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市属高职院校是高职教育的一支重要力量,文章从多个角度分析了市属高职院校的财政投入状况,并就如何进一步推进和完善高等职业教育体系和政府投入机制,促进高等职业教育均衡、可持续发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

我国高等教育的经费投入模式伴随着改革开放走过了三十多年历程,其间既积累了成功的经验,也存在着一些弊端,如国家对教育尤其是高等教育的财政性资金投入不足、高等教育收费立法亟待强化、高校生均培养成本模糊、助学贷款体系不够健全和完善、高等教育多元化投资渠道尚未形成、高校信息对外公开不够透明等,都制约着我国高等教育的发展,亟须通过高等教育投入机制改革以及相应对策加以调整、推动和解决。  相似文献   

我国高等教育收费问题研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高等教育收费过高,导致低收入阶层难以接受或完成高等教育,不但影响公民的教育机会平等,也影响社会平等。从免费到低收费再到高收费,我国高等教育收费制度自身存在着一系列的问题,解决高收费以及高等教育经费来源问题,需要合理界定高校运行成本,加大政府投资,拓宽高校经费来源渠道,提高现有经费使用效益。  相似文献   

促进产业结构不断升级,是我国构建新发展格局的客观要求。因此,探究教育在推动产业结构升级中的作用,对于制定教育和经济可持续发展战略都具有重要意义。基于2005—2019年省级面板数据,本文运用固定效应模型研究教育对产业结构升级的影响程度与作用机制,发现教育不仅能够促进产业结构从第一产业向第二、三产业转型升级,还推动各次产业内部升级。从投入角度看,各级教育生均经费对产业结构升级均具有显著正向影响。对于产业转型升级,高等教育生均经费的影响效应更为明显;对于产业内部升级,中、高等教育生均经费显著驱动了第二产业内部升级,高等教育生均经费还显著推动了第三产业内部升级。从教育产出看,增加人均受教育年限能够促进产业转型升级和第三产业内部升级。从作用机制看,教育通过促进技术进步、提高劳动生产率和升级需求结构推动产业结构升级。因此应加大教育投入力度,着力提升教育水平和质量,形成高质量人力资本,推动产业结构升级,畅通国民经济双循环。  相似文献   

方科技大学 人文社会科学学院 高等教育研究中心,广东 深圳 518055)  相似文献   

经费短缺是目前制约我国高等教育持续发展的一个突出问题。文章借鉴加拿大解决高等教育发展经费问题的做法和经验,提出了解决我国高等教育发展经费问题的思路和措施:一是大幅度增加财政投入;二是从现阶段的国情出发创新收费机制;三是完善有关政策,鼓励社会捐赠;四是高等院校自身广开增收渠道。  相似文献   

我国教育财政投入比例及与中低收入国家的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育投入比例是衡量一国政府对教育努力程度的主要指标,合理的教育财政投入比例是教育发展、经济增长的重要保障。本文在辨析国际通用的教育财政统计指标之后,分析比较了我国从1991年到2005年的教育财政投入变化情况,并与世界上中低收入国家的平均状况相比较。结论认为:预算内教育经费指标是与国际接轨的统计口径;长期以来我国教育财政投入比例一直很低,且低于世界同类国家公共教育经费支出的平均水平;应切实提高我国教育投入比例,尽早实现财政性教育经费占GDP4%的目标。  相似文献   

The Philippines is a country in which phenomenal educational expansion has taken place in the last 30 years. As such, it is a natural case for testing the hypothesis that investment in education is no longer economically valid. In this paper we provide new estimates of the returns to investment in education in that country for 1988. The findings indicate that both social and private rates of return are of conventional levels and therefore a case of overexpansion is not warranted. Among the three educational levels considered, primary education exhibits the highest returns and university education the least. But because of the particular case of the Philippines where private sources are dominant in tertiary education financing, the degree of public subsidization is highest in primary education. This makes the Philippines a world outlier in the structure of public financing of education, and serves equity and poverty alleviation causes as well.  相似文献   

大学课程的内容和实施方式正在发生着质的变化,在我国中小学新课程建设已取得重要突破的基础上,大学新课程应该在吸纳当前国内外课程研究成果的基础上,结合我国高等教育发展的现状,按要素进行现代大学课程建设。从以学生为中心的理念出发,课程的要素主要包括教师、学生、教学环境、教材等方面,课程要素的建设是学校基本建设的核心,学校的所有管理行为都能够凝聚到课程要素的建设上,也应该凝聚到课程上,学校投入、经营、管理的载体也在课程建设上。  相似文献   

近年来,职业教育在我省经济发展中的作用日益突出,但和普通教育相比,职业教育在教育起点、教育过程和教育结果上都明显处于弱势地位,这主要是由于政府重视不够、传统观念束缚和我省第三产业不发达造成的,只有加强对教育的宏观调控、加大对职业教育的投资力度,才能真正实现职业教育的公平。  相似文献   

This article analyses how political preferences, which are co-determined by the beliefs of decision-makers and influences of interest groups and the general public, affect the decisions to maintain or cut public funding for tertiary education during the economic crisis. Our sample included 29 European countries which we divided into two groups depending on the level of public funding for tertiary education before the crisis, which we used as a measure of revealed political preferences. We then observed the differences in changes in public tertiary education funding during the crisis between these two groups of countries using five different indicators. Three of the five indicators show that countries with a stronger political preference for tertiary education public funding cut their spending on tertiary education to a lesser extent (or even increased spending) during the economic crisis.  相似文献   

我国高等学校收费问题的成因与对策探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前我国高等教育领域收费方面出现的问题有两方面原因。一方面,在高等教育跨越式发展的同时各方面的投入没有同步地予以保证,收费作为成本低廉的费用补偿方式对高校具有吸引力。另一方面,在高校内部就收费的决策过程中,存在着公益人和经济人的力量均衡,也存在着责任部门与非责任部门的力量均衡,力量均衡的结果可能使一些高校出现不规范的收费行为。从近期看,应该加强收费政策的合理性基础,严格管制收费行为做好学生经济资助;从长远看,还要保证政府投入,培育高校工作者的公益和非营利意识,使高校实现良性可持续发展。  相似文献   

根据结构功能论,从教育投入主体结构、教育投入数量结构、教育投入分配结构、教育投入治理结构等几个方面对我国教育投入进行阐述与分析;对我国政府改善教育投入结构、构建和谐教育进行了简单的总结;提出了构建“和谐教育指数”并进行观测等建议。  相似文献   

We decompose annual average years of schooling series for Portugal into different schooling levels series. By estimating a number of vector autoregressions, we provide measures of aggregate and disaggregate economic growth impacts of different education levels. Increasing education at all levels except tertiary have a positive and significant effect on growth. Investment in education does not significantly crowd out physical investment and average years of schooling semi-elasticities have comparable magnitude across primary and secondary levels.  相似文献   

从政府责任的视角看当前我国学前教育的公益性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为基础教育的基础,学前教育具有很强的公益性,可以为接受学前教育的适龄儿童(及其直系亲属)之外的其他社会成员带来广泛而长远的经济与非经济收益,而且这种收益可以为绝大多数公民无排他性地共同享有。然而目前我国学前教育的公益性日渐弱化,不仅入园率低,发展不均衡,学前优质教育资源明显分配不均,而且各级政府的公共财政投入减少,家长负担十分沉重,入园难、入园贵的呼声日益强烈。造成学前教育公益性弱化的主要原因从认识根源上来看,是各级政府对学前教育的公益性还缺乏正确、清楚的认识,而从客观实际来看,民办幼儿教育的非营利性没有得到保证、政府财政投入严重不足、学前教育公共服务体系尚未建立、学前教育补偿功能未能充分发挥、学前教育立法层次较低,缺乏制度保障等都是学前教育公益性日益弱化的重要原因。提升学前教育的公益性不可能单靠社会、市场或学前教育机构自身解决,而必须借助政府的力量,因为政府是实现学前教育公平和社会正义的第一责任人。为提升学前教育的公益性,政府应科学制定学前教育发展规划,调整学前教育结构体系,保障公办民办幼儿园协调发展;应加大资金投入,合理配置学前教育资源,建立以公共财政为支撑的学前教育投入保障机制与各项经费监管机制,充分...  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,教育的投入也在不断地增加。但是,我国高等教育在校学生的逐年增加,使得生均预算内教育拨款呈逐年下降趋势。国家应当进一步拓宽筹资渠道,发展民办高教,并利用金融、信贷等手段融通资金,尽量弱化这种负面效应。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the connection between growth and human capital in a convergence regression for the panel of Italian regions. We include measures of average primary, secondary and tertiary education. We find that increased education seems to contribute to growth only in the South. Decomposing total schooling into its three constituent parts, we find that only primary education in the South seems to be important, while tertiary education seems to have a negative impact on regional growth. Our main results are robust to the inclusion of additional variables in the regression analysis and the use of an IV estimator. Overall, this study suggests that Italian growth benefited from the elimination of illiteracy in the South, mainly in the 60s. It also suggests a possible relationship between the level of development of an economy and returns to different levels of education, with Italian regions still far from being able to capture the positive returns from higher levels of education.  相似文献   

高职通识教育研究是高职教育人对高职教育本质认识的一种深化和凝练,是对高职人才成长规律的透视。高职教育与传统高等教育的差异自然造成高职通识教育不同于已有的通识教育。本文所指高职通识教育的本质是高等教育文化价值在高等职业教育领域的具体化,它是基于专业又高于专业的、引领高职生以高等文化方式学习工作生活的教育,从地方高职院校的角度,提出目前高职通识教育的实现途径也要区别于普通本科的通识教育。  相似文献   

This paper shows mutually consistent evidence to support female advantage in education and disadvantage in labor markets observed in the Philippines. We set up a model that shows multiple Nash equilibria to explain schooling and labor market behaviors for females and males. Our evidence from unique sibling data of schooling and work history and from the Philippine Labor Force Survey support that family arrangement to tighten commitment between daughters and parents keeps a high level of schooling investments in daughters. Because wage penalty to females in labor markets means that education is relatively important as a determinant of their earnings, parental investments in their daughters’ education has larger impacts on the income of their daughters than on their sons. Parents expect larger income shared from better-educated adult daughters. In contrast, males stay in an equilibrium, with low levels of schooling investment and income sharing. Our results also imply that the above institutional arrangement is stronger among poor families.  相似文献   

This paper analyses whether tertiary education of different types, i.e., academic or vocational tertiary education, leads to more or less favourable labour market outcomes. We study the problem for Switzerland, where more than two thirds of the workforce gain vocational secondary degrees and a substantial number go on to a vocational tertiary degree but only a small share gain an academic tertiary degree. As outcome variables, we examine the risk of being unemployed, monthly earnings, and variation in earnings (reflecting financial risk). We study these outcomes at career entry and later stages. Our empirical results reveal that the type of tertiary education has various effects on these outcomes. At career entry, we observe equal unemployment risk but higher average wages and lower financial risk for vocational graduates. At later career stages, we find that these higher average wages disappear and risk of unemployment becomes lower for vocational graduates. Thus, by differentiating the tertiary system into vocational and academic institutions graduates face a variety of valuable options allowing them to self-select into an educational type that best matches their individual preferences.  相似文献   

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