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张小红 《新闻世界》2010,(10):65-66
根据《中国电视收视年鉴》统计,我国内地共有科教频道34个,其中国家级科教频道1个,省、自治区、直辖市级科教频道10个,地市级科教频道23个。在科教兴国的大战略下,科教频道为普及科技知识,弘扬主旋律、宣传社会主义核心价值体系发挥出独特的作用。在省级台的科教频道中,北京电视台科教频道、浙江电视台教育科技频道和贵州电视台科教健康频道针对传播区域和收视人群的不同特点,有效定位,走出了自己的特色和品牌。本文以上述三家省级科教频道的发展作为分析样本,试探索省级科教频道的定位策略和发展之道。  相似文献   

2001年1月1日,浙江电视台新闻综合频道、钱江都市频道、经济生活频道、教育科技频道、影视文化频道、体育健康频道等6个频道统一挂上了浙江电视台的台标,三台合并和频道专业化工作正式启动。自此,浙江的电视行业改革进入一个新的层次。  相似文献   

我台开路播出三套电视节目和二套调频广播节目,在用收音机监听二套调频节目的时候,发现收音机调谐到某些位置也能收到本台播出的十频道电视伴音和十六频道电视伴音,但无法收到本台播出的七频道电视伴音。台里准备用调频音箱监听十、十六频道的电视伴音作为一种辅助的监测十频道、十六频道电视发射机工作是否正常的手段,那么为什么调频收音机能收到十、十六频道的电视伴音而不能收到七频道的电视伴音呢?本人决定从理论上找到其原因所在。我们知道,电视伴音的发射其实就相当于一个单声道的调频广播。其予加重时间常数与调频发射机一样,…  相似文献   

实行四级办电视以来,我国电视台和电视频道数量飞速增长。以南京为例,除了收看本地13个电视频道外,观众还可以收看到中央台的8个频道以及浙江台、上海台、东方台、四川台等外省上星频道。台与台、频道与频道之间的竞争日趋激烈。同时,物质生活的改善,精神生活的丰富提高,也使观众的视听需求日益多样化、复杂化。为了争夺越来越难“伺候”的电视观众,也为了更好地满足观众千差万别的需求,中国电视进  相似文献   

新闻节目是一个国家或地区电视媒体国际传播能力的重要组成部分。本文选取了中央电视台国际频道(CCTV4)、台湾宏观电视台、东森美洲台、凤凰卫视美洲台、香港翡翠电视台和美国旧金山KTSF频道六家电视媒体,对其在新闻编排、新闻筛选及报道深度、报道类别、新闻源、报道领域、报道倾向等方面的差异进行了实证研究,以  相似文献   

广告收入是电视媒体赖以生存的生命线,尽管通过付费频道、相关产品开发和其他投资方式,电视媒体有可能实现收入的多元化,但目前广告收入在电视媒体的收入构成中依然占据主要地位。为了在激烈的市场竞争中争夺更多的广告客户、广告营销成为各台/频道的核心要务,以市场为中心、以客户为  相似文献   

2008年12月1日,山东有线电视中心旗下山东电视影视频道、综艺频道、生活频道三频道,全面改版升级,实现全天72小时无缝编播。  相似文献   

许讯 《视听纵横》2004,(5):55-58
本主要根据2004上半年及2003年央视索福瑞提供的收视数据,在省网的范围内进行,并参照央视索福瑞提供的市网数据。为分析方便,本把浙江地区可以接收的电视媒体分为四组:中央台组(中央台11个频道)、省台组(浙江卫视、钱江都市、经济生活、教育科技、影视化、体育健康、公共频道)、地方台组(为便于比较将各地市台组和县级台组作为一个整体)和其他卫视组(除浙江卫视外的其他卫视频道,包括凤凰卫视等)。  相似文献   

2001年1月1日浙江电视台三台合并和频道专业化工作正式启动.随后浙江广电集团挂牌成立。经过三年实践.浙江电视台教育科技频道节目收视份额始终名列浙江省级媒体首位:频道广告创收从2001年1月1日至2003年10月底已超过3亿元。可以说.教育科技频道在区域电视媒体竞争中表现出较好的发展势头.改变了全国科教频  相似文献   

张如成 《传媒观察》2006,(10):46-47
少儿频道,是以少儿为目标受众的电视频道,世界上第一个少儿频道——尼克儿童频道(Nickelodeon)开办于1979年4月,据不完全统计,截止到2004年底,全球已有28个国家和地区的电视机构开办了70多个少儿专门频道。我国早在1958年电视问世时便有了少儿电视节目;2001年南方台开办了我国首个少儿频道。2003年12月28日,我国内地第一家面向全国少年儿童的专业化少儿频道——中央电视台少儿频道正式开播,开辟了中国少儿电视传播的新里程。据统计,我国18岁以下的少年儿童为3.6亿,约占全国总人口的29.6%,每天都有2.9亿多少儿收看电视,占到总人数的73%,平均…  相似文献   

It was just seven years ago when a commercial television station broadcast on the Greek airwaves for the first time. Today, 1997, the number of these stations has risen to 160. The formation of hundreds of commercial TV and radio stations resulted in Greece being one of the most dense media environments on the planet.

Commercial television in Greece was born on 20 November 1989, when Mega Channel began broadcasting in the greater Athens area. By 1996 commercial television channels in Greece had captured approximately 90 per cent of the total viewing audience and 95 per cent of TV advertising revenue.

This paper investigates the historical, legal, economic, political, and international phenomena which led to the birth of commercial television in Greece, the changes that television itself went through, the effects of these changes on Greek society, and the future prospects for Greek TV.  相似文献   

If there is. one type of program common to all broadcasting stations, it is news. When television arrived, many thought that the addition of pictures to sound reports would create a method of news presentation that would inform the public better than any previous technique or medium. The following article reports research into this belief, to replace the unsupported talk that is far more common—on the part of both television newsmen and their rivals in other media.  相似文献   

本文结合2009年10月上海文广传媒集团的制播分离,分析了制播分析的产业经济理论及现实来源,通过梳理中国广播电视新闻业的体制及现实,认为中国广播电视行业已经走向了一个更加纵深发展的阶段——电视台内部把节目制作与播出机构相对分立,在成本核算的基础上模拟市场运作。  相似文献   

This research examines how television reported the campaign, parties, and candidates during the 1995 Legislative Election in Taiwan. Results of this study showed that state‐owned broadcast television stations were far more likely than privately owned cable television channels to give greater coverage to the ruling party and its candidates, to use ruling party officials as news sources, and to offer more news coverage favorable to the ruling party than to other parties. We conclude that cable television has become a force for balance in coverage, diluting a pervasive pro‐government party bias. The rise of cable television from virtual “outlaw” status to government‐licensed status appears to have responded to a more liberal society and made a contribution to the development of democracy, as have the expanded elections themselves.  相似文献   

Sinclair Broadcast Group, the largest owner of U.S. local television stations, has received recent attention due to its apparent political lean and journalistic practices. This study compared the content and quality of national political news stories at Sinclair and non-Sinclair stations in three television markets. Results indicated evidence of a “Sinclair Effect,” whereby Sinclair-owned affiliate stories exhibited more cable news-style elements. Stations generally adhered to traditional journalistic principles, regardless of ownership, but Sinclair stations produced more stories with dramatic elements, commentary, and partisan sources.  相似文献   

Local television in the United States is experiencing dramatic changes due to shifts in viewership and digital technologies. This study examined the extent to which a sample of local television stations in the United States are meeting the demands and needs of Generation C/Millennials through the use of social media, mobile technology, and other online communication tools. The major finding of this study was that television stations have a growing repertoire of social media and other connectivity tools with which to engage their viewers, but that stations in larger markets are making fuller use of interactive technologies.  相似文献   

The increasing consolidation of radio and television stations in the United States as a result of changing regulatory policies is having a direct impact on the role of the media manager. This article reviews the regulatory changes that have taken place regarding media ownership, and how it brought about changes in management practices. A summary of 2 research studies undertaken to examine the impact of regulatory changes on media management of radio and television stations is presented. Managers of radio clusters (at least 3 stations) and television duopolies were surveyed to ascertain how consolidation was affecting the way stations are managed. The data and findings in this article are discussed in terms of broader implications for media management outside the United States in an era of increasing globalization.  相似文献   

俄罗斯电视结构的主要特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与苏联时期相比 ,俄罗斯电视结构发生了很大变化 ,其中政治因素与经济因素的影响共同存在。并且 ,就俄罗斯电视业的进一步发展而言 ,经济因素所起的作用更为重要。目前 ,在俄罗斯的电视结构中 ,无线电视占据主导地位 ,有线电视与卫星电视发展缓慢 ;电视网参与全国电视市场的竞争 ;国家电视台与商业电视台并存成为俄罗斯电视结构中一个引人注目的现象 ;公共电视台的建立正在酝酿中。  相似文献   

论印度电视体制的转型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
印度电视业1959年起步,几十年来一直是印度国家电视台独家垄断。上世纪80年代中期国家电视台DD实行改革,电视作为单一宣传教育工具的传统观念逐渐改变。到90年代后期,已然形成国家电视台、本土商业电视台和外国卫星电视共同参与市场竞争的三足鼎立格局。本文按大致的时间顺序,概述印度电视转型前后的几个发展阶段,并分析印度电视业格局变化的原因和产生的影响。  相似文献   

Based on a content analysis of evening newscasts by the three television stations in Taiwan, this study examines the patterns of news sources selection and presentation in television news. The results of this study show that television news relies heavily on government officials who are primarily middle‐aged men in executive positions located in the capital city of Taipei. These findings suggest that the central government officials in Taipei appear to be the primary definers of social reality. TV news portrays only a very limited view of the society. In conclusion, this study suggests that with the management and content tightly controlled by the state, Taiwan's television news consists primarily of official rituals.  相似文献   

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