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This study integrates acculturation and person–environment fit theories to investigate the role of student–university value alignment in international student cross-cultural adjustment to host universities in Victoria, Australia. The study used a mixed methods design with the quantitative data collected from a student survey and the qualitative data generated from interviews with university staff. Structural equation modelling and thematic analysis were employed to analyse the quantitative and qualitative data respectively. The results of the study indicated that international students who possess similar values to their host university, adjust better, both psychologically and socially into the university environment as well as feel satisfaction with their host university. The study also confirmed the mediating role of international student social adjustment in the relationship between student–university value fit and student overall satisfaction with their host university. The findings highlight the key role of international student–university value alignment in contributing to the success of students’ cross-cultural adjustment to the new cultural environment they experience. Therefore, universities should constantly communicate and deliver on their values during both the promotional stage of international student recruitment and the student journey with the university.  相似文献   

This analysis was stimulated by the problem in international development of communication between development personnel and members of the populations with whom they work. Building on the work of Bateson and the Ardeners, I propose a theoretical framework that incorporates the “inarticulateness of women” (as discussed by Ardener) and a similar phenomenon I have observed in situations of contact between people of unequal status, in general. Three ethnographic examples of the dynamics of communication between “unequals”1 and the resulting “inarticulateness” are then provided: one between rural and urban dwellers in Iran: one between women and men from two subcultures in rural America; and one among male and female scientists from different countries and different scientific paradigms. I conclude with a set of policy recommendations, that follow from the proposed theory.  相似文献   

Those who can only speak English will be no longer as advantaged as they are now. English has been the widest-used international language for decades, but you will be wrong if you think fluency only in English can still be an advantage in competition. Now you have to speak Chinese.[第一段]  相似文献   

The author cites the recent emergence of two new fields in education: evaluation and international education. Each has developed unique methodologies in its area of most concern. Evaluators judge the process and output of national programs; international educators plan for programs overseas. Although the author believes such developments should be complementary, the professions have remained relatively isolated from one another in two distinct regards: as practitioners in a single field, and in the manner in which they train students. Drawing upon personal experience, the author illustrates how current evaluation methods fail to provide adequate guidance in cross-cultural settings. The author further identifies issues, poses questions, and calls for increased cooperation between fields of evaluation and international education as well as across the social science disciplines.  相似文献   

A model is presented in this paper for studying attitudes toward international cooperation among expatriate business executives. A lest of the model is provided with data from a survey of Japanese executives on foreign assignment in Canada. In general, it was found that an executive's support for Japanese-Canadian cooperation in a number of policy areas is related to the economic interests he develops as a result of the geographical work orientation of his corporate position. In turn, the geographical scope of his business role was found to be directly related to the type of market-export relative to domestic-his subsidiary services. General internationalist ideology was also considered as a possible determinant of specific international attitudes but was found to play a minor role compared to economic interest.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between language and communication skills and patterns of success and failure in the cross-cultural adjustment of Japanese university students. Seven interpersonal communication skills which were selected by Ruben and Kealey as important to cross-cultural adjustment were examined: empathy, respect, role behavior flexibility, orientation to knowledge, interaction posture, interaction management, and tolerance for ambiguity. Besides these skills, language was taken into consideration as a major component influencing Japanese intercultural communication. The behavioral assessment method developed by Ruben was utilized to measure communicative performance and behaviors of Japanese university students who visited the United States for 4 weeks for their English training. In order to assess the language skills of these individuals, listening, speaking, structure and written expression, and vocabolary and reading comprehension skills were measured. At the end of their stay in the United States, the dimensions of culture shock, psychological adjustment, and interactional effectiveness were examined. Comparisons of pre- and post-test measures indicated that six out of the seven communication behaviors observed in the Japanese students did not predict success or failure in adjustment to the United States. Only ambiguity tolerance yielded correlation with culture shock. However, speaking and listening skills were closely correlated with interactional effectiveness.  相似文献   

This study examines academics’ perceptions of their intercultural competence after an international exchange period and the influence of academic international mobility on their professional development. The data was collected via an online survey (N = 59) and in-depth interviews (N = 15) from academic university staff in the field of engineering who had recently participated in an international mobility period. The findings produced a positive picture of academics’ international work periods. The data from the self-evaluation indicated that international mobility augments professional proficiency in many ways, including the development of core subject-related competence (e.g., methodological skills) and problem-solving skills, professional self-awareness, as well as the capacity to apply external funding, produce shared publications, and create an international network. Furthermore, in relation to the model of Cultural Intelligence and its four dimensions, Metacognitive, Cognitive, Motivational, and Behavioral, the findings indicated that all the knowledge and skills developed during the exchange period were closely related with the generic working life skills suggested in the competence literature.  相似文献   

The current study investigates how intergroup contact and acculturation strategies are related to Chinese international students’ global competence development. A group of Chinese international students in Belgium participated in an online survey. Chinese students have achieved the development of global competence in all the dimensions of knowledge, skills and attitudes since they started their study abroad. The results showed that integrated and assimilated students obtained greater global competence development in all three dimensions than the separated and marginalized ones. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses further revealed that both intergroup contact and socio-demographics can significantly predict global competence development.  相似文献   

Universities in Western countries host a substantial number of international students. These students bring a range of benefits to the host country and in return the students gain higher education. However, the choice to study overseas in Western countries may present many challenges for the international student including the experience of acculturative stress and difficulties with adjustment to the environment of the host country. The present paper provides a review of current acculturation models as applied to international students. Given that these models have typically been empirically tested on migrant and refugee populations only, the review aims to determine the extent to which these models characterise the acculturation experience of international students. Literature pertaining to salient variables from acculturation models was explored including acculturative stressors encountered frequently by international students (e.g., language barriers, educational difficulties, loneliness, discrimination, and practical problems associated with changing environments). Further discussed was the subsequent impact of social support and coping strategies on acculturative stress experienced by international students, and the psychological and sociocultural adaptation of this student group. This review found that the international student literature provides support for some aspects of the acculturation models discussed; however, further investigation of these models is needed to determine their accuracy in describing the acculturation of international students. Additionally, prominent acculturation models portray the host society as an important factor influencing international students’ acculturation, which suggests the need for future intervention.  相似文献   

In recent years, popularity of social media and influx of international students have provided Chinese domestic students ample opportunities to contact with alien cultures both directly and indirectly. To understand impact of the new environment, the present study focused on Chinese domestic undergraduates and proposed a moderated mediation research model examining the relationships between mediated contact (through foreign TV series and movies) and the three dimensions of global competence (global attitudes, skills, and knowledge). We also explored mediation of intergroup anxiety and moderation of direct contact (with international students) underlying these relationships. Results from a multi-group structural equation modeling analysis revealed direct contact as a moderator, modifying the relationship between mediated contact and intergroup anxiety. Specifically, this negative relationship was significant at low, rather than at high levels of direct contact. Further, at low, rather than at high levels of direct contact, mediated contact had indirect relationships with all three dimensions of global competence via the mediator of intergroup anxiety.  相似文献   


Reflecting on a personal experience of ‘pre‐professional’ university education and reluctant engagement with Cultural Studies as an academic project, this article examines the now ambiguous role of undergraduate education under neo‐liberal management regimes. Arguing that a ‘new class politics in knowledge’ is emerging with the transnational policy‐sharing and international student exchange schemes with which diverse governmental cultures are responding to globalization, Morris suggests that the undergraduate classroom is becoming a ‘frontier’ of struggle over the future. Teaching cultural studies to undergraduates in a liberal arts environment is one way in which the discipline's emphasis on local knowledge can be put to institutionally creative uses.  相似文献   

The current study examined the interaction between venting (as a form of emotional coping) and perceived emotional social support in predicting internalising psychological symptoms (anxiety, depression and somatic symptoms) over time in international students. A short-term longitudinal survey design was employed with three months between two measurement points. Participants were 130 international students from a university in New Zealand. The questionnaire included questions on venting, perceived emotional social support and internalising symptoms. The longitudinal impacts of venting and its interaction with emotional support on internalising symptoms were evaluated using structural equation modelling. Perceived emotional social support significantly moderated the effect of venting on internalising symptoms over time. Specifically, venting was associated with decreased internalising symptoms when students reported low levels of perceived emotional social support. However, venting was associated with increased symptoms when they reported very high levels of perceived support. In the presence of moderate to high emotional support, venting was not associated with changes in internalising symptoms over time, indicating that venting has no significant psychological consequences for international students with moderate to high perceived support. Venting can be an adaptive coping response for those with low perceived support, but it can be harmful in the presence of very high perceived support.  相似文献   

The changing demographic representation of students in United States public schools has significant implications for colleges of education. These changes make it imperative for colleges of education to produce candidates that possess the knowledge, skills, and sensitivity to deal with diverse student populations. To do so effectively, teacher educators would have to understand the meaning of cultural diversity and how to effectively integrate it into all facets of their teacher education programs. Such integration processes will include helping candidates to become more diversity mature (that is, to be comfortable with who they are) so that they can develop the self-efficacy that will propel them to contribute to the goals of a multicultural society. This article suggests the systems approach based on the systems analysis theory as a model for integrating cultural diversity in colleges of education. The process of systems analysis consists of a sequence of activities that includes (a) definition of the problem, (b) determination of the objectives and criteria for performance, (c) examination of alternative plans, and (d) evaluating the chosen alternative in light of resulting outcomes from the process. Using the systems approach to integrate cultural diversity will lead to a comprehensive assessment of current diversity efforts in individual colleges of education. Integrating cultural diversity will also entail collaboration among the systems and subsystems within and outside the college community, and finally, it will lead to the designing of a cultural diversity plan that takes advantage of the values inherent in the material and human resources possessed by the institution. This article challenges educators to examine their commitment to promoting cultural diversity and offers a plan to make their programs more multicultural in nature.  相似文献   

We studied the interplay of intercultural competence, intercultural experiences, and creativity among Russian students from Moscow (N = 272). We expected the students from culturally diverse groups, attending the courses on cultural issues, to be more creative. We based our expectation on the idea that cultural diversity and cultural learning are associated with a higher level of intercultural competence that might contribute to students’ creativity. We measured the intercultural experiences by cultural diversity of study groups (a number of foreign students in the groups and the intensity of friendly contacts with them) and by cultural learning (a number of culture-related courses that students attended). We measured creativity by the “Many Instances Game” from the Runco Creativity Assessment Battery (rCAB). We measured intercultural competence by the adapted scale of Fantini and Tirmizi. We discovered positive associations of intercultural experiences in the university with students’ creativity. Such components of intercultural competence as attitudes and skills (the adaptability of behavior), played an important role in the students’ creativity. The attitudes were positive and the skills were negative, related to the creativity. We also revealed that these two components of intercultural competence mediated the relationship between the intercultural experiences and creativity of students. Based on the results, we discussed the factors of the educational environment which may enhance or prohibit creativity.  相似文献   

The mainstream acculturation research focuses on international students and immigrants’ settlement in a new cultural environment, but little is known about the adaptation process of people from postcolonial areas relocating to their home country. Drawing from research on acculturation and postcolonial studies, this research examined the importance of language and social identity of Macao Chinese (N = 102; 50 males, Mage = 20.1) transitioning to universities in Mainland China. The results of path analysis showed that Chinese national identity and perceived Mandarin language proficiency were positively associated with each other, but they were linked to cultural adaptation through different paths. Perceived language proficiency was directly linked to social, academic, and psychological adaptation, whereas Chinese identity was indirectly associated with social and academic adaptation through acculturation to the Mainland Chinese culture. Moreover, academic adaptation was, in turn, associated with academic achievement (i.e., GPAs). The present study extends acculturation research to a postcolonial context, highlighting that national identity and language proficiency are important factors for successful cultural adaptation to the homeland. The theoretical and practical implications regarding intra-cultural adaptation barriers andprocesses in postcolonial contexts were discussed.  相似文献   

Canadian independent artist-run centres provide an interesting case study of the potential role and relevance of non-profit institutions in the contemporary arts field. Predominantly established during the 1970s, they have been founded by artist collectives typically operating within urban contexts, with the aim of providing new opportunities to cope with the physical, economic and cultural constraints that generally impede the professional development of artists. A remarkable urban environment in which it is possible to find, and study, a large number of such organizations is the city of Montreal, in the Quebec Province of Canada, which constitutes an excellent reference to track the onset and the evolution of independent artist-run spaces, and to understand why, how and to what extent they are currently experiencing new pressures and challenges, both on the internal and external sides. This article offers an empirical study of these organizations with reference to their organizational, managerial and strategic vision, and to co-operative interaction and network building practices. It contributes to the field of research on cultural management through its study of the effects of management systems on the strategic action of independent visual arts organizations.  相似文献   

Most developing countries show great concern that they will compromise their cultural integrity if they import foreign models of economic development. The Chinese in Hong Kong have been dealing with this problem since they were colonized in 1841. This paper explores their various responses to this potential threat. Tajfel's (Tajfel, H. (1974). Social Science Information13, 65–93) social identity theory is advanced as a theoretical tool in considering (a) how Chinese understand Westernization throughout history and in contemporary Hong Kong, and (b) how they stereotype themselves and various relevant groups. It is hoped that this analysis will be of some value to persons in countries considering the problem of importing models of development.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature on evaluating international conferences identifying significant factors which contribute to measured success. Extensive previous research over the last twenty years has identified criteria for evaluating success which continue to be ignored as international conferences repeat the same mistakes. More systematic research is needed. A framework of 25 evaluation measures is described for future research on the assessment of international conferences.Responses to three items of a questionnaire sent out by the East-West Culture Learning Institute as part of a project studying international conferences are also discussed, relating to evaluation measures, problems of evaluation and potential benefits of evaluation. Guidelines and suggestions are provided synthesizing the available research toward planning more successful international conferences in the future. In conclusion, six issues are identified for further clarification in future research on international conferences.  相似文献   

Americans exhibit a continuous interest in finding out what happens to international students while they are studying in the U.S. Yet, there has been a dearth of literature examining the effects of international education on U.S. students. In this study, the impact of U.S. students' interaction with international students on the concept of cosmopolitan world outlook, cultural pluralism, worldmindedness, understanding of own culture, support for internationalism, international career aspirations, and political liberalism has been investigated. The findings indicated that interaction between student cultures does facilitate and encourage an international outlook. Therefore, institutes should strive to promote activities that will encourage and maintain a high degree of cultural interactions between U.S. and international students.  相似文献   

This study examines Vietnamese students’ experiences of language choice practices in intercultural interactions with their local Taiwanese peers. Data were gathered from semi-structured interviews with students from five different Taiwanese universities where both English and Mandarin Chinese are used as mediums of instruction and communication. Findings suggest that the students frequently used English as a language of neutrality to communicate with local students, which either connected them with or disconnected them from their peers. They, whereas, considered Mandarin as a language of convergence, which helped them to get closer to their Taiwanese friends. They also occasionally made use of Vietnamese—a language of divergence—to a small extent to connect with their local peers. As international students seem to be the ones who often put more effort into addressing the linguistic and cultural gaps and improving the communication effectiveness compared with their local counterparts, it is recommended that local students should play a more proactive role in using proper accommodation strategies to connect with international students. Internationalised universities should also contribute to building a healthy and inclusive intercultural environment for international and local students and facilitating respectful and effective intercultural interactions among them.  相似文献   

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