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石敦奇 《下一代》2014,(9):12-12
一、礼节礼貌的灵活运用 要谈礼节礼貌,我得先向小朋友们讲个自己小时候在讲礼节礼貌方面所出的洋相故事:那时我还是少先队员,辅导员老师经常给我们讲,少先队员特别要注意礼节礼貌,见到当地干部就应该立正向他们敬少先队队礼。  相似文献   

Chinese Style: This book deserves to read several times. American Style: This book deserves to be read several times.Chinese Style: I make a rule of going to bed early and getup early.American Style: I make a rule to keep early hours.Chinese Style: I went to the sea. American Style: I went to the beach.  相似文献   

The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is:How shall we enjoy life,and who can best enjoy life?中国所有的哲学家在不知不觉中认为唯一重要的问题是:我们要怎样享受人生?  相似文献   

清楚(Clearness)、简要(Conciseness)、礼貌(Courtesy)是英文商贸函电的三个基本要求。如果要表示礼貌、“感谢”“感激”之类的词必不可少。然而商贸函电与口语不同,不可只用简单的 Thank you,Thanks 或It'S very kind(nice)of you 表达“感谢”之意,商贸函电是一种书面文体,在长期的应用过程中产生了自己一些常用表示谢意的词和固定的句型。用得较普遍的致谢表达方式有:to thank,to be(feel)thankful:to be(feel)  相似文献   

正[英语原文]Should Be Polite Mom:Which banana do you want,Victor?Victor:I want that one of the greatest.Mom:Victor,you should be polite,to have that little one.Victor:Mom,I must lie to be polite?[汉语翻译]应该懂礼貌妈妈:你要哪一只香蕉,维克多?  相似文献   

Chinese and Americans have different cultural background. They value different principles in expressing compliments and respond to them. Chinese tend to be self-denial to show modesty. Americans have a tendency of self-praising to demonstrate their confidence. Based on Leech' s politeness principle, the paper analyzes typical instances. In conclusion, as language learner, we should aware it and prepare to be bicultural instead of bilingual. As a Chinese, we should keep our own culture identity instead of Americanized.  相似文献   

As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. To be polite, Leech thinks you should follow “Politeness Principle” while Levinson suggests paying attention to others‘ “Face Wants” Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. In order to adequately provide an educated answer to this heartfelt question, this paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture.  相似文献   

This report mainly focuses Chinese accounting system and structure.In order to analysis and evaluate the Chinese accounting system and struc-ture,a brief history of the development of Chinese accounting system will be given to know the background of Chinese accounting system development process.  相似文献   

①眼下的中国,不守规矩、不讲道德的现象并不罕见。要是批评多了,有人会说:"仓廪实而知礼节,衣食足而知荣辱。中国人现在还不富嘛!"  相似文献   

如今出国留学的人越来越多,但是,不可否认有相当一些人不了解国外的礼节,以至于因此轻则闹出笑话,重则触犯法律,或者造成不愉快,误了大事……中国人讲究礼仪世所周知,中国的俗话还说:“礼多人不怪”。咱们留学人员在外除了要发扬我们民族的重礼仪讲文明的传统之外,也要尊重留学所在国的礼节。  相似文献   

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