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In two experiments, food-deprived rat subjects leverpressed for food in three successive training phases. In the first phase of both experiments, rats were exposed to a multiple schedule, one component of which produced a high rate of response, and the other of which produced a lower rate of response (multiple random ratio [RR], random interval [RI] in Experiment 1, and multiple differential reinforcement of high rate, differential reinforcement of low rate in Experiment 2). Rats were then transferred to a multiple fixed interval (FI; 60-sec, 60-sec) schedule, until the effects of the first phase on response rate were no longer apparent and their response rates did not differ from those of rats responding on a multiple FI 60-sec, FI 60-sec schedule without previously experiencing a multiple RR, RI schedule. During the third stage oftraining, all rats were placed into extinction. During extinction, rates of responding were higher in the component previously associated with the high rate of responding in Phase 1, and they were lower in the component previously associated with low rates of responding in Phase 1. These results suggest that resurgence effects, like other history effects, are controlled by previous rates of responding.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on reinforcement schedules which generated high or low response rates. After extinguishing responding by eliminating food-reinforcement delivery, response-independent food presentations reinstated responding. Higher response rates occurred if the schedule preceding extinction controlled high response rates, suggesting that discriminative stimulus properties of the reinforcer were a function of antecedent training schedules.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effect on the patterns of responding noted on fixed interval (FI) schedules of prior exposure to a range of interval and ratio schedules. Rats leverpressed for food reinforcement on random ratio (RR), random interval (RI), or variable interval (VI) schedules prior to transfer to FI schedules. In Experiment 1, prior exposure to an RR schedule retarded the development of typical FI patterns of responding. Exposure to a yoked RI schedule produced even greater retardation of typical FI performance. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2, using a within-subjects design. Rats responded on a multiple RR-RI schedule prior to a multiple FI-FI schedule. Typical FI performance emerged more slowly in the component previously associated with the RI than with that associated with the RR. In Experiment 3, exposure to an RR schedule retarded the development of FI performance to a greater extent than did exposure to a VR schedule. The latter schedule was programmed to allow the possibility that inhibitory control would develop after reinforcement. These results confirm that ratio schedules independently result in the disruption of FI responding. This effect was not long lasting and cannot be used plausibly to explain species differences in responding to FI schedules. However, it does suggest that temporal control—as manifested by the transfer of inhibitory control from one schedule to another—could facilitate movement between interval schedules.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats were allowed to acquire either schedule-induced drinking or schedule-induced wood-chewing behavior under a fixed-interval (FI) 60-sec schedule of food reinforcement, following which food was omitted from 20% and then 50% of interreinforcement intervals. Omission of food severely disrupted induced drinking but had relatively little effect on induced wood-chewing. Experiment 2 investigated wood-chewing as a function of reinforcement rate, using a range of FI schedules from 5 to 180 sec in duration. Both the amount of chewing per session and the relative time spent chewing were bitonically related to reinforcement rate. In Experiment 3, schedule-induced chewing that had been acquired under a response-dependent schedule was found to persist under a response-independent schedule. Induced wood-chewing resembles other induced behaviors in important respects, but quantitative differences are also apparent.  相似文献   

Although an arbitrarily specified instrumental response may persist when free reinforcers are concurrently available, the interpretation that earned reinforcers are preferred is tenuous. The present advance-response procedure used both time allocation and advance response rates as indices of preference between free and earned water in rats. When multiple schedule components were two response-dependent schedules with different overall reinforcement rates, higher rates of reinforcement were preferred. However, when the multiple schedule consisted of response-dependent and response-independent components equated for overall rates of reinforcement, no consistent preference for free or earned reinforcers was evident. That a preference for free reinforcers was not obtained is difficult to reconcile with concepts of least effort.  相似文献   

Pigeons were studied on multiple variable-ratio yoked-variable-interval schedules in which components had equal rates of food reinforcement and appeared equally often on each of two keys. Interpolated between component changes on the final multiple schedule were 10-sec probes in which both schedule stimuli were present, one on each key. During multiple schedule training, variable-ratio response rates were greater than yoked-variable-interval rates; however, response rate differences in the components were not a function of the mean ratio value for the 40-to-320-ratio range studied. During the choice probes, subjects responded more to the stimulus associated with the interval schedule than to the one associated with the ratio schedule. It was concluded that pigeons prefer interval schedules over equal reinforcement rate ratio schedules, because the former generate fewer responses per reinforcement.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we examined the effects of signaling reinforcement during operant responding in order to illuminate the factors underlying instrumental overshadowing and potentiation effects. Specifically, we examined whether signaling reinforcement produces an enhancement and attentuation of responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and strong, respectively. In Experiment 1, rats responded on variable-ratio (VR) or variable-interval (VI) schedules that were equated for the number of responses emitted per reinforcer. A signal correlated with reinforcement enhanced response rates on the VR schedule, but attenuated response rates were produced by the signal on the VI schedule. In Experiment 2, two groups of rats responded on a VI schedule while the two other groups received a conjoint VI, negative fixed-ratio schedule in which the subjects lost the availability of reinforcements if they emitted high response rates. A reinforcement signal attenuated responding for the simple VI groups but not for the animals given the negative fixed-ratio component, although the signal improved response efficiency in both groups. In Experiment 3, a poor correlation between responding and reinforcement was produced by a VI schedule onto which the delivery of response-independent food was superimposed. A signal for reinforcement initially elevated responding on this schedule, relative to an unsignaled condition; however, this pattern was reversed with further training. In sum, the present experiments provide little support for the view that signaling reinforcement enhances responding when the response-reinforcer correlation is weak and attenuates responding when this correlation is strong.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we assessed whether rats optimize the number of reinforcers per response. In Experiment 1, one group of rats was trained to leverpress for food reinforcement on a simple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec schedule. For another group, a negative fixed-ratio component was imposed on the VI schedule to produce a conjoint contingency in which reinforcement became available on the VI schedule but was omitted when the ratio criterion was satisfied. In Experiment 2, one group of rats responded on a VI schedule and also received response-independent food. For another group, responding above a certain rate canceled the response-independent food. Despite the negative contingency experienced by the groups in Experiments 1 and 2, responding was maintained at a level at which the number of obtained reinforcers was reduced substantially below the maximum number possible. In addition, in both experiments, the groups that experienced the negative contingency responded at a lower rate than did a yoked control group that experienced the same frequency of reinforcement but lacked the negative component. These results demonstrate that although rats do not optimize their behavior with respect to reinforcement, they are nevertheless sensitive to some aspect of the instrumental contingency in operation.  相似文献   

Binge eating is often associated with stress-induced disruption of typical eating patterns. Three experiments were performed with the aim of developing a potential model for this effect by investigating the effect of presenting response-independent stimuli on rats’ lever-pressing for food reinforcement during both fixed-interval (FI) and fixed-ratio (FR) schedules of reinforcement. In Experiment 1, a response-independent brief tone (500-ms, 105-dB, broadband, noisy signal, ranging up to 16 kHz, with spectral peaks at 3 and 500 Hz) disrupted the performance on an FI 60-s schedule. Responding with the response-independent tone was more vigorous than in the absence of the tone. This effect was replicated in Experiment 2 using a within-subject design, but no such effect was noted when a light was employed as a disrupter. In Experiment 3, a 500-ms tone, but not a light, had a similar effect on rats' performance on FR schedules. This tone-induced effect may represent a release from response-inhibition produced by an aversive event. The implications of these results for modeling binge eating are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats were trained to leverpress for food and subsequently exposed to either arithmetic series or random variable-interval reinforcement schedules. Adjunctive drinking developed in all subjects exposed to arithmetic variable-interval reinforcement, but did not develop in six of the eight animals trained on the random schedule. The results suggest that adjunctive drinking is the result of an interaction between the tendency of rats to drink after eating and the ability of locally low probabilities of reinforcement within schedules to induce conditioned behavioral states.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that response rates on a variable interval (VI) schedule of reinforcement decrease if a brief response-produced signal is given prior to reward. One explanation is that the signal overshadows the response because it is a better predictor of reinforcement. The S-R overshadowing effect does not occur with variable ratio (VR) schedules, however. Tarpy, Lea, and Midgley (1983) explained this fact by suggesting that the signal functions to enhance the salience of the temporal interval offset on the VI schedule (a characteristic not possessed by VR schedules), which then overshadows the response. In this experiment, the salience of the temporal interval was enhanced in another way: signaled or unsignaled reward was provided to rats responding on either a VI or fixed interval (FI) reward schedule. As predicted, rates were lowest for animals receiving signaled reinforcement on an FI schedule and highest for those receiving unsignaled reinforcement on a VI schedule.  相似文献   

Schedules of reinforcement typically produce reliable patterns of behaviour, and one factor that can cause deviations from these normally reliable patterns is schizotypy. Low scorers on the unusual experiences subscale of the Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences performed as expected on a yoked random-ratio (RR), random-interval (RI) schedule of reinforcement, with significantly higher rates of responding on the RR schedule than in the RI schedule. However, high scorers in UE showed no such differences between response rates between the RR and RI schedules. In addition, contingency awareness scores were high, and did not differ in low UE scorers for both types of schedule, whilst awareness scores differed significantly between the schedules in high UE scorers, with more awareness of the RR schedule than the RI one. These results suggest that, as well as being unable to differentiate between the RR and RI schedules in terms of response rates, high UE scorers are also unable to verbally describe the RI schedule parameters.  相似文献   

In a three-group experiment, one group of rats (response-contingent) learned to contact a food cup for Noyes food pellets delivered according to a fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement. Subjects in another group received a response-independent pellet each time its yoked counterpart earned one. A third (control) group received the same amount of food as the other two groups each day, but the pellets were delivered in mass. Following this training, the rats were placed in a novel experimental chamber in which all responses on a bar were reinforced with the presentation of food pellets. The results showed the response-independent animals to be slower in acquiring the barpress response than the naive control subjects, and the response-contingent subjects to be the fastest.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were exposed to several nonindependent concurrent variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. One schedule component required a keypecking response; the other component required a treadlepressing response. The birds matched the ratio of their behavior (as measured by responses and time) between the two topographically different responses to the ratio of reinforcement in those two components. When additional foods not contingent on a keypeck or treadle-press were then added, the birds matched time spent in the components to total rates of food delivered in those components; response matching was somewhat disrupted. The matching law, developed under concurrent variable-interval schedules requiring similar responses, can thus account for choice behavior involving topographically different responses.  相似文献   

Four pigeons pecked for food reinforcement on variable interval 1-min schedules and on the variable-interval 1-min components of multiple, concurrent, and pseudoconcurrent schedules. The pseudoconcurrent schedule provided only one schedule of reinforcement; but, any reinforcer could be collected by responding on either of two keys. The rate of responding generated by the variable interval schedule was not greater than the rates of responding generated by the components of the complex schedules. But, the rate of reinforcement obtained from the variable interval schedule was greater than the rates of reinforcement obtained from the components of the multiple schedule. These results may contradict the equation proposed by Herrnstein (1970). The equation predicts that the rate of responding generated by a schedule of reinforcement will be greater when the schedule appears alone, than when it appears as one component of a complex schedule.  相似文献   

After rats were trained on a multiple schedule with variable interval 30-sec reinforcement in both stimulus components, omission, yoked, and extinction procedures were applied in S? while the variable interval continued in S+. In S?, omission training reduced response rate faster and to a lower terminal level than either response-independent yoked reinforcement or extinction, which were approximately equivalent. In S+, the extinction group exhibited elevated response rates representing behavioral contrast, while the omission and yoked groups showed reduced response rates. These results attest to the effectiveness of omission training as a response elimination method. They also contradict theories which posit reduction of response rate in S? to be necessary and sufficient for behavioral contrast.  相似文献   

Previous experiments on behavioral momentum have shown that relative resistance to extinction of operant behavior in the presence of a stimulus depends on the rate of reinforcement associated with that stimulus, even if some of those reinforcers occur independently of the behavior. We present three experiments examining whether the rate of reinforcement in the presence of a stimulus similarly modulates the relative relapse of operant behavior produced by reinstatement, resurgence, and renewal paradigms. During baseline conditions, pigeons responded for food reinforcement on variable-interval 120-sec schedules in alternating periods of exposure to two stimuli arranged by a multiple schedule. Additional response-independent food presentations were also delivered in the presence of one of the multiple-schedule stimuli. Consistent with previous research, baseline response rates were lower in the presence of the stimulus with the added response-independent reinforcement, and relative resistance to extinction was greater in the presence of that stimulus. In addition, following extinction, the relative relapse of responding produced by reinstatement, resurgence, and renewal paradigms was greater in the presence of the stimulus associated with the higher rate of reinforcement. We suggest that a model of extinction from behavioral momentum theory may be useful for understanding these results.  相似文献   

The aim of the four present experiments was to explore how different schedules of reinforcement influence schedule-induced behavior, their impact on evaluative ratings given to conditioned stimuli associated with each schedule through evaluative conditioning, and the transfer of these evaluations through derived stimulus networks. Experiment 1 compared two contrasting response reinforcement rules (variable ratio [VR], variable interval [VI]). Experiment 2 varied the response to reinforcement rule between two schedules but equated the outcome to response rate (differential reinforcement of high rate [DRH] vs. VR). Experiment 3 compared molar and molecular aspects of contingencies of reinforcement (tandem VIVR vs. tandem VRVI). Finally, Experiment 4 employed schedules that induced low rates of responding to determine whether, under these circumstances, responses were more sensitive to the molecular aspects of a schedule (differential reinforcement of low rate [DRL] vs. VI). The findings suggest that the transfer of evaluative functions is determined mainly by differences in response rate between the schedules and the molar aspects of the schedules. However, when neither schedule was based on a strong response reinforcement rule, the transfer of evaluative judgments came under the control of the molecular aspects of the schedule.  相似文献   

The effects of reinforcement rate on behavioral contrast were examined in pigeons and rats. Each species was exposed to a series of 12 multiple variable-interval schedules, divided into four 3-schedule series. Each series consisted of a standard contrast manipulation, and baseline schedules provided a different rate of reinforcement in each of the series. The functions relating reinforcement rate to the magnitude of contrast were different across species. Rats showed a U-shaped function, with reliable contrast occurring only at high reinforcement rates. Pigeons showed an inverted U-shaped function, with contrast occurring on all schedules except the schedule providing the lowest rate of reinforcement. Pigeons discriminated between schedule components better than rats did, although differences in discrimination were probably not responsible for the differences in contrast. The results suggest that behavioral contrast in rats may be a different phenomenon from behavioral contrast in pigeons. The results cannot be explained by current theories, which view contrast as the product of a single general process.  相似文献   

The effects of different schedule requirements at reinforcement on patterns of responding by pigeons were assessed under conjunctive schedules with comparable response-number requirements, Under one conjunctive schedule (conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedule), a response was reinforced after a 6-min interval had elapsedand a specific minimum number of responses had been emitted, Under a second conjunctive schedule, a response was reinforced after the 6-min fixed interval and upon completion of a tandem schedule requirement (conjunctive fixed-interval tandem schedule), This schedule retained the same required minimum number of responses as the first conjunctive schedule, but responses were never reinforced according to a fixed-ratio schedule; the tandem schedule was comprised of a fixed-ratio and a small (.1 to 10.0 sec) fixed-interval schedule, Under the conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedule, responding was characterized by an initial pause, an abrupt transition to a high response rate, and a second transition to a lower rate that prevailed or slightly increased up to reinforcement, Under the conjunctive fixed-interval tandem schedule, pauses were extended, response rates were lower, and the initial high rate of responding was generally absent, The above effects depended upon the size of the fixed interval of the tandem schedule, The distinct pattern of responding generated by conjunctive fixed-interval fixed-ratio schedules depends upon occasional reinforcement of fixed-ratio responding and not merely on the addition of a minimum number of required responses.  相似文献   

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