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Hatta  T.  Kawakami  A.  Tamaoka  K. 《Reading and writing》1998,10(3-5):457-470
The present study examined kanji errors in handwriting made by Japanese students and Australian learners of Japanese. First, a cognitive psychological model to explain the production of writing errors was proposed based upon the analysis of 374 writing errors of two-morpheme (kanji) compound words generated by Japanese students in spontaneous sentence writing situations. Despite the common assumption that kanji writing errors may not be related to the sounds of kanji characters (i.e., morphological phonology), the present study found that phonologically-related kanji writing errors were most numerous (60.0%), followed by orthographically-related errors (43.6%) and semantically-related errors (29.7%), including some overlap of these three types. Second, 408 kanji writing errors made by students learning Japanese in an Australian university were analyzed. Unlike the Japanese students, these subjects wrote more non-existing kanji and made orthographically-related mistakes rather than semantically- and phonologically-related errors. This result must be related to the level of kanji writing skills held by learners of Japanese. In light of these results, several suggestions were proposed for the methods of teaching kanji writing.  相似文献   

汉字教学作为语言要素教学之一,是对外汉语教学中不可忽视的重要环节,也是外国学生学习汉语的难点所在。日语《常用汉字表》与我国的对外汉语《大纲》的字表有很大的共性。《常用汉字表》中90%以上的字都被《大纲》收录,而大纲中60%左右的汉字也都被《常用汉字表》所覆盖。在字形方面,日本常用字中的很大一部分和中国现行汉字完全相同,但也存在一些差异。我们对比和分析中日常用汉字,就能够确定日本学生学习汉字时的优势和重难点,并采取具有针对性的教学方法进行教学。  相似文献   

This study examined age-group differences in eye movements among third-grade, fifth-grade, and adult Japanese readers. In Experiment 1, Japanese children, but not adults, showed a longer fixation time on logographic kanji words than on phonologically transparent hiragana words. Further, an age-group difference was found in the first fixation duration on hiragana words but not on kanji words, suggesting character-type-dependent reading development in Japanese children. Examination of the distributions of saccade landing positions revealed that, like adults, both third and fifth graders fixated more on kanji than on hiragana characters, which suggests that even young children utilize the same oculomotor control strategy (the kanji targeting strategy) as Japanese adults. In Experiment 2, we examined whether the proportion of kanji characters in a text affected adult reading performance. Japanese adults made more refixations and regressions in texts with a high proportion of hiragana characters. The results of both experiments suggest that differences between kanji and kana affect the reading efficiency of school-age children and that maturation of reading skills allows adults to optimize their strategy in reading kanji and kana mixed texts.  相似文献   

对于外语学习者而言,对比法是促进外语学习的一种重要方法。汉日之间存在着大量的汉字,所以将其进行对比显得更加有意义。而且正是由于汉字的存在,以汉语为母语的日语学习者在学习汉日同形词的过程中容易望文生义而造成误用。  相似文献   

This article looks at the use of extended metaphor in teaching. Our case studies as two teachers using metaphor in different settings show how metaphor is experienced by learners to different pedagogical effect. The article demonstrates that metaphor can be used not only for the similarity between vehicle and target systems, but also for the difference. In the subject of electronics, extended metaphor (water, waves and webs) scaffolds learning by merit of the similarity of the vehicle system to the target. However, when teaching doctoral students to improve their writing skills, extended metaphor exploits the difference between vehicle and target. In this case the frustration of academic challenge is defused by using metaphors that are homely and ordinary in contrast to the formal academic genre of thesis writing. Our experience in using metaphors to teach provides support for the theory that they may be monistic (forgotten once they have fulfilled the pedagogical scaffolding task) or dualistic (remembered because both systems remain in play). The article prompts other higher education teachers to more consciously consider the potential of metaphor as a pedagogical aid.  相似文献   

日文汉字对中国人来讲,既有方便快捷的一面,也有扑朔迷离、误导思路的一面。我国人民创造的文字,陆续传入日本后,是怎样为异族消化、吸收、利用的?失真程度如何?发生了什么样的演化?如何发展至今?日文汉字与中文汉字到底是不是一会事儿?文章探讨了日文汉字的历史渊源、发音演化、我们学日文汉字时怎样理解日本人的思路及注意事项。  相似文献   

日本的汉字绝大部分是自古以来从中国引进的,有极少一部分汉字是日本人模仿汉语的造字法创造出来的,日本人称其为(国字),即和制汉字。和制汉字多为会意字。本文着重分析了比较常见的和制汉字的造字法,通过分析这些和制汉字的造字倾向,窥视出和制汉字的特点,及其所反映的日本的固有文化。  相似文献   

In this paper the contribution or impact of sub-word levels in the computation of word phonology was evaluated for the two very different orthographies of alphabetic English and logographic Japanese kanji. In particular, the studies of Wydell, Butterworth and Patterson (1995), Fushimi, Ijuin and Tatsumi (1996a, b), and Wydell, Butterworth, Shibahara and Zorzi (1997) are reviewed. These studies investigated the sub-word level (i.e., the level of constituent characters in two-character kanji words) as well as whole-word level of contribution in the computation of phonology to the compound kanji words. It is concluded that the available data suggest some involvement of sub-word level processing in the computation of word phonology in kanji, though to a much lesser extent than in English. More importantly, it is suggested that the structural differences between On-reading words (of Chinese origin) and Kun-reading words (of Japanese origin) may prove to be important factors when evaluating the speed and accuracy in the computation of the phonology of kanji words.  相似文献   

日语是中国高校外语专业常设的第二外语之一。不少日语学习者和教授者夸大汉语汉字对日语学习的正迁移作用,认为有大量汉字的日语容易学习,从而忽视日语中汉字的学习,导致一些常见的错误。文章以此为切入点,强调中、日语中的汉字在音、形、义等方面的差异,以期引起二外日语教学的重视。  相似文献   

以拼音为主的汉字教学,给幼儿的汉语学习与认知带来很多困难。在常用的增强汉字学习与记忆技巧中,依汉字演变规律,从追溯字源、再现汉字生成语境入手,通过揭示汉字形体内在机理,建立音、形、义三者内在关联的字源识字法值得关注。因此,研究旨在探索字源识字法对提高幼儿汉字理解、记忆的长期影响,以及对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展的促进作用。参加者(N =99)按年龄差异,被分到大、中、小三个班级,实验结束后随机选择24名幼儿后测。尽管实验组和控制组的幼儿都认识一些汉字,但实验组的参加者接受了一个短期的字源识字法训练。结果显示,字源识字法提高幼儿汉字学习中的理解与记忆效果;字源识字法对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展有促进作用。  相似文献   

汉语和日语是两种不同的语言体系,但是两国都使用汉字,而且在各自的语言中产生了大量字形相同的词汇,即中日同形词。然中日同形词中有部分是意思相同的,也有许多似同又不尽相同的,更有些是意思完全不同的。因此,中日同形词是中日两种语言的一个客观存在,也是日语学习和日语教育中的一个不可回避的问题,而同形词里最复杂、最难掌握的同形类义词则是更值得我们深入研究和探索。本文使用误用分析的方法探明汉语对以汉语为母语的日语学习者们中日同形类义词习得方面的异同,最后试着对中日同形异义词的教学提出建议。  相似文献   

外语教学和第二语言学习的一个重要目标就是培养流利的口语表达。然而,学习者的口语中大量词汇化和非词汇化的填充性停顿在很大程度上影响了口语的流利性。采用基于中国学习者英语口语语料库(COLSEC)的方法,对学习者口语中非词汇化填充词的种类、频率和分布进行了研究,探寻非词汇化填充词的在口语表达中的功能,旨在为英语口语教学提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

Japanese kanji reading can be divided into two types: On-readings, derived from the original Chinese pronunciation and Kun-readings, originating from the Japanese pronunciation. Kanji that are normally given an On-reading around 50% of the time were presented in a context of other kanji that had either a highly dominant On-reading or a highly dominant Kun-reading. The reading that was given in this experiment was very much biased toward the type of phonological environment in which it was embedded. So native Japanese speakers easily shifted between On and Kun readings, depending on phonological context, suggesting that separate On and Kun sub-lexica exist within the phonological lexicon.  相似文献   

This article reports on the motivations of Chinese learners to learn Japanese in light of increasing diplomatic tensions between China and Japan over the last three decades. In the study, 35 Chinese learners of Japanese were selected, according to the time they began learning, to examine their motivations to learn Japanese as mediated by shifting sociopolitical conditions. Most began learning the language without enthusiasm, but became motivated and sustained their motivation to learn or use Japanese as they gained new Shiye (视野) (vision), Chuang (窗) (perspective), renshi (认识) (understanding), and other desirable attributes for their self-development. This improved their understanding of both the target language speakers’ communities and their own. These findings suggest that teachers and learners of Japanese could bridge the gap between the two communities (i.e., Chinese and Japanese) through language learning to sustain peaceful exchanges between them.  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Because a large number of Chinese characters are commonly used in both Japanese and Chinese, Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese as a second...  相似文献   

日语好不好学,一直是日语学习者关心的问题。有人说:"日语学习是笑着进去,哭着出来。""英语是哭着进去笑着出来。"虽然不可一言以蔽之,却因日语中含有大量的日语当用汉字,对于中国的日语学习者而言,开始阶段极为容易,入门学习阶段首先占有一定优势的客观因素,被传"笑着进去"也不为过。但由于日语语法和语感的特殊性,随着日语学习的深入会逐渐增加难度。使得学习者慨叹:学日语真是"哭着出来"。因此,弄懂日语是否难学,也许对日语教学定会起到抛砖引玉之作用。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of visual complexity for kanji processing by selecting target kanji from different stroke ranges of visually simple (2–6 strokes), medium (8–12 strokes), and complex (14–20 strokes) kanji with high and low frequencies. A kanji lexical decision task in Experiment 1 and a kanji naming task in Experiment 2 were administered to native Japanese speakers. Results of both experiments showed that visual complexity inhibited the processing of low-frequency kanji, whereas such consistent, inhibitory effects of visual complexity were not observed in the processing of high-frequency kanji. Kanji with medium complexity were processed faster than simple and complex kanji in high frequency.  相似文献   

中日两国虽然都在使用汉字,但由于两同国情,民族传统,生活习惯等诸多方面的不同,在汉字的简化结果方面出现了很大的差异,给我们两国文化交流带来了诸多不便。本文详细分析了中日简化字在字形上的异同,希望能给我国的日语学习者带来方便。  相似文献   

中日两国虽然都在使用汉字,但由于两国国情,民族传统,生活习惯等诸多方面的不同.在汉字的简化结果方面出现了很大的差异,给我们两国文化交流带来了诸多不便.本文详细分析了中日简化字在字形上的异同,希望能给我国的日语学习者带来方便.  相似文献   

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