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在近代中国电化教育的体制化建设中,留学生的贡献功不可没。归国留学生为了实现“教育救国”与“科学救国”愿望,在电化教育体制化方面进行了积极而有意义探索和实践,从对电化教育的倡导,到专业学术团体的建立、大学电化教育课程的开设、系科的建立及专业期刊的创办等方面,他们积极投身到近代中国电化教育新学科的开拓之中。这不仅为我国电化教育体制化建设提供了有力的人才保证,而且阐明了电化教育制度发展的内涵与方向。  相似文献   

This paper identifies a process, developed in recent research, to provide curriculum leaders and policy-makers with a practical and flexible approach for designing and implementing curriculum. It is a changed way for bringing about change. Founded on sound principles of curriculum theorizing, it refines existing curriculum theory in higher education contexts and contributes to the ever-growing body of understanding on curriculum decision-making. A thorough investigation of the engineering education context, including the analysis of an engineering case study, was carried out to identify issues that impinge on curriculum decision-making, including the consideration of professional engineering needs, the social and economic pressures, institutional parameters and student factors. As no such systematic process currently existed for this context, the investigation also considered the curriculum and pedagogical theories that underpin the strategic and operational nature of bringing about curriculum change. The process represents a significant breakthrough in higher education faculties. It directs policy-makers to consider parameters in addition to those traditionally addressed. It recommends a holistic view of curriculum and suggests that there are explicit ramifications for the policies in faculties that govern how curriculum change takes place.  相似文献   

本科院校教育成本是高等教育成本的重要组成部分。本科院校各院系耗用的教育资源存在差异,而且整个教育培养过程引起的间接费用比重较大,涉及许多作业项目。在本科院校教育成本核算中,运用作业成本法的基本原理,从实务角度设计出作业成本法应用的具体流程,既考虑到教育培养各主要作业对资源费用的不同耗用程度,又兼顾到各院系对作业成本的不同耗用情况,为本科院校核算及控制教育成本以及主管部门掌握教育资源的投入与流动方向提供依据。  相似文献   

Turkey's experience in developing and piloting accreditation criteria and national standards for teacher education is examined. The full implementation of an accreditation process for teacher education programs was not completed within the time of the development project. However, the effort to do so encouraged the formation of a ‘quality culture’ in the faculties of education. The paper discusses what took place and analyses the later response of teacher educators to the introduction of accreditation criteria and the way in which they were introduced. Educators largely welcomed national standards and accreditation, but wished to have flexible means of implementation.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the background characteristics, socio-cultural values and pedagogical beliefs that entering student teachers bring with them into the faculties of education and explores their possible implications for teacher education in the Turkish context. The study comprised 18,226 first-year student teachers from 51 faculties of education who participated in the study by responding to a three-section questionnaire developed by the research team. Their responses indicate that students entering education faculties typically come from families of lower-middle socio-economic status living in urban areas, tend to possess more traditional than secular-rational values and have not yet formed clear pedagogical beliefs.  相似文献   

The goal to enhance the impacts of academic research in the ‘real world’ resonates with progressive visions of the role of universities in society, and finds support among policy makers who have sought to enhance the ‘transfer’, ‘translation’, ‘uptake’, or ‘valorization’ of research knowledge in several areas of public services. This paper reports on an exploratory study of the strategies used by selected Canadian and international faculties of education to mobilize research knowledge. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews with senior administrators of 13 faculties of education, the analysis reveals several themes. Academic leaders recognize knowledge mobilization as a desirable institutional mission, but they identify a number of barriers to greater efforts in this area. Although a number of strategies are employed, changes across multiple organizational dimensions to encourage and support knowledge mobilization were reported at only two institutions. These results are relevant to faculty administrators, scholars, and policy-makers interested in understanding the role of academic institutions in the mobilization of research knowledge to the broader education community.  相似文献   

In this study, it was found that there was a significant difference between the leader behavior of law school deans (Consideration and Initiating Structure) as self-perceived and as perceived by their faculties and that age, sex, academic rank, formal education, and years of teaching experience of the faculties accounted for discrepancies between perceptions of the leader behavior of law school deans (Consideration and Initiating Structure) as self-perceived and as perceived by their faculties.  相似文献   

This paper presents a prospective study aimed at identifying the predictors of academic achievement among first-year university students. It tries to develop an inclusive view of academic achievement by taking into account the possible differential impact of several predictors in two different faculties of the university. Some 317 university students from the two faculties (science and physical education), who were in their first year at university, participated in the study. During the academic year, these students completed a questionnaire. The outcome variable was their average academic mark at the end of the year. Multiple regression analyses were performed to identify the most powerful predictors of achievement. The results showed that past school failure, parental education and self-efficacy beliefs predicted achievement in both programs. Age, secondary-school specialisation, reasons for choosing the program, deep processing, time spent studying and intention to persist have also been highlighted as significant predictors of success, but only in one of the two faculties. Self-efficacy was the most powerful predictor of achievement in physical education courses, whereas intention to persist was the most powerful predictor in science. These results show the importance of adopting an integrated and contextualised approach to exploring the predictors of academic achievement at university.  相似文献   

当前美国大学教师专业发展面临的困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前美国大学教师的专业发展主要面临着五个方面的困境:问责制使大学教师在教学、科研等方面的压力增大;校企合作要求大学教师的专业活动以市场为导向;私营化和网络化动摇了大学教师无法替代的社会地位;大众化使大学教师更多关注学生的需求,降低了知识的深度和广度;随着大学与社会的联系日益密切,大学教师学术生产方式日益受限于实际应用,并随着实际要求的变化而变化。  相似文献   

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) refers to recognition of non-credentialled or informal learning. In the university context, there are difficulties in determining the appropriateness and extent of experiential learning since there is no research-based modelling to guide the process. This article draws on an Australian Research Council grant project which aims to draw up research-based, nationally applicable protocols and procedures for RPL in education faculties in Australia. It concludes that there is room for greater development of procedures for recognising prior learning than exists in many faculties of education.  相似文献   


Strong teacher education programs acknowledge the importance of a partnership between teacher education and public school faculties and the important role mentor teachers play in the education of student teachers. Studies suggest that mentor teachers trained in supervision are more effective than those who are not. This article describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a workshop for mentor teachers that reflects the collaborative effort of university and public school faculties. The particular focus of this workshop was on giving feedback to student teachers. Evaluation data suggest that mentor teachers felt the workshop provided helpful information.  相似文献   

This article is a response to ‘Mapping educational research and its impact on Australian schools’, Chapter 2 of The Impact of Educational Research, in which researchers Allyson Holbrook, John Ainley, Sid Bourke, John Owen, Philip McKenzie, Sebastian Mission and Trevor Johnson report on their Commonwealth Education Department commissioned study. They mined the Australian Education Index and the Bibliography of Education Theses in Australia for patterns in education research in Australia over the years 1984–1997 and compared the results with additional data obtained from university education faculties, postgraduate students of education, school principals, system-level administrators and professional associations.  相似文献   


This study adopted a discursive institutional framework to examine how teachers make sense of and understand transformation in their work and workplace during education reforms. Examination of this process is highly significant because it helps us to understand the often misplaced emphasis on workload in analysis of teachers’ work pressure in public and academic discussions, which might not reflect the whole picture. In-depth interviews were used to obtain information from the teachers’ perspective as front-line practitioners in the education institution. The study identified the discursive processes contributing to the institutionalization of new ideas and practices introduced during education reforms. This article argues that through situating teachers’ response to the reform in the relevant sociohistorical context, we can better delineate how meaning negotiation is possible in the moment of institutional change.  相似文献   

体制化时代的教育和教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体制化是我们今天的教育和教育研究所面临的基本存在事实,我们需要认清体制化对教育和教育研究所提出的挑战,积极寻求个性与体制均衡的可能路径,在体制化的时代保持教育和教育研究的创造性活力,对教育和教育研究持守清醒的现实主义姿态,同时显明置身体制之中的教育知识人的独立品格。  相似文献   

多元智能理论和素质教育有密切的关系.文章阐释了多元智能的主要内容、素质教育的评价原则,着重阐释、分析了多元智能理论的评价原则和对素质教育评价原则的支撑.  相似文献   

高职市场营销专业教学计划的制订既要遵循教育教学规律,又要符合工商企业对营销管理人才的职业岗位需求。目前高职市场营销专业教学计划存在缺陷,使得工作过程的高职市场营销专业教学计划的制订就显得尤为重要。高职市场营销专业教学计划的制订应以市场需求为导向,依据人才培养进行专业课程体系建设。  相似文献   

历史视域下我国高等教育国际化对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际化是当今高等教育发展的重要趋势和必然要求。通过回顾高等教育国际化发展历程,指出当前我国高等教育国际化进程中存在国际化办学理念需强化、师资队伍国际化程度不高、人才培养国际化水平较低、教育教学国际化程度偏低、国际化学术交流合作有待加强等五个方面的问题,进一步提出高校要提升办学理念国际化、力促师资队伍国际化、推进人才培养国际化、深化教育教学改革国际化、推动科学研究国际化等五个实现途径建议,为进一步提升我国高等教育国际化办学水平提供参考。  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of school and modernity representations that circulated in Brazil as from the end of the nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century and determined the configuration process of the Republican school. First, the article examines the pedagogical models that guided the process of school institutionalization in São Paulo State; it also describes the so‐called ‘São Paulo model’, a reference to the initiatives for school remodeling in many other Brazilian states in the first decades of the twentieth century. Next, it addresses the issue of new pedagogical models that reconfigured the educational field as from the middle of the 1920s and examines the appropriation of the principles and propositions of the so‐called ‘new education pedagogy’ in the process of mass school institutionalization as from the 1930s.  相似文献   

随着老龄化现象的不断加剧,高校离退休人员的数量也在不断增加,高校离退休管理部门在做好日常管理及服务工作的同时,应积极开拓新思想,大胆创新,为离退休人员创建"和谐社会"搭建平台、创造条件。根据高校离退休人员的结构、特点,提出了几条切实可行的具体措施,继续发挥老党员及离退休人员在构建"和谐社会"中的重要作用,为学校、社区乃至国家的稳定与发展作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

汽车后市场规模的逐年增长,促进了汽车服务相关专业职业教育的发展,需要大量高素质汽车服务工程职教师资成为亟须解决的问题。文章中明确了职教师资人才培养质量标准制定依据;分析了汽车后市场及相关学科专业教育、汽车服务工程职教师资人才培养现状;从专业能力、普适能力和职业素质三维度标准构建了汽车服务工程职教师资人才培养质量标准。  相似文献   

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