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通过一学年的合作学习体操教学,体育专业大学男生的成员自尊、内部集体自尊、外部集体自尊和集体认同等均有不同程度的变化,并且这种变化是朝着良性方向发展,因此体操教学中运用合作学习能有效地促进体育专业大学男生集体自尊水平。  相似文献   

体育教学是在一定的组织形式下进行,学校体育活动大多都是集体活动。应该是在和谐、平等、友好、合作的环境中完成学习,让学生感受到体育的快乐,集体的温暖,愉悦身心。一、创设情境,激发学生学习兴趣、学习热情。在教学中,教师要注重创设良好的课堂学习氛围,着重培养学生探求知识,掌握技术、力争上游的精神。教师可以  相似文献   

体育合作学习模式在篮球教学中的运用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
合作学习是以学习小组为基本形式,利用动态因素的互动促进学习,以团体成绩为标准,共同完成体育教学目标的一种教学模式。主要结论:体育合作学习教学模式可以促进体育教育改革的深入,促进学生个性的发展,有利于培养学生的集体责任感和荣誉感等。  相似文献   

利用大学生体育学习风格量表调查了体育专业大学生的体育学习风格特点,发现性别并非造成体育学习风格产生差异的决定性因素。以个人项目为主的体能类专项大学生对体育学习有着更多层次的需求,以集体项目为主的技能类专项大学生对正向反馈有着更高的需求。运动水平与体育学习中的认知能力及学习动机的高低存在联系。训练年限是促进异化需求提高的因素,但对体育风格其他维度的影响还不明确。  相似文献   

浅谈通过体育教学培养学生集体感情刘建军1)高萍2)1体育教学对学生集体感情的影响1.1通过体育教学建立有高情趣的教育情境,使学生在愉快、没有强制的心理环境中自觉努力,感受生活在集体中的一种无可替代的愉快,达到学习体育知识技能和陶冶情操的统一。也就是...  相似文献   

我国是一个崇尚集体主义的国家,因为我国深知集体的力量远远大于个人的力量,当人们团结在一起才能够激发更大的能量,才能够众人拾柴火焰高,所以在我国的教育体系当中,培养团结和集体主义精神成为了我国的教学目标之一,为了响应我国的教育方针,在小学体育课堂当中也融入进了一些合作学习的相关任务,目的就是在于通过学生们合作进行学习来体会到团结的力量,本文重点探讨小学生的体育课堂上面应该如何通过合作学习来完成教学任务。  相似文献   

为了提高学生在体育课堂中技术、技能的学习效率,提高学生的体育学习兴趣。文章进行归因分类并列举归因的影响因素,以针对现实中体育教学中归因的缺失,对体育课堂教学进行归因指导:1、体育学习中关注女生的成功体验;2、体育课堂中以积极反馈为主;3、使学生感受到集体的温暖;4、建立不同的教学目标;5、强调个人努力。  相似文献   

体育合作学习模式探析   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
马晶  那菊花  崔巍 《体育科学》2001,21(5):11-13
采用文献资料、对比分析等方法。合作学习是以学习小组为基本形式,利用动态因素的互动促进学习,以团体成绩为标准,共同完成体育教学目标的一种教学模式。主要结论:体育合作学习教学模式可以促进体育教育改革的深入,促进学生个性的发展,有利于培养学生的集体责任感和荣誉感等。  相似文献   

江艺锋 《精武》2012,(12):34-35
学生集体观念的树立对于学生集体进步以及集体竞争意识的培养均起着极为重要的作用,特别是大力倡导素质教育的今天,学生体育教育不再是单纯的锻炼学生的身体为目的,而是在体育教育中培养学生集体荣辱观,培养集体中团队合作精神与团队竞争意识,在共性中倡导个性的发扬。文章从学生集体观说起,分析集体观的培养方式,并站合体育教育中应注意的问题进一步分析学生集体观的树立在体育教育中的重要作用,最后分析如何在体育教育中培养学生集体观念。  相似文献   

邱佩勇 《体育风尚》2020,(1):277-277
随着人们对于小学体育教学与品德教育的不断重视,使得小学教育内容中体育教学的重视度逐渐提高,尤其是身体素质较弱的低年段学生,不仅需要采取有效的教学方法,还需要在教学中渗透品德教育,使学生从小就培养爱国,爱校,爱家;关心,爱护,尊重他人;诚实,正直,勇敢,坚持;良好集体意识,为集体服务等优良品质。对此,文章针对小学低年段体育教学品德教育渗透措施进行了分析。  相似文献   

文章主要通过文献资料法、问卷调查法和数据统计法等方法对徐州市泉山区群众进行太极柔力球调查。调查研究发现徐州市泉山区柔力球运动的普及程度并不高,发展和传播的速度较慢,柔力球练习者的分布也不广泛。因此建议多开展一些与太极柔力球相关的集体活动和比赛,并且通过演出和比赛的形式可以有效宣传和推广柔力球运动,促进柔力球习练者之间的技术交流和沟通,增进技术的进步与发展,还可以为习练者提供展现自我的机会,为更好的锻炼带来动力,以期推进太极柔力球项目的进一步蓬勃开展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to introduce and explore a working conceptualisation of collective board leadership in a federal sport network. In this paper, the authors examine the relationship between collective leadership and governance systems specifically within the non-profit sport organisation context, bringing together notions of collective board leadership and collaborative governance. Neither concept has yet been presented in tandem for the benefit of developing sport governance knowledge and practice. As an outcome of the conceptualising, the authors make explicit the multiple levels of the sport governance system and pose two broad research directions that will help advance theory and drive a better understanding of collective board leadership within these types of governance systems. A central premise of this paper is that the sport management field is lacking literature that brings together leadership and governance, and that collective leadership is a topic where the intersection of leadership and governance renders advancement for both bodies of work. The authors offer implications for future work in collective leadership for sport governance.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss [transgender] young men's social, physical and embodied experiences of sport. These discussions draw from interview research with two young people who prefer to self-identify as ‘male’ and not as ‘trans men’, although they do make use of this term. Finn and Ed volunteered to take part in the research following my request for volunteers at a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth group. Their narratives provide valuable testimonies on transgender and transgender and sport: more specifically, their experiences of school sport, their embodied subjectivities, transitioning and sport participation. The focus on transgender and sport also highlights the taken-for-granted assumption that a coherent LGBT collective exists and that transgender is a fixed, definable and agreed-upon category. The paper, therefore, has two aims. First, it intends to privilege and document the views of two young people who identify with a group that is often marginalised. Their narratives raise significant questions in relation to transgender and sport participation in educational and recreational settings. Second, the paper seeks to expose the methodological and ontological complexities surrounding ‘LGBT’ and ‘transgender’ and place these debates within sport and educational studies.  相似文献   

公共体育设施是影响和制约群众参加体育活动的重要因素,目前我国社会公共体育设施严重不足,学校体育设施对外开放可以缓解我国体育场地设施不足的矛盾。文章运用文献资料法、比较分析法、调查访问法对目前我国社会公共体育设施严重不足,学校体育设施相对较为先进的实际情况进行论述,为进一步推进我国《全民健身计划纲要》和阳光体育工程的深入实施,为学校体育设施能够真正对外开放提供新的思路。  相似文献   

运用田野调查法、专家访谈法以及文献资料法,对藏族少数民族传统体育项目俄尔多的社会功能及文化内涵进行研究,结果表明:俄尔多集实用性、工艺性、体育性为一体,是藏族文化的重要元素,是我国藏族同胞集体智慧的结晶,应该调动多方力量对其进行有效的保护和合理开发,使其更好地延续下去。而开发的重点应放在其工艺性和体育竞技性上,从制作工艺技术和使用技能两方面进行保护与传承。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):276-292
Deaf people are widely perceived as being disabled and consequently socially disadvantaged, particularly those who rely on sign language for communication. Profoundly deaf people in mainstream sport are a rarity, and at the highest levels only a few examples can be found throughout the history of professional sport. This apparent lack of participation only serves to reinforce the idea that deaf people are in some way incapable of taking part in little more than perfunctory sporting activity. However, this is not the case. Deaf people have been involved in a variety of sporting endeavours since the dawn of organized sport. In this article, the extent and diversity of deaf people's involvement in sport will be outlined, drawing on a longitudinal study of the activities of deaf club members from across north-west England. The different sports their members engaged in, the extent of such activity and the importance of such involvement in bonding and maintaining communal identity among deaf people will all be demonstrated. In doing so, it is intended that the general perception of deaf people as being socially isolated, particularly in relation to sport, will be shown to be false.  相似文献   

Although the Basque Country has been historically divided between France and Spain, the long-standing collective identity of the Basque people endures. Football, a foreign sport that was regarded with suspicion in the early years of its introduction by the incipient Basque nationalist movement, became a pillar of differentiation with respect to Spain. It clearly surpassed the traditional Basque game of pelota as a collective affirmation. It did so firstly through a style of play forged in the imagined strength of the ‘Basque race’. Later, especially in the late twentieth century, through the unusual autochthonous composition of the most important Basque clubs. This article sets out to capture the historical importance of football in the contemporary Basque Country as a complex patriotic vector and the difficulties that the absence of a Basque state entails for that objective. It also deals with the marked division in the sports field between the Spanish Basque Country and the French Basque Country, where Rugby became the sport that unified collectives.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料,问卷调查、数理分析等方法,对乒乓球运动在太原市社区发展现状进行调查.研究结果表明,乒乓球运动太原市社区中群众基础好,但参与人群表现出一定的性别、年龄和职业特征;参与乒乓球运动的社区居民时间投入比较合理,但资金投入水平总体较低,随着收入的提高,居民的资金投入结构呈平衡发展态势;虽然社区居民在参与形式和参与动机上呈多元化发展,但设施、时间和专业指导人员的缺乏依然是制约居民积极参与乒乓球运动的主要因素.本文建议:科学建立社区乒乓球服务管理网络,发挥积极分子骨干和管理作用,整合优势资源,打造基层赛事,实现自下而上的自我服务、自我管理、健康发展的社区体育新模式.  相似文献   

文章通过对温州高校77名大学生运动员的调查和对相关文献资料的分析,从不同角度探析温州高校大学生运动员的特质运动自信心。调查结果表明:不同年级、不同训练年限、不同等级的运动员在特质运动任务和特质运动应对信心方面均存在显著性的差异,集体和个人项目也存在着差异。测量数据可为大学生运动员特质运动自信心的培养和科学的心理技能训练提供参考,可为提高大学生运动员的竞技水平服务。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(4):540-552
The purpose of this study was to examine how innovative SDP organizations’ interactions with external stakeholders influence the social innovation process. Innovation represents the implementation of new or improved ways to promote social change. The authors conducted semi-structured interviews and focus groups with 48 SDP leaders representing organizations located across six continents. Innovative SDP agencies engaged in numerous non-financial relationships with a strong emphasis on collective learning, a shared willingness to spread the risk of innovation across organizational boundaries, and a reciprocal process for co-creating new and improved solutions for how sport can be used better to promote positive social change. Social innovation in the context of SDP emerged across different levels (intra-, inter-, and extra-group) from a collective and interactive process between SDP organizations and external stakeholders. Their innovation activities included identifying opportunities and generating ideas for implementing new practices and scaling creative solutions. This study extends the existing SDP literature and underscores the need to adopt a more specific external perspective when examining the process of innovation in sport organizations.  相似文献   

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