水平测试中的借鉴、中介语理论对普通话教学的指导、普通话中介语语音语料库的建设等方面都有了可喜的成果。  相似文献   

李林徽 《文教资料》2012,(1):234-236
普通话课师资的质量直接决定着普通话教学和普通话培训的效度。高职院校目前存在着对普通话师资质量的认识偏误问题、合格普通话教师严重缺乏、师资质量有待提高等问题,导致目前普通话教学效果低下甚至无效。尽快提高认识,培养选配高质量的普通话教师,大幅度提高普通话课的培训效度,是高职院校普通话教学工作的当务之急。  相似文献   

地方普通话是介于地方方言和标准普通话之间的一种中介语,是一种带有地方方言色彩的不够标准的普通话,研究地方普通话能更有针对性地提高普通话教学效果,能更有效地推广普通话.岑溪地方普通话在语音、词汇和语法的运用方面有明显的地方色彩,与普通话分歧较大.  相似文献   

长期以来,地方院校普遍存在方言区师范生普通话水平不高,普通话意识不强,普通话学习困难等现象。这与生源地中小学普通话学习氛围、中小学教师的普通话状况有着很大的联系,所以必须特别重视小学生的普通话教学。文章从多方面阐述了加强小学生普通话教学的必要性,提出了加强小学生普通话教学的主要途径。  相似文献   

普通话即为现代标准汉语,普通话的推广,给我国各地人民之间的交流带来了极大的便利。但同时,各地普通话都融入了方言因素,从而形成带有地域特色的地方普通话,都是不标准的普通话,绍兴普通话便是其中的一支。本文试在实地调查的基础上,探究绍兴普通话的韵母发声特点,并提出改进的措施,促进绍兴普通话向标准普通话的迈进。  相似文献   

"地方普通话"是方言区人学习普通话过程中所产生的中介语现象,是方言向普通话过渡的中间状态和必然产物,多数学者又称之为"普通话中介语"。以亳州普通话语音特征为考察对象,立足于亳州方言与普通话的音系差异,探讨亳州普通话声韵调的基本特征、形成原因及提高策略,以期帮助亳州方言区人们更有针对性、更高效地学习普通话,提高普通话水平。  相似文献   

凉山州学前学会普通话行动取得显著成效,但也存在普通话学习资源不足、学前普通话教育师资量小质弱、普通话学习管理不规范、学前儿童普通话学习的家庭教育缺失等现存问题。为持续推进学前学会普通话行动,必须加大学前儿童普通话学习的教育资金投入,完善学前教师普通话培训监管,建立定向培养体系,规范学前教育管理。  相似文献   

新疆农村普通话推广工作以新疆喀什地区麦盖提县为例着力调查当地农民普通话学习的现状,了解当地农民学习普通话的积极意义。围绕新疆推广普通话对于农村建设起到的作用,对特定农村进行推广普通话的研究,探讨在新疆农村普通话交流中存在的问题,进一步深化新疆农村普通话的推广和发展,探索适合新疆农村普通话推广工作的路径。  相似文献   

普通话是汉民族的共同语 ,地方普通话是介于地方方言和标准语普通话之间的一种过渡语 ,研究地方普通话对提高方言区人民普通话水平有很大帮助。本文从语音、词汇两方面分析了邢台地方普通话的语言特征  相似文献   

国家推广普通话的法规要求以及普通话水平测试(PSC)工作的开展有力推动了职业院校普通话培训教学,不少职业院校专门开设了普通话培训课程以促进学习者提高普通话水平。如何充分发挥培训教学的作用,用最有效方法提升学习者的普通话水平成为教师们长期关注的问题。文章试图从朗读入手,研究普通话水平测试培训朗读教学的策略,探求提高学习者普通话水平的最佳途径,实现以点带面有效提升学习者普通话水平的目标。  相似文献   

信度与效度是判断PSC质量的关键。人们往往认为影响PSC信度与效度的主要原因是测试员自身的业务素质 ,对评分标准的掌握 ,却忽略了施测过程的标准化程度对测试信度与效度的影响。实际上PSC作为主观性测试 ,施测过程标准化程度的高低 ,对测试结果影响极大 ,因此完善PSC的工作程序 ,实现施测过程的标准化对PSC是有重要意义的。  相似文献   

PSC"说话"项若干问题的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
普通话水平测试(PSC)“说话”项的测评争议较大,现行《普通话水平测试大纲》“说话”项的评判标准,存在一定的模糊性,突出地表现在考核形式,语音面貌的定档等环节上,从测评实践的角度,对“说话”项测试中存在的问题进行思考与分析,通过对现行《大纲》“说话”项评分机制的梳理与解析,提出相应的对策,以期为“说话”项的测评提供较为合理的评判方法与参考标准。  相似文献   

分析了普通话水平测试试卷各测试项目的相关度,并通过分析普通话教学过程中的一些普遍性的语言迁移规律,对普通话水平测试中的典型特征评价法作了初步探讨,揭示了普通话水平测试评级定等时逐项逼近和逐步验证这一主观性心理过程.  相似文献   

采用社会心理安全氛围量表、表层扮演量表和情绪耗竭量表,以研究对象匿名作答的形式,通过网络对江苏省民警进行问卷调查,使用HLM多层线性模型分析数据,以探索民警的表层扮演策略对于社会心理安全氛围和情绪耗竭的中介效应。结果显示,组织层面的社会心理安全氛围对于个体的情绪耗竭主效应显著,并能预测个体的表层扮演策略;表层扮演策略对于情绪耗竭主效应显著,在社会心理安全氛围和情绪耗竭关系中发挥部分中介的效应。  相似文献   

Building on previous self-concept and current physical self-concept (PSC) theories, this paper presents empirical results demonstrating the triad relationship among physical exercise, PSC, and quality of life (QoL) in older adults. Specifically, the results show how PSC mediates the relationship between physical exercise and health-related quality of life (HQoL). A total of 152 older adults participated in this study, completing the Leisure Time Exercise Questionnaire, Physical Self-Concept Scale for Older Adults, and 12-Item Short-Form Survey. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted to test the mediating effects. Older adults’ physical exercise, PSC, and QoL were all correlated. The components of older adults’ PSC (strength, flexibility, and independent functioning) fully mediated the relationship between physical exercise and the physical as well as mental aspects of HQoL. This study thus suggests that PSC plays an important explanatory role in the effect of older adults’ physical exercise on their QoL. Health-care professionals may use various strategies to enhance older adults’ self-perception during physical exercise in order to promote their global well-being.  相似文献   

比较普通话水平测试与大学英语等级考试在测试目的、测试对象、测试标准、测试内容和方法等方面的异同,借鉴大学英语等级考试中可以参照学习的部分,可以扩大普通话测试对象,在普通话测试的内容和方法等方面加以改进,以进一步完善普通话水平测试。  相似文献   

Jane Carter 《Literacy》2020,54(1):49-57
The phonics screening check (PSC) was introduced in England in 2012 for children in Year 1. There have been criticisms in relation to its reliability and appropriateness as an assessment tool for early reading although supporters of the PSC see it as a valuable tool in securing progress in reading. The DfE‐funded evaluation concluded, however, that it “did not find any evidence of improvements in pupils' literacy performance, or in progress, that could be clearly attributed to the introduction of the PSC”. This article reports some of the findings from a doctoral study that sought to illuminate the voices of those most affected by the PSC: children in Year 1 and their teachers. The study used an illuminative evaluation methodology (Kushner, 2017) and focused on a range of schools in a large city, selected for their diversity in relation to attainment data (PSC and reading) and socio‐economic status. The findings demonstrate the negative backwash from the assessment process which has influenced the way that phonics is taught and so raises some questions for teachers and policy‐makers about the approach to the teaching of early reading in the light of the PSC.  相似文献   

根据普通话水平测试与中国少数民族汉语水平等级考试(MHK)词汇(三级)的相关性,提出将普通话训练与MHK口试训练融合的建议。通过对普通话训练和MHK(三级)口语考试词汇教学重点进行详细解读,提出具体教学策略,以切实提高新疆少数民族学生国家通用语言文字运用能力。  相似文献   

浅析提高计算机辅助普通话水平测试质量的策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从分析影响计算机辅助普通话水平测试信度、效度的主客观因素出发.从健全"机洲"管理组织结构、优化操作流程以及完善规章制度三方面论述了提高计算机辅助普通话水平测试质量的策略.  相似文献   

The Phonics Screening Check (PSC) was introduced in England in 2012 for Year 1 children (aged 5 and 6). There have been criticisms of the check in relation to its reliability and appropriateness as an assessment for early reading, although advocates of the check see it as a valuable tool in securing progress in early reading. This mixed methods study sought to evaluate the intended and possible unintended consequences of the PSC, foregrounding the voices of children and their teachers. This article reports on findings from the teachers’ data. The study focused initially on questionnaire data from 14 schools (59 teachers) selected for their diversity in relation to attainment data (PSC and reading) and socio-economic status. Focus groups in seven of the schools (25 teachers) enabled a more in-depth exploration of teachers’ views and practices in relation to the PSC. The study identified the ‘negative backwash’ of assessment. The PSC was seen as an end in itself, rather than a way of securing progress in one of the skills of reading. It found that, the assessment had become the curriculum, to the detriment of specific groups of learners (higher-attaining readers and children with English as an Additional Language). Teachers were found to use the assessment processes of the PSC as objectives for teaching rather than using them as the tools of assessment.  相似文献   

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