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The main criterion for selecting journals for indexing in Index Medicus, and thereby largely in MEDLARS, is quality. Subject scope varies with the voiced needs of the biomedical community. The Index aims to cover the best journals in all relevant subject fields, but the percentage of journals on a subject indexed depends on the quality of each journal. Country and language coverage depends on quality, even in the case of the best journals of each, although American biases may affect such selection. While a number of guidelines exist for identifying quality journals, information necessary to apply them confidently is often difficult to obtain. The National Library of Medicine is advised by an Ad Hoc Panel on the Selection of Journals for Index Medicus, composed both of NLM officers and extramural members. Criticism has been voiced that too many titles are indexed, compared with titles actually used, but no meaningful statistics of use exist which can identify titles which should be excluded from indexing. Continuing suggestions from users regarding titles indexed would benefit everyone.  相似文献   

This study reports on the editorial peer review practices of two categories of U.S. medical journals indexed in Index Medicus. Journals in group 1 were included on each of three lists of recommended journals, had a circulation of 10,000, and were cited at least 5,000 times per year. Group 2 journals, also indexed in Index Medicus, met none of the criteria. After being pretested, data were collected through a series of interviews and questionnaires. A summary of the methodology and an analysis of the differences between data collected through questionnaires and interviews is reported. The study concluded that initial interviews are very helpful in designing a questionnaire; a high percentage of editors agreed to be interviewed (100% for sixteen group 1 editors and 93.8% for sixteen group 2 editors); a 69.4% response rate to the mailed questionnaire indicates either sufficient follow-up or a high rate of interest in the subject matter; no trends identified by the questionnaire were reversed by changes in answers given during the interviews; approximately 11% to 15% of the answers differed between the questionnaire and interview methodology; and for some sensitive issues, editors were more likely to give answers on the questionnaire according to what was perceived as the most appropriate answer, rather than the actual practices of the journal.  相似文献   

Journal article overlap is defined as the same journal article being indexed by two or more services. Using journal references from seventy dissertations written in the preclinical sciences, the extent of journal article overlap among Index Medicus, Science Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts was examined. Of the 7,969 journal references cited, 92% were indexed by at least two of these services; 591 articles were covered by only one of the services, and 55 articles were not indexed. A discussion of the advantages and costs of journal article overlap is presented.  相似文献   

Publishing articles in a prestigious journal is a golden rule for university professors and researchers nowadays. Impact factor, journal rank, and citation count, included in Science Citation Index managed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science, are the most important indicators for evaluating the quality of academic journals. By listing the journals encompassed in the “Integrative and Complementary Medicine” category of Science Citation Index from 2003 to 2013, this paper examines the publication trends of journals in the category. The examination includes number, country of origin, ranking, and languages of journals. Moreover, newly listed or removed journals in the category, journal publishers, and open access strategies are examined. It is concluded that the role of journal publisher should not be undermined in the “Integrative and Complementary Medicine” category.  相似文献   

Journal weighted impact factor: A proposal   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact factor of a journal reflects the frequency with which the journal's articles are cited. It is the best available measure of journal quality. For calculation of impact factor, we just count the number of citations, no matter how prestigious the citing journal is. We think that impact factor as a measure of journal quality, may be improved if in its calculation, we not only take into account the number of citations, but also incorporate a factor reflecting the prestige of the citing journals relative to the cited journal. In calculation of this proposed “weighted impact factor,” each citation has a coefficient (weight) the value of which is 1 if the citing journal is as prestigious as the cited journal; is >1 if the citing journal is more prestigious than the cited journal; and is <1 if the citing journal has a lower standing than the cited journal. In this way, journals receiving many citations from prestigious journals are considered prestigious themselves and those cited by low-status journals seek little credit. By considering both the number of citations and the prestige of the citing journals, we expect the weighted impact factor be a better scientometrics measure of journal quality.  相似文献   

在开放存取蓬勃发展和高校图书馆馆藏电子化的大趋势下,高校图书馆的文献保障工作如何适应新的趋势,需要深入研究。本文以武汉大学2013年被SCIE、SSCI和A&HCI所收录文章的期刊类参考文献为研究样本,采用一种针对期刊类参考文献的以年为单位的引文检查方法,匹配世界主要开放存取期刊目录以及武汉大学图书馆馆藏电子和印本期刊目录,研究当前这三类期刊对样本参考文献及来源期刊的收藏和缺藏情况。以此探讨三类期刊在高校图书馆文献资源保障中的特征与趋势,以及开放存取期刊对馆藏资源建设的影响,为高校图书馆进一步优化期刊馆藏体系和提高文献保障率提供科学依据。  相似文献   

An overlap study was performed to identify important psychology journals that are also of interest to biomedical scientists and health care practitioners. The journal lists of Index Medicus, Hospital Literature Index, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and International Nursing Index were compared with the journal list of Psychological Abstracts. A total of 357 Psychological Abstracts titles were also in one or more of the health sciences indexes. A core list of forty-five titles covered by all of the indexes is presented in the Appendix. Results of the study are discussed vis-à-vis cooperative serials acquisition and retention efforts.  相似文献   

临床试验注册的目的是减少临床试验报告的偏倚,提高研究的透明度和科学性。本研究调查了我国258种医学核心期刊的稿约,57种(22.1%)期刊稿约中要求遵循临床试验注册制度,其中50种期刊提出了具体的著录要求。进一步深入探讨各期刊发表的随机对照试验(RCT)中临床试验注册号著录格式及内容的一致性和准确性,以及RCT撰写遵循CONSORT报告指南是否对著录注册号有影响。本研究结果表明目前我国医学期刊对临床试验注册和报告指南的遵循情况并不理想,报告注册的RCT仅占17.2%,仍存在对注册制度重视不足及执行不严格等问题,而期刊要求遵循CONSORT声明可能对RCT的注册有积极的影响。建议医学期刊遵循临床试验注册制度,提高对其的正确认识和重视,这需要期刊审稿人、编辑及作者的共同参与,通过提高临床试验注册的比例,进而提升研究的透明度。  相似文献   

推进我国医学期刊稿约的规范化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将11种国内中文医学期刊与10种SCI收录的国外优秀期刊的稿约进行对比,分析其异同。结果显示:10种国外期刊稿约的信息量均较大,条款较多,各项条款的叙述详尽;而11种中文期刊中,部分期刊稿约过于简单,缺项较多。认为需要向国外优秀期刊学习,补充完善稿约,从而推进我国医学期刊稿约的规范化。  相似文献   

SCI林业期刊出版现状及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解国外SCI林业期刊的出版现状、借鉴其先进办刊经验,调查了2008年SCI检索的47种林业期刊,调查内容包括期刊基本信息、期刊评价因子、出版时滞、编委会及作者组成、数字出版等方面。并结合我国林业期刊缺乏国际影响力的现状,提出了明确期刊定位和编委会职责、合作办刊、转变期刊出版理念等建议。  相似文献   

中国作者对发表SCI论文有巨大的需求,但目前SCIE收录的中国期刊数量较少,且总体水平未达到世界平均水平。将SCI-E收录的中国期刊根据语种和论文作者的国籍进行分类后发现:甲类期刊(以中文刊载的论文大于50%)和乙类期刊(发表论文的作者至少50%来自中国,且至少50%的论文以英文形式发表)学术水平未达到国际平均水平,2001—2011年期间变化不大;但乙类期刊是SCI-E收录的中国期刊中的绝大多数。丙类期刊(其刊载的论文至少50%是以英文发表的,且至少50%的论文第一作者为非中国作者)引用指数(JCS)逐年上升,上升幅度明显,2011年超过国际平均水平。说明通过改变语种不能提高期刊的国际影响力。在这3类期刊中,丙类年刊均载文量最低,为117.27篇/刊,2007后呈逐年下降趋势,2011年甚至降至91.07篇/刊。中国被SCI-E收录的期刊数量少,与国内发表SCI论文的巨大需求,以及中国期刊走上国际舞台,发挥更大的学术影响力的需求差距甚远,的确有必要创办更多的英文科技期刊;但是在此过程中,有必要慎重评价SCI-E收录期刊的学术影响力和作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to identify the pattern of publication about women and AIDS in scientific journals. Bradford zones were identified in each of six databases. The study determined that journal scatter for this subset of AIDS literature differed from the scatter in the general literature; further, the information indexed in the six electronic sources demonstrated little overlap. Consequently, key journal and newsletter titles identified by this study should form the core of any collection focusing on women and AIDS. The assurance of quality patient care management demands that librarians consult multiple resources for information retrieval that can assist health care providers, patients, and caregivers to enhance quality of life as well as to provide optimum care.  相似文献   

Several studies have attempted to reveal the real scope, completeness, and consistency of journal coverage across time in abstracting/indexing publications. Online and CD-ROM databases make easier the collection of posting information for journals to determine the traits of their coverage but do not eliminate entirely the tedium of manual methods. Difficulties are compounded when multiple databases are used to compare the journal coverage and overlap of several databases for an extended time period. This article discusses the use of advanced search commands and the Journal Name Finder database of DIALOG, to simplify the collection and processing of posting information for 42 prestigious library and information science (LIS) serials between 1966 and 1996 in six databases. It presents the major types of deficiencies in journal coverage that may yield very incomplete search results and may distort the results of bibliometric and scientometric studies. The methodology allows the creation of various subsets by the versatile combination of journal titles, time periods and databases, and encourages longitudinal data collection and comparison of variously aggregated datasets. It can be used for profiling the journal coverage in the evaluation of databases in support of bibliometric research, database acquisition, and licensing decisions.  相似文献   

Pillars of open science are often included within the editorial policies of scholarly journals, including policies on open access publication, availability of underlying research data, preprints and open peer review. The aim of this paper is to examine and analyse perceptions and editorial practices related to open access, preprints, open research data and open peer review, from the perspective of editors of scientific journals published in Spain, to gain an insight into editorial policies related to open science. Results and data were obtained by a combined method of online interviews and an online questionnaire. The online survey was sent to editors from journals indexed in the Dulcinea directory, which at the time of the study included 1875 academic journals. A total of 420 responses (22.4%) were obtained. The results indicated that 92% of the journals were open access journals, 2% of the journals conducted open peer review, 15% of the journals had instructions to allow archiving preprints, and out of 375 responses, only 59 journals (16%) reported having a policy on underlying research data. Based on these results, there is a trend in favour of open access, but the perceived barriers to open peer review outweighed the advantages. There is also some reluctance to allow preprints to be made available. This concern might be because editors want authors and readers to read and cite the contents published in their journals, rather than their preprint versions.  相似文献   

The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) was created recently, in 2015, but few assessments of its journal coverage have been made. The present study tries to fill that gap by comparing its coverage with that of other international abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. Using this measure, it is feasible to benchmark this index against the other citation indexes for acceptance criteria. We analysed 6,296 ESCI‐indexed journals, 8,889 Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), 3,258 Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 1,784 Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and 22,749 Scopus journals as indexed in July 2017 to determine their inclusion in 105 databases. We found that 19.3% of the ESCI journals are not covered by any other A&I databases, a high figure compared with only 0.5% SCIE, 0.3% SSCI, 0.3% AHCI, and 5.5% Scopus journals. This low coverage suggests that the selection criteria for ESCI journals are not consistent with the overall trend in the other classical citation indexes.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The research sought to determine the impact of online journals on the use of print journals and interlibrary loan (ILL). SETTING: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria is a regional site of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Library with a print journal collection of approximately 400 titles. Since 1999, UIC site licenses have given students and faculty affiliated with UIC-Peoria access to more than 4,000 online full-text journal titles through the Internet. METHODOLOGY: The Library of the Health Sciences-Peoria has conducted a journal-use study over an extended period of time. The information collected from this study was used to assess the impact of 104 online journals, added to the collection in January 1999, on the use of print journals. RESULTS: Results of the statistical analysis showed print journal usage decreased significantly since the introduction of online journals (F(1,147) = 12.10, P < 0.001). This decrease occurred regardless of whether a journal was available only in print or both online and in print. Interlibrary loan requests have also significantly decreased since the introduction of online journals (F(2,30) = 4.46, P < 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: The decrease in use of the print collection suggests that many patrons prefer to access journals online. The negative impact the online journals have had on the use of the journal titles available only in print suggests users may be compromising quality for convenience when selecting journal articles. Possible implications for collection development are discussed.  相似文献   

The American Hospital Association (AHA) Resource Center indexes journals for the Health Planning and Administration (HEALTH) database and Hospital Literature Index (HLI). These journals, designated special list health journals, are selected to provide access to a wide and balanced coverage of hospital and health care administration and health policy literature. This article provides background information on HEALTH and HLI and describes special list health journals in detail (including historical information, information sources, and broad subject divisions). It also discusses AHA policies relating to journal and article selection and current subject distribution of special list health journals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of a structured abstract has been recommended in reporting medical literature to quickly convey necessary information to editors and readers. The use of structured abstracts increased during the mid-1990s; however, recent practice has yet to be analyzed. OBJECTIVES: This article explored actual reporting patterns of abstracts recently published in selected medical journals and examined what these journals required of abstracts (structured or otherwise and, if structured, which format). METHODS: The top thirty journals according to impact factors noted in the "Medicine, General and Internal" category of the ISI Journal Citation Reports (2000) were sampled. Articles of original contributions published by each journal in January 2001 were examined. Cluster analysis was performed to classify the patterns of structured abstracts objectively. Journals' instructions to authors for writing an article abstract were also examined. RESULTS: Among 304 original articles that included abstracts, 188 (61.8%) had structured and 116 (38.2%) had unstructured abstracts. One hundred twenty-five (66.5%) of the abstracts used the introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD) format, and 63 (33.5%) used the 8-heading format proposed by Haynes et al. Twenty-one journals requested structured abstracts in their instructions to authors; 8 journals requested the 8-heading format; and 1 journal requested it only for intervention studies. CONCLUSIONS: Even in recent years, not all abstracts of original articles are structured. The eight-heading format was neither commonly used in actual reporting patterns nor noted in journal instructions to authors.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed bibliographies from three departments’ undergraduate senior theses, with the goal of improving both collection development and information literacy instruction. Though undergraduate students were not citing major journals or key authors, the study revealed popular research topics, which will inform collection development. The finding that the library owned 70% of the journal articles undergraduates cited suggests that they are more likely to cite what their own institution owns, and thus a strong collection can have a significant influence on undergraduate work. The data also prompted conversations with faculty about their expectations and current strategies for guiding undergraduate research, which will allow librarians to improve instruction.  相似文献   

There is evidence that national scientific journals are important for local communities despite their limited audience due to national languages and topics, like in pedagogy. However, it is not easy to assess the level of scientific rigour of local journals, as most do not have available scientometric data and are often published in minority languages. We hypothesize that a possible manifestation of a latent trait of inner authenticity of the scientific journal (meaning the journal is accepted by a community interested in developing the field which conducts internationally accepted research) could be H-index of the editorial board members. To test this approach, we evaluated H-index and gender of editorial board members (n = 490) from 17 Czech and Slovak national science-oriented scientific pedagogical journals which were not indexed or indexed in Erih+ or Scopus, and compared this with the five lowest-rated journals from the same field indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database. The H-index of editorial board members was somewhat higher in indexed journals with those from WoS showing higher scores, and the number of board members with no discernable H-index was far greater in non-indexed journals. Editorial boards of journals indexed in WoS were mostly male, compared to a dominance of women on boards of non-indexed journals. Acknowledging the limited sample, it appears that the H-index of editorial board members may be a way to value national scientific journals.  相似文献   

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