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Joint writing activities between parent and child can enhance literacy skills in young children. This paper describes the strategies used by a mother to scaffold her daughter’s alphabet letter shaping, word and story writing in the years before formal schooling. The strategies included identifying alphabet letters embedded in environmental print and books, tracing letter shapes with fingers whilst using directional language, and using whole‐arm movements to form letter shapes in the air. Writing samples and examples of parent–child interactions were collected at three to four years of age and are described within the framework of Gentry’s writing stages. The joint writing techniques and activities illustrated in this case study emphasise the use of letter names and letter shapes and may provide effective strategies for parents and early childhood educators to scaffold emergent writing development in young children.  相似文献   

How do native Chinese‐speaking (CS) and non‐Chinese‐speaking (NCS) children learn to read and write in Chinese? In the present study, 29 CS and 34 NCS second and third graders aged 76 to 122 months (M = 93.65) participated in an experiment where they were taught 16 new Chinese characters in one of four conditions – copy, radical, phonological and look–say. Results showed that the copying condition best facilitated writing of Chinese characters for both groups, whereas radical knowledge facilitated only CS children's writing. NCS children benefited more from the phonological condition than from the look–say condition in learning to read Chinese. These results highlight the effectiveness of copying practice for all children learning to write Chinese. However, approaches to reading and writing Chinese may differ somewhat depending on the Chinese background knowledge of the children as well. Teaching children Chinese should be geared towards the strengths of different groups for learning.  相似文献   

运用历史还原的方法审视汉字教学,不难发现"识字"环节的缺失。运用动漫手段,根据儿童的心理特点,还原汉字创造的过程,让儿童在模拟创造汉字的游戏中认识汉字,不失为识字教学的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relations of maternal literate support instructions during parent–child joint writing to children’s word reading and writing across 1 year among 95 4- and 5-year-old children from Korea. The whole episode of mothers individually teaching their children how to write words was videotaped, and a Korean scale of mothers’ literate mediation of their children’s writing was developed based on six cognitive strategies focusing on whole Gulja (Korean written syllable), visual strokes, letter, Gulja structure, and CV (consonant + vowel) and coda (final consonant of a syllable) subsyllabic units. Maternal literate support explained a significant amount of variance in children’s word reading and writing concurrently and longitudinally across 1 year after controlling for children’s age, nonverbal IQ, phonological and morphological awareness, rapid automatized naming and mother’s education. In addition, children’s coda phoneme awareness explained unique variance in word reading and writing concurrently and longitudinally. Results underscore the unique characteristics of Korean and the importance of Korean maternal literate support as a major factor in early literacy development.  相似文献   

"汉字难"是汉语国际教育的瓶颈。不解决汉字难,汉语国际教育难免会停留在低水平、低层次,不符合汉语国际传播的宗旨。文章尝试更换视角,寻找解决方法。文章首先探讨"汉字为什么难学",指出其原因涉及汉字自身特点和主观因素。文章就主观因素的原因,提出:教学目标定位不当,教学盲区不少,教学方法内外无别,文字理论还不够完备。要改进汉字教学,应该在这些方面加大改革的力度。提出海外汉字教学应该突出"听说读",淡化"写"。减少写字量,增加识字量,尽早形成汉语书面阅读能力。文章建议汉字教学实施"两步走"新模式,设置"汉字预备课程"。最后介绍新型教材《汉字ABC》。这个教材凝聚着对改革汉字教学的一系列想法,核心理念是"汉字教学必须从外国学生的特点出发"。教材的创新之处有:汉字教学新模式;汉字教学新方法——字感教学法;汉字形体新概念——"字域";汉字笔画新理论——"九笔画";汉字练习新题型。  相似文献   

In typical development, emergent literacy skills predict successful reading abilities. Code‐related literacy skills may include letter knowledge, print concepts, early writing and early phonological awareness. Meaning‐related literacy skills may include lexical and grammatical ability, story retelling and comprehension. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) show, on the most part, poor reading comprehension abilities, yet up to date, research regarding emergent literacy skills in ASD is limited. We conducted a study to investigate a naturalistic, standards‐based national literacy programme, for five kindergartners with ASD, of age 5‐8 years in their kindergarten setting. We implemented an ASD‐adapted intervention as an intensive group treatment over 6 weeks, with a pretest–posttest design to examine emergent literacy gains. The children with ASD demonstrated gains in both code‐related and meaning‐related skills following intervention. The clinical and theoretical implications are discussed regarding the importance of an intensive structured literacy intervention for children with ASD before entering school.  相似文献   

通过摄像观察、访谈,本文客观描述了4个华裔学生的汉字书写过程,与非汉字圈学生进行比较后发现:华裔学生书写速度在初级水平阶段比非汉字圈学生快得多,中级水平阶段两者的书写速度趋同;但华裔学生没有结构性偏误,且笔画偏误少,并只在初级水平阶段出现;华裔学生和非汉字圈学生在初级和中级水平阶段都存在笔顺问题。文章从认知心理和文化背景两方面进行了分析,指出:华裔学生的书写既包含了留学生汉字书写的普遍特征,也有反映其特征的独特一面;对华裔身份的认同是他们汉字学习较早入门的基础和前提。  相似文献   

中华民族曾因古老的明饮誉于世,而如今每年却有400万失学儿童,其中绝大多数在我国贫困地区,不仅是儿童,还有物质贫苦而精神富有的乡村教师,还有限于生存的贫困农民,为了他们,我拿起笔写作了一部又一部报告学,为了孩子,为了人民,我走近贫困,反映贫困,是为了呼呈全社会都来关注贫困,战胜贫困,走近贫困,对作家是一笔精神财富,无论作,不是做人。  相似文献   

王婷婷 《天津教育》2021,(6):133-134
识字和写字课堂教学一直都是小学语文低年段教学的核心。只有认识汉字,掌握汉字的写法后才能进行独立阅读与写作,并在这个过程中养成良好的语文学习习惯,习得语文学习方法,为后续的语文学习提供不竭动力。因此,小学语文低年段的识字、写字的教学应该得到重视,教师在教学时应该重视识字和写字教学,让学生在课堂中掌握丰富、多元的识字方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine which emergent literacy skills contribute to preschool children's emergent writing (name-writing, letter-writing, and spelling) skills. Emergent reading and writing tasks were administered to 296 preschool children aged 4-5 years. Print knowledge and letter-writing skills made positive contributions to name writing; whereas alphabet knowledge, print knowledge, and name writing made positive contributions to letter writing. Both name-writing and letter-writing skills made significant contributions to the prediction of spelling after controlling for age, parental education, print knowledge, phonological awareness, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge; however, only letter-writing abilities made a significant unique contribution to the prediction of spelling when both letter-writing and name-writing skills were considered together. Name writing reflects knowledge of some letters rather than a broader knowledge of letters that may be needed to support early spelling. Children's letter-writing skills may be a better indicator of children's emergent literacy and developing spelling skills than are their name-writing skills at the end of the preschool year. Spelling is a developmentally complex skill beginning in preschool and includes letter writing and blending skills, print knowledge, and letter-name and letter-sound knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations among features of the classroom physical literacy environment (book materials, literacy area and writing materials) and psychological literacy environment (instructional support), and preschool children's gains in two areas of emergent literacy over an academic year. Results showed that features of the physical literacy environment had little direct association with children's gains in emergent literacy, with the exception of quality of literacy area being a positive and significant predictor of children's gains in alphabet knowledge (but not name‐writing ability). Rather, the physical and psychological literacy environment seem to be interdependent, particularly with respect to provision of writing materials. Specifically, presence of writing materials is positively and significantly associated with children's growth in alphabet knowledge and name‐writing ability only within the context of high‐quality, instructionally supportive classrooms. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study considered curricular and instructional influences on early Chinese literacy attainment in Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore. The participants included 198 pre‐school children, their teachers and parents. Children were administered the Pre‐school and Primary Chinese Literacy Scale at the age of either two or three years, and again one year later. Teachers were asked to report on their beliefs and practices related to literacy education, and classroom observations were conducted to determine the extent to which directives issued by the Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore governments were implemented. Investigation showed that there were marked differences across the societies in curriculum guidelines and approaches to literacy teaching. Results indicated that by the age of four, pre‐schoolers in Hong Kong and Singapore had significantly better Chinese literacy attainment than those in Beijing. Although age was the best predictor of attainment, location, teachers’ qualifications and classroom experience also significantly contributed to children’s literacy attainment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the emergent literacy and language skills of four-year-old children in New Zealand during their kindergarten year prior to school-entry. A total of 92 four-year-old children from a range of socio-economic areas were seen individually at their local kindergarten and were assessed on code-related measures (letter name knowledge, initial phoneme awareness, emergent name writing) and meaning-related measures (story comprehension and retelling ability). Approximately, 60% of the parents completed a home literacy questionnaire. Regression analyses showed no effect for age on any of the code-related measures. In contrast, significant effects for age were found on story comprehension and retelling ability. There were no differences in performance based on gender with two exceptions: Girls performed better than boys on letter name knowledge and early name writing. Questionnaire results suggested literacy activities were valued in the home environment with most parents reporting reading to their child each night, and the majority of parents reported owning more than 60 children’s books. Results from the current study suggest more explicit teaching may be necessary within the kindergarten curriculum to facilitate the code-related skills linked to successful word recognition ability and early spelling development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore patterns of within-group variability in the emergent literacy skills of preschoolers who are at risk for academic difficulties. We used the person-centered approach of cluster analysis to identify profiles of emergent literacy skills, taking into account both oral language and code-related skills. Participants were 492 preschoolers (aged 42-60 months) enrolled in needs-based programs. In the fall of the academic year, children were administered eight measures of emergent literacy: four oral language measures (i.e., expressive and receptive grammar, expressive and receptive vocabulary) and four code-related measures (i.e., print concepts, alphabet knowledge, name writing, and rhyme). Controlling for age, hierarchical-agglomerative and K-means cluster analysis procedures were employed. Five psychometrically sound profiles emerged: highest emergent literacy (prevalence = 14%); three profiles with average oral language and differential code-related abilities (16%, 24%; 23%); and lowest oral language with broad code-related weaknesses (23%). Profiles were then compared on midyear teacher ratings of emergent literacy as well as end-of-kindergarten literacy performance; results provided convergent evidence of predictive validity. This study highlights the considerable heterogeneity of emergent literacy abilities within an “at-risk” group. The resulting profiles have theoretical and practical relevance when examining both concurrent relationships between oral language and code-related skills as well as longitudinal relationships between early patterns of performance and later reading achievement.  相似文献   

Janet Evans 《Literacy》2000,34(1):17-23
This paper investigates children’s interest in the nursery rhyme genre whilst at the same time considers how children can be encouraged to write reflectively if they are working on something that both stimulates and motivates them to want to write. After reading a story book of nursery rhymes, a group of Y2 children were encouraged to consider what other adventures some of the main rhyme characters might have. By talking about the rhymes, seeing an expert writer modelling the writing process and writing collaboratively with their teacher and with each other, the children wrote an “alternative” nursery rhyme book. They began to see writing as a long term process which is recursive, takes time and effort but which is also very rewarding especially when published in the form of a book.  相似文献   

中华筷子具有物理功能、生理功能、鉴赏价值和收藏价值。通过对规范的执筷法、规范执筷法与汉字书写的关系和用筷礼仪与禁忌的逐一论析,指出目前汉字书写工整者重点大学文科生不足五分之一,普通高校理科生只是十分之一,能够正确规范执笔的学生数最多不过三分之一,这与他们自幼形成的不规范执筷法有直接关系。汉字和现代人类文字书写技能的普遍退化将是不可逆转的趋势。这是新的科技进步往往造成既有文明成果亏损的人类文化发展的一般规律。它是必然的,但并非是完全合理的。中国人写汉字,需要做到"观念重视、落笔注意"八个字。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is twofold: (1) contribute to identifying a model for the variables that compose the emergent literacy construct and their relationships; (2) assess the predictive power of the emergent literacy model on early writing abilities in a transparent orthography language. We examined emergent literacy skills in 464 children (mean age 5.5, range: 48–6.1) who were followed longitudinally until entering the 1st grade in primary school. Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analyses were used to address questions on the nature of emergent literacy skills and their possible relationships. Regression analyses were implemented to evaluate the predictive capability of an emergent literacy model on word writing competences. The factor analyses showed three factorial dimensions (phonological, conceptual knowledge on writing system and textual) and their relationship. The regressions showed a significant prediction of conceptual knowledge on writing system and of phonological abilities on early writing abilities.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on emergent literacy in young deaf children, focusing on the nature and course of both emergent reading and emergent writing. Beginning with definitions and background information concerning emergent literacy as a field of study, it examines instructional approaches that support emergent literacy learning. The review of the literature is organized into four major sections that reflect the body of work to date. The article concludes with an eye toward the future of emergent literacy in pedagogy, theory, and research.  相似文献   

从多元认知的角度看留学生汉字书写过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从多元认知的角度讨论如何看待非汉字圈留学生汉字书写过程的问题。我们将留学生汉字书写过程经摄像观察再转为文字,历时3年。摄像记录包括从短时记忆(看字写字)到长时记忆(心理词汇的提取)的汉字书写过程。观察发现每个留学生都有与中国人不同的汉字书写方式,但这种方式不影响最后的汉字成品正确,也不影响学生汉语水平的提高。那么,如何来看待这种书写方式?文章提出:从多元认知的角度来客观分析留学生汉字书写过程,承认其学习过程的差异,并且呼吁对外汉语研究者和教师应该首先具备接受和包容多元文化和多种语言学习过程差异的心态,采取积极的态度来对待留学生的书写习惯或方式,而不是按传统习惯将此界定为“错误”并加以细致的纠正。  相似文献   

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