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Student cooperativeness underlies high quality teacher-student relationships, and has been positively associated with students' school engagement. Fostering cooperative rather than oppositional student behavior might be especially helpful for protecting at-risk students against academic failure. To understand how exactly students' cooperativeness can be fostered, we investigated the interpersonal behaviors of secondary school teachers and at-risk students during dyadic interactions (N = 82 dyads) in the context of positive teacher-student relationships. Using Continuous Assessment of Interpersonal Dynamics, moment-to-moment teacher and student behavior was captured in terms of interpersonal agency (dominance vs. submissiveness) and communion (opposition vs. cooperation). Time-series analyses were used to analyze interpersonal behavior within individuals, within dyads, and between dyads. Cooperative student behavior was most likely if teachers acted friendly and cooperatively and if teachers ‘loosened up’ their agency and the structure they imposed on the interaction repeatedly, which may give students more freedom to express themselves and to cooperate.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between teachers’ preferred interpersonal behaviour in teaching and their thinking styles. A sample of 131 secondary teachers from Hong Kong (n = 94) and Macau (n = 37) participated in a survey to measure their preferred interpersonal behaviour by the questionnaire for teacher interaction (QTI) and their thinking styles by the thinking style inventory‐revised (TSI‐R). Results indicated that teachers in both regions preferred to employ student‐centred interpersonal behaviour (leadership, helpful and friendly, understanding and freedom teaching styles) in the classroom teaching. Teachers’ thinking styles were related to their preferred interpersonal teaching styles. Specific relationships were found between the types of thinking styles and their preferred teacher interpersonal behaviour among Hong Kong and Macau teachers.  相似文献   

教师互动行为是研究师生关系的有力抓手,相关研究结果对我们重构教师角色及课堂教学均有重要参考价值。通过分析我国课程教学情境中的教师互动行为,发现“教师领导型互动”和“学生自主型互动”两种行为是共存的,由此衍生出我国课堂教学中值得期待的四种教师角色:德高望重的领导者、手艺精湛的工匠、医术高明的医生和安排有序的调度员。这些认识为我们进一步实施课程改革和改善师生关系提供了启示。  相似文献   

大学校园中和谐师生关系的构建和思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师与学生,是大学校园里两大基本群体。教师是学生人际交往的重要对象,师生关系是学生人际关系的重要内容。师生关系如何,直接影响到学生能否健康地成长,并在很大程度上决定了学校能否对学生的身心施加符合社会要求的影响。  相似文献   


In the learning environment, teacher–student interaction plays a major role in influencing the cognitive and affective development of students. Teacher–student interaction is also an important parameter of educational quality. Teachers’ and students’ preferences of teacher interpersonal behavior are linked to their individual characteristics and styles. The author examined students’ and teachers’ thinking styles and their preferences for teacher–student interpersonal behaviors. A total of 325 students and 146 teachers from 2 secondary schools were involved in this study. The results show that there were divergences between students’ and teachers’ thinking styles and their preferences of teacher interpersonal behavior. Convergences between students and teachers were also found, as both had preferences for cooperative teacher interpersonal behavior.  相似文献   

通过对我国中、东部地区4省12所中学1865名学生的问卷调查获得第一手资料,建立OLS模型,主要从教师情绪、学生表现和家庭情况这三个维度分析当前影响师生关系的诸多因素,并对农村与城区学校师生关系影响因素进行比较分析,研究发现:我国中学师生关系总体表现良好,老师发脾气会对师生关系有一定负面影响;学生干部更擅长处理与老师的关系,在乎学业成绩的学生比不在乎学业成绩的学生具有更好的师生关系;与漠不关心型家庭的学生相比,民主和专制家庭的学生与老师关系更融洽;与父母一起生活的学生师生关系更和谐等。最后,从“教师有效管理情绪劳动”“不断提升信任力”“学生培养可信赖品质”“家长当好师生信任的‘中间人’”“学校和社会更加关爱留守儿童”等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

关于师生互动类型划分的研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
按照不同的划分标准,可将师生互动关系划分为不同的类型。国内外的研究者按照师生互动中的主体地位、师生行为、师生之间的不同情感以及教师的行为作风、师生行为的对象、行为属性和师生互动方式等划分标准将师生互动类型划分为教师中心式、学生中心式和知识中心式;教师命令式、民主协商式和师生互不干涉式;师个互动、师组互动和师班互动;等等。而以师生互动中权威的主导地位为划分标准,可以将师生互动划分为师权型师生互动、生权型师生互动和平等型师生互动。  相似文献   

在纪实小说《相约星期二》中,作者米奇·阿尔博姆用平实的语言记录了毕业多年,他再遇恩师,并继而在恩师莫里那里修到的最后一门课程。小说通过“课程学习”期间的师生对话交流,由此阐释了深厚的师生关系与人生教育的真谛。有感于此,结合当下大学外语教育的教学实际,主要关注课程中教师身份的构建、知识的储备、课程教学的内容、学生学习的目标等几个方面,探讨了大学外语教学中如何构建和谐的师生关系的问题,希望对未来的外语教育发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

教育中的师生关系及其疏离   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
师生关系构成教育中最基本的人际关系,也是教育中“最积极”、“最活跃”、“最能动”的人际关系。师生关系包含两个最基本的层面:人——人关系层面(人际关系)与教师——学生关系层面(角色际关系)。前者是最基本的层面,后者基于前者而构筑。现代教育恰恰试图通过一系列的规范将教师与学生的“角色关系”“固定”下来,这虽然保证了教师与学生之间关系的秩序,但却使得这种关系变得“冷冰冰的”、“毫无感情的”,它同样导致了师生关系中爱的缺失。  相似文献   

全面实施素质教育,是当代中学教育的基本要求。构筑一种真正适应时代发展要求的、新型的、和谐的师生关系是做好当代中学教育的基石。这种和谐的师生关系必须以民主、平等为基础,以互相尊重、互相理解、互相信任为核心内容,以全面提高学生素质为终极目的。首先,采用民主、平等的方式对待学生是构建新型和谐师生关系的基础。其次,以互相尊重、互相理解、互相信任为核心内容的教育理念是构建新型和谐师生关系的关键。总之,师生关系是教育中一个处于核心地位的问题,它直接影响到教育质量、教育效果和学生的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

Background: The classroom is a social system in which the teacher and the students interact as organizational members. The quality of classroom relations is dependent on the activities of both the instructor and the students. Several environmental conditions and circumstances often tend to either improve or depress the academic performances of students in defiance of their natural academic endowments. Aim: This study was to identify the relationship between teacher–students’ interpersonal relationships and students’ academic achievements in social studies. Methods: The work used the ex post facto design and a sample of 1954 Junior Secondary School (JSS) III randomly drawn from 50 Government Secondary Schools in Calabar Educational Zone of Cross River State, Nigeria. Two instruments were used: The Teacher–Students’ Relationship Questionnaire and a 50-item multiple choice questions in social studies set using the JSS social studies syllabus and validated by test experts. The data were analysed using the Pearson product moment correlation analysis (r). Product moment correlation analysis (r) is used in finding the relationship between two variables X and Y, if these variables are continuous and are obtained from the sample. Outcomes: There was a significant relationship between teacher–students’ interpersonal relationship and students’ academic achievements in social studies. As a researcher, this means much for me. Students themselves are classroom observers. They are aware, to a great extent, of their own academic standing in the classroom as well as those of others. Some examples of the strategies students use to evaluate their own academic standing include the tasks they are given, grouping strategies implemented in the classroom (e.g. ability grouping) teacher feedback and information regarding ability, the responsibilities that teachers provide students with and the quality of teacher–students relationships. Conclusions: The major conclusion forwarded by this research was that there was a significant relationship between the teacher–students’ interpersonal relationship and students’ academic performances in social studies. This has a serious implication for me and others, viz, a good human relationship is one of the lubricants of high productivity. Teachers should therefore galvanize cordial relations between themselves and students. All teachers, including this researcher, should bear in mind that a healthy interpersonal relationship is one indispensable instrument of high productivity and achievement in all fields of human endeavour including the education industry.  相似文献   

Interpersonal aspects of teaching have repeatedly been linked to teacher emotions and well-being on a general level. However, it is unclear how teachers’ moment-to-moment interpersonal behavior is associated with their physiological arousal during teaching and how this contributes to their lesson-focused emotional outcomes. Eighty secondary education teachers with a mean age of 43.7 years (SD = 11.5) and 13.4 years of teaching experience (SD = 9.7) participated during one real-life lesson. We coded teacher behavior from an interpersonal perspective on the dimensions of agency (i.e., social influence) and communion (i.e., friendliness). Teachers’ physiology (in terms of heart rate) was measured as a proxy for their affective arousal. Teachers differed widely in their behaviors and in how behavior and physiology were associated from moment to moment. Being generally agentic was associated with higher levels of self-reported positive emotions after the lesson, also when being agentic went together with a high heart rate. In contrast, the stronger and the more positively a teacher’s physiological arousal was associated with displaying communal behavior, the more likely a teacher was to report negative emotions. We conclude that combining moment-to-moment data of teachers’ interpersonal behavior and physiological arousal has the potential to explain differences in teachers’ emotional outcomes. Such an approach might ultimately provide teachers and teacher educators with the fine-grained and personalized information needed to foster teacher well-being.  相似文献   


Advances in information technology and communication through new social media platforms have enormous benefits in many contexts, including education. At the same time, self-distractive use of technology – or ‘absent presenteeism’ – can have negative effects in the classroom. The main research question of this study is the relationship between organisational leadership, enforcement of discipline and self-distractive use of technology in the secondary school setting. The finding indicated that the permissive style of discipline appeared to be the most effective at reducing self-distractive mobile phone use. However, a more authoritative style of discipline, short teacher tenure and the principal’s transformational leadership style contributed to high self-distractive mobile phone use. The authors rely on empirical data collected in Israeli public high schools from two independent sources: 144 teachers and 591 students, which yielded 4440 teacher-student events. Implications of the findings are discussed in the context of the school setting characterised by rapid changes in technology.  相似文献   

课堂师生互动是指在课堂教学情境中,教师个体与学生个体或群体之间在心理与行为上的交互影响与作用的过程。课堂教学必须加强有效师生互动策略研究与应用的依据有三:一是课堂教学具有师生互动的本质属性,二是课堂师生互动的教育价值,三是当下中小学课堂师生互动出现了诸多问题需要改进。实现有效师生互动的主要策略是以相互尊重为前提策略,以启发探究为基本策略,以反馈调控为强化策略,以人际合作为深化策略,以开放教学为拓展策略。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate how three Chinese teachers developed their teacher identities in a reform context. Drawing upon data from a larger social historical study, the work-life narratives of the three teachers at different stages of their careers were used as case studies to showcase three types of teacher identity development trajectories, namely, learning to be both professional educator and subject teaching expert,learning to be subject teaching expert, and navigating to balance between educator and subject teacher. This study also investigated the factors that influence identity development trajectories of teachers and develops a conceptual framework for understanding teacher identity development in China. The framework shows that Chinese teachers’ exertion of their individual agency is embedded in the institutional context. Meanwhile, interpersonal relationships can work as a buffer to alleviate the tension between the institution and individual teachers. The study also shows the ways in which Chinese teachers’ exert their agency when developing their identities. The findings have significant implications for teacher education in terms of how to develop positive teacher identity over the course of a teacher’s career.  相似文献   

Research on teacher-student relationships shows their impact on students. However, it typically focuses on teachers’ interactions and instruction, with less attention to motivations/feelings. Specifically, almost no quantitative research has focused on teachers’ caring for students, despite its potential importance. The present multilevel study, comprising 675 students in ages 15–17 and their 33 homeroom teachers, linked students’ feelings that their teacher cares for them with their self-esteem, well-being, and school engagement and indicated that teacher-student relationships quality mediates these links. Furthermore, students’ reports on teachers’ caring were associated with teachers’ sense of meaning at work, suggesting its role in enhancing caring.  相似文献   

主体性教育背景下,师生关系是一种人际关系,师生交往遵循民主平等的人际交往原则。听、思、说,是我们做人的基本标志和基本权利,讲授法中民主平等地对待学生,就是要尊重和实现学生相应的权利,辨证统一地处理讲—听关系,这能根治“一言堂“或”填充式“,从而使讲授法焕发出新的教学生命力。  相似文献   

现在,儿童的家庭抚养形式日趋多元化.基于幼儿家庭抚养形式对幼儿的同伴关系与师生关系进行比较,结果表明:幼儿的家庭抚养形式中,父母抚养仍为最主要的抚养形式,隔代抚养次之,共同抚养与其他抚养所占比例较小;幼儿的家庭抚养形式不存在男女性别差异,但存在显著的年级差异;幼儿的同伴接纳与教师接纳不存在抚养形式的差异.  相似文献   

Research Findings: The present study examined associations between children’s classroom interactions and teachers’ perceptions of teacher–child relationships during 1 year of preschool. Teachers (n = 223) reported their perceptions of closeness and conflict in their teacher–child relationships in the fall and spring. Children’s (n = 895) positive classroom interactions with teachers, peers, and learning activities and their negative interactions were observed midyear. Children’s positive interactions with teachers and learning activities predicted teachers’ perceptions of more closeness in the spring when we accounted for fall closeness. Children’s negative interactions predicted teachers’ perceptions of more relational conflict in the spring when we accounted for fall conflict. Children’s positive peer interactions did not predict spring closeness or conflict. Implications regarding teachers’ perceptions of teacher–child relationships and children’s independently observed classroom interactions are discussed. Practice or Policy: Findings provide empirical evidence for an aspect of Pianta, Hamre, and Stuhlman’s (2003) conceptual model of teacher–child relationships. Results indicate that children’s classroom interactions may be a factor related to how teachers report on their relationships with children across 1 year of preschool. Findings point to links between a range of children’s positive and negative interactions during typical instruction and teachers’ relationship perceptions.  相似文献   

笔者从教师观、学生观和教师与学生的关系三个角度对传统的师生关系进行了分析,认为传统师生关系是一种功能性的关系,这种功能性的师生关系存在很大缺陷。为解决传统师生关系的缺陷,提出师生关系应该由功能性向存在性师生关系转变。存在性的师生关系包含两层含义:从自然人角度而言,师生关系是"人与人"的平等关系;从社会人角度而言,师生关系是"契约关系"。  相似文献   

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