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近年来,神经成像特别是脑成像技术发展突飞猛进,研究获得了很大的进步,包括神经科学研究领域的拓展和神经科学技术的改进等方面,它们不但促进了科研和伦理共同体紧随神经科学研究与试验进展前沿,也深化了我们对健康与非健康的大脑的形态学与功能的理解以及对科研伦理本质的解读。然而,脑成像技术同样也带来了很多社会、伦理和法律问题,我们急需对其进行深入的伦理分析和解读,并在此基础上制定相应的研究对策。  相似文献   

The scientific method reflects some fundamental characteristics of the information-acquisition and information-analysis modes of the brain, which impose a priori boundary conditions upon how science can develop and how the physical universe can be ‘understood’. The objective of this article is to discuss the relationship between the functional properties of the human brain and the evolution of scientific thought.  相似文献   

融合(convergence,或译为“会聚”)研究是一种基于多学科交叉来解决重大经济社会问题的科研范式,近年来成为主要国家高度关注的发展趋势。本文首先基于融合研究的本质探讨其在本体论、认识论和方法论上的基本特征,进而基于熵理论提出从方法论视角界定融合研究以及判断融合研究级段的指标——融合熵,并以脑科学研究为例进行该指标可行性和科学性的验证,为推动科技界形成对融合研究范式的更多共识以及相关政策制定奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

Walther C 《Endeavour》2002,26(2):41-44
The mammalian hippocampus is certainly one of the best investigated brain regions. It fascinates neuroscientists particularly because of its important role in memory. The names for the various parts of the hippocampal formation were created in the course of the first thorough explorations of human brain anatomy. The present, internationally agreed terminology reflects an unfortunate muddle that has been going on for several hundred years. Not surprisingly, even today the origins of some of the names are not always given correctly. It is generally accepted that the Italian anatomist Arantius was the first to apply the term 'hippocampus' to part of that region in the human brain. To later authors, however, this name appeared more or less enigmatic and they proposed various other terms. Yet careful reading of the entire original text of Arantius leads to the conclusion that it was not the hippocampus in our modern terms but the dentate gyrus which he compared to a little sea horse or a silkworm.  相似文献   

都琴  磨玉峰 《科技广场》2012,(2):185-187
中小企业已经成为社会主义市场经济主体中最活跃的经济主体,推动着国民经济的发展。知识经济时代,人力资源已经成为企业的核心竞争力,然而,人才流失问题十分突出,严重阻碍了企业的健康发展。本文通过对A企业的人才流失状况进行实证性分析,深入探究科技型中小企业人才流失的原因,以督促企业管理者提前采取人才流失对策或防范措施,使中小企业健康、稳定、快速地发展。  相似文献   

Extensive research has demonstrated the protective properties of antioxidants, which scavenge reactive oxygen species and their precursors, as well as up-regulate enzymes involved in the repair of cellular damage. Several case–control studies have showed higher blood levels of antioxidants and decreased oxidative stress in younger individuals when compared with older ones. Cell damage caused by free radicals appears to be a major contributor in aging and degenerative diseases of aging such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, compromised immune system, rheumatoid arthritis and brain dysfunction. The objective of this study was to determine the variation of Circulating levels of selected antioxidants (enzymic and non enzymic) and oxidative stress marker in younger and older humans. The results showed that a majority of the younger age group participants showed a significant increase in enzymic and nonenzymic antioxidant status and a decrease in oxidative stress when compared with the older age group.  相似文献   

随着国际经济一体化进程的不断发展,国有企业改革也迈出了长足的步伐,如何让职工做到人尽其才,防止人才外流等一系列问题也成为国有企业所面临的迫在眉睫的难题。因此从职工思想和企业管理机制入手,深入研究国有企业的人力资源整合与管理是十分必要和非常及时的,对国有企业的长期稳定发展将具有不可估量的意义。  相似文献   

以智能科技为核心技术、智能算力为生产力的智能时代再次把脑科学推向世界科学与技术前沿。脑科学是研究人、动物和机器的认知与智能的本质和规律的科学。对神经系统结构和功能联结规律进行全面解析将最终绘制成脑功能联结图谱,近10多年来神经科学研究致力于系统性地解析神经系统的神经元类型和神经结构连接,在单细胞转录组分析、神经网络结构示踪等技术推动下取得了阶段性进展。解析人类大脑这一最为复杂的信息和智能系统,会启迪类脑智能理论和类脑智能技术,即脑科学/神经科学启发的智能理论和技术。在智能时代,脑科学研究的多学科交叉研究范式促使脑机接口、类脑智能计算等类脑智能研究领域加入脑科学。脑机接口的神经解码和编码技术为绘制人脑功能神经网络图谱提供了重要的功能研究技术和方法,并且可探索在脑疾病临床诊治上的应用。类脑计算正成为脑科学研究的一种新范式,借鉴脑处理信息和学习的基本原理发展高能效、高速和智能的新型类脑计算系统,利用发展的类脑计算系统可以加速发展脑模拟和数字大脑,促进理解大脑运行机制和治疗脑疾病,发展数字脑科学和脑医学。新近出现的脉冲神经网络智能处理器为构建大规模类脑智能计算系统奠定了基础,未来类脑超级算力极可能超过人类大脑算力,影响智能科技变革和人类社会发展。  相似文献   

王骥 《科学学研究》2011,29(9):1299-1303
 作为一种知识生产组织,大学知识生产方式既具有“知识生产方式”的一般属性,也有其独特的内涵,即“知识生产方式”的一般属性在大学知识生产活动中的特殊体现。依据理想类型的方法和隐喻的手法,大学知识生产方式演变的阶段可以构建为“书斋型”、“实验室型”以及“企业型”三种类型。  相似文献   

In this paper a look is taken at the relatively new area of culturing neural tissue and embodying it in a mobile robot platform—essentially giving a robot a biological brain. Present technology and practice is discussed. New trends and the potential effects of and in this area are also indicated. This has a potential major impact with regard to society and ethical issues and hence some initial observations are made. Some initial issues are also considered with regard to the potential consciousness of such a brain.  相似文献   

人脑是迄今所知宇宙中最复杂的物质,是人类创造性思维的主要承担者。脑科学的根本任务,总体上看,就是要在传统的脑医学、心理学等知识基础上,采用新兴技术手段,以现代科学技术哲学理论为指导,深入研究大脑的微观解剖结构,考查各结构部分的功能差异及协作规则,进而对人类理智的实质和规律作出系统分析。从早期关于人脑本身的朴素猜测,到当代新崛起的认知神经科学,对人脑机能等的认识已越来越清晰。这些研究的深入,使得人脑由"自在实在"逐步走到了"对象性实在";而不断解构人脑的"科学实在"的地位,则是脑科学发展的基本内容。  相似文献   

Ever since its first proposal in 1976, Jackiw-Rebbi zero-mode has been drawing extensive attention for its charming properties including charge fractionalization, topologically protected zero-energy and possible non-Abelian statistics. We investigate these properties through the Jackiw-Rebbi zero-modes in quantum spin Hall insulators. Though charge fractionalization is not manifested, Jackiw-Rebbi zero-mode''s zero-energy nature leads to a double-frequency Aharonov-Bohm effect, implying that it can be viewed as a special case of Majorana zero-mode without particle-hole symmetry. Such relation is strengthened for Jackiw-Rebbi zero-modes also exhibiting non-Abelian properties in the absence of superconductivity. Furthermore, in the condition that the degeneracy of Jackiw-Rebbi zero-modes is lifted, we demonstrate a novel non-Abelian braiding with continuously tunable fusion rule, which is a generalization of Majorana zero-modes’ braiding properties.  相似文献   

一种简单的人脑图像的分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙巧榆 《科技广场》2007,(5):145-146
给出了一个基于区域生长法的医学图像的分割算法,用区域生长的方法对脑部扫描图像中的脑体进行了分割提取,根据脑部扫描图像的特点确定了生长的种子点,通过反复测试确定了最终的生长门限。试验证明,该方法简单实用,分割准确。  相似文献   

我国智力外流的新特点及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘健  牛强  李国平 《科学学研究》2005,23(3):352-356
智力外流是高技能者基于“成就需求”内因和诸多外在因素的迁移,是人力资本循其自身流动规律而追求其价值和收益最大化的必然结果。20世纪90年代以来,日益激烈的国际人才争夺使发展中国家的智力外流现象日趋严重。本文在对智力外流进行理论剖析的基础上,系统地研究了我国智力外流的新特点,并结合国情提出了应对智力外流的适宜措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]智库建设离不开智囊团的打造,智囊团水平决定智库的水平,依据决策功能派"最有效地表述具有非确定性的决策过程"的特点能较好吻合智库智囊团非确定性的决策过程的特点,创新运用其来研究智库资政的最具原创动力的核心部分--智囊团,不仅可以丰富智囊团资政分析的理论视角,还可以通过模型和指标的构建来指导智库智囊团的资政实践。[方法/过程]将决策功能派提出的行动维度细分为思维和实践两方面、结果维度融入情报要素、根据影响智囊团信息转化为情报能力的要素,构成评价的情报、行动、结果三个维度的一级指标,同时形成评价智库智囊团的IAO三维立体模型。在二级指标设计上,依照信息转化为情报的增值原理量化了情报维度的自有信息量和自有信息量转化效果;按照认识指导实践的理论从思维和行动思考"行动"维度构成;并根据南京大学中国智库研究与评价中心设计的MRPA智库专家测评指标,量化了结果维度中智囊团对决策的主观期待价值,最后结合调研与SPSS分析定量化筛选核心指标,从而形成I、A、O三个维度具体的指标体系。[结果/结论] IAO模型为描述和评价智囊团非确定性的决策过程提供了一个新的可观察和可操作的参照指标,强化了智库发展中人的核心地位与作用,拓展了智库评价的视野和维度。  相似文献   

Despite being invasive within surrounding brain tissues and the central nervous system, little is known about the mechanical properties of brain tumor cells in comparison with benign cells. Here, we present the first measurements of the peak pressure drop due to the passage of benign and cancerous brain cells through confined microchannels in a “microfluidic cell squeezer” device, as well as the elongation, speed, and entry time of the cells in confined channels. We find that cancerous and benign brain cells cannot be differentiated based on speeds or elongation. We have found that the entry time into a narrow constriction is a more sensitive indicator of the differences between malignant and healthy glial cells than pressure drops. Importantly, we also find that brain tumor cells take a longer time to squeeze through a constriction and migrate more slowly than benign cells in two dimensional wound healing assays. Based on these observations, we arrive at the surprising conclusion that the prevailing notion of extraneural cancer cells being more mechanically compliant than benign cells may not apply to brain cancer cells.  相似文献   

发展中国家人力资本外流的经济学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资本对现代经济增长至关重要,知识经济时代的到来,使得人力资本越来越成为最重要的战略性资本。但发展中国家不仅人力资本短缺,而且还存在着大量的人力资本外流现象。本文从人力资本的特性出发,分析发展中国家人力资本外流的供给条件和需求原因,分析这种流动对流出国和流入国的影响,并针对发展中国家人力资本政策提出建议。  相似文献   

基于技术标准合作的企业虚拟集群:内涵、特征与性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于技术标准合作的企业虚拟集群是一种基于网络的、以现代信息和通信技术为主要交流手段,以共同发展和利用技术标准为内容和目的的相互关联的企业与组织在虚拟空间的集聚.它是新时期产业组织形式的创新与发展,是市场全球化与网络经济条件下企业竞争与合作的重要组织形式,具有区别于传统地理集群的内涵、结构、特征与性质.  相似文献   

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that results from antibody mediated damage of Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) at the neuromuscular junction. The autoimmune character of MG and pathogenic role of AChR antibodies have been established by several workers i.e., the demonstration of anti-AChR antibodies in about 90 % of MG patients. It has been demonstrated that patients with MG also have antibodies against a second protein named presynaptic membrane receptor (PsmR), which is identified by utilizing β-Bgtx, a ligand which binds to PsmR. Using β-Bgtx Sepharose 4B affinity matrix, the PsmR was purified from different regions of human cadaver brain by affinity chromatography. Purified receptor was characterized both by biochemical and immunological procedures. PsmR purified from different regions of the brain shows a specific activity of 0.37 ± 0.01, 0.39 ± 0.02 and 0.43 ± 0.005 nM/ μg of protein in Parietal lobe, Occipital lobe and Frontal lobe respectively. The affinity purified PsmR from the brain of 87 and 68 kd (parietal lobe, occipital lobe and frontal lobe) shows immunoreactivity with myasthenic sera. These findings suggest that PsmR from brain is another antigen against which autoantibodies are developed in Myasthenia gravis patients. Upon treatment with various enzymes we concluded that PsmR from brain is a glycoprotein in which the immunoreactivity resides in the carbohydrate as well as the peptide epitopes. In conclusion the PsmR is another antigen against which autoantibodies are formed in different regions of brain. These can be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting antibodies in the sera or cerebrospinal fluid of MG patients.  相似文献   

Content-based image retrieval for medical images is a primary technique for computer-aided diagnosis. While it is a premise for computer-aided diagnosis system to build an efficient medical image database which is paid less attention than that it deserves. In this paper, we provide an efficient approach to develop the archives of large brain CT medical data. Medical images are securely acquired along with relevant diagnosis reports and then cleansed, validated and enhanced. Then some sophisticated image processing algorithms including image normalization and registration are applied to make sure that only corresponding anatomy regions could be compared in image matching. A vector of features is extracted by non-negative tensor factorization and associated with each image, which is essential for the content-based image retrieval. Our experiments prove the efficiency and promising prospect of this database building method for computer-aided diagnosis system. The brain CT image database we built could provide radiologists with a convenient access to retrieve pre-diagnosed, validated and highly relevant examples based on image content and obtain computer-aided diagnosis.  相似文献   

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