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目的:通过平板运动跑台和场地两种不同的测试方法,对我国成年男性走、跑过程中的气体代谢和能量消耗进行比较。方法:15名成年男性在平板运动跑台和场地完成4.8km/h、6.4 km/h、8.0 km/h三个速度的走、跑运动,使用Cortex MetaMax 3 B测定走、跑过程中的气体代谢指标变化并进行统计分析。结果:走、跑时平板运动跑台测试和场地测试之间气体指标、心率和能量消耗指标有明显差异。两种测试方法得来的数据存在线性相关。使用ICC系数和Bland-Altman法分析表明两种测试方法有非常显著的一致性和相关性。结论:相同速度下平板运动跑台走、跑和场地走、跑的能量消耗差异显著,只有直接测量场地走、跑的能量消耗才能反映日常生活中和体育健身活动中走、跑运动的真实状况。应用直线回归分析建立了平板运动跑台测试和场地测试两种方法之间的转换推导公式,根据跑台测试结果推算场地测试耗氧量和能量消耗,但由于样本量较少,该公式还需要进一步增加样本量进行验证。  相似文献   

短跑途中跑是起跑、疾跑结束后最长的一段跑程,其任务是发挥最高速度和保持最高速度。 影响跑速的因素很多,但决定跑速的主要因素是步长和步频,这在体育界已达成共识。步长是指跑时两脚着地间的距离,步频是指单位时间内两腿交换的次数。无论是加快步频还是增大步长都能提高跑速。然而影响步长、步频的主要因素  相似文献   

曾有文献报道,跑速的能量消耗和极限下耗氧量中经济跑与成绩的关系。有良好经济跑技能的运动员比较差的运动员在同等速度中节省氧的消耗。改进经济跑的训练方法是运动员、教练员和科研人员经常探索的重要问题。  相似文献   

在这项课题中,共选定112名从事耐力项目的运动员参加,按其年龄分成3个组。任意选定32名受试者(每个年龄组11名)参加实验室和场地两项无氧阈测试。在实验室和场地两种条件下,无氧阈出现时其相关系数介于0.82~0.90之间,且与年龄最大组的关系更加密切。所有运动员参加不同距离的一系列比赛,测出无氧阈跑速与真正比赛时的跑速的关系。经测试发现,距离为5公里及5公里以上时,无氧阈跑速同比赛跑速密切相关,其中12~18岁和19~30岁年龄组的10公里跑以及年龄最大组的1小时跑,无氧阈跑速同比赛跑速的关系最为密切。短距离跑(例如800米)显示不出与无氧阈跑速的密切关系,年龄最大组对此表现得尤为明显(R=0.30)。  相似文献   

目的:针对当前国内对跑节省化(RE)关注度的逐渐提高而又无统一测试方法,国外在VO2计算方法、负荷强度的选择等方面存在不一致性的局面,旨在推导出单一RE测试负荷,确定VO2收集和计算时间,建立一套适合我国普通男性青年完整的RE测试方法。方法:以63名新兵为实验对象,分成A组和B组。首先,A组在活动跑台上分别以55%、60%、65%和70%VO2max对应的速度完成RE测试,然后,测定其5km成绩并以此作为因变量,上述4个RE值分别为自变量进行线性相关分析,应用r2判定系数法判断RE与5km跑成绩线性关系,找出最佳线性模型;以5km跑成绩作为效标,以R-RE与5km跑成绩的4个相关系数r为基础进行曲线拟合,推导适宜的最佳RE负荷跑速。另外,测试B组RE与5km成绩,以检验最适宜负荷的有效性,并从B组中随机抽取50%受试者进行RE重测,以检验RE指标的可靠性和稳定性。结果:11.5km/h的跑速可作为我国普通男性青年测定RE的适宜负荷,单位采用ml/kg/min表示;应计算末尾2min的VO2所得均值作为RE值;有效性检验显示,以11.5km/h的速度测定的RE结果有代表性;RE重测可靠性高。结论:建立了一套完整的RE测试方法。  相似文献   

在众多的体育项目中,都要求运动员能跑得快,有良好的跑速。众所周知,影响跑速的因素虽然很多,但决定跑速的主要因素是步长和步频(即:跑速=步长×步频)。步长是指跑时两脚着地点间的距离;步频是指单位时间内两腿交换的次数。在运动训练中,无论是加快步频,还是增大步长,都能提高跑速。  相似文献   

目的研究中长跑运动过程中其技术特征与运动能量消耗之间的关系。方法采用实验法、比较分析法、数理统计法,对六名中长跑运动员2 000m距离跑进行全程技术特征捕获和气体代谢监测。结果前程启动后保持较好的竞速状态,进入中程前后(800m),速度出现最小值,800m距离速度最慢,后程速度保持都较好。不同阶段平均速度与能量消耗整体相关程度大小排序为前程>后程>中程。总净能耗与步长呈低度负相关,与步频呈中低度正相关,与重心合速度及水平速度呈低度负相关,重心起伏距离与总净能耗、运动时净能耗及恢复期能耗呈中度负相关,躯干倾角与运动时净能耗呈中度相关,总净能耗与腾空时间表现出高度负相关,与单支撑表现出低度正相关,而且与腾空时间和单支撑时间的比值呈中度负相关。结论呼吸交换率变化特征基本能够表现个体运动速度特征和个体乳酸阈特征;运动总成绩及速度分配特征与能量消耗的相关影响程度较大;能量消耗与运动学参数存在相关性。  相似文献   

目的:研究30-50岁男女超重人群每周减脂0.5㎏、采用不同走跑方式运动的减肥运动处方。方法:32名受试按年龄和性别分组,分别采用慢跑、快走、走跑交替的方式运动,每次运动的能耗为500kcal,采用气体代谢的方法进行能量消耗测定,同步记录运动强度和运动量参数。结果:1、如果采用走跑交替的方式运动,30-40岁(41-50岁)男女每次运动的时间分别为53min、58min(60、72),距离为6210m、6063m(6808、7201),总步数为7417步、8189步(8235、9764);若以慢跑方式运动,则30-40岁男女每次运动的时间分别为43min、50min,距离为5903m、5899m,总步数为6798步、7875步;如果以快走的方式运动,则41-50岁男女每次运动时间分别为73min、87min,距离为7472m、7457m,总步数为9180步、11580步。2、步频、每分能耗与脂肪供能比例呈负相关,运动时间与脂肪供能比例、步频与每分能耗呈正相关。3、不同性别、不同走跑方式下的每分能耗不同,减肥人群可据此安排自己个性化的减肥运动处方。结论:本研究制定了30-50岁超重男女的走跑减肥运动处方,并能依照个体情况制定个性化的减肥运动方案。  相似文献   

目的:研究并比较中等强度持续跑和间歇跑机体能量消耗与底物代谢特征.方法:9名体育专业女大学生完成跑台最大耗氧量测试,然后以55%O2max强度完成2个运动测试:1)55%O2max强度持续跑步1 h,恢复30 min;2)55%O2max强度完成3组20 min跑,间歇恢复10 min.采用气体代谢法间接测定运动期和恢复期机体能量消耗和底物代谢.结果:1)持续跑运动中能量消耗稳定,脂肪氧化供能量和脂肪参与供能比例在后20 min高于前20 min和中间20 min,糖的氧化供能量低于前20 min跑和中间20 min;间歇跑运动中脂肪氧化供能量和脂肪参与供能比例随运动组数的增加逐渐增加,糖的氧化供能量随运动组数的增加逐渐减少,能量消耗在第1个20 min跑显著高于第2、3个20 min跑.2)第3个间歇跑恢复期脂肪氧化供能量高于第1个恢复期,糖氧化供能量高于第2个恢复期,机体能耗高于第1、2个恢复期.3)持续跑脂肪氧化供能量在运动期、恢复期以及运动期和恢复期总和上均与间歇跑无明显差异,而持续跑恢复期糖氧化供能量低于间歇跑恢复期.持续跑运动期的能耗高于间歇跑运动期的能耗,恢复期的能耗低于间歇跑恢复期的能耗.结论:1)持续跑运动期能耗稳定,但当持续时间增加到一定程度后,脂肪氧化供能量和脂肪参与供能比例明显增加.2) 间歇跑运动期脂肪氧化供能量和脂肪参与供能比例随组数的增加逐渐增加,糖的氧化供能量随组数的增加逐渐减少;恢复期脂肪氧化量、糖氧化量和总能耗随运动组数的增加逐渐增加.另外,一定的运动预适应可降低随后运动的代谢反应水平.3)在运动强度、运动时间、恢复时间相同情况下,持续跑运动期能耗高于间歇跑运动期能耗,恢复期能耗低于间歇跑恢复期能耗,间歇跑恢复期糖氧化量高于持续跑恢复期糖氧化量.  相似文献   

发展跑速主要是步长和步频。步长靠下肢力量、腿部关节柔韧性,以及合理的技术动作来实现;步频是靠提高神经过程的灵活性和动作的协调性而得到。而途中跑是短跑教学的重点也是距离最长,速度最快的一段;因此通过大量有效的练习方法发展途中跑的步长和提高步频,提高跑的放松能力,才能逐步提高跑的速度。在十多年的业余训练中,本人通过不断地摸索和创新,总结一些练习方法以供同行参考与探索。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the RT3 accelerometer in young children, compare its accuracy with heart rate monitoring, and develop an equation to predict energy expenditure from RT3 output. Forty-two volunteers (mean age 12.2 years, s = 1.1) exercised at two horizontal and graded walking speeds (4 and 6 km.h(-1), 0% grade and 6% grade), and one horizontal running speed (8 km.h(-1), 0% grade), on a treadmill. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption (VO2) served as the criterion measures. Comparison of RT3 estimates (counts and energy expenditure) demonstrated significant differences at 4, 6, and 8 km.h(-1) on level ground (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were noted between horizontal and graded walking at 4 and 6 km.h(-1). Correlation and regression analyses indicated no advantage of vector magnitude over the vertical plane (X) alone. A strong relationship between RT3 estimates and indirect calorimetry across all speeds was obtained (r = 0.633-0.850, P < 0.01). A child-specific prediction equation (adjusted R2 = 0.753) was derived and cross-validated that offered a valid energy expenditure estimate for walking/running activities. Despite recognized limitations, the RT3 may be a useful tool for the assessment of children's physical activity during walking and running.  相似文献   


The ActiGraph activity monitors have developed and newer versions of the ActiGraph accelerometers (GT1M, GT3X and GT3X +) are now available, including changes in hardware and software compared to the old version (AM7164). This is problematic as most of the validation and calibration work includes the AM7164. The aims of the study were to validate the ActiGraph GT1M during level and graded walking and to assess the potential underestimation of physical activity during cycling. Data were obtained from 20 participants during treadmill walking and ergometer cycling. Energy expenditure was measured via indirect calorimetry and used as the criterion method. Activity counts were highly correlated with energy expenditure during level walking (R2 = 0.82) and graded walking at 5% and 8% (R2 = 0.82 and R2 = 0.67, respectively). There was no linear relationship between activity counts and energy expenditure during cycling. The average activity counts for all data points during cycling was 1,157 counts per minute (CPM) (SD = 974), and mean energy expenditure was 5.0 metabolic equivalents. The GT1M is a valid tool for assessing walking across a wide range of speeds and gradients. However, there is no relationship between activity counts and energy expenditure during cycling and physical activity is underestimated by ≈73% during cycling compared to walking.  相似文献   

目的:对Cortex MetaLyzer 3B与Cortex MetaMax 3B测试气体代谢和能量消耗数据进行对比,以期对便携式与固定式气体代谢仪测试效果之间的差别进行评价。方法:15名成年男性在跑台完成2次4.8 km/h、6.4 km/h、8.0 km/h 3个速度的走跑,使用CortexMetaLyzer 3B与Cortex MetaMax 3B分别测定其运动过程中的气体代谢指标并进行统计分析。结果:1)便携式仪器测试组的摄氧量、通气量均高于固定式仪器测试组数据,且走跑时摄氧量增加有非常显著的差异;2)安静状态下心率和能量消耗无差别,走跑时便携式测试组心率和能量消耗均高于固定式测试组;3)两组测试数据存在线性相关;4)使用ICC系数和Bland-Altman法统计分析表明,两组测试数据有非常显著的相关性和一致性。结论:1)便携式气体代谢仪(MetaMax 3B)与固定式气体代谢仪(MetaLyzer 3B)对于运动时摄氧量、CO2呼出量的检测结果有显著差异;2)应用直线回归分析为两仪器测量数据的转换提供简便的公式。但由于样本量较少,该转换关系还需要进一步增加样本量进行验证。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine if the primary time constant (tau) for oxygen uptake (VO2) at the onset of moderate-intensity treadmill exercise is related to endurance running performance, and to establish if tau could be considered a determinant of endurance running performance. Thirty-six endurance trained male runners performed a series of laboratory tests, on separate days, to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), the ventilatory threshold (VT) and running economy. In addition, runners completed six transitions from walking (4 km x h-1) to moderate-intensity running (80% VT) for the determination of the VO2 primary time constant and mean response time. During all tests, pulmonary gas-exchange was measured breath-by-breath. Endurance running performance was determined using a treadmill 5-km time-trial, after which runners were considered as combined performers (n=36) and, using a ranking system, high performers (n=10) and low performers (n=10). Relationships between tau and endurance running performance were quantified using correlation coefficients (r). Stepwise multiple regression was used to determine the primary predictor variables of endurance running performance in combined performers. Moderate correlations were observed between tau, mean response time and endurance running performance, but only for the combined performers (r=-0.55, P=0.001 and r=-0.50, P=0.002, respectively). The regression model for predicting 5-km performance did not include tau or mean response time. The velocity at VO2max was strongly correlated to endurance running performance in all groups (r=0.72 - 0.84, P < 0.01) and contributed substantially to the prediction of performance. In conclusion, the results suggest that despite their role in determining the oxygen deficit and having a moderate relationship with endurance running performance, neither tau nor mean response time is a primary determinant of endurance running performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine RT3 accelerometer activity counts and activity energy expenditure of 36 pregnant women at 20 and 32 weeks' gestation during treadmill walking and free-living conditions. During treadmill walking, oxygen consumption was collected, and activity energy expenditure was estimated for a 30-min walk at a self-selected walking pace. The number of min it would take a pregnant woman to meet exercise recommendations (i.e., kcal/week) were calculated. Preliminary activity count cut points at a self-selected walking pace were then estimated and applied in interpreting free-living data. For the treadmill walking condition, the self-selected walking pace significantly decreased from 20 to 32 weeks' gestation. Additionally, few women (< 12% each day) met physical activity guidelines in the free-living condition. Encouraging pregnant women to walk for 30-40 min per day at a self-selected walking pace may be an appropriate public health recommendation.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility of the RT3 accelerometer in young children, compare its accuracy with heart rate monitoring, and develop an equation to predict energy expenditure from RT3 output. Forty-two volunteers (mean age 12.2 years, s = 1.1) exercised at two horizontal and graded walking speeds (4 and 6 km · h?1, 0% grade and 6% grade), and one horizontal running speed (8 km · h?1, 0% grade), on a treadmill. Energy expenditure and oxygen consumption ([Vdot]O2) served as the criterion measures. Comparison of RT3 estimates (counts and energy expenditure) demonstrated significant differences at 4, 6, and 8 km · h?1 on level ground (P < 0.01), while no significant differences were noted between horizontal and graded walking at 4 and 6 km · h?1. Correlation and regression analyses indicated no advantage of vector magnitude over the vertical plane (X) alone. A strong relationship between RT3 estimates and indirect calorimetry across all speeds was obtained (r = 0.633–0.850, P < 0.01). A child-specific prediction equation (adjusted R 2 = 0.753) was derived and cross-validated that offered a valid energy expenditure estimate for walking/running activities. Despite recognized limitations, the RT3 may be a useful tool for the assessment of children's physical activity during walking and running.  相似文献   

Comparison of maximal anaerobic running tests on a treadmill and track   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To develop a track version of the maximal anaerobic running test, 10 sprint runners and 12 distance runners performed the test on a treadmill and on a track. The treadmill test consisted of incremental 20-s runs with a 100-s recovery between the runs. On the track, 20-s runs were replaced by 150-m runs. To determine the blood lactate versus running velocity curve, fingertip blood samples were taken for analysis of blood lactate concentration at rest and after each run. For both the treadmill and track protocols, maximal running velocity (v max), the velocities associated with blood lactate concentrations of 10 mmol x l-1 (v10 mM) and 5 mmol x l(-1) (v5 mM), and the peak blood lactate concentration were determined. The results of both protocols were compared with the seasonal best 400-m runs for the sprint runners and seasonal best 1000-m time-trials for the distance runners. Maximal running velocity was significantly higher on the track (7.57 +/- 0.79 m x s(-1)) than on the treadmill (7.13 +/- 0.75 m x s(-1)), and sprint runners had significantly higher vmax, v10 mM, and peak blood lactate concentration than distance runners (P < 0.05). The Pearson product--moment correlation coefficients between the variables for the track and treadmill protocols were 0.96 (v max), 0.82 (v10 mM), 0.70 (v5 mM), and 0.78 (peak blood lactate concentration) (P < 0.05). In sprint runners, the velocity of the seasonal best 400-m run correlated positively with vmax in the treadmill (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) and track protocols (r = 0.92, P < 0.001). In distance runners, a positive correlation was observed between the velocity of the 1000-m time-trial and vmax in the treadmill (r = 0.70, P < 0.01) and track protocols (r = 0.63, P < 0.05). It is apparent that the results from the track protocol are related to, and in agreement with, the results of the treadmill protocol. In conclusion, the track version of the maximal anaerobic running test is a valid means of measuring different determinants of sprint running performance.  相似文献   

在活动跑台上跑和在田径场上跑,两种活动时的能量消耗无显著差异(P>0.05),但总的趋势是后者大于前者。经线性回归分析,它们之间呈高度相关(r=0.97,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

The metabolic cost of locomotion at any given speed, when expressed per kilogram of body mass, is greater for children than for older individuals. Incomplete explanations for the age-related difference motivated this study, which used a multidisciplinary method to examine metabolic, kinematic and electromyographic data from three maturational groups of children. Thirty children aged 7-8 (n = 10), 10-12 (n = 10) and 15-16 (n = 10) years completed 4 min bouts of submaximal treadmill exercise at six speeds--two walking and four running--assigned in random order. Metabolic (net VO2), kinematic (total body mechanical power, energy transfer rates, stride rate) and electromyographic (co-contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles in thigh and leg segments) data were collected. Multiple regression analysis was performed with net VO2 or efficiency as the dependent variable and mechanical power, thigh and leg co-contraction, stride rate and age as independent variables. It was possible to explain up to 77% of the age-related variance in net VO2 and 62% of the variation in efficiency using combinations of these variables. Age was the best single predictor of both VO2 and efficiency. Co-contraction, possibly used to enhance joint stability, was an important component of the observed age-related differences, although mechanical power was not. Additional variance might be explained as specific growth-related factors affecting the metabolic cost of locomotion are identified, as mechanical work models improve, and as methods are developed to measure the effects of stored elastic energy and the metabolic cost of isometric muscle actions.  相似文献   

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