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《Communication monographs》2012,79(3):333-342
This author is in general agreement with the arguments in Bostrom's () essay concerning theory–data interaction. Nevertheless, an examination of the issues raised in the essay from the standpoint of scientific realism lead to two different conclusions. First, the opening rationale is based on a nondefensible distinction between empiricists and interpretivists. Second, debates among paradigms are based on real ontological and epistemological differences, and the scientific realist's view of theory–data interaction accepts the validity of these differences.  相似文献   

Creativity and inspiration are not usually thought of as aspects of generalizability. The quality of our theories about communication is the key to our ability to generalize from the specific to the particular. Imagination and inspiration are critical at every level of theory building, making them also critical to generalizability. In part, our ability to generalize depends on how well we negotiate complex relationships between inspiration and dedication to data. This article will explore some of what we know about creativity in science and about the role of some of those imaginative leaps in developing theory in communication related social research.  相似文献   

The medical librarian of 1967 lives in a period of changing concepts, dramatic new methods, everwidening scientific horizons. In looking toward the immediate past he may think of the medical librarian of thirty years ago as a complacent follower of accepted procedures, not as a pioneer in a brave new world. Yet the corps of trained medical librarians today and the resources of our collections and their management are dependent upon the efforts of those who were then pioneers in medical librarianship. Training, standards, recruitment, literature control, international relations, all had continuing attention at a time when financial assistance through government funds, support by administrators, concern by scientists was almost nonexistent. In these years the day of the devoted amateur passed; the trained medical librarian came into being and matured.This, the first Janet Doe Lecture, is named for one who illustrates the best in medical librarianship, serving with scholarly distinction. It is a brief survey pointing to some of the Association's significant achievements during the years of Miss Doe's greatest activity when she and her colleagues met their "Challenge of Change."  相似文献   

陆游精于藏书,亦重视对书籍的鉴别。陆氏鉴书,既有对书籍本身及其内容真伪、正误的考辨,也有对书籍版本的鉴定。他的鉴书思想主要体现在他所撰写的大量藏书题跋中。  相似文献   

信息资源管理思想的升华   总被引:39,自引:3,他引:36  
认为信息资源的界定是研究信息资源管理(IRM)和信息资源管理思想的起点;IRM是对信息资源的管理过程;IRM既是一种思想,也是一种理论,IRM理论是IRM思想的荟萃;IRM管理思想的两大分支为政府IRM思想和企业IRM思想;IRM思想的升华体现在IRM是人类参与的管理过程、是基于IT的管理方法、是集成信息功能的管理体制、是强化战略管理的管理理念。  相似文献   

Quan Zuwang and Zhang Xuecheng were both bibliognosts of Qing Dynasty. In Quan s theory of bibliography, there is neither the connotation of enlightenment thought nor the ideological content of, what is called the Yi Wen Xue An in Zhang s bibliographical thinking, which, together with his literary and historical thinking has reciprocal outward show and inner thought. He had founded the theory of new bibliography and developed a school of his own. It s true that his theory carries on the theories of his predecessors and those of the same generation of him,but it is by no means the product of "being very close"to any of theirs.  相似文献   

Bourdieu’s field theory presents a distinction between the autonomy of a field and the heteronomity of the fields that surround and potentially encroach on it. Journalism is one such field which attempts to maintain its autonomy in the face of change imposed from beyond its boundaries. This paper looks at how the field of journalism responds to two incursions in the form of feedback: quantitative Web analytics and qualitative reader comments. Each offers an opportunity for the field to adapt to incorporate it—that is, turn heteronomous input into autonomous doxa—or to resist it. Based on an ethnography of eight digital newsrooms, it looks at when the voice of the people is accepted as legitimate input and internalised, and when it is resisted as illegitimate and kept external. The implications for further theorising on the relationship between adjacent fields, as well as autonomous and heteronomous aspects of field theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

21世纪图书馆学理论建设若干基本问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从当代图书馆学基础理论研究状况出发,对图书馆学的研究对象、学科体系、学科性质等基本理论问题进行思考,提出一系列新的理论观点。人类的信息需求和文明发展是图书馆产生的社会根源,图书馆是保藏、传递知识信息,推动社会和个人自身全面发展的社会文化机构,本文以此作为论述的理论起点,提出图书馆学的研究对象是一个将知识性、社会性、技术性与人文性内化为自己的本质属性的动态、智能化的信息资源集合体。文章在文献信息资源管理学的框架内构建图书馆学学科体系,运用科学的学科判定工具得出:图书馆学的学科性质应是一门集社会科学、思维科学、自然科学为一体的,融基础科学、应用科学为一炉的,高度综合的交叉学科。文章特别论述了思维科学在图书馆研究中的重要学术价值。  相似文献   

周菁齐 《晋图学刊》2009,(6):26-28,80
随着博客应用的快速发展,博客理念与高校图书馆可以结合形成一种新的图书馆信息服务理念,在高校图书馆中建立以博客为基础的服务十分有必要和可行。本文对博客在高校图书馆信息服务中的具体应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the information needs and support required by AHPs whilst building services based on clinical effectiveness. METHODS: A qualitative approach using action research in co-operation with a Rehabilitation Department Clinical Effectiveness group, leading to interviews with eight therapists. The sampling strategy was purposive. RESULTS: Therapists have well-developed professional networks, but are unsure how to access traditional library areas. Library training can stop AHPs in asking for help or services, whilst the library is thought to be very different to their everyday work, but confidence in using the library service can be acquired by getting to know a librarian. A departmental-based service was thought to provide better access to, and understanding of, information through mentorship, whilst also providing up-to-date evidence so that clinicians can concentrate on their clinical work whilst being more clinically effective. CONCLUSIONS: When seeking information, AHPs are more likely to use professional networks than libraries. However, when working alongside an AHP, a librarian can upgrade information-seeking skills through mentorship, whilst named library contacts can make it easier to access the library for help.  相似文献   

图书馆社会责任的逻辑起点、概念模型与承担方式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对图书馆社会责任许多理论问题存在诸多分歧的现实,本文从图书馆本质视角对图书馆社会责任进行思考,指出图书馆的社会责任在本质上是基于服务性职能履行与利益相关者缔结的各种契约,其逻辑起点是由利益关系所衍生的服务性与契约性.据此可把图书馆社会责任分为法律责任、经济责任、伦理责任和超规范责任,由此构建了图书馆社会责任的概念模型.图书馆履行社会责任有质的区分,对因服务运营直接或间接产生的社会问题,图书馆应积极主动地承担全部责任;对与服务运营无关的由社会其他力量或自然灾害所产生的社会问题,图书馆在自己的能力范围内,适度承担.  相似文献   

高校图书馆博客服务的理念构成和实施模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在博客快速发展的背景下,博客理念与高校图书馆理念可以结合形成一种新的图书馆服务理念。在高校图书馆中建立以博客为基础的服务十分有必要同时也具有可行性。本文以模块的方式构建出一个高校图书馆博客服务模型,对每一个模块进行了详细的论述,并且提出了具有可操作性的措施。  相似文献   

汉字概率检索理论及其实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因特网上信息检索的新问题需要新理论来解决,概率检索理论是其中选择之一。本文在基于英文的概率检索理论基础上,提出了改进的基于汉字的概率检索理论,在实现中又以直接排序代替了先计算后排序的思路,使得所开发软件达到实用程度。  相似文献   

The paper is based on an empirical study recently conducted in Italy through the photo-elicitation technique, involving 120 young Italians and focusing on two groups of individuals—an experimental and a control group. The two groups were shown images related to global crisis events. The first was told which photos were taken by professionals, which by citizens and which by other people involved in the events (soldiers, victims, perpetrators, etc.), while the second group was not provided with this information. Both groups were asked a battery of questions regarding the themes of trust, value, impact, use and circulation/distribution of the photographs shown, allowing the interviewees to define these concepts in the face of individual images. The principal results indicate that trust in news photographs is inseparable from impact and value for the development of a sense of active citizenship. Trust is revised in light of the awareness that there exists a variety of possible publics, active and passive, with different possibilities of affecting events through their actions. The distinction between citizen and professional photographs does not in itself lead to distinctions in terms of value and trust. Knowing the photographer's role in the event being depicted redefines the terms of the discourse and shifts the moral borderlines that the publics draw between different images and different media for their distribution. Introducing the ethnographic approach, the present study proposes going beyond studies that concentrate only on effects as well as those focused on trust, which prescribe a distinction between citizen and professional photojournalism.  相似文献   

产学研协同创新是产学研合作的深化。在对国内外相关研究情况简要回顾和对目前产学研协同创新研究 现状评述的基础上,立足我国产学研合作实际,运用协同管理理论,站在产学研战略联盟的高度,建立产学研协同创 新基础理论模型,探讨产学研协同工作机制(包括形成、实现和约束机制)。研究成果对于提高产学研合作的档次、推 动产学研协同创新实践具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):386-399
Based upon politeness theory and a cognitive rules perspective, it is argued that anticipated resistance to a persuasive message should effect compliance-seeking message behavior. Using controlled interviews to elicit persuasive messages, results indicate that persuaders used a greater number of strategies when confronting a positively predisposed target who refused to comply. Beyond an initial opening gambit, negative sanctions were employed more extensively against positively predisposed targets. Overall, a pattern of compliance-gaining behaviors involving a gradual shift to negative sanctions was observed. The findings are explained in light of current perspectives on information processing, possibly shedding light on past failures to find evidence of strategic adaptation based on situational factors.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a flood of papers and preprints, has placed multiple challenges on academic publishing, the most obvious one being sustained integrity under the pressure to publish quickly. There are risks of this high volume-to-speed ratio. Many letters, editorials, and supposedly “peer reviewed” papers in ranked and indexed journals were published in a matter of days, suggesting that peer review was either fleeting or non-existential, or that papers were rapidly approved by editors based on their perceived interest and topicality, rather than on their intrinsic academic value. In academic publishing circles, the claim of “peer review”, when in fact it has not been conducted, is a core characteristic of “predatory publishing”, and is also a “fake” element that may undermine efforts in recent years to build trust in science's budding serials crisis. While the world is still centrally focused on COVID-19, the issue of “predatory publishing” is being ignored, or not being given sufficient attention. The risks to the scholarly community, academic publishing and ultimately public health are at stake when exploitative and predatory publishing are left unchallenged.  相似文献   

The systems of thought operating in the Philosophy of Communication Division of the International Communication Association are explicated. Kant's philosophy of logic is used to define the analytic/synthetic distinction as the metaphysical foundation of Modernity. The methodological ground of Postmodernity is a critique of positivism using Kant's logic and C. S. Peirce's semiotic phenomenology of Abduction, Deduction, Induction, and Adduction. The analysis deals the philosophical ground for the Human Science of Communicology.  相似文献   

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