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In attempt to honor the legacy of Dudley Allen Sargent and address our current concerns in kinesiology in a transformative manner, this article examines both our collective and individual narratives with respect to kinesiology and examines how this relates to our identity. In the language of anthropologist Clifford Geertz, we need to examine the kind of stories we tell about ourselves and the kind of stories others tell about us. I contend that we need to not only share our own individual and collective narratives but also make space to listen to the narratives of others.  相似文献   

This paper, which was given as the Dudley Allen Sargent lecture at the 2012 conference of the National Association for Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education, discusses the politics of physical education. It examines how both national politics and local/campus politics affect the discipline. Drawing from the history of national leaders from both the Republican and Democratic parties and from the autobiography of Dudley Sargent, it demonstrates the important role that politics plays in the lives of Kinesiology and Physical Education professionals. The article discusses political perception, public relations, conflicting political interests, the political importance of program success, and provides recommendations for political survival in the university culture.  相似文献   

Much has changed since the days of Dudley Allen Sargent. Still, the purposes espoused by Sargent, and others who preceded us, are not so different from the purposes I see for our field today. Physical education has much to offer society and it is my belief that it can be an effective agent of change—especially in promoting the health of our nation. In this paper, I attempt to make a case for the establishment of clear common objectives for physical education that provide the basis for future action. Lack of clear and unambiguous objectives for physical education will render it (and NAPEHE) ineffective as an agent of change in the future. Suggestions concerning common objectives for physical education are outlined as well as suggestions for change in the schools, in colleges and universities, and within NAPEHE. My contention is that a clear purpose within physical education is essential if physical education is to be an effective agent of change in society.  相似文献   

This article, which was delivered as the Thirty-Sixth Annual Dudley Allen Sargent lecture at the 2017 conference of the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE), discusses transformational leadership theory as an effective approach to inspiring subordinates and creating a culture that results in a shared vision and common approach to a positive organizational future. Contrasting a transformational versus transactional approach, it uses both published papers and leadership reflections from many of NAKHE’s most successful emerging and experienced professionals to provide suggestions on leadership methods that can be incorporated to facilitate transformative change.  相似文献   

The women's colleges in eastern America from their inception required calisthenics and later gymnastics as part of the curriculum. The teachers for these programs came from the schools of Dio Lewis, Dudley Sargent, and Amy Morris Homans. The Eastern Legacy is the early history of physical education for women filled with remarkable people, both women and men. Their philosophy was reflected in the type of programs established at each institution. By the early 1900s, the Eastern Legacy passed to other sections of the country as graduates of the professional schools in Boston left the area. Furthermore, professional curriculums were being established in other institutions, and consequently, new philosophies and programs emerged. From Mary Lyon to Amy Morris Homans, change and progress took place. Programs developed from calisthenics to the new gymnastics of Dio Lewis to the Sargent system and Swedish gymnastics to sports and games. Facilities expanded from small halls to magnificent gymnasiums and even dress changed from full bulky outfits to more scanty, freeflowing costumes. The groundwork had been established and over the years, many changes occurred in physical education. The leaders who followed built on the foundation of programs established at the early women's colleges and the early professional schools.  相似文献   


The 39th Annual Dudley A. Sargent Lecturer challenges the kinesiology professions to be intentional in addressing issues related to spatiality. Beginning with an outline of how such a focus has viability for the profession, the author overviews: (a) spatial justice and mobility through the lens of Gordon Parks; (b) surfing, localism and cityhood efforts; (c) notions of space and dehumanization as defined by Herbert Kelman; and (d) the need for a renewal of kinesthetic consciousness in the face of unrestricted technocracy in physical education. The second part of the lecture presents an interpretation of Edward Soja’s theory of Thirdspace in the midst of a social climate influenced by protectionism, isolationism, xenophobia, and anti-elite discourse. In relaying Olivia Butler’s caution on hierarchical thinking, the author ends by imploring academic institutions to invest in sustainable reconciliation efforts for the survival of humanity.  相似文献   

卢卡斯与萨金特在成为理性预期学派的代表人物之前,都是凯恩斯主义者.萨金特是基于理性预期解析凯恩斯主义的政府干预行为,而非像卢卡斯那样基于理性预期解析弗里德曼的新货币理论,来构建新古典宏观经济学的.两者之所以殊途同归在于,都以探寻宏观经济学的微观基础为切入点将宏观经济分析微观化.萨金特的理性预期理论凯恩斯的预期理论完全不同.萨金特基于“微观化”的新古典宏观经济学提出的经济政策与宏观经济变量之间的因果理论,虽能获得2011年的诺贝尔经济学奖,却无力解释和解决当前欧美的金融与经济危机.经济政策对宏观经济变量的影响程度和影响方向,最终取决于经济政策在多大程度上缓和或激化了资本主义基本经济制度的内在矛盾,而不是经济人的理性预期.  相似文献   

As autism is a social learning disability it is a disadvantage in any social setting such as a classroom. The 1990s saw a surge of young people diagnosed with autism who are now approaching college age; indeed there is evidence that students with autism are becoming a significant cohort in further education. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that such students are often the subject of substantial barriers due to a general lack of awareness and understanding of autism, and its educational implications. We report here the results of our review – for the Dudley College – of literature and research relating to autism in further education. After setting the scene, we highlight key research findings and guidance from the literature on how to break down barriers.  相似文献   

The Dudley Challenges were developed to celebrate the millennium and the first year of the Dudley Grid for Learning. Three Challenges, Challenge 2000 the original resource, Challenge Europa and Junior Trek, are based on virtual balloon journeys, visiting a series of interesting cultural centres. Access to each centre visited is by solving a series of difficult, cross‐curricula problems that deliver a range of higher order learning experiences. Creativity, imagination, initiative, perseverance as well a range of ICT skills are promoted, developed and celebrated as key elements of the challenge.

Die Dudley Herausforderungen: Virtuelle Ballonreisen und wirkliches Lernen

Die Dudley Herausforderungen wurden zur Milleniumsfeier und zum ersten Jahrestag des “Dudley Grid of Learning” entwickelt. Die drei Herausforderungen, Challenge 2000 die Original Ressource; Herausforderung Europa und Junior Treck beruhen auf einer virtuellen Ballonreise, in deren Verlauf eine Serie interessanter kultureller Zentren besucht werden. Der Zugang zu jedem besuchten Zentrum ist nur nach Lösen einer Reihe schwieriger Allgemeinbildungsfragen, die einen hohen Lernzuwachs liefern, möglich. Kreativität, Einbildungskraft, Initiative, Durchhaltevermögen ebenso wie Computerkompetenz werden gefördert, entwickelt und gefeiert als Schlüsselelemente der Herausforderung.

Les Challenges Dudley :les voyages virtuels en ballon et l’apprentissage réel

Les Challenges Dudley ont été crées pour célébrer le millénaire et la première année de la Grille d’Apprentissage Dudley.Trois de ces Challenges, le Challenge 2000 la resource –mère,le Challenge Europa et Junior Trek sont fondés sur des voyages en ballon virtuels qui permettent la visite de centres culturels pleins d’intérêt.Pour accéder à chaque centre et le visiter , il faut résoudre une série de problèmes difficiles, interdisciplinaires qui offrent une gamme d’aventures apprenantes de premier ordre. On stimule,on développe et on célèbre ainsi la créativité, l’imagination,l’initiative la persévérance ainsi qu’un éventail de compétences en TIC qui sont les éléments‐clés du Challenge.  相似文献   

Islam is a way of life, we try to do what the Prophet did. (Muslim teacher)

The small‐scale study focuses on a number of Muslim parents and practitioners who have rejected local primary community schools in favour of Muslim faith schooling. The rejection of the type of schools that we support and that we train our student teachers to prepare for prompts considerable concern. This concern has led us to question in what ways Muslim schools represent a challenge to our own educational beliefs and values. This study is an attempt to identify the source of that challenge and what it means to our understanding of ourselves as white educators and researchers and the work we do with trainee teachers. It leads us to question our perspective on a range of issues including diversity, inclusion, parental rights and ultimately the aims of education.  相似文献   

In this paper, underlying principles for guiding participation in human science research are outlined. These research principles were originally utilized as a guiding framework for the author's phenomenological study of the change to a new world‐view identified as the paradigm shift (Dudley, 1987). Using this study as an example, the paper focuses on the integration of participatory concepts in research. The concept of participation as ethics discussed in this paper includes the following dimensions: integrity congruence among problem, paradigm, and method; process‐orientation a commitment to research as a shared journey of discovery; empathetic relationships an ethic of mutuality; and empowerment in community a view of knowledge as communal achievement. Finally, a participatory ethic is discussed in terms of its congruence with values that are at the heart of the new social science paradigm.  相似文献   

For most of us, sex is a subjective, lived experience that is as unique as our genetic make-up, our upbringing, our thoughts, values, feelings, beliefs and ideas. It is through our erotic interactions, or the absence thereof, that we form aspects of our fluid and mutable erotic paths and identities. Despite the proliferation of sexual imagery throughout our culture, many of us still struggle with what sex means to us, what we do, how we experience it and what that says about who we are as people. Some who struggle with this may seek the services of a psychosexual sex therapist. This paper aims to explain how such services function, why they are necessary and how the use of sexually explicit material, in some psychosexual therapeutic contexts, can help unravel the mixed responses we have to sex and our social conditioning, and enhance our overall relationship to eroticism, pleasure and general well-being.  相似文献   

价值观教育是一项复杂而艰巨的系统工程,必须探索价值观教育的创新,在教育的观念、教育的内容、教育的方法等方面下功夫,拓展价值观教育的途径和载体,社会、学校和家庭共同营造和谐的价值观教育的整体环境,方能构建适合中国特色社会主义的价值观体系。  相似文献   

The School Curriculum Development Committee launched a three-year National Writing Project in September 1985 and about 25 local education authorities took part. The project was a teacher-led and classroom-based investigation of children's writing development. Chris Morris, coordinator, National Writing Project in Dudley, and Helen Edwards, teacher at Sutton School, Dudley describe the way the project was developed with pupils with moderate learning difficulties.  相似文献   

Teaching decisions made ‘in the moment’ do not often allow for deliberate, well thought through actions by teachers. Sometimes we are conscious of the options that are available and we do make deliberate decisions. We may even be aware of the values impinging on our decision, but for many other aspects embedded in our teaching, deeper influences impact. They may never become conscious. Sometimes though, over time and with reflection, we do uncover the influences to which we are beholden. In this paper, I reflect on moments that for me were local, but in which were embedded the influences of the global although I was not always aware of this at the time. Through these moments, I comment and attempt to nuance ideas espoused by the authors in this issue.  相似文献   

Early childhood educators are aware of the important role touching plays in child development, nurturance, and guidance. But with attention increasingly focused on child sexual abuse in day care, we need to reexamine our behaviors and the role of touching in child care.Jan Allen is Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. This article has been adapted from a series of workshops presented to the Minneapolis Child Care Workers Alliance in 1983. The author expresses appreciation to Margaret Boyer, Minneapolis Child Care Resource Center-Southside, for suggesting the need for such workshops.  相似文献   

通过对我国道德教育的变迁和西方道德教育的现状进行考察,对我国中小学学生价值观变化及学校德育环境进行文献分析和实地调研,我们从课程目标、课堂教学、班级建设、环境优化和教师专业发展诸方面展开了重建学校德育的尝试,并提出若干尚待深究的问题。我们的研究主要围绕如下相关联的核心问题展开:(1)我们处于什么样的价值多元背景下,这一背景的由来如何?(2)中小学学生身处这样的背景,价值观发生了什么样的变化?这些变化的环境原因是什么?(3)要应对这样的变化,学校德育应如何进行重建?(4)这样的背景及学校德育重建对教师的专业成长提出了哪些要求?  相似文献   

“学会做事”导向下的大学生职业价值观教育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在“学会做事”成为职业社会价值导向的背景下,大学生的职业价值观教育显得日益重要。为改善目前我国大学生职业价值观教育的现状,应从大学生职业价值观教育的内容、形式、方法等方面进行全面优化。  相似文献   

Making liberal democratic values meaningful to study in schools is a more complex issue than being a question of turning values into explicit educational goals (Schleicher) or of curing a motivational deficit (Critchley). Since values seem to play an important role in the practices and commitments of people's everyday lives, values are calling for a continual refinement of our words in relation to the world (Laverty). The purpose of this article is to offer contours of an educational language about values that acknowledges this refinement and the pedagogical work that teachers might do—by way of language—in order to sustain the living-on of what is valued and valuable to us as individuals and as societies. To this end, the article is divided into two parts. The first part takes the temperature of the current political and educational debates, offering thereby a sociopolitical background to the need of a renewed language about values. Drawing on ordinary language philosophy (Moi, Murdoch and Forsberg) and the idea that there is an intimate relationship between how we look at the world (attention) and the words we use in describing it (language). The second part of the article places the emergence of values in a particular time in history before suggesting a more existential vocabulary about values for the purpose of teaching values in schools.  相似文献   

Because of the changing needs of society, brought about in part by workplace, family and social structures and partly by the decline of moral and ethical values, it is becoming increasingly urgent to address issues of values education at all levels of schooling. Recently there has been an increasing body of literature challenging those who teach adults at universities or other higher education institutions to incorporate values education, either directly or indirectly into the learning environments they create. This challenge extends to distance higher education, although there are many questions about how this can be done in an environment that is typically intended for independent learning with a focus on cognitive development. This paper reports the outcomes of interviews with three small groups of distance educator stakeholders at the Open University of Hong Kong, namely course co-ordinators, tutors and students, to explore their feelings and beliefs about values education being a component of their programmes. The interviews sought opinions about three broad questions: Should we take responsibility for values education in our distance education programmes? Can we take responsibility for values education in our distance education programmes? Do we take responsibility for values education in our distance education programmes? Responses suggested that, in the context of this study, we should and that it is possible to do so, particularly directly through the use of counselling and support services and indirectly through incorporating appropriate examples into course materials, but that currently not very much is being done. While the course co-ordinators and tutors were concerned that students might resent the inclusion of values education in their courses, the students themselves appeared to be more open to the suggestion.  相似文献   

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