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2015年3月5日上午十二届全国人大三次会议上,李克强总理在政府工作报告中首次提出“互联网+”行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场。什么是“互联网+”?李克强总理所提出的“互联网+”和早先一些互联网企业提出的同名概念已经有了不同的内涵,有了进一步的深入和发展。李克强总理在政府工作报告中首次提出的“互联网+”实际上  相似文献   

电子政务环境下档案信息资源作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电子政务(E-government)是指“高效、开放的政府凭借计算机技术、现代通信技术等高新技术在安全可靠的网络平台上行使管理职能、开展政务活动。”①电子政务是信息技术与现代管理体制的有机融合,如今已成为世界各国和地区政府追求的目标和关注的焦点,各国及各地区政府纷纷采取有力措施推动本国和本地区的电子政务发展,我国也不例外。从上世纪80年代至今,我国电子政务的发展经历了从“办公自动化”、“三金工程”、“政府上网工程”到“三网一库”的发展阶段,已取得不少的成果。从各国电子政务建设的实践来看,电子政务的开展不仅需要技术基…  相似文献   

鲍婧 《传媒》2016,(1):59-60
2015年,“两会”的《政府工作报告》中首次提出“互联网+”行动计划,鼓励移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场.随着移动互联网科技的加速发展,互联网+金融、+教育、+汽车、+娱乐等正以迅猛之势加速对传统行业的渗透,产业、政府、社会、城市治理等领域的建设在此趋势下,开启了向智慧型社会发展的进程.  相似文献   

联合国秘书长潘基文6月16日在纽约联合国总部举行的“网络仇恨”研讨会上发表讲话,呼吁家长、互联网业者以及各国政府采取切实行动,清除“网络仇恨”现象。  相似文献   

“十二五”以来,公共图书馆事业发展出现了“中部洼地”现象。主要表现是:资源占有与服务人口不相称;发展速度相对趋慢;均等化水平低;可比服务成本上升。实现公共图书馆事业发展“中部崛起”,主要应从以下几方面着力:国家宏观政策的调整;强化地方政府主体责任;加快县域公共图书馆总分馆体系建设;拓展和深化“图书馆+”与“互联网+”;完善评价标准的导向作用;抓住促进贫困地区公共文化服务体系建设的历史机遇。表5。参考文献4。  相似文献   

王文君 《青年记者》2016,(24):66-67
2015年3月5日,李克强总理在十二届全国人大三次会议上的政府工作报告中提出制定“互联网+”计划,强调“推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场”.①这意味着“互联网+”已经从学术概念上升为对国家经济、政治等各行各业的发展都具有战略意义的概念.  相似文献   

殷航  王雅铄 《青年记者》2016,(20):11-12
“+互联网”与“互联网+” 作为信息化的初级阶段,“+互联网”简单地说就是传统行业借助互联网手段把线下的生意做到线上去.①“互联网+”可理解为“互联网+传统行业”,传统媒体会融入到除互联网之外的多种产业.传统媒体和互联网的基因不同,前者具有颠覆性,而后者则是从传播者的角度出发,更多专注于传统技术的运营和传播.真正的媒体融合是不同生存空间的大转换,从现实世界向网络空间的大迁徙,是用户群和影响力.2015年初,李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出的是“互联网+”而非“+互联网”,意将互联网作为传统产业转型的平台并与之深度融合,不是忽略传统媒体的作用,更多是希望用互联网这种先进的生产力来倒逼传统媒体产业革新发展.  相似文献   

信息产业部电信管理局局长苏金生在第四届中国国际互联网研讨会上阐述了我国互联网发展的方针和重点等政策性问题。 一、中国互联网的发展方针 我国政府对待互联网的总体方针是“积极发展,加强管理,趋利避害;为我所用”。 我国的互联网管制主要有两大任务:一是防黄,即淫秽色情等不良内容;一是防黑,即保护网络安全和信息安全。 由于政治、经济、文化背景不同,意识形态不同;我国不能照搬外国的经验;更不能在网络上受制于人。 对于网络经济,要客观对待。不能过于轻视;也不能过分炒作。如果过度强调信息化.网络化,不重视基础性的…  相似文献   

殷俊  柳青 《青年记者》2016,(6):50-51
2015年3月5日,李克强总理在政府工作报告中提出制定“互联网+”计划,强调“推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场”.① 纸媒打造移动新闻客户端  相似文献   

“网上民声”栏目体现了全心全e为人民服务的理念。 在全球信息化浪潮的推进下,世界各国提出电子政府、电子政务建设,其目的是为了建立起更有效率的行政流程,为公众提供更广泛、更便捷的信息及服务。其技术内涵是运用信息技术、通信技术及互联网技术等,打破行政机关的部门界限,实现政府机关间、部门间及政府与社会各界间畅通无阻的沟通,并依据公众的需求、公众可以使用的形式、公众要求的时间及地点,提供公众各种不同的服务选择。  相似文献   

互联网渗透到社会的方方面面 ,给人们的工作、生活和娱乐带来了革命性的变化。像对发达国家的影响一样 ,互联网正日益改变着亚洲国家人们的生活观念和生活方式。但我们又看到 ,互联网经济在拉动消费、促进生产的同时 ,由于亚洲各国经济、技术实力的不同以及各国政府重视程度的不同 ,区域之间、国家之间的互联网发展存在着事实上的不平衡 ,这将影响亚洲经济发展以及社会发展的整体运行。  相似文献   

我国互联网信息服务业经营的现状分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前 ,我国互联网服务业中几乎没有盈利的企业。这是因为当今我国互联网服务市场是垄断竞争市场。造成亏损的主要原因是 ,互联网服务企业的需求曲线、产品价格和销售量太低。参考文献 3。图 5。  相似文献   

外国媒体的涉华报道 ,既折射出中国在国际舞台上的形象 ,又为中国政府的对外关系决策提供参照。鉴于此 ,本文作者跟踪分析了近期美、俄、日、德权威报纸的涉华报道。其共同点是 ,四国的涉华报道均从各自的国家利益出发来报道和评价中国及其与中国的关系 ;不同的是 ,各国报道又明显地带有各自的特点或倾向性———美国的冷战思维 ,日本的防范心理 ,俄罗斯民族骨子里的大国沙文主义的傲慢态度  相似文献   


With the blooming of information in digital format, dissemination of information is becoming a big challenge for developing countries. It is not only due to the limited provision of personal computersin addition, the technological infrastructure and the ability to access information are also becoming major concerns in developing countries. This paper examines the situation in the Asian developing countries as an example to illustrate the difficulties with the dissemination of information. The availability of personal computers is not the only difficulty facing developing countries. The availability and popularity of the Internet, the telecommunication policies and environment of the countries concerned, the information literacy level of the users and the librarians, the popularity of the English language, the knowledge of searching information on the Internet, and the maturity of the electronic publishing market are all inter-related and have affected the success of information dissemination. Recent developments in tackling the problems are also described.  相似文献   

余萍 《大观周刊》2012,(44):92-92
近年来,各国都在大兴文化产业以满足本国民众对文化商品和服务的需求,但是由于文化产业的特殊性,融资需求一度受到限制,虽有国家政策的大力扶持,但如何能得到市场的亲睐,依然是现在乃至今后伴随文化企业发展的一太课题,本文将就金融行业的中坚力量——保险为文化产业的融资发展提供的相关帮助试做分析。  相似文献   

我国地方信息服务业发展的经济环境和发展阶段分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对地方政府“十一五”规划的内容分析,结合各地GDP发展水平,得出对信息服务业各产业领域所处的经济环境的量化描述,基于此,计算各地区信息服务业政策发展阶段系数,通过比较各地区该系数与经济发展水平的关系,划分出当前地方政府发展信息服务业的4种策略。  相似文献   

Conclusion: What is the future for Digital Publishing? It is very difficult to understand the real value of all the different business models that have been introduced to the market in this very chaotic and evolving arena. The recent disillusions with the Internet and the “new economy” downturn have also made the publishing industry very cautious of investing in new business ventures. Many new projects have been suspended or postponed because they were based only on estimated or assumed online revenues. Meanwhile, very real operating expenses far exceeded original estimates or start-up budgets while sources of revenues remained elusive. On a more positive note, inside all the major publishing houses there is a stronger knowledge of the importance of creating a digital content database. Traditional publishers are learning that their intellectual property and editorial content can be used for many different products and delivered in many different media. Probably in the next months one of the big strategic issues will be the integration between the traditional print on paper products as the viable revenue model with all the other digital media in development. Finally, the questions remains how the market will accept as well as pay for content in different digital formats?  相似文献   

In 2008, China surpassed the United States as the largest Internet market in the world. This study examines how four prominent Western news organizations respond to this new era of Internet publishing. A series of in-depth interviews with senior managers at The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Reuters, and The New York Times revealed how these news organizations serve Internet users in China through their Chinese-language Web editions—how they overcome geographic, language, cultural, and political barriers to explore this remote market. These cases demonstrate the viability of different operating models and the challenges and opportunities facing these media organizations as they manage transnational news operations in this seemingly lucrative market.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of Internet resources and the evaluation of their usefulness from the perspectives of Chinese students and academics. The questionnaires were distributed at Peking University, ISTIC, and at the Information Institute of Science and Technology of Zhe Jiang Province, where 706 valid samples were collected. The data was analyzed according to: The background of the Internet users; the standard of Internet resources; Internet information-seeking behaviour; users’ evaluations of Internet resources and their perceived expectations about future Internet services. The study found that users with higher educational degrees tend to spend more time on the Internet and find Internet resources more useful than less-educated users. Although Internet search engines are the preferred information retrieval tool, other traditional or informal retrieval methods are also used. Many respondents agree that the Internet is helpful for narrowing the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries. Besides its richness and high speed, accuracy and authority are the most important factors when users judge the quality of the Internet; but, more specialized information filtering and navigation services are required. Further studies should focus on the information-seeking behaviour of different target groups, and with specific comparisons of Chinese academic users from economically developed areas, versus users from China's comparatively undeveloped Northwest provinces.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of Internet resources and the evaluation of their usefulness from the perspectives of Chinese students and academics. The questionnaires were distributed at Peking University, ISTIC, and at the Information Institute of Science and Technology of Zhe Jiang Province, where 706 valid samples were collected. The data was analyzed according to: The background of the Internet users; the standard of Internet resources; Internet information-seeking behaviour; users’ evaluations of Internet resources and their perceived expectations about future Internet services. The study found that users with higher educational degrees tend to spend more time on the Internet and find Internet resources more useful than less-educated users. Although Internet search engines are the preferred information retrieval tool, other traditional or informal retrieval methods are also used. Many respondents agree that the Internet is helpful for narrowing the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries. Besides its richness and high speed, accuracy and authority are the most important factors when users judge the quality of the Internet; but, more specialized information filtering and navigation services are required. Further studies should focus on the information-seeking behaviour of different target groups, and with specific comparisons of Chinese academic users from economically developed areas, versus users from China's comparatively undeveloped Northwest provinces.  相似文献   

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