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搜集20年间境外英文媒体报道中有关中国职业教育的真实语料,自建语料库分析话语的来源特征和文本信息,并按照教育国际化认知框架分析我国职业教育在制度、经济、课程与文化四个领域和国家政策、国际化评价、教育市场、经济发展、留学生教育、课程国际化、教师国际化、跨境合作项目与跨境合作交流九个方面的话语面貌,并勾画出由此建构的中国职业教育国际形象,分析影响媒体建构这种形象背后的政治、经济、文化因素。研究表明,中国职业教育在国际场域呈现出积极政策支持、助推经济发展、积极对外输出的立体化形象,具有时间和空间上的差异。基于历时话语分析的结论,从他塑与自塑、话语叙事策略与议程设置、跨学科研究等方面强化我国职业教育国际化形象。  相似文献   

传统的话语研究是站在西方的学术立场,采用二元对立分析方法展开的,忽略了话语的文化不平等性和差异性。文化话语研究将话语分析的重点转向话语的文化性和历史性,并且为当代中国的话语分析提供了新的研究方向。雄安新区全球形象传播话语具有大格局和高站位,重点突出了新区的发展前景和规划,但却忽略了新区的本土特色和历史传承。因此,为了更好地宣传新区形象,雄安新区全球形象传播的话语特色应该立足本土、放眼世界,重视历史传承和文化创新。  相似文献   

该文以费尔克劳夫话语实践分析为理论框架,从结构分析和互动分析两方面对《纽约时报》一则关于中国游客的报道进行批评话语分析,以解读中国游客形象为例,探明文本结构与社会结构的内在关系,揭示新闻报道中不平等的权力关系。  相似文献   

本研究使用线上语料库工具Wmatrix3,将语料库的自动语义标注方法与批评话语分析的话语历史方法(DHA)相结合,考察了2014-2018年国务院《政府工作报告》外宣中建构中央政府形象的建构策略。研究发现,报告外宣通过命名策略、述谓策略和论辩策略塑造出中央政府亲民而权威的群内主体,彰显其为民服务、实干、简朴和负责的形象,突出其坚定建设法治政府和廉洁政府的决心。此种群内形象的建构源自报告英译的政治诉求和报告外宣的最终目的。本研究充分显示了基于自动语义标注的DHA分析是考察形象建构的有效工具。  相似文献   

一国的形象建构除了受本国网络媒体"自塑"的影响,也离不开境外网络媒体"他塑"的影响。随着城市越来越多地充当国际行为体,其在境外网络媒体上的形象也越来越受到重视。运用费尔克劳批评话语分析三步走的方法,对越南主流网络媒体涉洛报道进行定性、定量结合的分析发现,越南媒体通过对文体、日常生活、科教、社会、环境等多个领域的关注,在议题选取、信息来源、话语策略等方面重点着力,建构了一个总体中性、各领域褒贬不一的洛阳形象。对此,加强文化交流、推动媒体合作、加强舆情研究等措施有助于促进洛阳对越城市外交。  相似文献   

以中国国家领导人在历届“中国-东盟”峰会讲话为语料,从批评性话语分析的角度分析研究讲话中所建构的国家身份,揭示话语与国家身份建构之间的互动关系。研究发现,中国国家领导人在讲话中通过对不同类型词汇的选择和协作使用,建构了“合作者”的国家身份及形象,也揭示了话语实践(讲话)与社会实践(国家身份建构)互动关系的实现条件。  相似文献   

国家形象的建构过程高度依赖语言,在国家话语体系内探索如何用语言建构国家形象的相关议题正逐渐升温。本研究采用语料库语言学的研究方法,以新修辞学中的认同理论为理论基础,建立《中国日报》2022年北京冬奥会系列报道语料库,深入考察北京冬奥会外宣话语对中国国家形象建构的塑造效果。本研究可以为我国外宣话语建构理想中国国家形象提供值得借鉴的修辞策略。  相似文献   

话语分析作为语言学分支,以积极话语与批评话语共同构成了其作为语言学、语言哲学、社会学的存在的属性。本文就话语分析中批评话语的反思及语言哲学视野下话语分析建构进行了探讨,对话语分析的学科属性进行了探讨,为话语分析的研究与发展提供支持。  相似文献   

警察形象话语是国家安全话语的重要组成部分。近年来警察形象危机频发,迫切需要进行有关警察形象的话语研究为提升警察形象提供借鉴,从而更有效地打击犯罪和维护社会治安。本文主要运用社会符号学的视觉语法理论,同时借鉴电影理论和传播学相关理论,建构动态(视频类)多模态话语的分析框架,并将这一框架运用到中美警察形象宣传片的对比分析中。分析揭示了中美警察形象宣传片在叙事特征、互动意义以及意识形态方面的不同,并就此类宣传片的制作提出了一些建议。本研究的意义在于:一是尝试说明视频分析必须结合电影理论以及其他相关学科的理论和观点,针对不同的语类特征采取不同的视角来建立分析框架;二是尝试探讨建构正面、积极的警察形象的有效途径,为国家安全话语的研究贡献微薄之力,为今后该类话语的社会实践提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

协作意义建构是CSCL研究的核心问题之一.本文从话语的视角探讨了话语与协作意义建构之间的关系,提出了运用话语分析来研究协作意义建构过程的思想;接着以一个CSCL环境下的教学案例为基础,分析和界定了小组协作意义建构过程中的话语类型和功能;最后选取一个小组话语互动的片段,详细分析了协作意义建构的过程.研究表明运用话语分析可以深入了解协作意义建构的过程和机制.  相似文献   

从批判话语分析视角,采用费尔克拉夫(Fairclough)的三维分析模式,对美国大学University of Central Oklahomo的留学生招生简介进行了实例分析,以研究高等教育机构话语特征及揭示其语言背后潜在的意识形态。结果发现:高等教育机构市场化促使大学模仿企业采用类似广告的促销话语进行宣传招生。为此,招生简介使用人称代词构建亲近的人际关系;情态动词构建一所享有威望的优秀大学形象;通过话语混杂力求说服潜在留学生来UCO就读。  相似文献   

This article exploits the synergy of critical discourse studies and Corpus Linguistics to study the pervasive representation of Islam and Muslims in an approximate 670,000-word corpus of US news media stories published between 2001 and 2015. Following collocation and concordance analysis of the most frequent topics or categories which revolve around the representation of Islam and Muslims in US news stories, the Discourse-Historical Approach to critical discourse analysis was adopted to investigate how the discursive strategies of nomination (construction of in-groups and out-groups) and predication (labeling social actors more or less positively or negatively) are used in US news media stories. The findings indicated that, in general, Islam and Muslims are associated with violence, religious radicalism, and Islamic extremist militants. Finally, the article discusses the discursive themes resulting from the analysis of personal pronouns as well as the educational implications of the findings for social studies and multicultural education.  相似文献   

在中国从传统走向现代的过程中,妇女解放和现代民族国家建构已然成了一组紧密相关的时代命题。"十七年"农村题材小说中女性形象及其建构过程,实际上是对现代民族国家话语下女性身份实现深刻转型的真实摹写。而在现代民族国家建构的框架之下对性别平等所进行的广泛政治支持和社会动员,却也正是"新型主体"与"新的精神"形象建构的现实观照。其结果共同指向于立体的中国本土妇女运动和性别平等的新空间。  相似文献   

This study, conducted over a one-year period, examined the collaboration practices in a large-scale school-university capacity-building collaborative action research project that was designed to help English language teachers develop the skills needed to deal with the reforms to assessment practices in Hong Kong's school curriculum. The study theorized collaboration as a complex construction that must be understood in the context of the prevailing ideologies shaping professional development practices for teachers. Online data generated from the collaborative action research project were analysed to explore the discursive construction of interpersonal relationships. Critical discourse analysis was used to examine the discursive strategies that were used in the emails of two university researchers and two school teachers to negotiate and manage collaboration practices. It examined the complexities of negotiating collaboration as a social practice in institutional cultures in a non-Western sociocultural setting. The implications of the findings for policy, professional development and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

“80后”指中国1980-1989十年中出生的人,因其特殊的成长环境而备受公众和媒介的关注,是一个时代的文化潮流,具有鲜明的时代烙印.本文主要采用内容分析法,以“80后”网络话语文本为研究对象,从话语分析角度出发研究网络媒介构建的“80后”身份和形象特点及其构建方式,同时结合“80后”所处的时代背景和社会环境,分析“80后”网络媒介形象的成因.  相似文献   

Discourse approaches in education policy analysis have gained prominence in the last decade. However, though the literature on policy discourses is growing, different conceptions of the ‘discursive’ dimension and its potential for empirical analysis related to the field of curriculum policy have not yet been fully researched. To address this gap in education policy research, this article explores the framework of discursive institutionalism. Using background and foreground ideas and coordinative and communicative discourses on three analytically distinct levels, this article proposes and discusses a framework for empirically analysing, explaining and understanding education reforms on the transnational and local levels. The introduced conceptual framework represents an integration of discursive institutionalism (DI) and curriculum theory (CT) to provide a more multifaceted set of concepts to explore the lending and borrowing of transnational education policies and their application at both national and local levels. These concepts have been applied as analytical tools in a research study on the most recent curriculum reform in Sweden, and they may serve as an example of how different ideas, discourses and levels can be distinguished in research studies to maintain the complexity of education reforms.  相似文献   

五四儿童文学的文化建构本源于儿童与成人的空间张力,五四中国的文化空间为五四儿童文学想象中国提供了隐喻质素。具体而论,物理空间确证了儿童价值体系的中国境域,文化空间透析了中国社会分层的话语对峙。五四儿童文学先驱借助儿童镜像来呈示五四中国的现代认同与疏离,体现了现代知识分子建构民族国家的话语努力。  相似文献   

Collaborative learning and critical pedagogy are widely recognized as ‘empowering’ pedagogies for higher education. Yet, the practical implementation of both has a mixed record. The question, then, is: How could collaborative and critical pedagogies be empowered themselves? This paper makes a primarily theoretical case for discourse analysis (DA) as a form of classroom practice that provides a structured framework for collaborative and critical pedagogies in higher education, with a special reference to sociology classroom practice. I develop a tripartite scheme for building a framework for sociological imagination that is, first, sensitive to the discursive aspects of social reality (learning about DA). Second, I illustrate the use of DA as pedagogical tool and classroom practice (learning with DA). Third, I discuss how discourse analytical ideas can be used in evaluating classroom interaction and how these reflexive insights can be used to enhance student empowerment (learning through DA).  相似文献   

The interpretive framework for the study of learning introduced in this article and called commognitive is grounded in the assumption that thinking is a form of communication and that learning mathematics is tantamount to modifying and extending one's discourse. These basic tenets lead to the conclusion that substantial discursive change, rather than being necessitated by an extradiscursive reality, is spurred by commognitive conflict, that is, by the situation that arises whenever different interlocutors are acting according to differing discursive rules. The framework is applied in 2 studies, one of them featuring a class learning about negative numbers and the other focusing on 2 first graders learning about triangles and quadrilaterals. In both cases, the analysis of data is guided by questions about (a) features of the new mathematical discourse that set it apart from the mathematical discourse in which the students were conversant when the learning began; (b) students' and teachers' efforts toward the necessary discursive transformation; and (c) effects of the learning–teaching process, that is, the extent of discursive change actually resulting from these efforts. One of the claims corroborated by the findings is that school learning requires an active lead of an experienced interlocutor and needs to be fueled by a learning-teaching agreement between the interlocutor and the learners.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the representation of social values and their ontogenetic development in English as a foreign language textbooks in Hong Kong. Adopting a social semiotic approach, it considers social values in textbooks as semantic categories which are constructed by complex semiotic discursive resources, and develops an explicit framework to model what values are selected and how the values are constructed. Analysis of 19 textbooks from Primary 1 to Secondary 4–6 shows that the social values change from the personal domain (e.g. good hygiene and healthy lifestyle), through the interpersonal domain (e.g. politeness and respect), to the altruistic concern for all mankind. The result also suggests that the textbooks are more concerned with the didactic education of good citizens than with cultivating children’s critical thinking. The analytical framework and the findings can be used for the explicit instruction and critical analysis of social values in English language teaching.  相似文献   

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