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This article analyses the intellectual discourses of adult development and adult learning. It argues that through a process of transformative adult learning individuals can experience the disintegration and reintegration of past and present human growth. The development of adults is considered not in terms of discrete theories but as a collage of theories. The writers analyse and interpret the literature that attempts to study the interaction of individuals in the total context of the inner and outer forces that impinge on their life.

We conclude from a study of the literature that adult development, from a transformative perspective, is more than adjustment to a particular society; it is a qualitative change in how one views the world; it involves tension and struggle that are productive of a new consciousness. This change occurs through a dialectical process that calls for movement through the old style of meaning‐making to a reconstruction of meaning that is a synthesis of the old and the new. It is also concluded that adult learning can foster critical awareness and critical consciousness that can effect a transformation in the way adults see themselves and others. The route to transformative adult development and transformative learning lies in acknowledging contradictions and differences and working through them, as opposed to ignoring or circumventing them.  相似文献   

Several concepts from the adult learning literature are described that relate to working with parents of young children who are deaf. It is proposed that an adult learner perspective makes an important contribution to the family-centered philosophy and knowledge base that guide the development of practice in early intervention. Three areas are discussed: the context for adult learning, that is, the life situation of adults, including their social roles and responsibilities and experience; learning related to transitions in the adult life cycle; and transformative learning, which examines the ways people make changes in how they understand their experience. Implications for practice in early childhood education are presented.  相似文献   


Despite a significant body of literature espousing the transformative impacts of Australian Indigenous Studies curriculum upon students, there remains a limited body of work related to how these students experience and learn within this complex environment. This is particularly notable for research aligned with Mezirow’s transformative learning theory. Reporting on a qualitative study, this paper offers a perspective into students’ transformative experiences within a tertiary first-year Indigenous Studies health course. Thirteen non-Indigenous students were interviewed about their learning experiences within this context. Explicitly framed by Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, thematic analysis findings suggest students consistently experience precursor steps to transformative learning including disorienting dilemmas, self-examination with guilt or shame, critical reflection on assumptions, exploration of new roles, and trying on new roles. The manifestation of these steps highlights the ways in which students experience learning in this space, and a range of elements influencing this – from students’ own positioning and approaches to learning, to the nature of the curricular and pedagogical approaches. This study offers nuanced insight into the complexity of students’ transformative learning experiences, suggesting students hold a range of contradictory perspectives at any one time. If curricular models are to be effective for the broader student body, we propose that (1) the complex intersection of students’ identity development, need for group belonging, learning approach, limitations in existing knowledge and capacity for complex thought requires further consideration in this context, and (2) greater institutional investment is necessary in both the development of educators in this space, and educational opportunities beyond first-year, lest we risk reinforcing extant beliefs and paradigms held by non-Indigenous Australians about Indigenous Australians, and a continuation of the health disparities these curricular offerings are designed to alleviate.  相似文献   

While there is hesitancy to talk about spirituality in public education, many educators are recognizing the need for an inclusive spirituality as a resource for teachers and students. This research-based article highlights how teachers of students with emotional disturbance experience the spiritual in the school setting and how they foster spirituality in their students. The article is grounded in the theme of liminality, how participants' experiences of being "betwixt and between" in their lives and their experience on the margins of education, provides a "threshold" for spiritual awareness and transformative action in school and community.  相似文献   

I discuss philosophical and methodological difficulties in researching young children's spiritual development. I describe my research involving detailed discussions with, and observations of, 14 teachers of 4‐ and 5‐year‐olds. I highlight key issues, including what distinguishes spiritual from other sorts of development, the nature of children's spiritual experience and to what extent young children can and do engage in spiritual experience. Drawing on a critical evaluation of common features of the teachers' understanding, I sketch out features of a new and inclusive understanding of spiritual experience as that which relates to identity, place and purpose. I consider possible implications, in terms of policy, professional development and practice, based on the conclusion that environments and relationships are more important than specific experiences, techniques and skills.  相似文献   

转化学习理论是成人学习者通过质疑、批判性反思原有的认知经验、世界观和人生观,学习新经验和适应新环境的成人学习理论。本文通过介绍转化学习理论以及其应用于成人教学的必要性,探究基于转化学习的成人教学策略,以促进我国成人教学发展。  相似文献   

Oral presentation skills are considered essential workplace skills and are therefore highly valued in higher education. However, research into this aspect of adult learning is limited, especially in the context of distance and online education. This paper reports on an innovative approach used in a university preparatory program in Australia. Distance students were responsible for choosing a topic, setting and audience, and assessment was based on their self-reflections on the experience. Such an approach represents a radical departure from the usual methods used to practise and assess oral presentations. In this qualitative case study, we draw on students’ responses via portfolio reflections and interviews, using principles of adult learning as a framework for thematic analysis. Findings suggest that this activity fulfilled the needs of adult learners in a number of significant ways, and for some of these students, this oral presentation was a meaningful, even transformative experience.  相似文献   

傅经章 《成人教育》2011,31(7):60-61
当前成人高等教育面临诸多严峻挑战,转型发展势在必行。重点大学应发挥自身优势,明确思路、统筹规划,由成人高等学历教育,向非学历继续教育为主转变,率先实现转型发展,为我国的成人高等教育、继续教育的可持续发展做出新的贡献。  相似文献   

Academic outcomes of post-16 education can be understood in terms of their value for gaining access to university and, at a time when global educational mobility is growing, internationally recognised university entrance qualifications may be considered a form of personal capital. However, narrowly measured outcomes may not reflect the breadth of the school experience nor the extent to which this breadth contributes to the development of the young person. One curriculum which aims to prepare students in ways that extend beyond the academic is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, which incorporates an experiential element at its core. Creativity, Activity, Service attaches a transformative purpose to education, where students’ experiences in each of the three strands can support personal learning that is not confined to subject areas of an academic curriculum. This paper describes the evolution of CAS in the academically rigorous Diploma Programme and presents the findings from a review of literature which contribute towards developing an understanding of the transformative potential of this component.  相似文献   

The term ‘transformation’ and its cognates can be found appended to almost every key term in the contemporary educational lexicon. In educational psychology, teachers are urged to adopt the methods of ‘transformational teaching’. In adult education, the theory of ‘transformative learning’ defines the current research paradigm. Social justice educators regularly couch their consciousness-raising efforts in terms of ‘transformative pedagogy’. And in philosophy of education, pragmatists, phenomenologists, neo-Aristotelians and postmodernists alike point to the special transformative quality of education, both in the Anglo-American as well as the German-language discourses. In this essay, we argue that these various conceptions of transformative education can be organised under two theoretical categories, each with its own distinctive understanding of and approach to creating transformative educational experiences: formalism and moralism. In the first two sections, we discuss the characteristic qualities of these two approaches and point to several problems that arise within them. Drawing on recent developments in the philosophy of language and moral psychology, we then advance a ‘substantivist’ alternative to the formalistic and moralistic approaches, which characterises the transformative experience as a process of renarrativation with two experiential moments: articulation and aspiration. Substantivism is an attractive approach to transformative education, we argue in the final section, because it avoids the problems that arise in the formalistic and moralistic conceptions while providing resources for capturing what is essential to transformative experience in the educational process.  相似文献   

Publications by teachers reporting results or case studies of school-based teacher inquiry activities benchmark their professional development by indicating they have a ‘stance of inquiry’. Such papers also disseminate valuable knowledge to the education community for sharing. Essay or case writing has always been a part of school-based teacher learning in China. The small-scale qualitative study reported here examines the impact of producing publications on the professional development of teachers within the context of educational reform. Findings show that producing publications contributes to teacher development in three ways. First, an expanded knowledge base gives the teachers new understandings of student-based learning. Second, teachers obtain insight into their practices by making their tacit knowledge explicit. Third, teachers have a sense of achievement by theorising personal experience. Publications serve as ‘boundary objects’ which can potentially help teachers achieve and develop their professionalism by disseminating individual knowledge into the public knowledge domain with transformative learning. Such developments, however, normally tend to focus on expanding local pedagogical practice. More emphasis on the notion of ‘teachers as researchers’ through critical reflection may help teachers perform as transformative intellectuals whilst searching for ways to retain teachers’ voices in their written publications.  相似文献   

生活世界,至少可以被区分为日常层面的生活世界和精神层面的生活世界。与之相应,学习内容具有"实用"与"虚用"两种性质。"实用"的学习内容,是为人们的日常生活所需的内容,能够在人们的日常生活中实际运用。其中,直接经验型的内容以"重复性运用"的方式有益于学生日常生活世界的展开,间接经验型的内容以"解释性运用"的方式有益于学生日常生活世界的展开。"虚用"的学习内容,是有益于人自身完善的精神财富,能够丰富学生的精神生活世界。它既使学生的各种精神性成分得到训练,也使学生获得精神性的享受。"实用"与"虚用"共在,应当成为"教学回归生活世界"这一话语背景之下学习内容的应有取向。  相似文献   

当今的成人教育机构,已然不必再为"成人是否学习以及学习如何重要"而烦恼,而是"如何应对那些不断增长的、多元的需求,如何管理这种需求的激增"。教育政策发展、经济上行压力、人口结构调整以及信息技术变革,成为了美国成人院校机构转型的社会情境,引领着转型的方向和重点。为此,美国成人院校机构以创新为转型理念,积极优化组织流程,为社会现实需求提供适切服务,通过加强国际合作延伸组织功能。基于美国成人院校机构转型实践进行引思,有效拓宽了我国成人院校机构转型的视野。  相似文献   


In this paper we examine the role of the Israeli kibbutz experience as an agent of informal education in cross‐cultural settings, acting as a transformative agent of ethnic identity. The study presents, through comparative longitudinal analysis, the changes in Jewish identity and values of young North American Jews between their arrival in Israel and the conclusion of the kibbutz programme, as well as after they have returned to their home country. The analysis utilises data gathered from 238 Oren Kibbutz Institute alumni who participated in the programme between 1990‐94 in six kibbutzim. The transformative role of the Israeli kibbutz experience contributes independently and cumulatively to the formative role of home background, Jewish schooling and previous visits to Israel.  相似文献   

Teachers are expected to implement new educational technologies and adapt to new teaching environments. However, it involves a complex learning process that can lead to their perspective transformation. We have developed and taught a discussion-based online course to facilitate teachers' transformative learning. This qualitative case study examines teachers' perspective transformation in our course to understand the nature of effective online teacher-to-teacher discussions. Based on a theoretical framework that integrates Mezirow's transformative learning model and Bakhtin's dialogism, this paper builds on previous literature on teacher-to-teacher discussions as well as providing a fresh perspective to inform the current globalized teacher education context.  相似文献   

成人转换学习及其教学策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成人转换学习在当今社会的作用日益凸显,成人只有不断地质疑、反思和转换自己的世界观、人生观或价值观,才能获得解放和发展,才能适应现实生活世界的各种变化。为此,成人教育的教学策略需要在批判性反思、人生经验的学习、教学氛围和教师角色等方面作出相应的调整和改革,但这种调整和改革要注意防止极端化和片面化。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on workplace and transformational learning to explore how spirituality can be accessed to encourage individual growth through the development of critical awareness while providing a sense of direction in the workplace as part of organisational learning. In communities and societies where organisations may have replaced religious institutions as centres for adult learning, the workplace continues to respond to the universal need for community and support. These elements are related to spiritual values. Still, leaders of organisations need to consider values that underlie typical workplace activities and recognise how collective engagement and workplace interactions direct personal development and ground identity. Providing opportunities to reflect on meaning and direction at work supports a transformative approach to learning and leadership that promotes cooperative working conditions, conscious behaviour and informed citizenship through encouraging attitudes of critical awareness, praxis and collective engagement in workplace interaction.  相似文献   


Adolescents are sexual beings, and many are sexually active. They are very often able to develop the knowledge and skills required to protect their sexual health, and to take the action required for doing so. Unfortunately, many experience barriers to accessing information through school-based sexual health education. The research outlined here represents an effort to better understand the origins of barriers which prevent young women from receiving maximally effective sexual health education in their schools in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. Building upon research which the authors carried out in the context of a community development project aimed at enhancing the sexual health of young people in Amherst, the article presents the lived experiences of young women in that community as they have attempted to acquire knowledge related to this very important aspect of their lives. The research examines barriers to learning about sexual health at the levels of the curriculum, teachers, and students themselves, leading to a better understanding of the potential for positive change in these domains.  相似文献   

This paper explores the transition to first‐time motherhood as experienced by a small sub‐sample of women engaged in the professional care of young children. In the context of a wider study of motherhood in the UK, their experience of combining work with new motherhood was distinctive. Women who professionally care for young children present a counter‐narrative to the view that teaching and motherhood can be blended. Negotiating the boundaries between work and motherhood produced a troubling reflexivity in which difficult feelings emerged and collided. Working in urban education involves emotionally intense forms of attachment that are disrupted by pregnancy. Becoming a mother prompts a renegotiation of professional and personal boundaries, leading women to pursue mothering as a separate enterprise, marked by individual solutions to care and career. Separating themselves from their working environment, women simultaneously isolate themselves from their middle‐class counterparts who pay for childcare and return to work.  相似文献   


While more is becoming understood about the effects of Indigenous Studies health curricula on student preparedness and attitudes toward working in Indigenous health contexts, less is known about how tutors in this space interpret student experiences and contribute to the development of preparedness. Reporting on a qualitative study, this article provides insight into tutors’ perceptions of tertiary first year health students’ transformative experiences in an Indigenous Studies health course. Twelve Indigenous and non-Indigenous tutors were interviewed about their teaching experiences within this context. Framed by Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, thematic analysis findings suggest tutors observe several precursor steps to transformative learning including disorienting dilemmas, critical reflection on assumptions, exploration of new roles, and trying on new roles. The content of these themes extends our understanding of how these precursor steps manifest, and the elements related to this. Findings also suggest tutors vary in their identification, interpretation and response to many of these pedagogical entry points. Within this learning context, the concept of teacher/student relationship is suggested as playing a meaningful role in the positioning and efficacy of tutors. This impacts tutors' understanding of transformative learning, the social construction of students, consequent interpretations of student experiences, and means of facilitating cognitive and affective learning. We propose a reconceptualisation of thinking around teaching in this space, with a focus on both further development of educator capabilities and student curricular opportunities to promote transformative learning appropriate to the stated goals of the Australian Indigenous Studies learning and teaching context. The findings indicate that institutional investment in the development of educators in this space remains vitally important.  相似文献   

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