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公民资格是理解公民教育的起点和基础。美国公民资格理论范式主要体现为自由主义、共和主义、批判主义和跨国主义公民资格。自由主义和共和主义公民资格作为影响美国公民教育的主导话语,对公民教育实践产生了重要影响。批判主义和跨国主义公民资格以其特有的理论活力对公民教育提出了挑战。美国公民资格理论话语的丰富和发展为公民教育实践提供了参照和启示。  相似文献   

思想是社会历史的印迹。随着社会的变迁和对公民概念的不断深化,公民思想也经历了古典共和主义、新共和主义、自由主义、社群主义、多元文化主义等不同的思想流派,呈现出不同的特点和侧重,相应地也表现出不同的公民教育思潮,引领着公民教育的实践。本文试图通过对西方不同公民思想流派的梳理,厘清它们的差异和变迁以及对公民教育实践的影响,从而汲取相应的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

在政治学意义上,公民教育不仅仅局限于教育内容本身,而应该体现为国家分配核心价值、塑造现代公民的政治社会化过程。自公民教育产生,最初形成了自由主义、社群主义和共和主义三种公民教育观。由于这三种公民教育观存在内在缺陷以及时代的推动,其后又形成了多元主义和全球主义的公民教育观。无论何种公民教育观,都有其特定的理论背景和演进逻辑。因此,需要对其政治学意义进行批判和审视。  相似文献   

公民美德与共和——共和主义的视角及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从共和主义的视角看,包括勇敢、奉献、雄辩、审慎和爱国主义等几个主要方面在内的公民美德是公民自觉服务于共和国公共利益从而实现公民自由、共和、自治理想的品性和能力,因此可以说没有美德就无所谓共和;相应地,通过公共教育、公民参与、良法之治等多种方式加强公民美德供给,使人们成为好公民,也历来为共和国高度重视。共和主义关于公民美德与共和关系的阐释,不仅有助于我们改进对公民美德内涵的理解,加深我们对公民美德重要性的认识,而且有助于优化我国公民教育的目标,丰富和改善我国公民教育的手段。  相似文献   

共和主义公民身份的根本目的是使公民享受到自由。为达到这一目的,从制度的角度而言,需要采取一种混合均衡的共和制度;从个人的角度而言,需要公民具有公民美德。共和主义公民身份在当代的复兴,一方面得益于自由主义公民身份所具有的缺陷,另一方面源于共和主义公民身份本身具有一些自由主义公民身份所无法替代的内在价值。这并不意味着共和主义公民身份是完美无缺的,其最大限度在于它的排斥性。  相似文献   

现代性图景中的公民教育在认识论上存在着三组二律背反,即国家与公民的不和、共和主义与自由主义的不和、国家公民与世界公民的不和。现代公民教育的品质在某种意义上也就取决于它有没有超越二律背反的视野与能力。超越二律背反的关键在于现代性中人类存在意义的重塑,即对虚无主义的克服并在人之为人的意义上塑造公民美德。公民教育理念并非是应对当前人类生存危机的权宜之计,而是产生人类可能性的一种努力,是教育的必有之义。为此,公民教育必须是通识教育。  相似文献   

公民教育受到世界各国的普遍关注。当代西方公民教育思想主要形成了四个比较有代表性的流派:自由主义、共和主义、社群主义和多元文化主义。本文通过对这四个流派的简要梳理,审视其公民教育的核心理念,以期对中国公民教育的理论研究和实践探索有所借鉴。  相似文献   

当代世界公民教育的理念考察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了把握当代世界公民教育的理念,首先应该在民族主义和民主主义的紧张关系中把握公民教育的基本价值趋向,其次要把握在全球化背景下民族主义的新动向及其对公民教育的影响,最后要透过民主主义中自由主义(新自由主义)与共和主义(社群主义)的论争来把握公民教育理念的新走向。  相似文献   

公民概念出现在古希腊古罗马时期,直到20世纪初期,公民概念开始在中国出现和传播。公民身份理论是一种研究作为国家正式成员的个体与国家、社会之间关系的重要政治理论与社会理论。就其历史发展脉络来看,形成两大流派,也称两种理论传统:一是公民共和主义理论;一是自由主义的公民身份理论。20世纪40年代以后,国外的公民身份问题的研究进入一个新阶段,特别是在1990年代以后出现了一个研究的高峰。公民身份问题已经成为我国政治理论及社会理论中一个亟待展开深入讨论的基础领域。  相似文献   

论公民教育   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
培养公民是一切教育目标表述的基础 ,也是国家对教育的基本要求。公民教育已成为当代西方政治哲学、教育理论关注的热点问题 ,其具有代表性的理论主要有自由主义公民教育、社群主义公民教育和多元文化主义公民教育。社会主义政治文明建设不仅是社会主义民主制度的设计和完善问题 ,更重要的是培养一代认同、积极参与并具有实践能力的公民。因此公民教育的目标一定要明确地包含在基础教育的目标中 ,公民教育的内容也一定要渗透在相关的课程之中 ,并通过公民教育目标整合基础教育中的道德教育、思想政治教育和社会教育以及相关的教育活动。  相似文献   

对目前公民教育问题及公民精神人格构建的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公民教育是帮助人们了解公民属性与权利责任的教育。目前我国公民教育中存在的主要问题是,公民教育观念相当薄弱,公民教育的内容比较狭窄,公民教育的效能远不能令人满意。要有力改变公民教育与公民素质的落后,关键是要在重视公民教育的前提下,选择好公民教育的科学思路,在调整好公民教育内容的同时,结合国民教育的人格培养来一体性地构建好公民的精神人格,以健全的公民精神人格来产生健全的公民精神。公民精神人格的构建,包括培养公民的理性能力、公民的理想及价值观与道德准则、公民的情感意志、公民的知识视野等四个方面的主要教育价值要点。  相似文献   

This study focused on the civic education course at Universitas Terbuka (UT). Its purpose was to design a new approach for the online tutorial for the course by analyzing the literature related to online and distance education and investigating participant feedback on the current offering of the course and tutorial, which is a compulsory course in all programs at UT. The study draws from the community of inquiry framework, which promotes a social constructivist approach as well as teaching about democracy by example. This model is intended to create meaningful learning experiences for students in a reformulated civic education course, in which they would learn to think critically through interacting with classmates, experiencing collaborative learning, and supporting fellow students in learning activities and processes. In this model, learning is seen as occurring within the community through the interaction of social presence, cognitive presence, and teaching presence where, students are able to develop civic competences, namely civic knowledge, civic skills, and civic dispositions, as well as experience a democratic interaction that forms the core of civic interactions in a democratic society.  相似文献   

公民美德是维系共和政体的一种社会情感。古典形态的公民美德以公共利益的至上性为核心价值取向。文艺复兴与启蒙时代开始了从古典公民美德到现代公民美德的转型。托克维尔奠定了以“正确理解的自利原则”为基础的现代公民美德。公民美德的历史形态及演化过程对当代中国政治教育的启示是:塑造社会主义公德必须采取世俗化的、制度化的、自立自治的政治教育。  相似文献   

In addition to increasing cognitive skills and preparing students for the labour market, one of the core tasks of education is to prepare citizens for participation in democracy. Considering the ideal of democratic equality, it is important to know the degree to which civic outcomes of education are distributed equally. One feature of the education system that can lead to differential civic outcomes is tracking, that is, the sorting of students into different types of education. In this study, we examine the relationship between type of education (general/academic or vocational) and five attitudinal dimensions of civic and political engagement between the ages of 14 and 49 years in the Netherlands. By using panel data from the Netherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study (n = 5,312) and applying linear fixed effects models, we can observe the effect of a transition in the type of education on the within-person change in our outcome variables. The findings demonstrate that transitions in the type of education have little effect on intention to vote, trust in institutions or ethnic tolerance. However, students making transitions in general/academic education develop higher levels of interest in politics and generalised trust than do students in vocational education or people outside the education system. This point suggests that general/academic education fosters civic and political participation.  相似文献   

十六大提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的科学论断。这要求我们必须大力发展符合构建社会主义和谐社会要求的公民教育,在坚持社会主义核心价值体系指导下,以人的全面和谐发展为方向,积极构建适合社会主义和谐社会需要的公民教育体系。  相似文献   


Based on an in-depth qualitative content analysis of post-election discourse in three online creative communities (Scratch, Archive of Our Own, and hitRECord), we examine the significance of youth political expression in non-political online spaces, and its implications for civic education. We find that these spaces offer a valuable window into the main concerns experienced by youth around the election, which they voice through unique modes of expression. Online spaces facilitate connections between the personal and the political, while highlighting the social aspects of youth participation and learning in regard to civic issues. At the same time, participants exhibit uncertainty regarding the limits of online expression and the potential consequences of speaking out. We argue that online spaces should be acknowledged as a significant channel for youth political expression and socialization, and consider how the practices encountered there could shape our approach to civic education.  相似文献   

Citizenship education in Australia is embedded throughout the school curriculum. Despite a coherent policy context for the inclusion of citizenship and civic education at all levels of schooling, the links between education and civic minded citizens are tenuous. This paper explores these connections by drawing on the views of participants in an international community service program between Western Australia and Tanzania. By situating the interview data in relation to the policy goals, the paper argues that the current policy framework ‘sanitises’ the political nature of modern citizenship. The results from this study demonstrate that students have little understanding of the connections between the civic, the social and the political realms of citizenship. These results suggest that the current policy context does not adequately prepare young people to position themselves in the political realm.  相似文献   


The 2014 Umbrella Movement was one of the most significant social and political events in recent Hong Kong history. This paper offers some initial reflections on the connections between the movement and broader issues related to civic education, critical thinking, and theories of education. First, it is suggested that the movement closely resembles a form of civic education known as ‘action civics,’ offering an alternative pedagogy that might encourage more authentic civic participation. Second, the movement raises questions about how the teaching of critical thinking can be made more practically relevant to modern citizenship. Third, the deep political polarization associated with the movement indicates that civic education and critical thinking training need to pay attention to cognitive biases that affect political ideology. Finally, the Umbrella Movement reflects the failure of democratization in Hong Kong and coincides with increasing political pressures on the local education system. We discuss how political reality connects to issues about democratic education, critical pedagogy, and the idea of political neutrality in education.  相似文献   

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