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中学化学教师继续教育要达到预期的教学目标,必须要有相应的课程,并运用一定的教学手段,把课程内容变成学员的能力.本文,结合中学化学教师继续教育的特点,并根据<化学课程标准>及新教材的新理念,确立了中学化学教师继续教育课程的分类目标和分层目标,对于化学新课程培训下的继续教育,具有一定的现实意义和借鉴作用.  相似文献   

随着素质教育的不断深入,德育教育逐渐受到了人们的关注,当前学校的工作也强调以“德育为首”“教学为主”。而初中化学教学内容中蕴含着诸多良好的育人素材,教师应充分挖掘其中丰富的德育因素,在向学生传授专业学科知识的同时将德育贯穿于课堂中,这样不仅可以激发学生学习化学的兴趣,也将为其全面发展打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

德育是教育的灵魂,尤其是卫生高职院校应把大学生的德育放在比较突出的位置。卫生高职院校化学教材中含有丰富的德育内容,化学教师应充分对这些素材进行挖掘,并在教学中适时把德育寓于化学教育之中,对卫生高职大学生养成良好的思想道德素质,树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,提高全心全意为人民服务、救死扶伤的思想认识具有重要作用。  相似文献   

针对民族高校化学化工学科在办学中存在的不足,论述了在高等教育面临着严峻的挑战,而我们又面临诸多不利因素情况下,怎样实现民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展.文中提出办学特色是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要基础,提高教学质量是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要保证,绿色化学新知识、新技术是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要内容,学科交叉融合是民族高校化学化工学科可持续发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

“绿色化学”是指在反应过程和化工生产中,尽量减少或彻底消除使用和产生有害物质。绿色化学已成为新世纪化学发展的方向和议题.目前世界各国都在进行绿色化学的研究,并注重绿色化学的发展和教育。作为高等院校的化学教育工作者,面对绿色化学新概念、新思想和新要求,应正确理解绿色化学的现代内涵,采取一系列措施,把绿色化学教育贯穿于整个化学教育的全过程。  相似文献   

化学课程改革是面向21世纪的未来教育改革,它改革的趋势是为满足人的需要和社会的需要,提出课程改革的新进展:以儿童发展本位的价值取向:由双基向可持续发展教育转型;形成教育的四大支柱;化学课程设置形式的多样化;化学课程管理出现校本课程;优化课程的评价问题。  相似文献   

困境与出路:当代教师的道德使命   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从现实处境来看,新课程改革在教育目标、教学方式、以及评价方法等方面所做的调整与重构,如果没有教师道德使命的自觉担当与充分践履,将难收其效。然而,社会氛围的功利化倾向、教育制度的不合理安排、教师教育的去道德化、以及教师自身的条件性依赖假设,却为当代教师的道德使命担当设置了重重困境。为了从这些困境中突围,我们一要坚定教师改变大环境的信心;二要做好教育制度的不断调整;三要增加教师教育中的道德因子;四要鼓励教师成为积极的道德行动者。  相似文献   

Where you live should have something to do with what you teach. In the Arctic, the idea of place-based education – teaching and sharing knowledge that is needed to live well – is central to the UARCTIC consortium and the 4th International Polar Year educational reform effort. A place-based issue oriented context can engage students in chemistry concepts when it intersects with their experience and lives. This article examines the rationale and means of integrating local concerns such as world view, culture, traditional knowledge, and policy into both general and specialized chemistry courses. More broadly, capacious placebased issues should be widely adapted by all curriculum reform efforts to demonstrate the connectivity between science and societal understanding of technological options. A case in point is the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in a non-majors general chemistry course when the concepts of scientific method, ice and water resources, genetic engineering, and so forth are discussed. In a specialized course on radioactivity in the north, topics connected nuclear chemistry and radioactivity to people and energy. The local landscape should be central to science courses and involve issues relevant to stewardship, a component of the indigenous world view. The historical issues can be connected to current nuclear energy and uranium mining as they relate to the risks and benefits for the local community. This article will make the case that curriculum reform that focuses on real-world topics will not only engage students so that they perform well in class but also spark their interest so that they continue learning after the course is over.  相似文献   

Teachers’ knowledge and application of model play an important role in students’ development of modeling ability and scientific literacy. In this study, we investigated Chinese chemistry teachers’ knowledge and application of models. Data were collected through test questionnaire and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The result indicated as follows: (1) Chemistry teachers’ knowledge of some known chemistry models was limited; (2) Chemistry teachers preferred those models that were vivid when they chose models; (3) Teachers’ modeling process was incomplete; (4) Teachers adopted a general pattern when applying models in chemistry teaching. The findings have implications for teacher education.  相似文献   

在计算机教学过程中应当充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。教师要从教材实际出发,通过多种形式的活动和方法,让德育在教学中自然而然地渗透,让知识教育与品德教育有机结合,全面实现在计算机教学中渗透德育教育的目的。  相似文献   

This paper compares the performances of female and male secondary students in the 1991 and 1992 Australian National Chemistry Quizzes. Male students consistently achieved a higher mean score in all Year groups (7 to 12), even though the numbers of female and male entrants were approximately equal. Implications for class tests and assessment tasks are addressed. Specializations: chemical education, environmental science. Specialization: chemical education Specializations: chemical education, analytical chemistry.  相似文献   

环境教育已成为中学化学教育的重要组成部分,化学课堂教学是加强环境教育的主要途径,高中化学教科书(苏教版)中蕴含着丰富的环境教育内容,探索在高中化学教学中渗透环境教育,对落实新课程的教育理念、增强中学生的环保意识、提高环境教育的实效性有着重要作用,也是当前中学教育改革发展的方向。  相似文献   

在今天的社会转型中,人类的生命意识在凸现。现行德育范式应转向探寻生命维度,并视“生命”为思维原点,形成德育的范畴、思维方式和逻辑体系。本文在多维解读生命内涵的基础止,着重指出关注生命是学校道德教育的本真要求;反思当前“去生命化”德育范式的种种困境。努力从生命维度对德育目标、德育过程、德育方法等方面进行重新的审视和更新。  相似文献   

论德育的功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对德育功能概念的理解影响对德育存在的价值和意义的认识。正确的德育功能观有助于德育目标的确定,有助于适度、适当的德育评价的形成,有助于适当、适度的德育实践。依据人们对于德育功能的诸多认识,再依据适度、分层的原则,可以大体将德育的主要功能分为社会性功能、个体性功能、教育性功能。德育的社会性功能是指德育对社会发展所能发挥的客观作用;德育的个体性功能是指德育对德育对象个体发展能够产生的实际影响;德育的教育性功能指德育的“教育”或价值属性以及德育作为教育子系统对平行系统的作用两个方面。  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of chemical thinking and action, as well as their application and impact on our world should be central goals of chemistry education at all educational levels. However, traditional school chemistry is still mostly focused on having students learn the body of declarative knowledge built over the years in the discipline. Achieving changes in curriculum and teaching practices in this context remains a challenging task. Studies in the history and philosophy of the discipline suggest that chemistry has unique characteristics that need to be recognised and considered in chemistry education. Many of these studies point to a pluralism in the discipline, and in the understanding of and about chemistry, that should be characterised and incorporated into our educational models. In this essay, we have attempted to build such a characterisation using conceptual profiles theory to propose a framework that can be used to enrich and support the thinking and action of chemistry teachers at all educational levels.  相似文献   

在今天的社会转型中,人类的生命意识在凸现。现行德育范式应转向探寻生命维度,并视"生命"为思维原点,形成德育的范畴、思维方式和逻辑体系。本文在多维解读生命内涵的基础上,着重指出关注生命是学校道德教育的本真要求;反思当前"去生命化"德育范式的种种困境,努力从生命维度对德育目标、德育过程、德育方法等方面进行重新的审视和更新。  相似文献   

关于道德教育的几个问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
德育的根本目的就是教受教育学会做人。德育应遵循的基本原则一是以行为为主,行为与认识统一;二是以身教为主,身教与言教相结合。要使德育落到实处,教育者要自觉地倡导主体论,反对客体论;倡导内化论,反对灌输论;倡导独立论,反对顺从论。同时,教育者要学会运用练习、锻炼、自省、慎独等方法。  相似文献   

实现农业现代化,建设社会主义新农村,需要培养千千万万高素质的新型农民。当前我国农民素质还不能适应农业现代化建设需要,在农民培养、素质提升方面面临众多因素的制约,必须坚持以科学发展观为统领,通过抓公民教育、理想教育、法制教育、道德教育、文化教育、职业教育、健康教育等,才能实现农民全面素质的提升和农业经济社会协调、可持续发展的目标。摘要:实现农业现代化,建设社会主义新农村,需要培养千千万万高素质的新型农民。当前我国农民素质还不能适应农业现代化建设需要,在农民培养、素质提升方面面临众多因素的制约,必须坚持以科学发展观为统领,通过抓公民教育、理想教育、法制教育、道德教育、文化教育、职业教育、健康教育等.才能实现农民全面素质的提升和农业经济社会协调、可持续发展的目标。  相似文献   

道德的滑坡不能归咎于以科学主义导向的知识教育。科学知识具有德育价值:科学知识能够拓展人们的道德领域、促进人们的道德完善、培养人们的道德品性,科学知识的负面作用能促使人们进行道德自律。科学知识德育价值的实现有赖于以人为本的教育理念、教育者明确的德育意识、适当的教育方法以及德育对象对科学知识的内化。  相似文献   

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