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This article adopts an existentialist lens to examine the phenomenon of entering conflict with other human beings and the potential effects of such engagement on identity. In particular, it explores a teacher's active engagement (or lack thereof) in conflict as a response to the humiliation or degradation of a student. The comfort of a secure current identity and the risk that conflict poses to such an identity is posited as both the catalyst and barrier to active engagement. The point of conflict presents the teacher with a choice between self-protection and courageous sacrifice. This article attempts to expose the under-workings of such a decision through the use of narrative, depicting a situation of potential conflict between teacher and student.  相似文献   


This article presents a new analysis of representations of T. E. Lawrence to explore how the media created celebrity identities in interwar Britain. Examining his appearance in seventeen national newspapers and in newsreels between 1919 and 1935, it shows how earlier press depictions that borrowed from Lowell Thomas’s portrayal of him as the mythical ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ were disrupted by a nascent media-driven celebrity culture which aimed to uncover intimate details of the lives of the so-called ‘real’ people that were believed to exist behind the outward personae of the famous. By the late 1920s, the press’s attention had switched from Lawrence as an imperial adventurer to focus on the intensely private man who lay behind the public image of the ‘Blonde Bedouin’. This shift in emphasis denoted a significant change in the way celebrities were presented by the news media in interwar Britain. Journalists intensified their exposure of celebrities’ private lives to amplify the empathetic connection between the public and the famous at a time when new modes of self-fashioning were configured through expression in private, domestic life. This shift was also informed by growing anxieties regarding how public figures communicated their social authority to the new audiences of the interwar mass media, newspapers and newsreels exposing famous people’s private lives to generate emotional connections with members of the public which would strengthen concepts of social leadership and trust.  相似文献   

In this essay, we interrogate the ways in which the uncultural masks the cultural in ABC’s Dr. Ken. We analyze Dr. Ken’s first season, through the conceptual lens of strategic whiteness, to identify and critique the ambiguous and nuanced positions of Asian Americans. By repeatedly demonstrating the simultaneous functions of Asian Americans both as almost Whites and as (nonthreatening) Others, Dr. Ken resecures invisible territories of whiteness as property. Our goal is to disrupt the uncultural assumptions about Dr. Ken as it strategically draws attention away from its reproduction of norms of whiteness at the expense of Asian Americans.  相似文献   


Pigeon racing was immensely popular amongst male industrial workers in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This article offers an overview of the history of pigeon racing in this period before moving on to explore the sport's multiple meanings for those who took part. Pigeon racing offered not only the thrills and excitement of racing but also the more sedate and intellectual rewards of breeding and rearing the birds. The pigeon loft was a masculine enclave and a retreat from the pressures of domestic life for some, although for others it was an opportunity to share time with their family. As such, pigeon racing demonstrates the complexities of working-class masculinity. Pigeon keeping was also expensive, time consuming and required space. The article thus concludes by arguing that despite the agency workers were able to exercise over their leisure, they were still restricted by wider material constraints.  相似文献   

莎士比亚于1609年将他的十四行诗献予的一位神秘人物“W.H.先生”,文学史上最旷日持久的争论之一就是有关W.H.先生的身份问题。多少年来,毫不夸张地说,专家学者们对谁是“W.H.”以及他同大诗人之间的关系撰写了数以百计的书籍、文章和论文。他就是那个为出版了1609年四开本的莎翁诗集的伦敦书商托马斯·索尔普搞到手稿的人吗?一位首先鼓励莎士比亚创作出十四行诗的朋友?他就是那个象某些人所猜测的莎士比亚的男性恋人吗?  相似文献   

在人类充满冲突和苦难的年代里,E·M·福斯特(1879-1970)对理智、慷慨和个人的善良施加了强烈的影响。他的前半生以小说家而著称,他的小说在说英语的国家赢得了众多的读者。到了晚年,他转而写散文、短篇小说和文学评论,并因此出名。他的文学评论表达了自己对英国的社会态度、政治态度以及道德态度。第一次世界大战之后,他加入布卢姆斯伯里团体①,并成为该团体的  相似文献   


Drawing on Paul Ricoeur's notion of narrative identity and on his observations concerning testimony in Memory, History, Forgetting, this article explores the operation of memory under two aspects, that of narrative identity and that of witness. This exercise involves some related discussion both of the history/memory problem and of the relationship between written and spoken traces in engaging the past. The methodological focus for the work is a written text of an unusual kind, comprising an extensive and detailed eyewitness account written, forgotten and re-discovered by the same individual – Lionel Curtis – after an intervening period of half a century.  相似文献   


This article examines the status and meanings of heterosexual love in post-war Britain. It is situated within the burgeoning field of the history of emotion and draws upon recent work on interiority and modern selfhood. It argues that love became a central plank in the quest for self-actualization in this period. It explains why love triumphed over pragmatism in the remaking of British matrimony and how this impacted upon the institution of marriage itself. The article posits the immediate post-war years as a time of significant discursive change and emotional instability: expectations rose and critical introspection deepened. The ways in which love was fashioned in the 1940s and 1950s were central to the dramatic social and cultural changes that occurred in the decades that followed.  相似文献   

蒋芬 《世界文化》2014,(3):12-14
<正>R.S.托马斯(1913—2000)是20世纪威尔士继迪兰·托马斯之后又一位饮誉世界的诗人。如果说迪兰·托马斯的诗歌将英国的诗风带入激情和想象,走向了超现实主义与浪漫主义传统相融、相生的发展道路的话,那么R.S.托马斯则是完全不同的风格,他的诗清晰、透明,苦涩、冷峻肃穆、厚重深刻,像经过多年雨水冲刷过的白石,用非常朴素的词语写古老而又有现代意义的题材,是沉思的诗,经得起一读再读。R.S.托马斯于1913年出生在威尔士的首府卡迪夫,是父母的独子。五岁之前他随身为海员的父亲在英国各大港口  相似文献   

Last autumn, the exhibition "Early China: the Formative Period of Chinese Civilization" was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing. The 210 sets or pieces of exhibits showcase the origin and early evolution of Chinese civilization from 3500 BC to 1400 BC.  相似文献   

Annually, the Delegation of the European Union (EU) in Washington, D.C., holds an embassy open house day for its 27 member nations to celebrate European culture and educate tourists on the functions of EU politics and international relations. Amidst an ongoing debt crisis and a continuing exploration of its identity as a supranational entity, “Embassy Day” affords an opportunity to see the EU as a spatial network uneasily caught in the tensions between the often nostalgic nationalism of its constituent countries and the future-oriented technocratic transnationalism of its composite alliance. By analyzing the cultural artifacts of Embassy Day from its handouts, maps, speeches, architecture, and performances, I treat Embassy Day as a “rhetorical experience” and the EU embassies as a transnational network imposed over the city space of Washington, D.C. In the process, I argue that the very fragmented nature of the open house’s complex simulation of Europe mirrors the fragmented nature of European identity itself, and thus displays the anxiety around how the EU places itself and its power vis-à-vis the global community.  相似文献   

The fin de siècle witnessed radical shifts in the intellectual and cultural landscapes of the British Isles in the context of a general revolt against Victorian values. E. E. Fournier d’Albe – physicist, spiritualist, inventor and Pan-Celticist – personified the ability of intellectuals to latch onto and advance new trends, made available by the emergent intellectual pluralism. Like many contemporaries he rejected traditional religion, but he also disdained scientific materialism, and sought a deeper metaphysical meaning to life, pursued through his various interests. Influenced by the totalising theories of figures like Herbert Spencer and Ernst Haeckel, Fournier concocted his own brand of scientific monism, rejecting materialism, embracing spiritualism, and ever optimistic in the notion of scientific progress, even in the wake of the carnage of the Great War. The article aims to give Fournier a fuller historical treatment, allowing his story to add to understanding of the milieus in which he lived and operated, and revealing how his monistic philosophy incorporated some of the disparate cultural strands explored by intellectuals in the fin de siècle reaction against conventional Victorian ideals.  相似文献   

詹姆斯笔下的不幸者丧命的可怕方式各不相同:有的是在伪造的灵柩内吓死的;有的是吃了大量带毒食品而被毒死的;有的是喉咙被割开而死去的;也有的是头部中弹而身亡的,这类不幸者几乎面目全非,只有“那深凹的双眼因极度恐惧还在呆  相似文献   

This article examines how marital violence was articulated in and around particular places, spaces, and objects, to reveal the tensions embedded in the physical structure of the household and its control. It also demonstrates that space and objects shaped marital violence both as an idea and an act and did ‘emotional work’ in the sense that they operated upon people’s emotions and behaviour. Finally, it argues that an imagined material culture of marital violence contributed to the construction and maintenance of class stereotypes.  相似文献   

Dress in Libreville, the capital of the French African colony of Gabon, reveals the complexities of cross-cultural interaction and cultural influences in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Mpongwe coastal ethnic community in the town, long linked to Atlantic commerce, adapted elements of European dress as part of a lifestyle of assimilation to French culture. Free people with access to missionary education and economic employment with Europeans adapted foreign dress. This cultural hybridity provoked dismay from some European and American observers who presented Mpongwe interest in western clothes as signs of their degeneration. Some Mpongwe rejected these criticisms by upholding assimilation as proof of their equality with Europeans. Mpongwe people also combined older fashion trends and ways of displaying foreign objects in ways that show the survival of older forms of status and wealth.  相似文献   

The challenge of maintaining a national identity as a subculture in America is most evident in connection with special occasions, like transition rites. Coming of age is such an event. The continuity and transformation of the subculture is at stake. In American cities, as exemplified by Los Angeles, the ethnic neighborhood becomes a New Old Country. Those who welcome change and those who resist change may belong surprisingly to unexpected categories, and the roles of the generations can also be more nuanced than popular stereotypes suggest.  相似文献   

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