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The article draws attention to severe faults in the design of the Oxford (1960) enquiry into Arts/Science specialization. Research since then (recently reviewed by Lewis, 1972) has not been unanimous in refuting the hypothesis that the most able pupils are one‐sided in their subject interests.

Evidence is offered on specialization and related issues from recent surveys (1970, ‘71 and ‘72) of the great majority of upper sixth formers in Northumberland. Findings included the following.
  1. Subject choice at Advanced level is largely felt to be freely made rather than enforced.

  2. Attitudes to wider courses are adverse rather than favourable.

  3. High ability pupils are relatively concentrated in specialist courses, particularly the Sciences.

  4. Many specialist pupils have a very wide range of achievement at Ordinary level.

  5. The more able pupils make earlier subject choice decisions than the weaker: Science specialists show earliest decision times.

  6. Subject choice is seen as easy rather than difficult by three‐fifths of the sample pupils, and by three‐quarters of Science specialists.

  7. Science subjects are perceived, by either sex, as more closely interrelated than Arts subjects.

  8. Mathematics is unusual in that it consistently attracts higher rates of dislike than other subjects, though four‐fifths of those taking it would still select it if a choice had to be made again.

  9. Definitions of ‘specialization’ need reconsideration.


It is well known that many pupils are bullied and suffer in a variety of ways as a result. This study looks at a largely overlooked outcome of bullying that may have direct consequences for academic success – disrupted concentration and attention to school work. Using pupil perceptions as the source of data, the two main aims were to quantify the proportion of pupils affected by bullying in this way, and to solicit their views on possible solutions. Subsidiary aims were to test for gender and school year differences in these variables. Among the 485 participants as a whole, only modest levels of disruptions attributable to bullying were evident but more disturbing was the finding that on nine out of eleven separate questions, around one in twenty pupils reported that this happened ‘lots of times’. The most common solutions provided by pupils to help children affected in this way involved:
  1. helping them feel safe from bullying in class;

  2. reminding them to disclose/seek help if they are bullied;

  3. encouraging teachers to be supportive of victims of bullying;

  4. encouraging teachers to be on the look out for signs that pupils have been bullied; and

  5. using social support from other pupils.

No significant sex or school year differences were found.  相似文献   

The study reports the analysis of a mother/child interaction sequence. Its focus is on the mother's teaching strategies. The child was presented with two tasks. The first task was new and not previously experienced by the child; the second task was one that had been experienced. The mother's teaching of the tasks was videotaped and analysed. The material was analysed according to ‘on task’ behaviours. The results indicated that:

  1. (a) both the mother and child were able to maintain a continuous communication sequence;

  2. (b) the mother structured both tasks, but structured the new task more, and allowed some flexibility in the old task;

  3. (c) the language used by the mother was ‘restricted';

  4. (d) in responding to her child's behaviour, the mother made more use of verbal cues and used fewer non‐verbal cues


We give below information based on the final report (February 1976) of the Symposium organized by the Council of Europe's Committee for Higher Education and Research on “The student in distant study systems” (Tübingen, 6‐10 October 1975). The Symposium dealt with such problems as:
  • definition of distant studies

  • the social image of the distant student (society's appreciation, acceptance etc.)

  • the reasons behind the introduction of distant study

  • students’ situation in this form of study

  • planning and organization, of distant study courses

  • functions of distant study courses

  • interaction between tutors and students;

  • construction of study materials for distant study;

  • methods and media;

  • research on and development of distant study.

  • the future programme of the Committee.


In this critically reflective piece, I describe the design of a foundations of education course and my first year teaching experience. I discuss thematic statements of issues that emerged as I came to construct the meaning of my experience and evolving ideas about teaching for public service professions. These included that:
  • Questioning is not ‘normal’ for everyone;

  • The experience of classroom safety may be different for student participants than for teacher participants;

  • Reflection is a situated responsibility; and

  • Assessment and authority interact within the context of learning in a formal classroom.

Discussing these issues helped me in framing teaching for public service as itself a transcendent public act, one that crosses boundaries of time and space and that requires embodied, rather than idealistic, understandings of qualifying to teach.  相似文献   


In 1975, the first author became director of a group home for ten delinquent boys. Prior to this time, the home operated on a behaviour‐modification philosophy. But during the first author's directorship, the home operated on the ‘just community’ philosophy stressing moral discussion and participatory democracy in making and enforcing rules and in resolving interpersonal conflicts.

During this ‘just community’ period, residents moved up an average of one‐third of a stage in their reasoning on the Kohlberg moral judgement interview. This advance in stage was comparable to that found in good developmental moral education programmes for non‐delinquent high school youth. Comparison groups of offenders were studied in a secure behaviour modification programme and a secure transaction analysis programme. Insignificant increase in residents’ moral reasoning was found in these programmes.

A moral atmosphere interview was also administered to residents in each of the programmes. The just community programme was perceived as highest on the following dimensions:

  1. 1. Amount of moral discussion and dialogue

  2. 2. Amount of resident power and responsibility for rules and decisions

  3. 3. Amount of concern about fairness of rules and policies

  4. 4. Amount of self‐perceived moral behaviour change

The transaction analysis programme was intermediate between the just community programme and the behaviour modification programme on these dimensions.

Tentative conclusions are advanced with regard to policies for institutionalized youthful offenders.  相似文献   


In order for group analysis to be successful and to achieve the atmosphere which allows student cooperation to flourish, it is essential that adequate physical and financial resources are provided. These can be summarized as follows:
  • (i)Adequate budget to allow for expenditure on models, visual materials, acquisition of background information, etc.

  • (ii)Secretarial staff for typing and administration

  • (iii)Laboratory technicians

  • (iv)Visual aid staff

  • (v)All resources available to the industrialist viz: information library, telephone, typing, stationery, workspace, storage, etc.

  • (vi)The active cooperation of academic and technical staff

  • (vii)Flexibility in timetabling and room allocations

  • (viii)Seminar members who will command the respect of the students and will readily adapt to role playing where necessary

  • (ix)Studio masters who are totally committed to the group analysis method of teaching and are, therefore, willing to allot substantial proportions of their time to student consultation

  • (x)A cooperative administrative staff.

It is not difficult to provide such resources to make a new experience for a considerable number of college administrators and teachers alike.  相似文献   

The Annual Conference of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) entitled “The Changing Conditions within the Universities” was held from 1 to 4 November 1976 in Regina.

The meeting mainly concentrated on the following issues:

  • participation of the AUCC in public policy on higher education and research

  • problems facing the research community in Canada

  • the status of women in universities

An important part of the conference was cax'ried out in the form of workshops which had the following themes:

  • the problems of ahanging growth rates

  • the nature and level of university research

  • international aspects of university operations

  • graduate education

  • the future of the community of scholars

  • the evaluation of performance in the university

  • continuing education

The below article is based on papers presented at the meeting devoted to the international aspects of university operations in Canada.

The traditional role of universities throughout the world has always been to:

  • safeguard and preserve knowledge

  • impart and disseminate knowledge

  • expand the frontiers of knowledge

To this list was recently added a fourth dimension, which, implicitely, has always existed, namely:

  • to contribute to the cultural, social and economic development of society



In many countries agriculture is in a process of rapid change,
  • - it has to meet a growing demand for food in a sustainable way,

  • - the international competition is increasing,

  • - the increase in labour productivity is decreasing the employment opportunities in agriculture,

  • - agricultural research is offering many new opportunities to increase productivity,

  • - government price support for agricultural products in industrial countries is decreasing.

These changes have many implications for agricultural extension, such as:
  • - the knowledge and capabilities of farmers has become a major factor in their ability to compete in national and international markets,

  • - advice is not only needed on the adoption of new technologies, but also on many other decisions farmers have to make, such as the choice of their farming system and the decision whether or not to earn an income from outside agriculture,

  • - this requires a change in extension methods and in the information sources extension agents use,

  • - agricultural development demands painful changes in the way of farming and of living for many farm families. It is a challenge for extension agencies to help farm families to realise this,

  • - a major task for leaders of extension organisations is to manage a process of change in agricultural extension. Often the role extension has to play in agricultural development can not be performed by one extension organisation, but only by a pluralistic extension system.

Agricultural extension is often expected to contribute to a reduction of poverty among farmers and farm labourers. One has to think seriously how one can realise this objective.  相似文献   

The advent of comprehensive education implies a search for a common culture, or a common treatment of culture, across the whole school population. This article reviews the present stage in this search, attempting to define a suitable treatment of culture by secondary schools. The history of schools’ treatment of cultural sources is briefly invoked, particularly the differences in treatment found in grammar and secondary modern schools. Purportedly progressive attitudes to ‘formal’ or ‘high’ culture are analysed and found to be too simplistic. Traditional education is shown not to have genuinely served its own’ supposed cultural aims, whilst progressives’ rejection to those aims is shown to be inadequate as a reaction to what traditional education actually did rather than claimed to do. It is proposed that a more engaged approach to formal culture, involving critical receptivity, is appropriate for all pupils, and would also require the nourishment of a more receptive attitude to pupils’ own creativity.

Since we have liberated the term ‘culture’ from meaning merely a rarified level of works of art, it has become so all‐embracing as to be almost unmanageable. Influenced by anthropology, we now tend to think of culture as extending to the most casual level of value and idea by which we live our daily lives. It even includes our most informal language habits.

The difficulty, of course, with such an all‐embracing notion is that it makes the subject almost impossible to talk about. Criteria of quality , and currency are blurred. Part of the same confusion is that the education system, formerly seen as the custodian of ‘culture’, now has no name for the special resources of knowledge which are ‐‐ or used to be ‐‐ its particular responsibility.

I will use culture here to mean those public works or activities which represent man to himself and are value laden. Thus literature, psychology, history, philosophy, politics, law, economics and sociology would all be included. They might have scientific elements but they still convey normative images of man.

If the concept of culture itself, even as so defined, has a blunt edge, we must discriminate elements within it in order to make the area susceptible to discussion. To get a picture of how schools, traditionally, have mediated culture, we must distinguish at least five broad elements:
  1. formal, by which is meant that part in which academic and professional institutions specialize;

  2. informal, meaning relatively spontaneous and non‐centralized activities, including ordinary conversation;

  3. mass culture, such as films, television, popular music, advertising;

  4. avant‐garde culture, arising out of a sense of crisis in the formal culture; and

  5. ethnic, other than that which coincides with the content of previous categories.

These are pretty crude categories, but they are a little better than such common divisions as ‘high/low’, ‘popular/serious’ and ‘traditional/contemporary’, and they permit some analysis of relationships between different elements within our culture as a whole.  相似文献   

At the University of Electro‐Communications instruction is given on fundamental electricity in accordance with the educational principles derived from the philosophy of ‘Zen’. On the technical side, CCTV interphones and other audio‐visual aids are employed. In particular, we have inaugurated a remote instruction method called ‘TV‐Interphone’, abbreviated to T.I. method, through which we give personal guidance to students in the conduct of their experiments. Data from the experiments are fed into a computer which was installed in the laboratory for control processing

Three courses are provided:

  1. 1. Electrical Measurements and Characteristics of Analogue and Digital Circuits.

  2. 2. Electrical Measurements and Characteristics of Advanced Analogue Circuits

  3. 3. Design and Experiment


This study investigated the relationship of personality, ability and school achievement. The findings here were that:
  1. intelligence is the major determinant of school achievement;

  2. bright children tend to come from smaller families than dull children;

  3. relatively unstable children have a better level of school achievement than stable children;

  4. extraversion‐introversion had no effect on school achievement.


The 34th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee for Higher Education and Research was held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 1976.

The main points raised in discussions were as follows:

  • the current situation and trends in tertiary education;

  • the recognition of degrees and diplomas;

  • the future existence of the Committee for Higher Education and Research;

  • the current situation and trends in university research;

  • the teaching of human rights;

  • mobility of higher education staff and students;

  • the future programme of the Committee.

The information presented below concentrates on some of the above points.  相似文献   

The Annual Conference of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) entitled “The Changing Conditions within the Universities” was held from 1 to 4 November 1976 in Regina.

The meeting mainly concentrated on the following issues:

  • participation of the AUCC in public policy on higher education and research;

  • problems facing the research community in Canada;

  • the status of women in universities;

An important part of the conference was carried out in the form of workshops which had the following themes: ‐ the problems of changing growth rates;

  • the nature and level of university research;

  • international aspects of university operations;

  • graduate education;

  • the future of the community of scholars;

  • the evaluation of performance in the university;

  • continuing education.

The below article is based on papers presented at the meeting devoted to the international aspects of university operations in Canada.  相似文献   

This paper reports a survey of higher education teachers' reactions to taking part in a project which involved them in being video‐recorded while lecturing. The nature of their reactions has importance in the context of using television to enable teachers in higher education to lecture more effectively.

Material is included on teachers' anticipations prior to being video‐recorded, and on their reactions after the session, which include their comments on personal presentation, on the anxiety of the experience and on their teaching.

The findings indicate that:

  1. first reactions to viewing the playback often include comment upon aspects of personal presentation (appearance, voice)

  2. relatively little comment is made about their teaching as such'(teachers may need a ‘language’ for describing and evaluating their teaching)

  3. steps need to be taken by staff developers to act supportively to reduce anxieties

  4. the recordings were thought by participating teachers to represent typical samples of their teaching.

Some 471 students of the teachers involved in the project completed a brief questionnaire and the largest single response supports the teachers' view that the recording was typical.  相似文献   

The 34th meeting of the Council of Europe Committee for Higher Education and Research was held in Strasbourg from 3 to 5 November 1976.

The main points raised in discussions were as follows:

  • the current situation and trends in tertiary education;

  • the recognition of degrees and diplomas;

  • the future existence of the Committee for Higher Education and Research;

  • the current situation and trends in university research;

  • the teaching of human rights;

  • mobility of higher education staff and students;

  • the future programme of the Committee.

The information presented below concentrates on some of the above points.  相似文献   


Recent advances in computer‐based interactive digital technologies have presented a broad range of possibilities to create powerful presentations and instructional messages. However, incorporating these new technologies effectively is not a simple task because the design of effective computer‐based instructional material is a complex process. Successful design involves interactions between individual learner characteristics, instructional delivery media, the type of specific knowledge and skills being taught, and the strategies and methods used to teach the material.

This paper discusses:
  • — The need for an Automated Instructional Design

  • — The integration of learning theory, instructional design and technology

  • — Some approaches for automating instructional design

  • — An exploration of ID Expert, ? an intelligent computer‐based multimedia instructional development system (beta version 1.0).



This paper deals with four aspects of teacher training in educational technology:
  • general information on the education system in Rumania

  • teacher training in the utilization of educational media

  • teacher training with a view to the improvement of teaching‐learning systems

  • teacher training in the new information and communication technologies

In each of these areas of teacher training, the problems and perspectives related to developments of educational technology are considered.  相似文献   

In the European context the continuing training of early childhood educators in terms of information and communications technology (ICT) remains limited and is in need of development. The KINDERET project has been funded through the European Commission’s Leonardo da Vinci programme aimed to identify and understand the theoretical and practical needs of practitioners and is developing course materials to support the development of courses (see www.eseb.ipbeja.pt/kinderet). The KINDERET project has therefore been structured according to five main objectives, namely to:
  • identify and understand the theoretical and practical needs of kindergarten teachers with regard to ICT education;

  • establish plans for the training of educators, in the application of ICT;

  • develop interactive learning materials for educators in order to support the established plans for continuing training in ICT;

  • implement pilot training schemes and promote transnational collaboration between tutors and students through the use of ICTs;

  • evaluate the pilot training schemes.

In the framework of these overall aims set by the KINDERET project, this paper reports upon the joint work that was developed by the partnership as the first stage of analysis in the training needs of kindergarten teachers. The analysis of the information that was collected at this stage has provided an empirical basis for the development of the pilot training schemes.  相似文献   

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