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现今高等数学、数学分析教材中关于渐近线内容的研讨不尽完善,比较含糊,存在欠缺.为此,本文完善了渐近线的定义,依据本文给出的渐近线的定义求函数曲线的渐近线时,不会丢失渐近线.同时,本文对函数曲线与其渐近线的交点、函数的无穷间断点与函数曲线的垂直渐近线的关系、函数曲线的水平渐近线和斜渐近线的关系进行了系统的研讨.本文阐明了求函数曲线的渐近线的步骤和方法,指出不用斜渐近线的系数公式可以直接用斜渐近线的定义,将求斜渐近线的系数转化成求含有参数的极限.  相似文献   

中学数学中的许多函数图象,都与渐近线密切相关,渐近线对于准确认识和把握某些函数图象的形状、位置、大小有很大帮助,研究函数图象和曲线的渐近线,必然要涉及函数极限的知识,而极限知识又是高考中有限与无限数学思想的重要载体,2010年福建省高考数学理科第10题就是以函数极限为背景考查"分渐近线"内容的一道创新试题,无疑这  相似文献   

《高等数学》教材中函数极限limf(x)=A的几何解释.与曲线的水平渐近线的几何解释存在着差异。笔者指出:二者的几何解释是一样的,同时建议,在《高等数学》教材中应该全面介绍曲线的渐近线的精确定义(包括其求法),这样做。可以使学生正确而全面地理解、掌握曲线的渐近线的概念,对学生做初等函数的图形也是有帮助的。  相似文献   

本文从曲线的渐近线的定义出发,以拓广平面、无穷远点、无穷远直线和齐次坐标为工具,讨论一般代数曲线的渐近线,并给出了由隐函数形式表示的一些代数曲线的渐近线的求法。这种求法,比传统的方法简洁直观,同时体现了《高等几何》中的一些思想方法在研究函数图象方面的应用。  相似文献   

二元方程式F(x,y)=O确定的函数曲线渐近线的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出二元方程式F(x,y)=0确定的函数曲线渐近线的几个结果。  相似文献   

例说导数的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实例介绍了导数在求曲线的斜率、解不等式、求极限、求物体运动的瞬时速度和加速度,求函数的单调区间、函数的最大值和最小值,求参数的取值范围、曲线的渐近线,以及在经济分析和管理、近似计算等方面的应用.  相似文献   

极限思想是用无限逼近的方式从有限中认识无限,用无限去探求有限,从近似中认识精确,用极限去逼近准确,从量变中认识质变的思想.中学数学教材中多处渗透了极限的思想,如直线、平面、平行线、平行平面的定义,函数和数列极限的定义,球的表面积和体积公式的推导,正切函数和双曲线的渐近线,曲线的切线等,无不包含着极限  相似文献   

来文论述了一种不用极限、导数,只用初等数学求代数曲线的切线和渐近线的方法,对于一些曲线方程较复杂的情况,显得尤其简便.  相似文献   

探讨函数的可导性、函数的渐近线与导函数的极限之间的关系。  相似文献   

<正>我们知道,函数图像的渐近线有水平渐近线、竖直渐近线、斜渐近线,甚至还有渐近曲线,我们也可以从极限的角度来寻找这些渐近线。可是,什么函数题型有渐近线,渐近线又有哪些类型?通过部分典型例题简单归结如下:一、函数值的影响2016年苏州一模卷第20题在2015年全国卷第12题的基础上进行了改编,通过比较发现,投机取巧已经解决不了这道题,必须深挖函数隐藏的性质,还原真实的函数图像。例1(2016年苏州一模第20题)已知  相似文献   

Children's understanding of the static representation of speed of locomotion was explored in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 20 7-year-olds and 20 9-year-olds drew pictures of 2 people walking and running at different speeds. Children then made judgments about pairs of unambiguous drawings of a person walking or running, as did a sample of 20 adults. The drawings varied according to whether action lines, background lines, or no lines were present. Children were asked to say which figure appeared to be moving faster. In Experiment 2, 20 7-year-olds, 20 9-year-olds, and 21 adults sorted ambiguous drawings of a person walking and running at different speeds. The pictures again contained action lines, background lines, or no lines. In the drawing task, children more frequently used page position and biomechanical information than action lines to represent fast and slow walking and running. In the judgment task, 7- and 9-year-olds offered equivalent judgments of action lines and background lines, whereas adults distinguished between these pictorial devices. In the sorting task, all subjects distinguished between action lines and background lines and judged that pictures containing action lines looked faster than pictures containing background lines and pictures without lines. Taken together, the results indicate that subjects' judgments were influenced by the form of locomotion and degree of ambiguity in the depicted events they saw. The findings are consistent with the view that different categories of pictorial devices exist, but the effectiveness of each device is contingent upon the perceiver's experience with it and the context in which it appears.  相似文献   

规定了最小子集线路划分法规则,并利用最小子集线路划分法优化拉萨市公交线路的数据库存储,给公交线路的数据查询、数据存储和线路调整带来很大便利,将公交系统管理和优化线路引向全新的方向.  相似文献   

在计划经济及市场机制下完善的转轨时期,扭曲的价格信号是识别区域优势行业的主要障碍,我国市场化改革的加快逐步消除了这一障碍,使我们可以根据区域行业产出的市场相对份额-区位商指标来判定现实区域优势行业及潜在区域优势行业;1990-1998年陕西产出结构发生了较大变化,食品工业、医药工业、有色金属工业、印刷业、煤炭业等为优势扩张行业,电子工业、交通设备、机械工业仍具有潜在优势。  相似文献   

本文就伊氏隶书的线条美感,从方圆、曲直、粗细、笔画两端的丰富变化、齐整与参差、平滑与迟涩、动与静、力度、立体感、虚与实等方面进行分析,认为伊氏运用艺术的辩证思维将其书艺达到了空前的艺术高度,在中国书法史上产生了深远影响.  相似文献   

Pigeons discriminated the length of a bar located between two context lines. Responses to one key were reinforced when the bar was longer than a predetermined length, and those to the other key were reinforced when the bar was shorter. The inclination of the context lines was systematically varied from 54.6° (converging upward) to 125.4° (converging downward). Five out of 6 subjects tended to report “long” when the bars were located near the apex of the context lines, regardless of whether the context lines were oriented upward or downward. The magnitude of the illusion varied almost linearly with the ratio of the length of the stimulus bar to the gap between the bar and the context lines. This relationship held equally for upward- and downward-converging context lines.  相似文献   

无论是传统绘画还是现代绘画 ,线的作用是毋庸置疑的。艺术家对线的解应建立在广泛的、多层面的基础之上 ,并对线在艺术作品中的造型意味 ,形式意味 ,抽象意味以及由于它的变化所传达给人们不同的心理感受等进行研究 ,赋予线条丰富的蕴涵 ,显示一条线的全部价值。  相似文献   

《老友记》作为最受欢迎的美国情景喜剧之一,不仅在美国家喻户晓,而且几乎成为全球英语学习者必看的连续剧,其幽默诙谐的台词、出人意料的情节以及几位主演已臻化境的演技,都让观众们津津乐道。而在台词中大量使用修辞格,是达到其幽默效果的重要手段。双关语作为常见的修辞手段,频繁地出现在《老友记》的台词中。为了使更多中国观众充分领略双关语台词的特殊魅力,就要以《老友记》台词中双关语的巧妙使用为例,根据尤金?奈达的功能翻译理论,探讨其可译性并总结可行的译法。  相似文献   

1940年至1946年间,考古学家麦兆良对粤东地区开展了大范围的考古调查工作,收获丰硕,也有幸成为目前已知的梅州考古与研究的第一人。他在五华发现的春秋夔纹陶罐,已成为确定夔纹陶存在年代,揭示夔纹陶纹样来源,探讨夔纹陶技术产生、发展和传播的典型器物,具有很高的考古学价值。同时,也充分证明梅州古地是岭南区域考古文化传播和交流的交汇点,有着悠久和丰富的古代文明。  相似文献   

莫高窟第3窟的壁画以线条为主的表现手法,有其显见的特殊意义。特别是以泥沙做底的湿画法,多年来成为人们研究探索并引起争论的焦点。本文通过对元代社会历史背景及敦煌地理位置,还有莫高窟特殊的自然环境,综合研究、分析了第3窟壁画的线描表达技法。  相似文献   

Math proficiency is related to math calculation fluency. Explicit timing provides repeated practice for math fluency. It is enhanced through goal setting, graphic feedback, and rewards. Self-selected goals have potential to increase performance for math fluency. This study compared the effect of goal lines, and researcher goals versus self-selected goals. The authors compared three groups: (a) researcher-selected goals only, (b) researcher-selected goals with goal lines, and (c) self-selected goals with goal lines. First-grade students completed subtraction probes and colored in a bar graph with their performance. When participants met or exceeded their goals, participants received rewards twice per week. Results indicated that the researcher-selected goals with goal lines procedures with explicit timing had the greatest effect on subtraction fluency for first-grade students. The researcher-selected goals with goal lines and self-selected goals with goal lines groups outperformed the researcher-selected goals-only group.  相似文献   

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