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《爱弥儿》与卢梭的自然教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、《爱弥儿》的教育意图 1762年,在相继发表两篇早期论文之后,卢梭发表了《社会契约论》和《爱弥儿》.卢梭多次强调《爱弥儿》在自己全部思想体系中的核心位置.在致友人马勒塞尔伯的信中,卢梭提到,"我的全部精神智慧分散于前两篇论文和《论教育》(即《爱弥儿》)中,三部著作不可分割,构成一个整体"….卢梭的这个说法一方面表明了《爱弥儿》的核心意义,同时也表明,由于注重写作技艺的卢梭有意对全部的"精神智慧"加以分别表述,那么,把握《爱弥儿》的思想意图绝非易事.努力把握两篇早期论文的思想意旨并由此溯源至卢梭的整体意图,自然构成了理解《爱弥儿》的先行要求.然而,从《论科学与艺术》最初的批评者开始,对卢梭意图的把握已经成为进入卢梭思想门径的首要难题[2].  相似文献   

卢梭的《社会契约论》和《爱弥儿》之间似乎存在某种矛盾和紧张关系。《社会契约论》以"社会"为取向,否定人的"自然状态";《爱弥儿》以"个人"为取向,强调"自然教育"。然而根据卢梭本人的教育意图,二者实际上是一以贯之的。卢梭的"社会契约论"表面上是对"自然状态"的否定,其实是对"自然状态"的模仿:以"道法自然"的方式建立公民社会。并且,卢梭在《社会契约论》中着重阐述了对一般公民的教育(大众教育)。《爱弥儿》并非《社会契约论》的对立面,它阐述的是对公民社会的立法家的教育(精英教育)。正因为立法家对于社会的作用高于一般公民,所以《爱弥儿》的重要性高于《社会契约论》。  相似文献   

本文通过对卢梭《爱弥儿》一书中关于贫富阶级受教育的权利、男女的地位、爱弥儿和父母以及和爱人之间的关系、爱弥儿受教育的环境及进程的诠释,说明了卢梭平等自由的思想在其教育著作《爱弥儿》中存在一定的出入,折射出卢梭教育思想中也存在着不平等和不自由的观念。  相似文献   

李芳芳 《现代教育》2012,(11):124-124
《爱弥儿》又称《论教育》,是法国资产阶级民主主义者、杰出的启蒙思想家、自然教育论者卢梭的代表著作。书中阐述了卢梭对爱弥儿的教育过程,体现了其自然教育思想。顺着作者的论述,在自然教育氛围中长大的爱弥儿应该是卢梭思想的结晶,但是《爱弥儿》一书中卢梭精心培养的爱弥儿最后却以堕落结局令人颇有些费解。通过研读卢梭的《爱弥儿》以及其它相关著作,可将其原因总结为以下几种。  相似文献   

胡君进 《中学教育》2019,16(3):14-24
《爱弥儿》不只是一部教育论著,更是一部政治论著。《爱弥儿》一书的最大政治性特征就在于,卢梭试图将爱弥儿培养成一位立法者。由于卢梭旨在让爱弥儿成为公民群体中那个最为特殊的立法者,这使得在爱弥儿身上发生的教育自始至终都带着强烈的政治性倾向。而这个作为立法者的爱弥儿形象,最终得以人格化和现实化,成为了法国大革命中的人民领袖罗伯斯庇尔。面对这样一种书斋之外的卢梭思想效应,除了要认清爱弥儿式教育具有极端放大教育政治功能的潜在危险,更是要看到其本质上是一种反民主性质的精英教育学。为此,现代社会需要建构一种民主情境的制度教育学,才能真正实现对于卢梭式爱弥儿教育的内在超越,以推动现代教育的合理发展和稳健转型。  相似文献   

卢梭的教育名著《爱弥儿》所提出的自然主义教育引发了教育史上“哥白尼式”的革命,由“自然人”(自由公民)建立的资产阶级民主新社会是卢梭的政治思想。在《爱弥儿》中,卢梭用大量篇幅阐述了他的劳动教育思想。劳动教育无论对于自由公民的培养还是对于新社会的创建、存在及发展,都具有不可替代的作用和意义。《爱弥儿》不仅仅是一部教育著作,更是卢梭启蒙哲学思想和民主政治理想在教育上的反映。  相似文献   

<正>《爱弥儿》是法国启蒙思想家卢梭的教育著作,书中汇集了卢梭对教育的主要观念。在这本书中,卢梭以主人公的视角,讲述了家庭教师与爱弥儿之间发生的种种故事,达到了启迪大众的教育作用。爱弥儿虽然是虚构的人物,但在爱弥儿身上综合凝聚了多数儿童的影子,从爱弥儿受教育的经历可以看到儿童在经历教育过程中的种种心理映射。  相似文献   

从卢梭《爱弥儿》中审视生存教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢梭的教育巨著《爱弥儿》从自然主义教育理论出发,对爱弥儿进行一切与生存有关的教育.生存教育成为《爱弥儿》一书中一以贯之的思想理念。本文从对卢梭《爱弥儿》中的生存教育思想的分析入手,审视我国生存教育的现状,并提出相应的解决办法.  相似文献   

《爱弥儿》又称《论教育》,是法国资产阶级民主主义者、杰出的启蒙思想家、自然教育论者卢梭的代表著作。书中阐述了卢梭对爱弥儿的教育过程,体现了其自然教育思想。顺着作者的论述,在自然教育氛围中长大的爱弥儿应该是卢梭思想的结晶,但是  相似文献   

《爱弥儿》作为一部关于人和创造人的教育著作,充斥着浓厚的自然神学色彩。教育的本义是指人的生成,是人在受教育过程中依循上帝造人意志的充分展开。围绕上帝的造人意志,卢梭在《爱弥儿》中构建了两条相互缠绕的论述路线:一是以生物形态学的方法描摹人的长大,二是以自然神意论的方式设计人的原型。前者充满一种有机论色彩,凸显教育中人的生长和涌现;后者体现一种目的论特征,规定教育中人的出生和样态。这两条相互缠绕的论述路线,构成了整个爱弥儿自然教育方案的神学底色。《爱弥儿》不是一本纯粹的教育小说,而是卢梭有意筹划的生物学神学论纲,是卢梭仿制上帝如何造人的一部新《圣经》。  相似文献   

赵娜  张业茂 《培训与研究》2008,25(10):106-108
目前我国的特殊教育普遍存在脱离儿童的现象,其结果严重影响了特殊儿童的康复。卢梭在其著作《爱弥儿》中从归于自然、顺应天性的教育理论出发,提出了自然教育的思想,强调教育要关注儿童,只有这样才能完成“自然人”的发展目标。本文试图通过对卢梭自然教育思想的分析,从中获得一些启示,使其更好地指导我国特殊教育实践的发展。  相似文献   

Rousseau's philosophy of education is contained not only in Emile (1762), but also in The Government of Poland (1772). In each of them he emphasises different aspects of education: How to be a human being? And: How to be a citizen? The main theme investigated by Rousseau in The Government of Poland, is how a minor nation surrounded by such major powers as Russia, Prussia and Austria can ensure its survival? Not having the option of defending itself against its powerful neighbours by military means, Rousseau's advice is to found the Polish nation in the hearts of the Polish people, primarily through citizenship education. However, Poland was finally divided between its neighbours in 1795. Rousseau's writing The Government of Poland can shed some light on the Danish situation after losing the war to Prussia and Austria in 1864. With its defeat Denmark did not disappear, as did Poland, but the territory of the United Monarchy was almost halved by the loss of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. After the war some of the same defence strategies and educational ideas as Rousseau had recommended to Poland became important in Denmark. In light of Rousseau's ideas about citizenship education this article will explore the Danish way of trying to establish the nation in the hearts of the people throughout the 20th century. Today the question is: How to understand the conception of self‐determination in the context of establishing European political unity? In his analysis Habermas directs our attention to some of the same dilemmas that Rousseau had dealt with 200 years earlier. Habermas’ advice is to give the European spirit a republican form.  相似文献   

This article explores a perplexing line from Rousseau's Emile: his suggestion that the ‘most important rule’ for the educator is ‘not to gain time but to lose it’. An analysis of what Rousseau meant by this line, the article argues, shows that Rousseau provides the philosophical groundwork for a radical critique of the contemporary cultural framework that supports homework, standardised testing, and the competitive extracurricular activities that consume children's time. He offers important insights to contemporary parents and educators wishing to reimagine an educational system that is currently fuelled more by familial and international amour propre than by children's interests and needs. Not the least of these is his recognition that to reimagine children's education would require a new configuration of the very terms of modern life. Problematically, however, Rousseau's alternative to mechanised clock‐time depends on the labour of Sophie, whose time is also reconfigured. For the next generation of children to be educated according to natural time, Sophie's labour needs to be off the clock too, which is just as much a linchpin of her removal from the public sphere of citizenship and the paid workforce as it is of Emile's education for public life, or so the final section of this paper argues.  相似文献   

卢梭的私有财产理论以自由和平等的实现为基本导向。围绕这一导向,卢梭既批判私有财产在"坏政府"下导致了严重的社会不平等,又从根本上肯定私有财产是公民自由和平等的基石。在卢梭看来,要想实现其积极作用,私有财产必须在公意的指导下与公共福利相一致。以此为原则,卢梭意义上的私有财产的合理性界限在于:一方面,每个公民都拥有充足的私有财产,以维持个体的独立和自由;另一方面,私有财产的占有应处于相对平等但却并非绝对平均的状态。从马克思的视角来看,卢梭的私有财产理论具有积极意义,但在内容和方法上存在明显的缺陷。  相似文献   

One of the mantras of progressive education is that genuine learning ought to be exciting and pleasurable, rather than joyless and painful. To a significant extent, Jean‐Jacques Rousseau is associated with this mantra. In a theme of Emile that is often neglected in the educational literature, however, Rousseau stated that “to suffer is the first thing [Emile] ought to learn and the thing he will most need to know.” Through a discussion of Rousseau's argument for the importance of an education in suffering, Avi Mintz contends that the reception of Rousseau by progressives suggests a detrimental misstep in the history of educational thought, a misstep that we should recognize and correct today. We ought to revive the progressive tradition of distinguishing the valuable educational pains from the harmful ones, even if we disagree with the particular types of pain that Rousseau identified as educationally valuable.  相似文献   

消极教育一经法国启蒙思想家卢梭提出,给思想界带来了巨大的震撼,也为西方科学教育学的发展带来了全新的思路。蒙台梭利与卢梭消极教育思想的共同特征是推崇内发论,强调生命的自由生长,要求教育按照自然法则和儿童心理特征进行,强调儿童体验式学习,并认为早期儿童重要的是感觉教育。同时,两位教育家关于消极教育实施观点则不尽一致:在教育环境方面,卢梭强调消极教育的环境是自然环境,蒙台梭利主张要为儿童创设有准备的环境;在学习内容和形式上,卢梭消极教育的内容是自然学习,蒙台梭利认为儿童可以进行文化学习,但要采取"工作"方式进行;关于消极教育中教师角色方面,卢梭认为教师应是儿童自然成长的导师,蒙台梭利认为教师要承担好观察者的角色。卢梭和蒙台梭利的消极教育理论对于科学认识儿童、守护童心,推进科学教育学的进一步发展,实施科学的教育工作,特别是科学实施早期教育有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article intends to re-examine Rousseau’s educational theory in the context of the nature/culture opposition. In contemporary discussions on the nature/culture dualism, it has been often stated that his educational theory is based on the assumption that a child is a natural being. However, the author demonstrates that Rousseau was instead committed to a duality of human nature; this influences his educational theory. In his model, human nature consists of a natural and a social side; these two parts are in conflict which seems unsolvable due to the present state of society. A child is regarded as a figure which is open to the future reconciliation of nature and culture. Thus, Rousseau’s model of education is presented not from the standpoint of the present state of society, but from the standpoint of an ideal state which might be built in the future. In addition, the examination of human duality allows one to show that Rousseau’s ideas on civil and private education are closely interrelated.  相似文献   

Whether all educationists were philosophers or not, one thing is clear – that all philosophers were educationists – directly or indirectly. May it be Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau or Dewey, they all came up with the notion that to bring about any change at a greater level in a society, change in its educational system is fundamental. Dr. Mohammad Allama Iqbal, though was a philosopher and a poet, also touched the very core of the problems existing in the Muslim societies of his time, through his reflection and recommendation upon the changes required in the educational system. Iqbal’s educational philosophy is not only the solution to the problems that existed in his time, but also holds solutions to the prevalent problems of the Muslim societies. This essay seeks to explain the education policy that stems out of Iqbal’s education philosophy. For the same purpose, a three-pillar visual diagram has been introduced that will help the readers grasp the importance given by Iqbal to the cultivation of ego in his education philosophy.  相似文献   

自然主义教育学以"自然"的不同内涵而有不同历史形态。亚里士多德、夸美纽斯与卢梭为其代表人物。亚里士多德的自然主义教育,以人的潜能为自然,以城邦需要为其补缀,是古雅典自由教育反省的结果;他对教育艺术和良善生活艺术统一的追求,为自然主义教育学定下基调,但具有泛灵论的思维特点。夸美纽斯的自然教育,以改善宗教社会为目的,以外在世界为自然,并以其规训教育艺术,使教育世俗化成为可能,具有经验论特点。卢梭以人的内在自然为自然,提出自然教育概念,并上升其为教育本体;其教育一般方法的旨趣为教育艺术提供了余地;自然主义教育是其契约国家的教化工具,它使教育研究直面人本身,但具有机械论特点。自然教育学的历史形态反映教育科学思维发展的历史性;其共时性,在于追求教育艺术和良善生活的统一。  相似文献   

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