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<正>随着大学教育的普及,越来越多的学生能够进入高等教育的殿堂进行学习,随之而来的是高校学生数量急剧增加。上课班级往往是一个几十人甚至上百人组成的"大班",大班教学存在的弊端逐渐显现,比如课堂教学不好组织,无法进行探究型教学,导致授课效果明显削弱,而学生接受知识的能力不同,成绩参差不齐,这些问题都显著降低了大学教育的水平。近些年,各大高校都普遍认识到了这个问题,部分学校开始尝试小班教学,并取得了显著效果。大学教育倡导小班化教学,  相似文献   

大班英语教学存在的问题分析及教学对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管发达地区不少学校在大力倡导试行“小班教学”、“小班化”教学,提倡一个班级学生人数控制在20到30人左右进行教学,但据我国目前大部分地区的教学实际情况来看,根本不具备实行小班教学条件。基于这一基本国情,在相当一段时间内,我国大部分地区仍将继续沿用大班化教学。因而,研究大班教学的有效性是摆在广大教育工作者面前的重要课题。  相似文献   

小班并不等于“小班化”,“小班化”的关键是利用小班班级规模的资源优势,转变教师的教学观念和学生的学习方法。根据现代教育理论和教学实践经验,构建了“小班化”数学课堂教学的实施策略,即增加有效互动、提倡做中学、鼓励大胆猜想。  相似文献   

“小班化”教育模式是近年来为适应社会发展的需要而构建的一种新的班级授课模式。“小班化”教育模式的实验中,由于班级学生数采取“小班”数额,教师的教学观念和教学行为方式都作了相应的改变和调整,课堂教学结构得到全面优化,教师可  相似文献   

目前我国极为重视小班额教学,然而受地区、学校、师资等因素的影响,多数班级仍是实际上的大班教学.此种情况下,“大班授课,小班讨论”的教学模式彰显出独特优势.本文探究了基于此教学模式下的教师合作备课、大班集中授课、学生自主学习、小班积极讨论、教师反思总结五个教学环节,提供了“幂函数”教学案例,从而丰富中学数学的教学模式,为中学数学教师提供参考.  相似文献   

目前,"大班授课"已难适应当代教学需要和国家人才培养需求,"小班授课"取代"大班授课"势在必行,但考虑到我国高等教育招生和师生比等特征,仍需通过"大班授课、小班研讨"过渡教学模式。本文根据"气象学与气候学"课程体系特点,探讨"大班授课、小班研讨"合作性教学改革,提出了立足授课为先,确保课程核心知识和大纲主体内容讲授到位;合理划分课程有机单元,将主题研讨贯穿于课程全程,确保主旨鲜明地开展系统的主题研讨;开展适度合作,转变"教师主体"和传统的"教师-学生单线双主体"理念,实施"学生与学生,教师与学生""双线双向"理念下的"讲授-帮助-辅导-互馈"机制的建议。  相似文献   

大班授课、小班研讨就是将传统的大班教学与小班讨论结合起来的课堂教学方法。毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论课采用大班授课、小班研讨的教学模式,有效地促进了教师与学生之间的就教学内容的深入交流,激发了学生学习的主动性,及时解决了学生头脑中对一些问题的疑惑,增强了课程教学的实效性。  相似文献   

随着新课改要求的不断提出,大班式教育手段很显然不适用于所有的教学。初中数学的小班化教学作为一种创新式教学手段,具有很高的探索价值。积极进行小班式教学可以有效提高学生的整体思维,便于教师因材施教。对于初中教学的实施小班化教学的路径探索进行研讨和分析。  相似文献   

一、目前现状由于近几年来国内各高校扩大招生,学生数量明显增加,师资队伍的扩大远远满足不了学生急剧增长的需要,这就势必打破传统的小班授课,而采用百人以上的大班授课的方式,英语课堂人数剧增,给公共外语教学带来很大压力。为此,探索适应英语大班教学最有效的教学方法成为当前研究的紧迫任务。人们对于大班英语教学的“大”字有着不同的看法。有些人认为,大学英语课人数超过50即为大班;也有些人认为真正意义上的大班人数为100人以上,甚至是150人。据国外资料报道:“Therecanbenoquantitativedefi-nitionofwhatconstitutesa‘large’clas…  相似文献   

大部分盲校教学组织是仿效传统普通教育班级授课制模式建立起来的,逐渐形成了“小组班、大班校,不管多少按班教”的特征。虽然盲校实行的是小班教学,但大一统的班级授课制组织管理严重脱离盲校的实际,满足不了视障学生复杂多样的个别特殊需要,也制约、消损着小班的灵活性和个别化优势的发挥,限制了教师和学生在教学过程中行为方式的变化。  相似文献   

大学数学课堂教学改革是一项复杂的系统工程,必须以学生为本,因材施教,着力培养大学生运用数学解决实际问题的能力.大学生毕业之后不管是继续进行深造,还是到生产第一线,都离不开扎实的数学基础和良好的创新能力.通过课堂教学改革去提高大学生的综合能力是大学数学课堂教学中的一个重要而艰巨的任务.如何确定一个明确的数学教学改革方向,提高大学生的社会适应能力,这是需要高校数学教师深刻思考的问题.  相似文献   

This paper examines “guided teaching” relationships between student teachers and their university supervisors and cooperating teachers, and the influence of these relationships on learning to teach. With few exceptions, the cooperating teachers and university supervisors in the study played limited roles in the process of learning to teach. Exceptions were a small number of cooperating teachers who believed that they could and should play and active role in student teachers' learning, conducted longer and more frequent conferences with their student teachers, and provided more extensive feedback. Based on these findings, we suggest changes in the roles of the university supervisor and cooperating teacher designed to maximize the likelihood that student teaching will be teacher education and will help student teachers explore new ways of teaching.  相似文献   


Germany historically responded to student diversity by tracking students into different schools beginning with grade 5. In the last decades, sociopolitical changes, such as an increase in “German-as-a-second-language” speaking students (GSL), have increased diversity in all tracks and have forced schools to consider forms of individualization. This has opened up the scientific debate in Germany on merits and limitations of individualization for different student groups within a tracked system and heterogeneous classes. The aim of the present exploratory study was to examine how individualized teaching (i.e., teacher self-reported individualized teaching practices and individual reference norm orientation) is related to student-perceived teaching quality. Additionally, we considered moderation effects of classroom composition in relation to achievement and proportion of GSL students. Longitudinal data came from 35 mathematics classes with 659 9th and 10th grade students. Results showed significant relation between teacher self-reported individualized teaching practices and individual reference norm orientation and monitoring. Regarding the composition effects, the proportion of GSL students in class moderated the relation between teacher self-reported individual reference norm orientation and cognitive activation. Our findings contribute to the growing body of evidence that classroom composition can differentially impact the relation between teachers’ behaviors and students’ perceptions of teaching quality.


Many teachers in higher education use feedback from students to evaluate their teaching, but only some use these evaluations to improve their teaching. One important factor that makes the difference is the teacher’s approach to their evaluations. In this article, we identify some useful approaches for improving teaching. We conducted focus groups with award-winning university teachers who use student evaluations to improve their teaching, and we identified how they approach their evaluation data. We found that these teachers take a reflective approach, aiming for constant improvement, and see their evaluation data as formative feedback, useful for improving learning outcomes for their students. We summarise this as the improvement approach, and we offer it for other teachers to emulate. We argue that if teachers take this reflective, formative, student-centred approach, they can also use student evaluations to improve their teaching, and this approach should be fostered by institutions to encourage more teachers to use student evaluations to improve their teaching.  相似文献   

This study investigated the links between the teaching practices of primary school teachers (n = 200) who were observed while presenting a new text to their first year classes, and the student achievement levels in those classes. The teaching practices are specifically concerned with the way the teachers supported and encouraged students’ activities during verbal interactions. Two different populations were observed: classes of first year students with a reduced teacher–student ratio (about ten students per class) and classes with a normal teacher–student ratio (between 20 and 25 students per class). We found that the average level of student achievement in the reduced size classes was higher than in the standard size classes but that teaching practices differed only at precise periods of group or individual introduction to new reading texts. In these periods, we found links between teaching practices and student achievement.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationships among teacher classroom practices, student motivation, and mathematics achievement in high school. The data for this study was drawn from the base-year data of High School Longitudinal Study of 2009. Structural equation modeling method was used to estimate the relationships among variables. The results indicate that conceptual teaching positively affected student mathematics achievement, whereas procedural emphasis in mathematics instruction had a negative effect. Teacher support influenced student mathematics achievement indirectly through students' mathematics self-efficacy, and also influenced students' interest in mathematics courses. Finally, students with higher levels of family socioeconomic status and prior achievement were more likely to have teachers who use conceptual teaching strategies. Students with higher prior achievement were also more likely to perceive higher levels of teacher support. The findings have theoretical and practical implications.  相似文献   

高师院校职前教育实习是教师教育的重要环节和必经阶段。高师院校教育实习工作开展得如何将直接影响到学生的就业与从业后的工作质量。要做好此项工作,必须抓好实习基地建设,选拔好带队教师,改善实习方法,合理安排实习时间与环节,上好实习课。  相似文献   

UML 课程是计算机科学与技术专业的重要课程,为提高学生应用能力,使用案例驱动教学法改进传统UML 建模技术课程教学模式。案例驱动教学以案例作为课程关键点将 UML 教学分为 3 部分,通过案例教学实现学生对知识的认识、掌握和应用。案例驱动教学具体步骤包括:提出案例、分析案例、讨论案例并讲解知识点;再次提出新案例、分小组讨论并给出解决方法、教师给出建议及参考性答案;提出更深层次的问题,学生课后分组完成,并巩固提高。案例驱动教学让学生在解决实际问题的过程中建构自己的知识体系,促进他们不断提高问题解决能力和实际应用能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, I report the results of a 4-year study into how my students learn to become mathematics teachers during the combined 15-week methods and field placement course I teach. At the start of most weekly methods class meetings, groups of three or four students reported their critical incidents to each other, and then chose one incident to report to the whole class. Each student then submitted a written report of 10 critical incidents for grading. At the end of each semester, I administered a questionnaire about the usefulness of each of the elements of the course. Using these two main data sources, along with my own personal reflections on the course, this paper answers the question “What are the critical incidents preservice teachers encounter during their field experience, and what do they learn about teaching for understanding through reflecting on those critical incidents?” My analysis of the students’ incident reports found that the issues raised focused on four main areas: teaching and classroom management; student factors such as pre-requisite knowledge, understanding, resistance and motivation; issues concerning relationships with colleagues, students and parents; and school organizational issues such as policies and access to resources. Their learning about teaching for understanding focused on three broad areas: the conditions necessary to teach for understanding; facilitators of teaching for understanding; and barriers to teaching for understanding. The paper concludes with a discussion of the lessons learned about fostering reflection in novice teachers, and suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

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