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刘姝 《江苏高教》2022,(8):110-113
当下的师范教育更加侧重对学生教学技能的训练,需要援引通识教育的理念和做法予以平衡。通识教育所强调的“永恒学习”、整合学习原则,与师范教育的本质属性相契合,也符合中国古典学术“由博返约”的学习进路,值得师范教育借鉴。在借鉴过程中,师范教育需要处理好教育学与其他学科的“纲目”关系,经典阅读教学是实现师范教育“通识化”的可能路径。  相似文献   

通识教育:困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通识教育的概念应从教育理念、教育内容、教育模式三个层次来理解。目前,中国大学的通识教育在三个层面都存在不同程度的困境。大家普遍认同通识教育的理念,但对这一概念缺乏深刻理解;通识教育内容缺乏系统设计,与目标相差甚远;通识教育模式还远没有建立。原因在于通识教育理想与现实的冲突。出路在于政府的支持,大学校长的重视,循序渐进的改革,最终需要建立起通识教育的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

正在我国的高等教育中,通识教育与专业教育是其中的两个重要组成部分,随着社会发展与技术进步,两者出现了融合的必要,原因主要有两个[1]:一方面,两者的融合是人全面发展和现代社会发展的需要,是专业教育发展的需要,专业教育需要通识教育的补充与完善;另一方面,通识教育的发展需要专业教育,通识教育的发展离不开专业教育。在本校提出的通识教育中[2],提出以"培养适应社会发展  相似文献   

通识教育是一个开放的概念,需要在行动和反思中持续创造和成熟。如果说通识教育是教师指向学生的教育活动,那么"通识学习"则是学生自己的学习活动。经由学生的通识学习,通识教育严密与完美的设计在每一个学生身上效果都大打折扣。阻碍通识学习的障碍是专业主义和功利主义,促进通识学习需要教师开放心灵,需要适度空去学生的专业束缚。通识教育本质中蕴含着重要的元素就是选择,包括学生在未来人生中的不断选择和当下教育中的选择,这意味着大学人才培养模式和国家高等教育系统需要持续深入改革。  相似文献   

科学通识课程是高校文科生科学素质提升的重要途径。文章通过选取国内三个层次6所综合性高校,从设置要求、课程体系、教学方法、评价方式进行分析,发现我国高校文科生科学通识课程存在培养方案忽视科学素质培育重要性、课程体系构建不完善、教学缺乏吸引力、评价缺乏特色等问题。因此,国家层面需要出台相关政策文件保障科学通识课程的建设;高校层面需要从课程目标、教学以及评价等方面完善科学通识课程;学生个人层面需要从思想上重视科学通识课程、行动上主动融入课程学习、方法上注重课程理论学习与实践相结合。  相似文献   

当前,在高职开展通识教育是时代发展的需要、是我国高等教育改革的需要、是企业界与学生们的需要。文章以A大学与B学院为例,发现综合性大学与高职院校在开展通识教育的出发点、理念、课程设计、教学方法以及通识教育与专业教育的结合方式等方面均存在不同。由此,作者提出了高职开展通识教育的策略:正确处理通识教育与专业教育的关系;选择适合自身特点的通识课程内容;改革现有通识课程教学方法。  相似文献   

我国的理工科院校在不断加强科学技术教育的同时,常常忽视对学生人文素养和理性精神的培养,究其原因是我国缺乏对学生通识教育的培养.而纽约理工大学在通识教育课程设置和实施方面非常成功且具有特色,对我国理工科院校开展通识教育具有一定的启发和借鉴意义:在开展通识教育时,我国理工科院校应当尽快建立国家层面或地方层面的通识教育统筹机构,坚守高等教育理念,尽快建立加强通识教育课程与课程组设置,消除人们对通识教育的误解,并加强通识教育的推广与宣传.  相似文献   

建设优质通识课程是提高通识教育质量的关键。优质通识课程的设计要与通识教育目标相一致,这要求任课教师对课程涉及的知识内容有更深刻的理解。优质通识课程要有高质量的教学,这要求采用“学生中心”的教学方法,且对学生提出有挑战性的要求。建设优质通识课程的关键是高水平的教师愿意开设通识课程,且愿意在这些课程上花费时间和精力,这需要学校人事管理政策和资源分配政策的支持。  相似文献   

马伶 《文教资料》2021,(1):177-178
高校通识教育的文化本质决定了核心目标是传承人类文化与培养文化人,文学经典凝聚的历久弥新的人文精神正契合通识教育的文化本质。师范院校的通识教育决定着未来教育者的人文素养,将经典诵读课程引入师范院校通识教育体系十分必要,如何建构经典诵读课程是一个值得深入探讨的问题。  相似文献   

省属高校是培养创新型人才的重要基地,省属高校通识教育能够弥补专业教育的不足,为我国创新型人才培养贡献力量。当前我国省属高校通识课程建设存在缺乏深入顶层课程设计、课程目标模糊、课程管理失位和课程评价滞后等问题。为此,需要从多个层面进行探索和努力:一是根据大学生关键能力和通识素养设计通识课程;二是加强有效管理和领导,促进通识课程各主体间的合作与协调;三是促进通识教育间跨学科交流,发挥通识课程的溢出效应;四是建立参与式的通识课程评价制度,提升课程质量。  相似文献   

Promoting general metacognitive awareness   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Schraw  Gregory 《Instructional Science》1998,26(1-2):113-125
I describe two aspects of metacognition, knowledge of cognition and regulation of cognition, and how they are related to domain-specific knowledge and cognitive abilities. I argue that metacognitive knowledge is multidimensional, domain-general in nature, and teachable. Four instructional strategies are described for promoting the construction and acquisition of metacognitive awareness. These include promoting general awareness, improving self-knowledge and regulatory skills, and promoting learning environments that are conducive to the construction and use of metacognition.  相似文献   

哲学的内在品格与通识教育具有内在一致性。哲学教育必须面向通识教育,在注重哲学知识讲授与接受同时,更注重人的道德教育、思维能力与理想人格的培育。  相似文献   

Children acquire general knowledge about many kinds of things, but there are few known means by which this knowledge is acquired. In this article, it is proposed that children acquire generic knowledge by sharing in pretend play. In Experiment 1, twenty-two 3- to 4-year-olds watched pretense in which a puppet represented a "nerp" (an unfamiliar kind of animal). For instance, in one scenario, the nerp ate and disliked a carrot. When subsequently asked generic questions about real nerps, children's responses suggested that they had learned general facts (e.g., nerps dislike carrots). In Experiment 2, thirty-two 4- to 5-year-olds learned from scenarios lacking pretend speech or sound effects. The findings reveal a long overlooked means by which children can acquire generic knowledge.  相似文献   


It is widely accepted that general intelligence and phonological awareness contribute to children’s acquisition of reading and spelling skills. A further candidate in this regard is orthographic knowledge (i.e., the knowledge about permissible letter patterns). It consists of two components, word-specific (i.e., the knowledge of the spelling of specific words) and general orthographic knowledge (i.e., the knowledge about legal letter patterns of a writing system). Among German students, previous studies have shown that word-specific orthographic knowledge contributes to both reading and spelling. The results regarding general orthographic knowledge and its contribution to reading and spelling are inconsistent. The major goal of the present study was to determine the incremental predictive value of orthographic knowledge for reading and spelling skills among German elementary-school children (N = 66), over and above the contribution of general intelligence and phonological awareness. The second goal was to examine whether there is a difference between the two subtypes of orthographic knowledge in the amount of their respective contribution to reading and spelling performance. The results show that word-specific as well as general orthographic knowledge contribute to both reading and spelling performance, over and above intelligence and phonological awareness. Furthermore, it reveals that both word-specific and general orthographic knowledge explain more variance of spelling compared to reading. Possible explanations for these results, limitations, and implications of the study are being discussed.


为了消除出现在本体与一般规则整合过程中产生的不一致或冲突, 引入优先和更新技术. 首先, 通过给信息赋予权值的方法得到一个带偏序的知识库. 再根据"废旧迎新"原则, 设定所有规则的权值大于本体中信息的权值. 当本体与一致规则发生不一致或冲突时, 权值大的规则将更新替换本体中权值小的信息, 从而得到一个没有冲突的知识库. 然后, 调用现有逻辑程序求解器与描述逻辑推理机来实现查询等推理任务. 与采用非标准的语义表示信息来处理不一致方法相比, 基于偏序的更新技术更适合于动态进化的知识库. 同时, 通过赋值可以使新来的信息替换已经过时的信息,从而使得知识库在动态进化过程中保持一致性. 最后, 通过实例说明该处理不一致方法是切实可行的.  相似文献   

论通识教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
理论不等于世界,理论的价值在于其与世界的同构度,人们利用它理解世界并创造世界。而知识分化裂解了世界,所以通识教育成为必要。通识教育旨在让学生了解多种学科的视角、方法以及表达方式,从而开阔视野、激发创造。要有效地实行通识教育,必须兼顾教学活动诸多环节,全面统筹,协调发展。  相似文献   

结合航空与航天通识教育,对高校学生现阶段知识结构所面临的问题进行了探讨,归纳航空与航天通识教育的内容、意义和目的;分析了现有《航空航天技术概论》作为通识教材存在的问题,提出了航空与航天教材完善与改革的建议。  相似文献   

河南省普通高校大学生奥运知识现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要运用文献资料、社会调查、个案分析、数理统计等方法,对河南省普通高校大学生奥林匹克知识现状进行研究,结果显示:大学生对一般的奥运知识掌握较好,而对专业性较强的知识显得较为欠缺,说明奥林匹克教育有待加强,在调查大学生的奥运态度时发现;大学生渴求奥运知识的愿望非常强烈.这为普及奥林匹克教育,提供了有利条件.  相似文献   

Effects of test administrator's gender on test takers' self-estimated verbal general knowledge and de facto verbal general knowledge were investigated. Based on three theories previously applied in research dealing with the effects of test administrator's ethnicity, it was expected male and female test takers to show higher scores under female test administration. In a double-blind face-to-face-testing design, 93 university students of both genders in four groups were tested by 20 test administrators of both genders. A MANOVA confirmed the expected significant main effect. Female and male students reached higher scores in self-estimated knowledge when tested by a female test administrator in comparison to female students and male students tested by a male test administrator (Cohen's d = 0.46). No significant effects resulted for de facto knowledge.  相似文献   

Learning environments can support the development of foundational knowledge and promote children's attitudes toward learning and school. This study explores the relation between school enjoyment and general knowledge from preschool (2016–2017) to kindergarten (2017–2018) in 1359 children (Mage = 55, 61 months, female = 50%; 58.5% Hispanic, 17% Black, 10% Asian, 10% White, 5% multiracial/other; linguistically diverse). Cross-lagged panel models showed significant bidirectional associations between preschool enjoyment and change in general knowledge from preschool to kindergarten with a standardized coefficient of β = .21 (p < .001) and associations between preschool general knowledge and change in enjoyment, β = .09 (p = .015). Exploratory analyses with teacher characteristics and demographic subgroup comparisons are discussed. These associations suggest the potential intervention strategy of promoting early school enjoyment to support broader academic development.  相似文献   

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