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“女运动员三联征”包括了相互联系的三个征象,即进食障碍、闭经和早发骨质疏松。这三种症状在女运动员经常同时出现,尤其易发生在那些从事美学和生理学上依赖低体脂或低体重取得成功的项目的运动员中,是影响女运动员健康和竞技状态的重要因素。女运动员三联征与机体能量不平衡有关。从机体能量平衡调节的角度综述女运动员三联征的发生机制。  相似文献   

女运动员三联征包括闭经、骨质疏松和饮食紊乱,它最早是由美国运动医学联合会于1992年提出的。运动性闭经是月经失调最严重的形式,可分为两种类型:原发性闭经和继发性闭经,女运动员骨质疏松的发病率要高于普通女性,女运动员需要在20岁以前尽可能地累积以提高峰值骨量。饮食紊乱也包括两种形式:神经性厌食和神经性贪食,饮食紊乱在某些体育运动项目中发生的危险性较高,文章综述了女运动员三联征各组分及其相互之间关系和诊断与管理的研究进展。  相似文献   

女运动员三联征(包括膳食紊乱、闭经、骨质疏松)自20世纪90年代被美国运动医学界提出以来,至今还没有受到国内各界的重视。三联征危害女运动员的身心健康,进而潜在地影响运动员的成绩。无论是从运动员的健康考虑或是从我国竞技体育的发展考虑,三联征都应该得到广泛的关注。文章认为饮食紊乱是三联征的核心问题,并对女运动员三联征进行研究,以期为女运动员的运动提供帮助。  相似文献   

通过过度训练和三重综合症对女性机体影响的研究,分析了过度训练与三重综合症中饮食紊乱、月经失调和骨质疏松症状的关系,探讨了它们各自的机制,为预防和治疗相关疾病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

赵璨  王人卫 《体育科研》2012,33(6):84-88
摘要:控帝3能量平衡的机刺与控制生殖系统的机制之阃不仅相互联系,而且交互作用,它们共同促使机体在波动的代谢条件下维持高耗能的生殖功能,成功完成繁殖的任务。目前越来越多的外国学者关注能量平衡与生殖系统间的关系,并提出大胆的设想。就国内外能量平衡与生殖系统。特别是下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴(Hypothalamus—pituitary—ovarianaxis,HPO轴)的关系进行阐述,为运动性月经失调的机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

一、减轻体重的原则1.能量平衡这一概念在讲述肌糖元贮备和疲劳时已经讨论过了,但对于“能量平衡”的理解在讨论饮食和锻炼能够影响机体重量及组成时也是至关重要的。用最简单的语言定义,所谓能量平衡就是机体摄入的能量等于消耗的能量,即能量摄入=能量输出。当摄入大于输出,多余的能量要么作为脂肪贮存要么以  相似文献   

高原训练的营养问题,有与平原训练的要求一致之处。但在高原缺氧环境下训练,受到缺氧和运动负荷的双重刺激,由此而引起运动员机体所需的营养和热能供给也有一定的特殊性。在高原上训练能量的消耗加大,再加上机体本身的消化能力削弱,在平原上的能量供需之间的矛盾更显得突出,因此,如何来合理的安排高原环境条件下的饮食,以确保其高原的合理营养供给问题就显得比较重要了。  相似文献   

姚幼山 《中华武术》2009,(11):58-59
在众多影响运动能力的因素中,不可忽视的一个因素就是维生素。维生素是维持机体生命活动过程所必需的一类微量的低分子有机化合物,虽然不提供能量且人体需要量微少,但对于维持人体健康和运动能力具有重要作用。维生素作为能量代谢的辅助因子,有利于机体吸收能量和体质构成,在细胞内引起酶或激素样的作用,刺激生理机能、  相似文献   

可利用能量与运动性月经失调的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可利用能量假说可能是运动性月经失调的一种发生机制。阐述了可利用能量假说,并探讨可利用能量改变引发运动性月经失调可能的机制,可利用能量改变对黄体生成素、肾上腺轴、瘦素、甲状腺激素、神经肽Y的影响。  相似文献   

女性运动性月经失调的临床表现为黄体功能不全、无排卵、月经过少、闭经以及初潮延迟.目前认为运动性月经失调为多种因素所致,对其诊断仍采用排除法.评价应包括详细的病史和包括骨盆检查在内的完整身体检查.大多数病例可随饮食和运动量的调整而恢复正常.长期雌激素低下状态并伴有骨量丢失的病例推荐采用激素替代疗法.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of young dancers suspected of suffering from the female athlete triad syndrome and eumenorrhoeic/normal weight dancers with eumenorrhoeic non-exercising controls. Full-time dance students from a collegiate academy of performing arts were recruited. The female athlete triad syndrome was suspected when oligo/amenorrhoea was present together with underweight (body mass index below 18.5 kg · m?2). The non-exercising group consisted of eumenorrhoeic age-matched patients presenting to an adolescent gynaecology clinic. All participants had a full hormonal profile, pelvic ultrasound, bio-impedance estimation of body fat, together with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative peripheral computed tomography scans (pQCT) to determine bone mineral density. A total of 47 dancers aged 17–20 years were recruited, of whom 14 (29.7%) fell within the criteria for suspected female athlete triad syndrome. Comparing the dancers with suspected female athlete triad with 36 non-exercising controls showed no significant differences in BMD at most sites between the two groups. Comparing the normal dancers (n=33) with the same control group showed the dancers had significantly higher BMD at the hip sites (P<0.005), as well as higher core tibial volumetric BMD (P=0.04) than the controls. Young dancers with oligo/amenorrhoea and apparent under-nutrition that fitted the clinical diagnosis of female athlete triad syndrome did not have lower BMD than non-exercising eumenorrhoeic controls, while eumenorrhoeic dancers actually had higher BMD. In addition, no significant differences were seen between eumenorrhoeic dancers and those with suspected female athlete triad. The risk of osteoporosis was apparently offset by the benefits of regular intensive weight-bearing exercises in those participants with suspected female athlete triad.  相似文献   


The prevalence of disordered eating and eating disorders vary from 0–19% in male athletes and 6–45% in female athletes. The objective of this paper is to present an overview of eating disorders in adolescent and adult athletes including: (1) prevalence data; (2) suggested sport- and gender-specific risk factors and (3) importance of early detection, management and prevention of eating disorders. Additionally, this paper presents suggestions for future research which includes: (1) the need for knowledge regarding possible gender-specific risk factors and sport- and gender-specific prevention programmes for eating disorders in sports; (2) suggestions for long-term follow-up for female and male athletes with eating disorders and (3) exploration of a possible male athlete triad.  相似文献   

This paper, which was part of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) 2007 Nutritional Consensus Conference, briefly reviews the components of the female athlete triad (Triad): energy availability, menstrual status, and bone health. Each component of the Triad spans a continuum from health to disease, and female athletes can have symptoms related to each component of the Triad to different degrees. Low energy availability is the primary factor that impairs menstrual dysfunction and bone health in the Triad. We discuss nutritional issues associated with the Triad, focusing on intakes of macronutrients needed for good health, and stress fractures, the most common injury associated with the Triad. Finally, we briefly discuss screening and treatment for the Triad and the occurrence of the Triad in men.  相似文献   

进食障碍(eating disorders,EDS)主要是指以反常的摄食行为和心理紊乱为特征、伴有显著的体重改变和/或生理功能紊乱的一组综合征。其主要的临床类型包括:神经性厌食症、神经性贪食症和非典型性进食障碍。运动员存在的进食障碍多为非典型性进食障碍,且以女性居多,其发病的危险性是非运动员女性的3倍以上。本文就女性运动员与进食障碍的关系,以及其发病原因、治疗、预防加以综述,为教学、科研、运动训练等提供一些参考和意见。  相似文献   

Participation in elite sport, and in particular those sports with special demands in terms of weight and shape, is associated with a higher risk for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa [Sundgot-Borgen, J., & Torstveit, M. K. (2010). Aspects of disordered eating continuum in elite high intensity sports. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 20, 112–121]. We report upon research exploring eating attitudes and behaviours within elite gymnastics. The study comprised 42 semi-structured interviews with gymnasts and support staff—34 gymnasts and 9 staff/support staff. The majority of those interviewed were acrobatic gymnasts (22; 16 males and 6 females) with 7 rhythmic gymnasts (all female) and 5 tumblers (all female). The mean age of those gymnasts interviewed was 17.4. A difficulty in precisely delineating extreme eating patterns (disordered eating) from having an eating disorder was noted. Within an elite sports context behaviours thought to be pathological in a more general setting might be fairly commonplace and even functional to the athlete's performance. The extent to which the athlete consents to these patterns of behaviour is problematic given their age and development. We argue that conceptualising consent as ‘authority to be cared for by a trustworthy coach’, more felicitously applies to the child/adolescent elite sporting context, helping us understand not only the focus of the elite gymnast, but also their relationship with the coach and the coaches' responsibilities.  相似文献   

合理、均衡的膳食营乔越来越受到重视和关注,但针对女子武术运动员的合理曾乔的研冤较少。文章采用文献资料法、归纳法和类比法等研究方法,从武术套路运动的项目特征、女子运动员的能量需求特点以及合理营养的建议等方面对女子武术套路运动员的合理营养需求进行了初步的分析,以便为武术运动员的训练、比赛和恢复提供营养参考,同时也希望能引起科研人员和专家的重视,对这一问题进行全面深入的研究。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the triad components (amenorrhoea, disordered eating, and osteoporosis) in identifying physically active women at risk of long-term health problems. Eighty-two females (mean age 31.1 years, s = 6.7; body mass 58.4 kg, s = 6.6; stature 1.65 m, s = 0.06) completed training, menstrual, and dietary questionnaires. Bone mineral density and size-adjusted bone mineral density were assessed at the femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. Seventy-eight percent of participants were eumenorrhoeic, 20% were oligomenorrhoeic, and 2% were amenorrhoeic. Thirty-six percent and 55% reported disordered eating practices in the present and past respectively. Eighty-one percent, 17%, and 2% were classified as normal, osteopaenic, and osteoporotic at the femoral neck respectively; 92% were normal, 7% osteopaenic, and 1% osteoporotic at the lumbar spine. No significant differences in femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density were observed between eumenorrhoeic and oligo/amenorrhoeic participants (F(2,80) = 0.119, P = 0.73); eumenorrhoeic participants had significantly greater lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F(2,80) = 9.79, P = 0.003). Disordered eating participants had significantly lower femoral neck size-adjusted bone mineral density than those reporting no disordered eating (F(2,80) = 13.816, P = 0.000). Twenty-two percent of participants fulfilled triad criteria, while 55% were "at risk" of long-term health problems. An accumulation of conditions resulted in lower lumbar spine size-adjusted bone mineral density (F(1,80) = 6.074, P = 0.004). The current triad components do not identify all women "at risk" and more appropriate criteria such as exercise-related menstrual alterations, disordered eating, and osteopaenia are suggested.  相似文献   


Attitudes of seventh-grade, tenth-grade, and university male and female students (N = 264) were assessed, using a semantic differential technique, toward the concepts “male,” “female,” “male athlete,” and “female athlete.” Factor analysis of variance (nested design), with repeated measures over the four concepts of the evaluative dimension, revealed that the subjects were more positive in attitude toward those concepts identified as athletic and female. Multifactor analysis of variance indicated a hierarchy of approval which placed the concept of the female athlete in the most favored position, followed by female, male athlete, and male. Post-hoc analysis (using Scheffé α = .001) showed significant differences between all four concepts with these exceptions: between female athlete and female and between female and male athlete. Perceptions of activity-potency established the male athlete as most active-potent, followed by male, female athlete, and female.  相似文献   

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