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1991—2008年房价持续上涨,2008年第四季度起下跌。从需求角度来看,房改政策、放宽的户口制度、金融政策、城市拆迁、人口增长、家庭收入增长和来自境内外的房地产投资投机等因素,不同程度地加大了住宅市场的需求,从而推升了房价。始于去年年底的房价下跌,则与信贷税收政策紧缩和金融危机导致的需求下降有关。针对楼市现状,政府应采取措施增加供应,刺激需求,不同收入的住房需求者应结合自身状况制订相应的投资消费方案。  相似文献   

我国城市居委会是民主政体中法律的产物,这要求我们必须在我国民主与法治的大背景下,积极寻求城市社区治理的有效措施。本文把居委会自治与法律链接起来研究,一是用法律的原则和制度来理解和解释居委会自治的资源如何发掘和配置;一是从居委会自治的角度,求证什么样的法律规则对于居委会自治有效,进而预测关于居委会自治的法律规则的发展,以推动我国民主法治的建设和城市治理。  相似文献   

基于第六次人口普查数据,运用因子分析对我国31省市的住房房源状况进行了研究,同时比较了第五、六次普查中我国家庭户住房房源的差异。研究结果表明,依据因子值对各省市住房在相应房源主成分中进行排名,得出我国东部地区住房房源主要以购房、租房房源为主,中西部地区主要以自建房为主,并对相应住房房源所带来的问题提出解决对策;相比第五次人口普查,我国购房房源的家庭户增长最快,其次为租房房源的家庭户增长,自建房房源的家庭户增长较少,并提出租房将是未来我国住房问题解决的重要对策。  相似文献   

人口变动是影响住房需求的一个重要因素。根据绵阳市1997-2006年人口变动情况、2007-2016年人口变动趋势和实地调查购房者购房意愿,结合绵阳市城市化进程,用"住宅需求构造式主要变动因素假设方法",建立了数学模型,对2007-2016年绵阳市城镇住房面积需求和户型需求进行预测和分析。结果显示:未来十年绵阳市城镇住房需求数量呈不断增加趋势,到2016年绵阳市城镇住房需求数量将达到30905套,城镇住房新建建筑面积为315.2328万m2,商品住房市场具有较大的发展潜力;中小户型住房受到广大购房者的欢迎,并且由于土地供给不断减少,中小户型住房将会成为绵阳市住房市场的一个发展方向。因此应加大绵阳城市品牌宣传力度,吸引更多的外来购房者。房地产商应转变开发方向,适应消费者的需求,大力开发中小户型住房,增加中小户型住房在楼盘中所占的比例。分析预测的结果对绵阳市住房市场的发展有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展与人民生活水平的提高,城市居民对城市居住区环境有着量与质的转变。乘着农运的东风,南阳城市环境有着进一步的改善,但在城市居住环境建设中还存在一定的误区。通过探讨后农运时代城市居住区建设面临的问题,从中寻求当代城市环境中居住区建设的解决方案。  相似文献   

Holland’s theory of vocational preferences provides a powerful framework for studying students’ college experiences. A basic proposition of Holland’s theory is that individuals actively seek out and select environments that are congruent with their personality types. Although studies consistently support the self-selection proposition, they have not examined the processes underlying students’ selections. It seems reasonable to presume that many students select academic majors because they believe or expect that the academic environments will be congruent with their personalities. Using data from 631 entering students, this research examined the possibility that self-selection is related to students’ college expectations. Results provided support for the role of expectations in the selection of academic majors.  相似文献   

通过对住房租赁市场发育程度的国际比较研究以及对美国、德国住房买卖价格指数与租金指数的协整检验,以及对房地产租赁市场对房地产租买选择机制形成的作用进行理论与实证分析后发现,在住房租赁市场发育成熟的国家,住房租买选择机制存在并使得住房买卖价格受住房租金制约而减少波动。中国住房租赁市场发育不充分,住房市场自我调节机制缺失,房地产市场管理应针对这一症结进行完善。  相似文献   

通过对用地推出面积、土地出让金溢价率和住宅成交面积等数据的分析,研究房地产限购政策对三线城市政府、开发商和购房者的影响。研究表明,限购对三线城市的购房者影响有限;开发商则对住宅市场预期不乐观;与限购区相邻近的三线城市政府对房地产市场保持克制,而边远三线城市政府看好房地产市场且行动积极。2014年下半年房地产限购已进入政策蜕化期,房地产限购对三线城市房地产市场的影响基本结束。  相似文献   

从衡阳市主城区的土地市场和房产市场调查分析,发现衡阳市土地市场受房产市场影响明显,目前地价偏高,且积压待开发土地较多;衡阳房地产市场投资增长较快,由于商品住宅竣工面积大,且销售价格上升,销售面积没有随之同步上升,致使住宅开发投资有所下滑。但衡阳市房地产市场发展健康,会在盘整中进一步发展,市场潜力很大,房价没有太多的下降空间,在市场逐步成熟,衡阳商品房结构将进一步完善。  相似文献   

This is a documentary study of education abroad policy in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) between 1978 and 2009. By examining the dynamics underpinning the PRC state’s efforts to shape the flow of Chinese students and scholars from and into China, this article reveals the major strategies that have enabled education abroad to become a source of brain gain. It argues that China’s brain gain strategies feature three characteristics: a proactive diplomatic approach to international educational relations; strategic dependence on foreign higher education resources and a decentralized economic mechanism to raise foreign-trained human capital. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of Chinese experience for our understanding of the complex and dynamic relations between the state, the market, universities and international relations as relating to cross-border academic mobility, international educational relations, and national development in a globalizing world.  相似文献   

This article discusses urban educators’ views of their teaching experiences. The article is based upon survey research conducted with teachers in two poor, urban districts during the 2005–2006 academic year. The teachers reported a variety of positive and negative views regarding their classrooms, their students, and the students’ social worlds. The data illustrate the importance of classroom processes for the teachers, and how they believed that their students’ social locations, behaviors, and attitudes impede the delivery of educational content. We believe this research raises interesting challenges regarding the need for urban educators to incorporate students’ perspectives into both instructional processes and curriculum content. Furthermore, this research should contribute to the empirical foundation needed for the creation of better teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

住房是重要的民生问题。相对于当前形势、城市和住房建设的要求,有关城镇居民住房档案的建立很不相称。根据已经形成的档案和通过开展各种调查掌握的基础资料,通过整合归并现有资源,建立完整、系统的城镇居民住房档案,以更好地服务于全面建设小康社会和经济社会的发展不仅是完全可能的,也是切实可行的。  相似文献   

大都市居住空间分异及其应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化的背景下,中国大都市的社会空间正经历着复杂而深刻的变化,居住空间分异现象已经在多种地域尺度上存在.中国居住空间分异的原因与国外不同,收入差距带来的社会分层以及政府"经营城市"的理念是加速分异的主要原因,其直接后果是在社会空间上造成不同阶层的隔离和集聚,并在公共产品的供给上影响弱势群体.混合居住是改变城市居住空间分异的应对策略,但在自由和商品化的城市住宅市场中,不同阶层人群的分区居住是必然的现象,因而混合居住模式能否成功运作,有赖于一定的社会经济和政策基础,尤其是政府的主动介入和积极引导.  相似文献   

Aj M  Cdm FH  Pj L 《The Urban Review》2010,42(5):458-467
Community and school violence continue to be a major public health problem, especially among urban children and adolescents. Little research has focused on the effect of school safety and neighborhood violence on academic performance. This study examines the effect of the school and neighborhood climate on academic achievement among a population of 3rd–5th grade students in an urban public school system. Community and school safety were assessed using the School Climate Survey, an annual City-wide assessment of student’s perception of school and community safety. Community violence was measured using the Neighborhood Inventory for Environmental Typology, an objective observational assessment of neighborhood characteristics. Academic achievement was measured using the Maryland State Assessment (MSA), a standardized exam given to all Maryland 3rd–8th graders. School Climate Data and MSA data were aggregated by school and grade. Objective assessments of neighborhood environment and students’ self-reported school and neighborhood safety were both strongly associated with academic performance. Increasing neighborhood violence was associated with statistically significant decreases from 4.2 to 8.7% in math and reading achievement; increasing perceived safety was associated with significant increases in achievement from 16 to 22%. These preliminary findings highlight the adverse impact of perceived safety and community violence exposure on primary school children’s academic performance.  相似文献   

Urban paraprofessionals are often overlooked but key participants in the optimal functioning of schools. In light of the recent changes and increasing demands regarding paraprofessional qualifications stipulated by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), this study focuses on urban bilingual paraprofessionals and their beliefs about work in the context imposed by the law. The participants cite their own experiences with motherhood and insiders’ understanding of diverse communities as the most compelling skills they bring to their jobs, challenging NCLB’s requirements for instructional paraprofessional qualifications. Implications for policy-making that address the worth of “life experiences” as an asset for diverse settings are offered. Her research interests center on the possibilities and challenges that urban schools pose, on school reform approaches, on teacher preparation, and on effective educational approaches for low-income, culturally and linguistically diverse (LCLD) students.  相似文献   

随着温州市人均GDP的增长,国家政策的扶持和城市空间的拓展,小汽车在温州得到了快速的发展,温州市每百户小汽车的拥有量在国内处于领先水平。小汽车的迅猛发展对温州的城市交通造成了严重影响。应加快建设快速轨道交通的可行性研究,大力发展常规公共交通,合理规划和建设停车设施,合理引导小汽车的使用。  相似文献   

Dropping out of school has been associated with a student’s ethnicity, socioeconomic status, challenging behaviours and low academic achievement. This paper describes research conducted with 1050 students aged 12–15, in three North Queensland urban high schools to investigate issues related to Indigenous and non-Indigenous students at risk of dropping out of school before gaining adequate qualifications.  相似文献   

A study of Mexican immigrant mothers of young children in the AVANCE-Dallas early childhood intervention program demonstrates that low-educational parents often exhibit ambitious attitudes about educational achievement for their children. Though they lack an extensive academic background, which places their children at risk for low education, their positive attitude manifested in daily pro-educational behaviors overcomes their low education level because they both motivate their children to pursue academic success and participate in their children’s learning. The best way to capitalize on immigrant parents’ educational drive for their children is to partner with them—either through an intervention program or through early childhood educators’ interaction with parents—by showing them how their participation in their children’s learning through concrete activities (such as regular mother–child conversation, daily reading, and playtime activities that teach developmental skills) may increase their chances of achieving academic success.  相似文献   

Research points to particular problems in the experiences of White teachers teaching students of color (Cochran-Smith et al., 2004). Despite good intentions, teaching students of diverse backgrounds and experiences can be challenging for teachers who are unfamiliar with their students’ backgrounds and communities. The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of notions about “good urban teaching” for three women in a preservice teacher preparation program. Reporting on two years of data, we show how the three women negotiated their beliefs and identities in light of program demands and classroom realities. The lack of synchronicity within the women’s experiences highlights that the traditional (white, female, middle class) students in preservice teacher education programs are not homogeneous. The significance of this difference is highlighted through the concept of heterogeneity. We define heterogeneity as the differences that exist among traditional students in preservice teacher preparation programs. Our research suggests that heterogeneity is complicit in the progress or lack of progress of preservice teachers developing professional identities. This paper was originally presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association April 7–11, 2006 San Francisco, CA An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the role of dominant school discourses in structuring how students position themselves and others relative to a community centered on science. The study was conducted in a diverse, eighth grade classroom in an urban magnet school. I argue that dominant discourses portray a limited view of available subject positions, in that the purpose of learning science is associated with a dichotomous view of people as being either college-bound or not. I explore how these limited subject positions can pose contradictions with some students’ interests, constrain students’ visions of possibilities, exacerbate disadvantages based on race and class, and interfere with students acquiring identities as science learners. However, there are also possibilities for resistance, agency and self-definition through students’ talk. Stacy Olitskycurrently works as a researcher for the Math and Science Partnership of Greater Philadelphia and is a lecturer at the University of Pennsylvania. She has a doctoral degree in Education and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. She has spent the past several years working on a longitudinal, ethnographic study of science education in an urban magnet school. Her research interests include the relationship of identity and science learning, interaction rituals in classrooms, in-field and out-of-field science teaching, the influence of social capital and cultural capital on science learning, activity theory and classroom change, and students’ experiences with school choice.  相似文献   

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