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在科技部“十五”国家重大科技专项“创新药物和中药现代化”的支持下,中国科学院上海药物研究所历时13年研制成功开发了具有较高科技含量的心血管病治疗中药“丹参多酚酸盐、注射用丹参多酚酸盐”,丹参多酚酸盐的相关技术相继获得中国和美国专利的授权。2005年5月25日国家食品药品监督管理局正式批准颁发了新药证书和生产批文。  相似文献   

注射用丹参多酚酸是以丹参药材为原料,以丹参中水溶性酚酸类成分为有效成分,采用现代工艺提取、分离、提纯的新一代中药注射剂,在临床上用于治疗中风病中经络(轻中度脑梗死)恢复期淤血阻络证。本文对注射用丹参多酚酸化学成分、药理作用等加以综述,为注射用丹参多酚酸的进一步研究提供研究线索。  相似文献   

目的:探讨丹参多酚酸盐联合生脉注射液对急性ST段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)支架植入术后患者ST段回落及出血情况。方法:选择2016年1月到2018年12月广西中医药大学第一附属医院行急诊PCI后的STEMI患者,分为观察组和对照组,每组30例,观察组在常规西药治疗基础上加用丹参多酚酸盐联合生脉注射液治疗7天,观察术后24h心电图ST段回落情况及7天内出血情况,同时对比治疗前后中医证候积分及中医证候疗效。结果:观察组在常规西医治疗基础上加用丹参多酚酸盐联合生脉注射液能够明显提高ST段回落幅度及ST段回落发生率(P0.05),且并未增加出血事件发生率(P0.05);观察组较对照组明显改善胸闷、胸痛、气短、心悸症状,且总有效率优于对照组(P0.05)。结论:丹参多酚酸盐联合生脉注射液联合西医常规药物治疗能够更有效改善PCI术后STEMI患者心肌再灌注以及临床症状,优于对照组。  相似文献   

目的:采用高效液相色谱法一次测定注射用丹参制剂中丹参有效成分丹参素的含量。方法:以乙腈、0.5%的甲酸水溶液作为梯度洗脱流动相,流速为0.8ml/min。结果:回收率为95.62%~104.22%,RSD为1.42%~3.52%。结论:此法可作为注射用丹参制剂的质量控制的标准,该法简便可行、准确可靠,质量可控。  相似文献   

注射用丹参(冻干)粉针是活血化瘀类经典药物,经过多年的实验研究及临床观察,对其药理作用及临床应用已取得长足的进展。临床应用表明,注射用丹参(冻干)粉针功能广泛,作用明显,已得到了医学界、药学界的广泛认可。本文主要阐述了对注射用丹参(冻干)粉针的现代药理学作用在相关疾病的临床应用及治疗情况。  相似文献   

目的为了更好的控制注射用丹参(冻干)的质量,决定其进行深入研究改良其方法,使其总酚含量测量重现性符合要求。  相似文献   

结合实际,论述了中药丹参在临床上的应用。  相似文献   

丹参为唇形科植物丹参的干燥根及根茎,主要产于四川、山西、河北、江苏、安徽等省。作为中药,其始载于《神龙本草经》,被列为上品。中医理论认为,丹参性味苦,微寒,归心、肝经,具有祛淤止痛、活血通经、清心除烦之功效。丹参及其制剂对治疗心脑血管疾病、癌症、中风、肝炎等疾病及抗衰老均有良  相似文献   

目的:提高注射用丹参成品收率及有效成分的相对含量。方法:改变醇沉浓度,采用大孔吸附树脂法回收及纯化总酚酸。结果:较原工艺成品收率增加了19.3%,丹参素钠相对含量增长了13.1%,总酚酸相对含量增加了19.7%。结论:所建立的新工艺可有效增加本品的收率及有效成分的相对含量。  相似文献   

研究大蒜多酚对小鼠运动指标的影响。结果表明:通过将小鼠灌胃大蒜多酚,大蒜多酚组时间均延长,中、高剂量组灌胃大蒜多酚三项指标均有显著性上升,可得出大蒜多酚能够延长小鼠运动时间,能够抵抗疲劳。小鼠经灌胃大蒜多酚后,尿素氮和血乳酸在小鼠灌胃低剂量大蒜多酚时,降低不显著,而当灌胃中剂量黄酮和高剂量黄酮后,尿素氮和血乳酸降低极显著,可知大蒜多酚可降低运动时机体血乳酸含量,故可提高小鼠机体运动能力;而肝糖原含量逐渐升高,但灌胃低剂量大蒜多酚时,肝糖原量上升不显著,当灌胃中剂量、高剂量大蒜多酚后,小鼠体内肝糖原含量上升极显著,故大蒜多酚可提高机体内糖原含量为机体提供能力。大蒜多酚可延长小鼠负重游泳时间、爬杆时间和耐缺氧时间,同时还能够使肝糖原量上升,使血清尿素氮和血乳酸量下降,故大蒜多酚可提高小鼠运动能力。  相似文献   

Coronary Artery Disease is the major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Traditional risk factors account for only half of the morbidity and mortality from coronary artery disease. There is substantial evidence that oxidative stress plays the major role in the atherosclerotic process. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the level of lipid peroxidation (by measuring malondialdehyde) and antioxidant enzymes (ceruloplasmin, glutathione, superoxide dismutase) in coronary artery disease. Serum malondialdehyde levels and serum ceruloplasmin levels were significantly raised in all the subgroups of study group as compared to control group (p<0.001). Whole blood glutathione levels and hemolysate superoxide dismutase activity was significantly decreased in all the subgroups of study group as compared to control group (p<0.001). Above results suggests that the patients of coronary artery disease show increased oxidative stress and decreased levels of antioxidant enzymes. So it is recommended that the management protocol for coronary artery disease patients should include antioxidant supplementation along with simultaneous lowering of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

李玉兰  邓鑫 《大众科技》2013,(6):169-170,110
目的:探讨应用循证护理在心血管病介入治疗术后常见并发症的护理对策。方法:将循证护理应用于心血管疾病介入治疗术后并发症中,解决术后冠状动脉闭塞、血管迷走反射(VVR)、出血或血肿及假性动脉瘤等问题的实践过程。结果:A组164例,发生各种并发症共12例(8.5%),B组160例,发生各种并发症共5例(3.1%),主要并发症为冠状动脉闭塞、VVR、穿刺局部出血或血肿、假性动脉瘤、血压异常、心律失常等。结论:循证护理应用于对心血管病介入治疗术后常见并发症具有一定的实用价值,通过提高护理质量,进一步提高心内科护理的专科性。  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is a pathologic disorder which has an important role in the occurrence of coronary heart disease. It is determined as a focal, inflammatory proliferative response to several types of endothelial damage. Apolipoprotein B which is a requirement in the sustenance of cholesterol homeostasis, and is the major protein component of low density lipoprotein, characterized by multitude polymorphic sites, one of which (12669G>A) is related to the levels of serum lipid profiles, coronary artery disease and/or myocardial infarction. One Common polymorphism which is more important in this process is 12669G>A that is appraised in this research. We recruited 80 patients from the Mousavi hospital, Zanjan, Iran, diagnosed with coronary artery disease by the clinician on the basis of clinical symptoms, echocardiogram result, and angiography. Seventy-seven healthy individuals without any evident symptoms of Coronary stenosis and any past history of the disease were taken as controls from the general population. We carried out PCR using specific primers. Then, we digested PCR product by RFLP. Lipid parameters by biochemical methods and Apolipoprotein B serum level by immunoturbidometry method were done. Genotype frequencies for 12669G>A polymorphism were determined: 55 % R+R+, 45 % R+R? in case group, and 55.8 R+R+, 44.2 % R+R? in controls. The R?R? genotype was not seen. There was no significant relationship between this polymorphism and the risk of Coronary stenosis (P = 0.6). In the present study, higher plasma levels of cholesterol and low density lipoproteins in the subjects with R+R? genotype were found while there was no association between this polymorphism and coronary stenosis with ≥50 % in the Zanjan population.  相似文献   

吴楚绶 《科技通报》1992,8(2):118-121
采用蒺藜皂甙(商品名:心脑舒通)治疗冠心病150例,发现该药在改善冠心病主要症状如胸闷、胸痛、心悸和治疗总有效率(达88.67%)方面均较对照组明显为好(P<0.01),改善心电图的有效率为55.77%,较对照组为高(P<0.05).蒺藜皂甙是一个高效、无毒、安全,副作用小,使用方便,适合于临床长期、持续服用的良药.  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) has become the most common cause of mortality in the entire world. Homocysteine is implicated as an early atherosclerotic promoter. We studied the relationship between levels of serum homocysteine with severity of coronary artery disease. Total of 70 subjects who scheduled for coronary angiogram consented to participate in this study. In all the patients Gensini scoring system was used to assess the severity of CAD. Venous samples were taken from the patients in fasting state before angiography. Homocysteine levels in patients were measured by enzyme linked immunosorbant method and were compared with respective Genseni scores of participants. Fasting serum homocysteine levels in CAD patients were significantly higher than patients without coronary artery disease (p < 0.001). Also Homocyseine levels correlated significantly with increasing severity of CAD (p < 0.001). Serum homocysteine levels correlated well with the severity of CAD.  相似文献   

葛根素是从豆科植物野葛或甘葛藤的块根中提取得到的一种黄酮苷,是葛根的最主要有效成份之一。葛根素的药理作用十分广泛,葛根素制剂已应用于治疗视网膜静脉阻塞、缺血性脑血管病、突发性耳聋、冠心病和糖尿病等疾病。本文就葛根素对心脏、脑、肝、骨、肺、神经、细胞繁殖、糖尿病及其它方面作用等药理作用研究的新进展进行了综述,并指出了存在的不良反应,提出了研究问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

A number of preparations are available in Ayurved for treatment of anemia and iron deficiency. This study was designed to evaluate efficacy of some of them. Six most commonly used Ayurvedic iron containing preparations (Navayasa Curna, Punarnavadi Mandura, Dhatri Lauha, Pradarantaka Lauha, Sarva-Juara-Hara Lauha and Vrihat Yakrdari Lauha) were given in a dose of 250 mg b.d. for 30 days to six groups of iron deficient anemic patients; each group consisting of 20 patients. A control group was given Allopathic preparation—Irex-12, (containing—ferrous fumarate, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin B12); 1 capsule daily for 30 days for comparison. All hematological and iron parameters were determined before and after completion of treatment. The results showed that there was statistically significant rise (p<0.001) in all of them—Hb, PCV, TRBC, MCV, MCH, MCHC and plasma iron, percent saturation and plasma ferritin. Total iron binding capacity decreased significantly (p<0.001). The response of most of Ayurvedic preparations was better than Allopathic preparation and there was no side effect as observed with iron salts The Hb regeneration rate was 0.10 g/dl/day for Allopathic preparation; while it was above this value for all Ayurvedic preparations exceptPradarantaka Lauha which was least effective.Sarva-Juara-Hara Lauha was the drug of choice as Hb regeneration with it was highest 0.16 g/dl/day. Upon analysis of Ayurvedic drugs, these results were found to be consistent and correlated with iron content of the preparation.  相似文献   

Serum total lipids (cholesterol and triglyceride), lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL and HDL) and Apolipoprotein-B levels of normal healthy individuals (n=25) and coronary artery disease patients (n=25) were estimated. The objective of the present study was to ascertain the role of apo-B in causation and inheritance of coronary artery disease. It was observed that on an average serum total cholesterol and triglyceride more than 200 mg/dl bring the individuals to a risk of coronary artery disease (CAD) irrespective of the age. CAD patients achieved this value at an early age (35–45 years). Similarly VLDL and LDL levels were found to be significantly raised in CAD patients when compared to that of age matched normal individuals, with patients achieving risk values at an early age. HDL levels were found to be significantly lower in CAD patients as compared to normal individuals. Serum apo-B levels were significantly raised in CAD patients as compared to age matched normal individuals. Patients with positive family history of CAD had raised serum apo-B levels than those having negative family history. A positive coefficient of correlation was observed between serum apo-B and LDL levels suggesting that more the number of Apo-B particles, more will be the synthesis of atherogenic particle (LDL). Patients with negative family history had serum apo-B levels closer to those of normal individuals and in these individuals HDL levels were found to be significantly lowered, suggesting that loss of scavenger role of HDL could be the risk factor responsible for the causation of CAD in these patients, with negative family history of coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the mechanisms through which medical knowledge emerges, grows and transforms itself. It is a large-scale empirical analysis of the development of treatments for coronary artery disease, which is the most common cause of death in developed countries. We uncover the structure of medical understanding of the disease and the path-dependent co-evolution of scientific and technical knowledge in the search for solutions to the relevant set of problems. After reviewing a broad range of secondary sources and a number of interviews with leading clinicians, we use new tools recently developed for the longitudinal analysis of large citation networks. We apply them to a bibliographic database of 11,240 papers published in the area of coronary artery disease between 1979 and 2003 and to a patent dataset of 5136 US patents documents granted between 1976 and 2003 for angioplasty-related devices. The results are consistent maps, which we critically discuss, of the major scientific and technological trajectories associated with one of the most important medical procedures of the last 30 years.  相似文献   

李琳 《大众科技》2016,(8):98-99
目的:观察针刺配合中药外敷治疗产后急性乳腺炎及护理临床疗效。方法:96例产后急性乳腺炎患者,以针刺配合中药外敷治疗配合综合护理。结果:显效:69例,有效:15例,无效:12例。总有效率:87.5%。结论:以针刺配合中药外敷配合综合护理治疗产后急性乳腺炎效果良好。  相似文献   

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