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This essay offers a critique of left neoliberalism with reference to certain tendencies in cultural studies, antiracist politics, disparity discourse, and college sports. Where the dominant tendency in cultural studies has been to produce complex analyses of identity-based oppression, this article insists on a conception of class politics that, on the one hand, calls for more attention to exploitation and, on the other, de-emphasizes the “working-class identity” model. By examining two recent episodes of athlete activism in college sports—namely, the much-admired “strike against racism” at the University of Missouri in 2015 and the widely condemned (and ultimately unsuccessful) effort by Northwestern University football players to form a union in 2014—the article contends that the commitment to eliminating racism and indifference to ending exploitation in these contexts reflects the broader commitments of a “left-wing” neoliberalism that devotes itself to ending inequality without redistributing wealth.  相似文献   

This research explored how University of Cincinnati football fans used Facebook to manage a social identity threat arising from head football coach Brian Kelly leaving the school to become the head coach at the University of Notre Dame. A thematic analysis of 717 wall postings in the “Get Out of Our City Brian Kelly” Facebook group was conducted. Results revealed that fans responded to this social identity threat in the following ways: (a) rallying, (b) stigmatizing, (c) victimization, (d) intimidation, and (e) degradation. The results suggest that social media sites are prime vehicles for sports fans to collectively manage social identity crises. Social media enables fans to perpetuate messages that elevate group distinctiveness, minimize in-group issues, and derogate out-group members.  相似文献   

This study analyzes visual production techniques in NBC's 2004 Olympic track and field coverage using Zettl's applied media aesthetics approach. Track and field coverage is worthy of analysis in relation to gender because of the sport's perception as “gender-neutral” in comparison to other sports such as gymnastics (feminine), or U.S. football (masculine). Men's coverage was presented as more visually “exciting” than women's—it used more shot types, camera angles, and motion special effects per minute. These differences may contribute to perceptions that women's sports are inferior or “naturally” less interesting than men's, reinforcing men as the symbolic authority in sport.  相似文献   

在技术时代,公共图书馆作为实体空间的"场所"价值,是关乎图书馆未来发展的重要内容。从公众认知角度探索图书馆"场所"价值,能够发现影响图书馆事业发展的重要因素。经过全面梳理和系统分析,选择上海图书馆、浦东图书馆和滨海新区图书馆三所代表性公共图书馆在公共平台上的网络评论信息,综合运用Python、Jieba分词、SnowNLP等数据采集与分析工具,从高频词分布、情感分析和时间序列三个维度,对社会公众认知情况进行了文本挖掘。分析结果表明,公共图书馆仍然是重要的公共阅读"场所";公共图书馆"场所"服务颇受欢迎,社会评价极为正面;促进文旅融合发展,是当前社会公众对公共图书馆"场所"价值认知的特征所在。在技术时代,公共图书馆应当高度重视"场所"价值的公众认知新变化,可以将文旅融合作为未来发展阶段的重要内容,助力公共图书馆高质量发展。  相似文献   

文章以分析“千村档案”建设意义与各地建设实践为出发点,指出了“千村档案”建设所包含的内容,提出了确保宣传发动工作到位、试点推进工作到位、各方协调工作到位、经费保障工作到位是“千村档案”建设的四个措施,最后从建、管、用三个方面指出“千村档案”建设的注意点。  相似文献   

The figure of the NASCAR dad emerged in the 2002 and 2004 campaign seasons to signal the importance of white, male Southern voters to politicians and their political parties. Analysis of television news coverage of NASCAR dads shows that it privileges patriarchal masculinity, the Republican Party, and corporate consumerism—all of which were propelled to high visibility by the NASCAR Corporation's place in these stories. Television news produces NASCAR dads as an “emotional brand,” a population of citizen-consumers representing the appropriation of patriotism, Christianity, and fatherhood, deployed in a politically conservative fashion.  相似文献   

Rhetorical analysis of radio talk shows in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home of the Louisiana State University “Fighting Tigers” college football team, revealed that the talk shows gave Tiger fans opportunities to share creative interpretations of events. This helped them cope with moments of perceived crisis when the team lost, and solidified their identity as tied to regional pride and the values of work, race, and masculinity. The talk shows also promoted fantasies about college athletics, essentially designating the university's athletic tradition as the most important activity on campus. In this sense, radio sports talk helps blur the line between amateur and professional sports and oversimplifies the complex mission of higher education.  相似文献   

The Colbert Report, an innovative American satirical news show, and the show's dedicated viewers, known as “the Colbert Nation,” redefined fan engagement through audience participation, mediated culture jamming, and ironic political spectacle. Yet very little is known about this fan group. This survey of The Colbert Report's devoted followers finds that the fans are distrustful of political and media elites, highly cynical, very politically involved, not apathetic, and moderately efficacious. Further analysis reveals that viewers have different motivations, some seeing the show as primarily entertainment, some mainly as a trusted source of political information, and others as a mix of entertainment and information. The fans are also found to be highly sophisticated consumers of satire and news, and watch the show as an alternative to mainstream media and as a form of comic relief from current events. Several implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This article contends that it is essential for academic librarians to identify and remain mindful of the unique needs of an increasingly diverse student demographic to ensure that academic libraries are a welcoming place for all students. It is through diversity initiatives that we can expect to improve the educational outcome for students by presenting the library as a vital part of their college experience. The article defines diversity in the most “elastic” sense of the word—including minority racial groups, but expanding the term to include international students, graduate students, returning students, distance learners, transfer students, “at-risk” students, and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender students.  相似文献   

Drawing on the “predator” model of entrepreneurship put forward by Villette and Vuillermot in their 2009 book “From Predators to Icons,” this article argues that challenging economic times reveal that self-funded, collaborative information literacy models have in many cases unsustainably overstretched staff and budgets. In such circumstances, it is necessary for librarians to shift to an entrepreneurial approach that seeks profitable opportunities funded by parties other than the library in order to build capital for current and future instructional services. Following Villette and Vuillermot, the article seeks to refute a cultural myth that sees the entrepreneur as someone who is first and foremost a “do-gooder” or marketer of helpful products, and it also advocates that librarians adopt a view of the entrepreneur as one who preys on unexploited, low-cost/high-profit opportunities to leverage “other people's money” to build capital for later innovation. The article considers the economics of information literacy and library instruction programs, provides historical context for what has come to be known as the “collaborative imperative,” points to the economic shortsightedness of many collaborative and “embedded librarian” partnerships, and details six examples from information literacy programs that model successful entrepreneurship of the sort argued for.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):201-216
Using an ethnographic case study of the Newschannel at TV2 Norway, this article reveals ways in which the assembly-line mentality required by 24/7 news production nevertheless encourages reporters to negotiate a certain autonomy over their work and the routines required to produce it. By reorganizing its staff's use of time, space, and resources, TV2 was able to generate roughly 18 hours of “live” news coverage a day during the article's research period from 2007 to 2009. This production process is framed in terms of Schlesinger's “reactive” mode, here qualified as “reactive-active”, because it allows for the possibility of broadcasting live and gathering news at the same time. The article also revisits the concept of “professionalism” with regard to a traditional broadcaster's implementation of a 24/7 news channel within its existing newsroom. As a result of this process, more news—and more content concerning that news—is produced more efficiently while the tenets of traditional journalism remain operative.  相似文献   

Selling home: Corporate stadium names and the destruction of commemoration   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A city's primary benefits from professional sports franchises are civic pride and identification with its teams. The stadium or arena, as the physical “memory place”; for teams, has historically been named to commemorate the relationship among the team, the city, and the fans. This paper chronicles the rise in corporate naming and argues that sacrificing the commemorative name of a sports venue for a paid corporate name alters the identity statements of memory places, abbreviates the narrative about a city and its teams, and threatens the idyllic illusions about sports that fans have long chosen to maintain. As corporate naming spreads beyond sports, the substitution of commercialization for commemoration presents a growing threat to public memory places of many kinds.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):227-247

It is argued here that students of rhetoric and communication, along with scholars in other disciplines, have tended to reflect “Establishment” biases in treatments of persuasion in social conflicts. As a result, we have often failed to come to grips with the nature of conflict, the needs of “OUTS” and “HAVE‐NOTS,” and the utility of conflict for societies. In the place of prevailing “system orientations,” a “dual perspective” is proposed—one which would examine persuasion in conflicts from the viewpoint of both the actors attempting to maximize their interests in conflict situations and the system attempting to regulate conflict in the collective interest. The concept of “coercive persuasion” is introduced, and several suggestions for research are offered.  相似文献   

This article provides a case study of how the University of Nebraska College of Law and Schmid Law Library use “buttons” to manage Law College faculty members’ and librarians’ online presence. Since Google is the primary search engine used to find information, it is important that librarians and libraries assist Web site visitors in finding relevant information about faculty members at an academic institution. Easily identifiable buttons allow visitors to navigate to faculty scholarship in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Digital Commons, SSRN Web site, or both, in an academic service such as lessons from the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction and in social software sites like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. The case study includes (1) how the project was implemented, (2) the feedback and results of a survey, and (3) an analysis of Web site statistics, clicks, and links data gathered via Google Analytics. This project was a partnership between the Law College Communications Department, Law College Administration, and the Law Library, involving law faculty, staff, and librarians. The buttons project was considered a successful venture by participating faculty members; it also provided an opportunity for face-to-face conversation between faculty members and librarians about digital scholarship and social media in the academic environment.  相似文献   

新媒体时代,图书馆“短视频+”服务可以满足读者碎片化学习需求,对其现状及发展策略的研究有利于提升图书馆服务推广效果。论文以抖音、B站、微博视频号、微信视频号为研究对象,调查我国省级公共图书馆和高校图书馆“短视频+”服务的现状,通过对比粉丝数、获赞量、作品数量及内容特点,揭示“短视频+”服务的不足之处,提出了从管理规范、功能定位、平台特色、营销理论、服务模式五个方面提升图书馆“短视频+”服务的发展策略。  相似文献   

This article draws on and radically adapts the scholarship of medieval epistemology to suggest that at its heart, the Juan Williams clash with NPR represents an escalating conflict between two contrasting modes of authority in western culture with which journalism has long been aligned; scientia and probabilitas—in their modern forms, the authority of “disembodied objectivity” and “embodied” expert opinion. Discussing the controversy through the complex of theories surrounding issues of cultural authority, and employing the paradigm of “long journalism,” the article explores the repercussions of the rise of modern variants of probabilitas, not only at NPR but across the breadth of American journalism. In this light, the Williams affair is an illuminating flashpoint that represents this fundamental conflict, as the growing influence of probabilitas in news construction makes appeals to scientia increasingly tenuous ground on which to base journalistic credibility.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):465-481
This article investigates and interprets social and cultural production and reproduction as we turn our attention to an important part of routinised practice in the newsroom: the early newsroom meetings. These meetings are essential sites for the building of the craft ethos and professional vision. Our aim is to study how this building of expertise takes place at meetings with a particular focus on the decision-making process concerning ideas for new news stories. In order to do this, we perform linguistic analysis of news production practices, as we investigate how the journalists' ideas for potential news stories are eliminated by the editor at the daily newsroom meetings. The elimination of ideas for news stories are not just eliminations; they are also corrections of culturally undesirable behaviour producing and reproducing the proper perception of an important object of knowledge—what constitutes “a good news story”—in this community of practice.  相似文献   

News sharing and commenting are arguably some of the most interesting aspects of how news is consumed and interacted with online. Finding answers to questions regarding who engages in these ways, what type of content gets engaged with, and why certain items are shared and commented upon but not others, are of the utmost importance for those who want to navigate the complex echo system of online news flows. The paper at hand addresses the latter two of the three posed questions—what gets shared or commented on, and why—in the context of the social networking site Facebook. Detailing the influences of Reactions, an expansion of the “Like” button, launched during the spring of 2016, the presented analysis finds that Reactions such as “Love”, “Haha”, “Wow”, “Sad” and “Angry” emerge as somewhat unpopular compared to the original “Like” functionality. Moreover, while more positive forms of Reactions appear to have a hampering effect on the willingness of news consumers on Facebook to engage by means of sharing and commenting, more negative varieties of Facebook Reactions appear to yield adverse influences.  相似文献   

The VCR has long been viewed as a potential threat to conventional broadcast television and movie attendance, but research findings on this issue are somewhat mixed, A growing body of research suggests that a “complementarity principle” is at work—that is to say, the VCR is an extension and a reflection of older audio‐visual media—and this study seeks to explore that role in Southeast Asia.

Hong Kong was considered an appropriate site for the study because Hong Kong is typical of many small, developing nations with a rapidly growing middle class and a new‐found prosperity. Its differences from Western nations notwithstanding, Hong Kong bears many similarities to the West, especially in terms of economic and social indicators. Research from the West is thus used as a starting point for the formulation of hypotheses in this study.

Data were collected as part of Hong Kong's 1990 Indicators of Social Development study. This study confirms research in Western nations indicating that he VCR does not compete with cinema‐going and TV viewing, but complements these activities. In other words, the “complementarity principle” was sustained. On the other hand, some interesting deviations from Western patterns of VCR use also are noted.  相似文献   

Academic libraries regularly collaborate with faculty at their institutions for information literacy and reference support, but large-scale event series often require different kinds of partnerships. At the Scholes and Herrick Libraries of Alfred University in the fall of 2015, we hosted a traveling exhibit from the National Library of Medicine called “Harry Potter's World” and built an extensive outreach program around it. By collaborating more widely—with student groups, other campus departments, and institutions within the surrounding community—we were able to dramatically increase the reach of our program. This article explores lessons learned in that process and some best practices for external collaboration.  相似文献   

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