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基于网络的教学形式目前有三种:第一是以网络作为面对面教学的一种辅助手段,第二是网络与面对面的混合教学,第三是以网络教学取代面对面的教学。我们应根据学生特征及我国目前网络教育发展状况来合理选用网络教学形式。职中生学习主动性、自学能力、接受能力、文化素质、心理素质都比普通中学的学生差,人生观、世界观还处在形成阶段,况且目前我国网络教育仍处于初级阶段,尤其适合职业中学使用的网络教材和网络教学课件非常贫乏。所以,第一种网络教学形式最适合职业中学。本文探讨的"基于网络的教学设计"中的网络是一种作为面对面教学的辅助手段。  相似文献   

浅谈职中基于网络的课堂教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于网络的教学形式目前有三种:第一是以网络作为面对面教学的一种辅助手段,第二是网络与面对面的混合教学,第三是以网络教学取代面对面的教学。我们应根据学生特征及我国目前网络教育发展状况来合理选用网络教学形式。职中生学习主动性、自学能力、接受能力、文化素质、心理素质都比普通中学的学生差,人生观、世界观还处在形成阶段,况且目前我国网络教育仍  相似文献   

对远程网络教育而言,教师主导作用主要体现在两个方面:一是网络直播课堂中主讲教师的主导作用;二是终端教学站点面授辅导教师的主导作用。 一、网络直播课堂中主讲教师的主导作用 网络直播课堂是远程网络教育中最主要的教学组织形式,主讲教师与学生的交流沟通主要通过信息的交流来实现,远不如面对面的交流来得直接,因此主讲教师的主导作用发挥得如何。直接影响到教学目标的实现。这主要体现在:  相似文献   

文章针对中职生心理健康方面存在的问题,提出了在语文教学中进行的有效沟通的方法和途径.具体方法和途径:(1)书信交流沟通;(2)面对面谈话沟通;(3)作文和作业沟通;(4)电话沟通和交流;(5)借助网络进行沟通.  相似文献   

IT项目中的沟通管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
项目沟通管理是现代项目管理知识体系中的九大知识领域之一。项目沟通管理就是要保证项目信息及时、正确的提取、收集、传播、存储以及最终进行处置,保证项目组内部的信息畅通。项目组内部信息的沟通直接关系到项目组的目标、功能和组织结构,对于项目的成功有着重要的意义。在项目管理的进行过程中,经常用到的一种能力是沟通。沟通有很多种方式,包括一对一的沟通、一对多的沟通、多人之间的相互讨论,从沟通的载体而言,有口头、书面、肢体语言,包括面对面的、电话、通过网络、电视、广播等各种途径。所有这些沟通方式,无论多复杂,最终的目的是为了两个人之间的交流、交换信息、拓宽思路和统一认识,从而提高项目的实施效率。在项目管理中沟通是一个是个软指标,沟通所起的作用不好量化,而沟通对项目的影响往往也是隐形的。然而,沟通对项目的成功,尤其是IT项目的成功非常重要。  相似文献   

网络学习共同体目前存在沟通效率低、沟通失误、成员不信任和监督困难的问题。文章从教育学和管理学视角研究网络学习共同体内的群体互动,通过创建观点型任务、组建大规模学习共同体、强化学习者之间的认同感、成员鼓励与肯定、组织专家顾问团、进行初始面对面交流、向网络学习共同体授权的方式,解决学习者在交互过程中产生的沟通问题。  相似文献   

针对传统的专业英语教学中存在的学生参与度低、对专业英语沟通与交流能力训练不足等问题,以机械工程专业英语课程为例,将翻转课堂教学模式应用于教学过程,融合面对面的传统课堂教学与线上教学,给出了针对知识学习和能力培养的混合式教学实施过程。除专业英语知识传授之外,加强对学生专业英语沟通与交流能力、自学能力以及发现、分析和解决问题能力的培养。  相似文献   

如果说新授课的教学如同栽活一棵树的话,那么复习课的教学,就好比育好一片林,它承载着回顾与整理,沟通与生长的独特功能,是知识系统化的一块重要阵地。整理就是“梳理一沟通联系一建构网络”,也就是边练习边整理,梳理沟通知识之间的内在联系,串成串,连成片,形成网。对学生而言,复习不是知识的终点,而是另一个起点,是经历又一次创造问题和解决问题的过程。  相似文献   

中小学教师教学学术传播具有"把关人"主导的出版路径、"技术"主导的网络传播和教师"自我"主导的面对面交流三种路径。三者在本质、形式和功能上存在差异。中小学教师应当根据三种传播路径的不同特性做出合理选择,在出版书籍和发表论文的同时,重视利用网络和面对面交流来传播学术成果,促进成果的交流与分享,丰富和发展教学知识基础。  相似文献   

课堂教学和网络学习是混合式学习方式中两个重要的环节,同时网络论坛活动在教育教学中的应用也日益广泛。该研究以《摄影技术》课程为例,根据课程特点,采用内容分析法,从理论和实践两大模块探究网络论坛中知识建构活动的文本类型,同时分析了CSCL环境下,面对面的课堂教学和网络学习二者之间的关系,指出了面对面的课堂教学对网络学习支撑的重要性。  相似文献   

为了提高网上教学质量,探索了利用第三方平台开展网上实时教学活动的成效。基于新版QQ群的教育模式的运用,通过QQ群展示面授课堂教学视频、音频和 PPT 等,同时与学生进行实时互动交流,提升了网上实时教学活动的效果。  相似文献   


Online teacher education is experiencing significant growth worldwide. One of the major challenges accompanying this growth is that many teacher educators find themselves underprepared and under pressure to design online teacher education courses that reflect their beliefs about what constitutes high-quality teacher preparation practice. Further, teacher educators in disciplines such as special education face additional challenges in developing understandings about the legalities of writing and implementing disability service plans and performing additional testing. In this self-study of online special education teacher education practice, two collaborators worked to identify strategies and practices for professional community building in a class about teaching reading to students with disabilities. The findings highlight issues of teacher educator authority and presence online against other needs to model collegiality and promote scholarly thinking. Researchers in online teaching may find insight into both the cognitive and contextual concerns as they work to enhance online teacher education while they plan their own investigations.  相似文献   

Online learning has become more popular in higher education with its advantages of flexibility and accessibility. However, there have been challenges to students’ learning experience in online learning. One critical challenge would be providing interactions between students and instructors as good or effective as in the face‐to‐face environment. However, providing face‐to‐face interactions in online learning is not feasible because students and instructors are not physically present together. In this study, we introduce and empirically investigate social presence as student learning experience in online learning in which physical presence does not exist. Drawing upon the social presence and online learning literature, we propose a research model to explore how the interactivity of communication tools can drive social presence and student satisfaction in online learning. Furthermore, this study examines gender difference as a moderator in the model. Data were collected from undergraduate students who were taking online business statistics courses where an interactive communication tool was required to use for class communication and collaboration. The results showed that social presence driven by tool interactivity had a significant impact on student satisfaction in online learning. We also found that gender difference moderated the relationship between tool interactivity and social presence in online learning.  相似文献   

高校师生关系的日渐淡化与冷漠是高校教育的一个重要的难点与热点问题,构建基于QQ的师生交流模式是解决该问题的一条有效途径。QQ的主要传播方式与高校师生交流内容的整合,可构建如下交流模式:按交流的传播形式来分有文本、语音及视频三种交流模式;按交流的主体数量来分有独聊与群聊两种交流模式;按交流的在线情况来分有即时交流与延时交流两种模式;按交流的内容来分有认知与情感两种交流模式。反思上述交流模式,发现其具有符号的丰富性、主体的自由性、途径的多样性、时空的超越性等主要特征。  相似文献   

提问交互模型(QICT)是异步在线交流环境中促进学生批判性思维的有效工具,其教学应用方法结合了脚手架的思想和异步在线交流的特点.将整个批判性思维的教学过程分为预备、教师引导、学习伙伴引导和自我引导四个阶段。研究结合“传播学”课程教学.以课程网站的论坛为异步在线交流平台,运用实验研究法、问誊调查法和内容分析法对QICT模型的教学应用方法进行了实践研究。研究发现.QICT模型的教学应用方法对学生批判性思维具有促进作用.证明该方法对批判性思维教学具有积极影响。同时还发现,教师引导阶段对后续学习伙伴引导阶段和自我引导阶段起到良好的示范作用.地位至关重要。  相似文献   

Elementary education teacher candidates who studied under two delivery methods—online and face to face—were compared to determine if there was a significant difference in professional knowledge and skills using Praxis II test scores. The participants included 60 teaching assistant program (TAP) online candidates and 564 face-to-face candidates. The two groups’ perceptions of self-efficacy were also compared. Results indicated a significant difference in professional knowledge based on Praxis II test scores and no significant difference in perceptions of self-efficacy. Although both groups felt confident in their teaching abilities, the traditional candidates outperformed TAP candidates on Praxis II. However, in the ancillary findings of this study, 41.6% of traditional candidates were admitted to the teacher education program with a Praxis I exemption, whereas only 23.4% of TAP candidates were exempt from the requirement. This suggests that traditional candidates entered the program at a more advanced level than the TAP candidates, possibly explaining the significant difference in the finding of the Praxis II test scores.  相似文献   

兰德公司"T项目"充分探讨了数字化信息与通讯技术(ICT)对学前教育的影响及学前教育应当采取的回应方式,认为信息技术素养对儿童的数字化生存意义重大,学前教育应担负跨越"数字鸿沟"的使命。因此,当以儿童发展为本,从ICT的使用目的、发展适宜性ICT的界定、相应的支持体系、师资准备、家长参与等方面综合建构有效的工作模式。中国学前教育也当直面数字时代的挑战,基于深入研究寻求ICT在儿童生活中的有效整合。  相似文献   

Is the use of an online course delivery format, when compared with the more traditional face‐to‐face format, good or bad in the context of university education? Those who subscribe to the no‐significant‐difference perspective argue that online delivery is good, because it allows students with time and geographic distance constraints to obtain the education that they need, with no significant negative impact on the quality of the learning experience. Others argue that online delivery is bad, advocating a version of the competing significant‐difference perspective, because the electronic communication media used for online delivery are not rich or natural enough to enable effective learning. This study contrasted students perceptions and grades in two different sections of the same course: one delivered entirely online and the other delivered face to face. Data were collected and analyzed at two points in time, namely, at the middle and end of a long semester. The study found support for both the no‐significant‐ and significant‐difference perspectives. At the middle of the semester, students in the online condition perceived communication ambiguity as significantly higher, and also obtained significantly lower grades, than students in the face‐to‐face condition. At the end of the semester, no significant differences were found.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine teachers' embodiments online. The analysis is based on online ethnographic data from two online courses in higher education settings using different information and communication technologies. The perspective of practice theory and the concepts of being a body, having a body and the instrumental body were used to analyse how teachers step into an embodied presence. The embodied presence depends on both teacher judgements and what the technology offers. The finding adds to the understanding of the concept of teacher presence online, in showing that teacher embodiment occurs online and furthermore that the body could be understood as multiple. The result also shows how online and offline bodies hang together, actualising the offline body in the online setting, which in turn raises questions on the dualism of online and offline. Teachers also deliberately used their embodiments and bodily traces online in order to sustain presence and to bring about certain teaching practices. Their bodily positioning signalled what kind of teaching that would take place. A deliberate positioning of the online body in a virtual world also helped to reduce the complexity of the arrangements for the students.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

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