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As libraries offer more multi-dimensional study areas and online resources, it is important to understand how print books are being used. The reported decline in print book circulation has largely been based on books checked out of the library without recording in-house use (books used in the library but not checked out). Including in-house use gives a more accurate representation of book circulation, helping to demonstrate the value of the physical library and print collections, and informing collection development. To better understand how our print collections are being used, we analyze holdings, checkout data, and in-house use data by subject, as well as circulation in regard to patron group, library gate count and student enrollment. Our findings show declining use of all print collections with the steepest decline in reference books. The majority of books used in house were not checked out, affirming the need to include in-house use data to provide an accurate picture of print book use and inform collection development. We use our findings to inform the redesign of our reference collection and suggest ways to integrate print and digital formats and promote the value of books and reading.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect on the use of library materials of various possible changes in library policy on circulation rules, for example, or on the buying of duplicate copies, one must estimate the potential demand for the material, not just the actual use under existing policy. Although the concept of the potential demand, for a book, for instance, is a rather vague one, this paper shows how it can be defined and evaluated in terms of the more definite and more easily measurable quantities of yearly circulation rate and mean loan period for borrowed books. The estimates are statistical ones, the average demand per book, the probability that a book that circulates m times a year has a demand, etc. Graphs and tables are given that show how these quantites can be evaluated once one knows the mean per-book circulation and the mean length of time a book is out of the library per circulation, for a portion of the library that is fairly homogenous in regard to use (such as all science books, or all biographies). The analysis is then used to show how one can, by the use of the tables and graphs, estimate how much a change in the allowed length of loan period will change the average per-book circulation, or what the quantitative effect would be if duplicate copies were bought for all books that circulated more than m times, as well as other measures of library utility that depend on demand rather than directly on past circulation.  相似文献   

This is the fourth part of a comprehensive, quantitative study of biomedical book reviews. The data base of the total project was built from statistics of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books taken from all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. This part of the study identifies the major American and British biomedical book publishers in terms of their quantitative production of book titles reviewed, and determines the relationships among these publishers. It is found that Williams & Wilkins, Charles C Thomas, Academic Press, and Springer Verlag are the most productive biomedical book publishers in terms of books reviewed in 1970. These four publishers accounted for 32% of the 1,674 books available in the United States and reviewed in the reviewing media in 1970. Williams & Wilkins is especially significant by virtue of reprint activity. The present study also explores the price trend of biomedical books. It is found that the mean price for 1,077 books studied was $16.20 per volume, with a standard deviation of $9.42.  相似文献   

自甲午战争以来,日本曾先后发动或参与了四次对华侵略战争,并趁机进行文化侵略,尤其是对我国图书文献资源进行了大肆破坏与掠夺,使我国近代图书馆事业遭受了巨大损失。近年来,学界对涉及这一主题的新闻报道、统计资料、公私档案等第一手资料进行深入挖掘、整理和研究,对日本在华掠夺图书文献的政策、事件、机构、方式、数量与影响等进行归纳与分析,建立了日本对华图书文献劫掠史的基本脉络。本文分五个议题对相关研究进行梳理和总结:1时间和地域,2组织机构,3劫掠方式,4图书损失数量,5文献保存活动。利用日方史料和第三方史料开展日本对华图书文献劫掠史研究,是未来研究的重点。表3。参考文献51。  相似文献   

民国时期学界在探索图书分类过程中,普遍在杜威十进制分类法的基础上结合中文古籍的特点,或增补加入新的类目,或采用其体系进行全新的改变。在各大图书馆具体操作时所使用的分类法五花八门,大致可分为中西文文献分开处置和统一处置两种不同的方法。民国时期图书分类探索均以杜威法为蓝本,是学界得以广泛交流的基础。民国时期图书分类探索看似成果甚多,但实际上新旧书籍如何处置的问题没有得到圆满的解决。造成这种局面的原因从表面上看是因为学界中人各自为政的状况一直没有改变,导致制定出一部全国统一的分类法的目标也一直没有实现,但深层次的原因则是学界对图书分类的基础理论忽略的必然结果。  相似文献   

Subject specialists seek to understand humanists' perceptions of e-books. The investigator conducted an online survey of humanities faculty at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) to find out. The survey uncovered information about the e-book collections humanist scholars benefit from most. Respondents used and valued e-books but felt printed books were more important in their disciplines. The major disadvantages of e-books outnumbered the major advantages in scholars' estimation, but the desire for ready access to book content largely eclipsed their affinity for print and any perceived disadvantages of the e-book format. The investigator considers implications for local humanities collection development.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To explore whether the presence of online tables of contents (TOC) in an online catalog affects circulation (checkouts and inhouse usage). Two major questions were posed: (1) did the presence of online tables of contents for books increase use, and, (2) if it did, what factors might cause the increase? METHOD: A randomized and stratified design was used in tracking usage of 3,957 book titles that were previously divided into two groups: one with TOC and one without TOC. Stratification was done for year of imprint, location, subject, previous use, circulating or non-circulating status, and presence of TOC. The use was tracked by the online catalog statistics in the InnoPac online catalog for fourteen months. RESULTS: The study found that tables of contents do increase usage. It also showed a correlation in the size of the effect based on the currency of the titles. In general, even after adjusting for all of the variables (publication date, location, circulation status, subject, and previous use), the odds of a title being used increased by 45% if the titles had online tables of contents, a statistically significant impact at the 0.05 level. CONCLUSIONS: This case-control study presents new information about the impact on circulation and inhouse use when tables of contents for books are added to the online catalog record. The study helps to establish the positive role of tables of contents in online catalogs. The research establishes TOC as a major parameter that can be successfully studied using quantitative methods. The study also provides information professionals with some guidance on when enhancement of TOC is likely to be most effective in increasing the use of existing collections.  相似文献   

明末清初学者曹溶著述《流通古书约》,提出了古书传抄互换或刊行广布的流通之法,在我国首次以文字的形式倡导图书开放的思想。在具体实施中,此约虽有其时代的局限性,但对保存古书及利用有着积极的促进作用,在当代及后世都产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

The book"Qi Lu" compiled by Ruan Xianxu(478-536) was a compilation of bibliographies of both pulic and private book collections during the Southern Dynasties (420-589).It represented at the time the national general bibiography of books.There were 6288 titles,8547 book cases,and 44256 volumes of books entered in the "Qi Lu"with a detailed and complete classification system which surpassed those of the previous dynasties and had a fairly great influence on the science of bibliography of the later generations.  相似文献   

This is the third part of a comprehensive, quantitative study of biomedical book reviewing. The data base of the total project was built from statistics of 3,347 reviews of 2,067 biomedical books appearing in all 1970 issues of fifty-four reviewing journals. This part of the study explores the duplication patterns in book reviewing among these media. It is found that 35.17% (727 books) of the 2,067 titles were reviewed more than once in 1970, these titles accounting for 2,007 of the total of 3,347 reviews. For the most part, reviews of the most frequently reviewed titles appeared in such journals as British Medical Journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, Lancet, Journal of the American Medical Association, and New England Journal of Medicine. These five journals covered 93.53% of the 727 books reviewed more than once in 1970.  相似文献   


Croatia considers the book a priority cultural product. Today various forces, both positive and negative, affect publishing in Croatia. A survey of traditional publishing in Croatia based on statistical data collected by the author in the Croatian ISBN Agency over the past 8 years introduces the main topic. The author then reports on the results of a survey of 1,000 publishers, aimed at establishing which medium publishers used for their books between 1993 and the beginning of 1998, the period when book production passed from printed to digital form. The research results show that modern electronic book forms have been gradually developing in Croatia in parallel with traditional publishing. The number of publishers producing books in electronic format is not great. However, the fact that nearly a quarter of the publishers who returned the questionnaire do produce electronic books, shows that Croatian publishers accept new technologies as they appear in countries with a developed publishing industry, onlyin amuch more modest scope. The author mentions electronic books published by as many as forty publishers, and gives a survey of online-bookstores in Croatia. Special attention is paid to book legislation in the country. As a conclusion the author proposes an incentive for electronic publishing.  相似文献   

基于效益的高校图书馆纸质图书成本管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭以建 《图书情报工作》2011,55(17):100-104
随着电子信息资源的快速发展,纸质图书资源有被边缘化的倾向,实际上纸质图书资源将与电子资源在一定时期内并存,把握好纸质图书资源的投入、利用与管理仍显得非常重要。文章着重从效益的角度阐述如何加强高校图书馆纸质图书资源的成本管理,使有限的资金用在刀刃上,提高图书利用率和读者满意度。  相似文献   

论文介绍了皖西学院图书馆最近整理出的廖仲恺先生当年的藏书,并对其进行了分析研究,认为这些书籍是廖仲恺为参加留学生科举考试所研读之书,并且对其后来的实践活动产生过影响.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to establish an objective basis for managerial decisions relating to the preservation of library books. The investigation was concerned with the operational issues underlying such decisions, focusing specifically upon the problem of accurately and efficiently assessing books in terms of their present physical condition and past utility. Its objectives were: (a) to determine if date of publication and/or measures of library use (i.e., frequency of circulation and date of last circulation) constitute reliable indices of a book's current physical condition; (b) to determine if the frequency with which a book has been circulated tends to correspond with its date of last circulation; and (c) to devise a systematic approach to the preservation of library books based upon the results of the inquiries (a) and (b).  相似文献   


This paper examines the materials acquired during a consortial PDA pilot; which of the books are still being used, by which institutions, whether the size of a participating institution or the subject of a book have impact on the continued use of the books, and if there is a relationship between the schools that triggered a PDA purchase and the schools that have gone on to use a given title. Findings suggest that models involving some library mediation may be more effective in meeting the various needs of participating institutions.  相似文献   

戴震凭借自己深厚的小学功底和广博的文献基础,或遵善本,或据他书援引,综合条贯,以理断定,为《方言》正讹补脱,使这本名存而实亡的语言学著作神明焕然。文章略举数例,以见戴震校勘之精审,示其足以为后世校勘楷模的原因所在。然校勘之事,本非一人之精力所能尽,《方言疏证》中也存在一些校改之误,文章对此试做疏议。  相似文献   

When a scholarly monograph is made available in both print and electronic formats, which format will users prefer? This study analyzed monograph usage data from three university presses in the University of Toronto Libraries' collections, comparing print and ebook usage patterns of identical titles. The goal was to examine format preferences and determine whether there are differences in usage across subject disciplines or publishers. The study showed that although in many cases users preferred one format over another, they used books in both formats. If a subject was popular, usage tended to be high for both formats, and if unpopular, low for both formats. The data also indicated that there were some noticeable differences in ebook usage for particular subjects, and the authors concluded that format does matter and therefore it is desirable for libraries to provide both formats if possible. The study also highlighted how critical metadata are in promoting the use of electronic resources. If there were no ebook metadata within the library catalog, the ebook usage was low. This analysis adds to a growing body of literature in user preferences on book formats that can assist libraries in making better-informed decisions in collection building.  相似文献   

The Library of the Université Libre de Bruxelles and Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles (EUB), the University's publishing imprint, have recently agreed to collaborate to provide free online access to recent out‐of‐print books published by EUB. The e‐books are available on the Digithèque website, a collection of digital copies of printed books created by the Library. This initiative is valuable for the scientific community and the general public who can freely access the books online, for the authors whose books have been digitized and widely disseminated, and for the publisher whose collections become more visible on the Internet, thereby generating more traffic on its website and potentially increasing sales of its other books. Around 20 books have been made available online so far. This article describes the context of the agreement, how the collaboration operates, the options of file conversion vs. book scanning, issues relating to copyright and users' rights, how access is provided to the digital copies, and future collaborative projects of the Library and EUB.  相似文献   

高校图书馆异地搬迁之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从图书馆搬迁的实际经验入手,阐述高校图书馆搬迁前的准备工作、搬迁中的组织工作和搬迁后的整理工作。重点介绍图书打捆、搬运及上架这三个主要环节应采取的方法和注意的问题。  相似文献   

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