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动态、复杂的竞争环境下,战争游戏法和作战室已经成为企业竞争分析的工具和方法.本文将基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室作为一种竞争情报创新工具,利用逻辑上的反推,从战争游戏和作战室的功能出发,探讨满足这些功能的竞争情报作战室设计应该具备的构成要素,构建基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室设计的通用模型.依据该模型,在对我国企业竞争情报和作战室应用现状及需求进行调查分析的基础上,分析影响基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室设计的权变因素,提出了适合我国企业的4种设计模式,为我国企业应对激烈多变的竞争环境建立竞争情报作战室提供了可供参考的操作模式.  相似文献   

从企业作战室的概况入手,分析企业竞争情报作战室引入本体的必要性;试图在说明作战室的建模流程的基础上,提出企业竞争情报作战室模型的整体架构,并设计作战室中重要概念的模型,如竞争情报信息本体模型,情景演算本体模型、空间结构本体模型,以解决作战室异构知识的共享问题,增强知识表示的科学性,提高作战室决策的效度。  相似文献   

本文在分析竞争情报作战室概念产生的来源、演化过程及原因的基础上,对企业竞争情报作战室的概念及本质进行探讨,并对竞争情报作战室与竞争情报工作、竞争情报人员、竞争情报部门以及项目管理中的作战室等相关概念进行了辨析。  相似文献   

文章在分析固定作战室产生背景及其特点的基础上,从场所、空间、色彩、安全保护和高技术装备五个方面对基于固定场所的企业竞争情报作战室进行设计,提出固定作战室开发和实施过程.最后以Ford竞争对手分析作战室为案例对其作战室设计进行分析.  相似文献   

作为对企业竞争情报工作的一种改革创新,竞争情报作战室在弥合竞争情报与企业决策之间的缺口方面蕴含着巨大潜能。而为了保证竞争情报作战室活动能够有机地融入企业的运作环境,需要全面系统地筹划竞争情报作战室运行的基础性工作,即针对企业内外部情况开展竞争情报作战室的运行准备工作。本研究将从竞争情报作战室的组成与功能分析入手,讨论企业运行竞争情报作战室的驱动因素、行为优化以及运行规划模型等问题。  相似文献   

通过结构化问卷调查,分析我国企业对竞争情报作战室的需求情况和建立竞争情报作战室的可行性,探讨在我国建立竞争情报作战室应该注意的问题。调查结果表明我国企业对竞争情报作战室的接受及需求程度高,竞争情报作战室在我国具备研究的必要性和现实需求,具有极强的研究价值和应用价值,在我国建立企业竞争情报作战室和进行理论探讨也是可行的。  相似文献   

在快速变化的竞争环境中,本研究引入基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室运行机制,为企业增强洞察能力、提高反应速度,提供一种有效的操作方式.本研究首先从概念和特征出发分析运行机理,并以我国企业竞争情报实践现状为基础讨论运行准备机制;随后探讨以作战室为工作中心和基础平台、以战争游戏法为情报分析核心方法的实施流程,以及对这种流程的管理机制;然后进一步分析推动这种实施流程顺利开展的运行控制与运行保障机制.对基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室运行机制进行的研究,旨在为这种竞争情报工作范式在我国企业中的实践活动提供一种有效地指导.  相似文献   

1952年4月8日中午时分.一条距离西藏军区作战室100来米的小河边,西藏军区作战参谋杨一真拿着望远镜,警惕地观察着500米外布达拉宫的动静。  相似文献   

网络数字环境下知识组织体系的发展现状及未来趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章全面综述了知识组织体系这一领域的发展现状,包括定义与类型、功能、应用领域及发展的主要特点,并指出知识组织体系未来的发展趋势.  相似文献   

近年来我国图书馆危机管理研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图书馆面临着多种危机现象,如何对图书馆进行危机管理近年来成了学者及实践者的研究热潮,特别是2007年以来文献量迅猛增加,这些成果文献中既有理论研究、比较研究、综述研究,也有实践研究,文章采用文献计量的方法,对所选文献的对于图书馆的危机管理定义、特点、类型、原则等进行了归纳探讨,重点对图书馆危机管理的方法和类型进行了列举说明,最后认为当前的研究认为在应用领域的研究还不够,需要在今后的研究中应加大对应用领域的拓展.  相似文献   

��[Purpose/significance] The development of digital humanities has aroused widespread concern in the field of social sciences and humanities, by using convenient and efficient computing technology to extract potential information from massive data resources and unstructured text, and present it to users in a more intuitive and clear way.[Method/process] This paper took the war described in Zuo Zhuan as the research object, and extracted the strategic offensive sides and strategic defenders of each war from the war sentences. From the perspective of digital humanities, it explored the feasibility of using social network analysis methods to describe the changes of the war pattern in Spring and Autumn Period. On this basis, the vassal states in the Spring and Autumn Period were divided into different groups according to the relationship between war cooperation and war confrontation. The main groups and the core vassal states were analyzed and discussed one by one. In addition, the war in Zuo Zhuan was dynamically displayed in using 3 techniques:html, css and E-Charts.[Result/conclusion] We provided a method for extracting war information from the unstructured Zuo Zhuan texts during the Spring and Autumn Period and organized it into quantifiable data. It proved that it was feasible to show the relationship between the vassal states during the Spring and Autumn Period from the perspective of war, and also showed the feasibility and great potential of digital humanities technology in the research of humanistic history.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the war correspondents traveling in the Balkans during the period of the Balkan Wars (1912–1913) to cover military campaigns. It tries to explore the paths of information, the mechanisms of propaganda and the restrictions used by the Balkan states to control the content of the news transmitted. The Balkan Wars were among the first military events covered so extensively by newspapers all around the world. In the battle-fields the principles of the new field of journalism were highly tested. The lessons learnt in the Balkans during the Balkan Wars proved to be productive and useful for the improvement of the relationship between war correspondents and military authorities.  相似文献   

China plays an increasing role in the wars and conflicts around the world with its expanding political and economic interests overseas and its diplomatic role in international affairs. More and more Chinese journalists go to the frontlines overseas to cover distant conflicts for domestic audiences. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese correspondents who have covered conflicts outside China, this study examines Chinese journalists' perceptions and reflections on objectivity in the war zones. The author adopts a term of Chinese-style pragmatic objectivity to mean that objectivity is a convenient approach for Chinese journalists to do war journalism in the field. At the level of objectivity-as-a-value, objectivity is defined as a pragmatic value and a practical ritual for Chinese journalists to do news within the scope they can reach, to protect themselves from criticisms, and to justify their version of the truth. It promotes allegiance and patriotism. At the level of objectivity-as-a-practice, objectivity in war coverage is compromised by China's foreign policies, military constraints, the press's political orientations and editorial polices, and journalists' personal experiences and values. Chinese journalists use Chinese-style objectivity to negotiate their roles in the power struggle with the state, foreign militaries, the newsroom, and journalists.  相似文献   

准备室在图书情报界属于新生事物,现阶段相关研究论述基本没有,然而它在大流通时代书库馆员的工作中却发挥着重要作用。文章论述了准备室的意义、管理、存在问题及解决办法,指出管理可以从保证卫生和安全、提供设施、美化环境、树立良好馆风几个方面入手。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 研究开放获取背景下学术信息交流的场域变化与价值链重构,以优化学术信息交流生态、提高学术信息交流效率。[方法/过程] 运用场域理论,分析开放获取背景下学术信息交流主体间的关系变化,并探讨上述变化对学术信息交流价值链的影响。[结果/结论] 开放获取背景下,学术信息交流场域呈现多主体趋势,并基于彼此整合协同空间,提出和构建单主体价值链整合和多主体价值链协同两种学术信息交流价值链重构模式。  相似文献   

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