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泄露他人隐私行为意向的影响要素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴娜  李文立  吕欣  柯育龙 《科研管理》2015,36(11):139-147
互联网的发展为人们的生活带来巨大便利,但也带来了隐私安全隐患,通过互联网渠道泄露他人隐私的现象已经引起社会的高度关注。基于犯罪学领域的中和技术理论,分析了否认责任、否认伤害、否认受害者、更高层次效忠、避免更多的伤害和隐私意识对泄露他人隐私行为发生意向的影响,构建了互联网环境下泄露他人隐私意向的研究模型。以人肉搜索这一典型例子进行场景设计,通过问卷调查,收集759份有效问卷,采用Smart PLS2.0软件进行结构方程检验。实证结果表明否认责任、否认受害者和避免更多伤害三类中和技术正向影响泄露他人隐私行为的意向,否认伤害和更高层次效忠技术对泄露他人隐私意向没有显著影响。另外,增强个人隐私意识能有效削弱泄露他人隐私行为的意向。本研究结果有助于了解隐私泄露者的行为动机,为规范互联网用户上网行径和制定隐私保护政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a privacy-preserving consensus algorithm which enables all the agents in the directed network to eventually reach the weighted average of initial states, and while preserving the privacy of the initial state of each agent. A novel privacy-preserving scheme is proposed in our consensus algorithm where initial states are hidden in random values. We also develop detailed analysis based on our algorithm, including its convergence property and the topology condition of privacy leakages for each agent. It can be observed that final consensus point is independent of their initial values that can be arbitrary random values. Besides, when an eavesdropper exists and can intercept the data transmitted on the edges, we introduce an index to measure the privacy leakage degree of agents, and then analyze the degree of privacy leakage for each agent. Similarly, the degree for network privacy leakage is derived. Subsequently, we establish an optimization problem to find the optimal attacking strategy, and present a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP) to solve the proposed optimization problem. Finally, numerical experiments are designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm.  相似文献   

With the continuous development of comprehensive technologies in various fields, the cyber-physical systems has been successfully applied in many fields in a large scale. The privacy and security issues in the system have gradually become the focus of attention. This article focuses on privacy protection issues in the area of Internet of Vehicles (IoV). IoV has developed rapidly and come into public consciousness quickly. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a safe and reliable sensor data processing system, which is widely used in IoV. However, RFID system often suffers some risks of privacy disclosure. For example the owners are reluctant to disclose their private information such as their precise location information to the public network. Faced with those security risks, it is of great importance for the RFID system applied to IoV to protect private information. In this paper, we propose a cloud-based mutual authentication protocol aiming at ensuring efficient privacy preserving in IoV system, which enables people the efficiently and intelligently travel mode while protecting their privacy from divulging. Moreover, that the anonymity of tag is implemented not only protects the privacy data of the owners, but also prevents the malicious tracking from outside attackers. As to the proposed scheme, the proof based on BAN logic indicates it is of logic security. Security analysis and performance evaluation show that the scheme can be a good security solution for IoV with the feature of good safety and reliability.  相似文献   

We measure private information leakages about target tech firms in mergers. We find that tech target firms with a higher level of asymmetric information are more exposed to mispricing, which allows for larger stock price gains from using expert networks or other means to obtain private information about impending mergers. We also find that the level of information leakages is reduced since the Sarbanes–Oxley Act and Galleon case. However, the reduction in the information leakage prior to tech merger announcements has been offset by the increased share price responses of tech firms to the merger announcements. Therefore, the potential rewards from using expert networks or other means to retrieve private information about tech target firms are still substantial for informed traders.  相似文献   

隐私数据挖掘是数据挖掘的一个重要研究方向,它旨在研究在数据挖掘过程中如何保护私有的和敏感的数据不被泄露。文章阐述几种常用的隐私数据挖掘算法,分析它们的技术特点,文末对几种隐私数据挖掘技术进行总结与展望。  相似文献   

Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. To answer these questions I begin by delineating the differences among privacy, security, and anonymity. I then discuss what information is transferred during Web browsing. I describe some of the available technology for privacy protection, including public and private key cryptography and Web proxies. I then describe the American tradition of privacy in common, statutory, and constitutional law. With the support of this tradition, I close by arguing that although privacy in Web browsing has no current legal protection in the United States, the right to privacy in the analogue equivalents has been recognized in the American legal tradition.  相似文献   

Despite the large volume of research conducted in the field of intrusion detection, finding a perfect solution of intrusion detection systems for critical applications is still a major challenge. This is mainly due to the continuous emergence of security threats which can bypass the outdated intrusion detection systems. The main objective of this paper is to propose an adaptive design of intrusion detection systems on the basis of Extreme Learning Machines. The proposed system offers the capability of detecting known and novel attacks and being updated according to new trends of data patterns provided by security experts in a cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Browsing the Web gives one the heady feeling of walking without footprints in cyberspace. Yet data surveillance can be both ubiquitous and transparent to the user. Can those who browse the Web protect their privacy? And does it matter if they cannot? I offer answers to these questions from the American legal tradition. The American legal tradition focuses on a right to privacy, rather than a need for data protection. To answer these questions I begin by delineating the differences among privacy, security, and anonymity. I then discuss what information is transferred during Web browsing. I describe some of the available technology for privacy protection, including public and private key cryptography and Web proxies. I then describe the American tradition of privacy in common, statutory, and constitutional law. With the support of this tradition, I close by arguing that although privacy in Web browsing has no current legal protection in the United States, the right to privacy in the analogue equivalents has been recognized in the American legal tradition.  相似文献   

Today’s data is sensitive that requires privacy and security both from the cloud service providers (CSP) as well as from users in its all the form of data states: data at rest, while transferring data, enquiring data, and processing the data. Cloud computing has been applied in the health sector, national security services, banking and other business and companies that store confidential data into the cloud as we have seen in recent years. Therefore, information and data security is a crucial issue that needs to be addressed thoroughly in the cloud computing business. This research deals with the performance analysis of recent cloud data security models. This paper proposes cloud data security models based on Business Process Modeling Notations (BPMN) and simulation results can reveal performances issues related to data security as part of any organizations initiative on Business process management (BPM).  相似文献   

电子政府信息公开隐私权保护制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐私信息是政府信息公开的例外,但有时政府信息公开又在无形中侵害公民隐私权。公民既要保护自己的隐私权,免受他人获取、公开和传播隐私信息,又希望政府信息全面公开,以充分保障自己的知情权。尤其在人们越来越注重保护个人隐私权的数字时代。因此,政府机关在公开政府信息的同时,如何能够做到既合理公开政府信息又保护公民的隐私权就值得思考。  相似文献   

数据库系统是当今大多数信息系统中数据存储和处理的核心。针对数据库系统的攻击将直接导致敏感与隐私信息泄露。开展数据库安全理论与技术研究,是实现数据库系统安全的迫切需求。文章通过总结与分析数据库安全的研究现状与发展趋势,认为我国在该领域与国际上的差距在不断缩小;当前既是数据库技术领域变革期,也是我国数据库安全领域研究的重要机遇期,并在此基础上提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

蒋恺 《情报科学》2022,40(3):27-32
【目的/意义】因为一些企业会采用非法手段入侵信息系统,非法获取竞争情报。为了进一步提高用户访问 异常的检测效率,研究了知识关联视角下金融竞争情报保障模式。为了保障情报信息安全,在知识关联视角下研 究金融竞争情报保障模式。【方法/过程】通过构建的两种机制来保护信息安全:第一重构建基于知识关联挖掘建立 情报数据库入侵防护机制,通过入侵检测阻止非法入侵。第二重构建金融竞争情报数据库加密保障机制,给情报 数据库进行 RSA(RSA Public Key System)和 DES(Data Encryption Standard)混合加密。非法用户即使突破第一重 保护,也能保障数据不被窃取。【结果/结论】结果表明:第一重防护下,检测结果与实际情况大部分吻合,仅有1名入 侵者成功登录。第二重加密保障下,该入侵者破解金融企业情报密文失败,证明此次研究模式成功阻止了情报泄 露,保障了情报安全。【创新/局限】但由于本次测试攻击类型较少,而实际情况所使用的攻击方式要更多,因此有待 进一步分析和测试,扩大模式适用性和应用性。  相似文献   

一个新的信息安全管理模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在分析现有信息安全管理模型的基础上 ,根据组织机构的信息安全要求提出一个新的信息安全管理模型。与现有的信息安全管理模型相比该模型有下述优点 :通过把风险分析与评估结果映射成安全需求流 ,能更加合理地选择安全保护措施 ;通过模型中各个模块之间的信息交互 ,可把不同层次的管理部门有机地结合起来 ;通过建立基于Agent的入侵检测系统 ,可及时发现信息系统的薄弱环节和安全漏洞。  相似文献   

History shows that pandemics can catalyse enormous change, fundamentally transforming the way people make sense of the world. Technologies can also be catalysts of change. While digital technologies are playing a vital role in tackling the covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic also presents a significant opportunity for digital technologies. Some experts believe the pandemic may permanently normalise the comprehensive societal use of digital technologies. This article casts a critical eye over the potential implications of this opportunity in the context of information systems (IS) research and development. We introduce and outline selected principles of Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of liquid modernity. We then apply the liquid-modern principles to illustrative examples drawn from the covid-19 literature by focussing on three areas of established information systems interest: control, big data and information privacy. We show that traditional conceptualisations of scientific and societal order and control need to be reassessed; that big data alone cannot order clear and safe paths out of the current crisis and that information privacy regulations are irrelevant when undermined or circumvented by public and private actors. We conclude by making four recommendations for IS pandemic researchers and five practical recommendations in the context of the pandemic.  相似文献   

无线传感网开放的访问和有限的资源使其极易受到各种攻击,需要有效的入侵检测技术发现并识别各种安全威胁。对目前的入侵检测系统进行了简要的介绍,探讨了无线传感网面临的各种威胁,对无线传感网入侵检测技术进行深入的研究,最后指出各种技术的综合使用是无线传感网入侵检测系统的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展,计算机网络已经深入到人们生活的各个方面,它在给人们的生活、工作带来便捷的同时,也衍生出很多问题,如网络安全、用户信息的隐私性等。其中对用户隐私危害最大的就是网络监听,用户通过网络发送或接受的信息都会传送给监听者,对用户的网络安全造成极大威胁。介绍了网络监听技术及基本原理,重点研究了网络监听技术及其防范措施,以保障网络的安全运行。  相似文献   

Industry 4.0 places a premium on cloud security since more and more companies are moving their activities to the cloud to reap the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.The term “cloud computing” refers to a collection of Internet-based hardware and software tools. Providers of cloud services use data centers situated in various physical locations. Cloud computing makes life easier for users by making remote, simulated resources available over the internet. Google Apps and Microsoft SharePoint are two examples of popular cloud applications. In addition to its exciting potential, the “cloud computing” industry's lightning-fast expansion raises serious security concerns. When discussing security, cloud really suffers from Open Systems' and the internet's perennial problem. The only thing stopping the widespread use of cloud computing is the lack of trust in the system. There are a number of security concerns with cloud computing, including protecting user data and vetting cloud service providers' practices. Using encryption, confidential information can be sent over an unsecured channel without fear of data loss or manipulation. Data encryption using various protocols has been used in various settings. Different cryptosystems were developed and used at various times. Additionally, cloud computing enables multiple users to access and retrieve data simultaneously through their own personal Internet connections, which increases the risk of confidential data loss and exposure in a number of different places. Elliptic Curve Cryptography and other cryptographic algorithms have been used to develop numerous methods and protocols that guarantee the security and privacy of transmitted data. In this paper, we suggest a safe and efficient method for sharing information in the cloud without compromising its safety or integrity. The proposed system is able to guarantee authentication and data integrity because it uses a hybrid of the ECC and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) technique. The experimental results confirm the proposed approach outperforms the current gold standard.  相似文献   

祝阳  李欣恬 《情报杂志》2021,(1):165-170
[目的/意义]大数据时代将人类社会带入了数据利用的黄金时代,与此相伴的个人隐私安全问题,成为数据价值开发及政府数据开放的瓶颈。文章旨在解决大数据时代的个人数据隐私安全问题,充分保障公民隐私权。[方法/过程]在已有研究基础上,梳理大数据发展对个人隐私的挑战并分析产生影响的原因;按个人信息敏感程度与数据生命周期两个维度,构建大数据时代个人数据隐私安全保护的分析框架;从技术、政府、信息业者、公民四个方面,分析各环节应当采取的针对性保护措施。[结果/结论]不同类型的个人数据的信息敏感度及信息价值不同,在数据生命周期的各个阶段,需要采取差异化的保护策略。  相似文献   

Privacy has raised considerable concerns recently, especially with the advent of information explosion and numerous data mining techniques to explore the information inside large volumes of data. These data are often collected and stored across different institutions (banks, hospitals, etc.), or termed cross-silo. In this context, cross-silo federated learning has become prominent to tackle the privacy issues, where only model updates will be transmitted from institutions to servers without revealing institutions’ private information. In this paper, we propose a cross-silo federated XGBoost approach to solve the federated anomaly detection problem, which aims to identify abnormalities from extremely unbalanced datasets (e.g., credit card fraud detection) and can be considered a special classification problem. We design two privacy-preserving mechanisms that are tailored to the federated XGBoost: anonymity based data aggregation and local differential privacy. In the anonymity based data aggregation scenario, we cluster data into different groups and using a cluster-level data feature to train the model. In the local differential privacy scenario, we design a federated XGBoost framework by incorporate differential privacy in parameter transmission. Our experimental results over two datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed schemes compared with existing methods.  相似文献   

迪莉娅 《现代情报》2009,39(12):131-137
[目的/意义] 大数据环境下,APP已经成为工作、生活、娱乐甚至是赚钱的重要工具,与此同时,APP也成为用户隐私泄露的重灾区。用户一方面担心隐私的泄露,另外一方面由于APP所带来的益处,却愿意主动提供隐私数据供商家利用,这就是所谓的"隐私悖论"现象。[方法/过程] 隐私计算是研究隐私悖论的重要方法之一,通过对APP用户隐私计算影响因素的调查,分析影响用户自愿提供隐私数据的核心因素,并分析悖论存在的原因。[结果/结论] APP用户隐私的保护需要不断加强法律、制度的建设和开发商与运营商的监管,而不断提高用户隐私保护的意识也是不可忽视的重要内容。  相似文献   

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