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“轻体育”也称“轻松体育”或“快乐体育”,是大众体育的一种形式.职业女性平时的锻炼是不够的,经过对持续参加“轻体育”锻炼的职业女性有关心肺功能和心理方面的测试,结果显示,长期的“轻体育”运动可使她们的心肺功能、精神状态及心理状态得到明显改善.  相似文献   

适应现代快节奏社会生活的“轻体育”、“休闲体育”和“课余体育”的丰富多彩的运动形式,理应成为高校体育教学改革的突破口。在高校实施“轻体育”教学,丰富教学内容,可使学校体育与社会体育顺利接轨,有效地培养学生对体育的兴趣,养成终身锻炼身体的好习惯,从而达到高校体育教学的培养目标。本文通过对“轻体育”的概念、范畴、特性以及在高校体育教育中的重要地位,论述了“轻体育”对学生终身体育能力培养的作用。  相似文献   

Commentary: Riding the Juggernaut   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Critical race scholarship focuses on people of color, women, and the intersection of race and gender. Conversely, sport scholarship has refl ected the dominant White male culture. Sport culture ignores the experience of women and people of color, and most specifi cally ignores women who are people of color. This paper provides an overview of the existing sport literature and presents an introduction to the theory and literature on African American women in sport with particular attention to representation and silencing, socialization, and stereotyping. Sport scholars are encouraged to realize that all the women are not White and all the Blacks are not men (Hull, Scott, &; Smith, 1982), and that those individuals can have different experiences becoming involved and staying involved in sport.  相似文献   

体育组织作为一种社会组织,具有其特有的属性和界定范畴,体育组织的功能与影响也随着社会的进步日益丰富与发展扩大。体育组织的种类繁多,依据不同的标准,其主要可分为正式体育组织与非正式体育组织、赢利体育组织与非赢利体育组织、政府体育组织与非政府体育组织、国内体育组织与国际体育组织、临时性体育组织与永久性体育组织、综合性体育组织与单项体育组织等。  相似文献   

城市体育文化圈是实现区域体育资源空间一体化、提升城市居民综合素质、增强城市核心竞争力的有效途径。立足辽西地区具有明显地域区位优势、特色城市体育品牌、鲜明民俗体育文化、优越户外运动资源、完备体育设施基础和十二届全运会发展契机等特点,提出构建辽西区域体育文化圈的发展策略。旨在促进区域间城市体育跨文化融合,推动区域体育文化产业化发展,实现我国城市体育文化可持续性发展。  相似文献   

开设定向运动课不仅可以锻炼学生的身体、增强体质,还可增长熟读地图和地理方面的知识,培养独立思考、快速反应、果断处事能力,对个性发展、心理健康和终身锻炼等都将产生全面而积极的影响。通过对大学生定向运动的教学与训练实验研究,为定向运动列入高校体育教材内容提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

Mindful of local, regional and national differences, it is now time to begin an international dialogue on how global challenges necessitate new models for practice. It is becoming clear that “globalization” involves more than economic structures and processes. Worldwide, one finds similar consumeroriented lifestyles. There are growing challenges concerning children, youth, families, and their environments. New, relational-ecological ways of thinking, talking, and acting are needed, and they may lead to value-committed, culturally responsive models for practice. Increasingly, the roles of professional and citizen cannot be separated. Members of the global community need a new world ethic, and professionals in physical education, sport sciences, health, recreation, and other helping professions share responsibilities for helping to create this ethic, together with the educational structures and opportunities that may nurture it.  相似文献   

谈太极拳运动对大学生的健身作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着大学生对终身体育意识的逐步重视,太极拳运动作为一项传统的体育项目正受到越来越多的大学生的青睐。本文通过文献资料法,从太极拳运动自身的特点,对大学生的心血管系统、呼吸系统、神经系统、运动系统等方面的保健作用进行了初步探讨,旨在推进太极拳运动的大众化,促进全民健身与终身体育事业的发展。  相似文献   

采用运动承诺量表、运动动机量表和学校人际归属量表,对参加运动技能学习的普通女性青少年进行测试,探讨教师支持对女性青少年运动投入、运动动机、技能学习成就的影响。结果显示:(1)教师支持通过运动动机和运动投入这两个中介变量间接影响运动成就。(2)教师支持直接影响女性青少年的运动动机和运动投入。  相似文献   

体育产业化在国外的发展已相当成熟,但在我国还刚刚起步,研究了在市场经济条件下体育产业化的发展,从经济学的角度分析了体育事业,研究了国外经验对我国的借鉴作用,探讨了我国体育产业化的可行性问题。  相似文献   

This paper examines the sociological implications of sport as a male preserve. Sport is a gendered cultural form that has been dominated by men and masculinity. The effects of this domination upon broader patterns of social relations have been misrepresented in much of the literature on sport and gender, where sport is often conceptualized as a static fact, rather than as a dynamic social practice. Analysis of sport as social practice directs attention to the manner in which sport gives meaning to broader patterns of social relations. In the case of gender relations, sport as a male preserve has contributed to the oppression of women through the objectification and dornination of their physicality and sexuality. A feminist alternative to sport as a male preserve challenges gender inequality by challenging sexual stereotypes and patriarchal control of women's bodies.  相似文献   

通过文献资料研究、专家访谈等方法,对中国体育管理体制自上而下的发展特点、成因进行分析,以期探求我国体育体制的发展趋势。  相似文献   

开设定向运动课不仅可以锻炼学生的身体、增强体质,还可增长熟读地图和地理方面的知识,培养独立思考、快速反应、果断处事能力,对个性发展、心理健康和终身锻炼等都将产生全面而积极的影响.通过对大学生定向运动的教学与训练实验研究,为定向运动列入高校体育教材内容提供理论与实践依据.  相似文献   

体育舞蹈是一门具有很高的审美价值和健身娱乐价值的综合艺术,体育舞蹈具有娱乐性、严谨性、健美性与抒情性,体育舞蹈也是大众化的运动项目。体育舞蹈能够培养大学生的气质和风度,增强自我肯定因素,在日常处事过程中能够树立自信心;体育舞蹈能够培养和提高社交能力和适应能力,增进情感的交流;体育舞蹈有利于培养大学生的音乐感和鉴赏力,陶冶大学生的情操。体育舞蹈具有调节心理和舒缓情绪的作用;体育舞蹈具有治疗焦虑症的功能。  相似文献   

体育教育作为我国高校教育中德、智、体三教之一,是为我国培养建设者和接班人的一项重要环节.一方面,体育课程需要满足学生增强体质的要求;另一方面,还要让学生认识到体育的内在文化价值.因此,进行体育课教学改革成为了我国体育工作战略的重点.怎样才能提升高校体育课程的教学质量,为国家建设提供高水平的应用型人才,成为了时下体育教学改革的首要任务.以下笔者将就我国高校体育教育改革作详细阐述  相似文献   

This paper outlines which values attributed to sport would be more compatible with differing educational purposes. The basic criterion used for determining which values deserve priority is that those values that are most compatible with a particular purpose deserve priority. Jewett and Bain's five curriculum value orientations are used to establish five different educational purposes. Sport values particularly relevant to each of these purposes are identified, and some emphases in the organization of sport to enhance those values are identified.  相似文献   

本文从论述我国现行《体育法》的产生背景及我国体育的巨大变革,引出现行《体育法》的滞后性及内容的局限性,并提出三种修改建议来完善现行《体育法》。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of sport in determining attitudes and behavior in intergroup situations. The purpose is to suggest that participation in highly competitive sport encourages strong identification of fans with teams, which has important psychological implications for individuals and may foster negative sentiments toward outgroups. Manifestations of group consciousness in sport and the levels of antipathy described by Allport (1958) are discussed. Theories of conflict, categorization, and social competition form the basis of a discussion of some determinants of identification with sport teams, and implications for the physical education profession are drawn.  相似文献   

本文在对吉林省射击运动员运动动机和意志品质进行调查的基础上,进行比较及相关性分析,旨在了解吉林省射击运动员运动动机和意志品质现状,以及二者之间的关系。结果显示,吉林省射击运动员运动动机水平和意志品质较好,不同等级的运动员运动动机和意志品质没有显著差异,运动动机和意志品质呈正相关,具有一定的显著性。  相似文献   

I argue in this paper that sport should be retained as an important part of the educational rationale for physical education. I consider Siedentop's critique of physical education and his alternative in the form of Sport Education. Siedentop's goals for youth sport and physical education and use of the work of Alisdair McIntyre are explored. It is argued that if we work to experience activities that are inherently pleasurable and intrinsically satisfying, then there is a possible future for activities such as sport. I conclude that school physical education is well placed to take up this challenge of sustaining sport as a moral practice and that the pedagogical tools already exist to do this in the form of a critical pedagogy.  相似文献   

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