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词汇教学有多种释义的方法.传统的母语对译法或以串讲课文代替词汇教学的方法都有偏颇之处,而语素释义法则反映了汉语的特点,能真正将语言知识转化为交际能力.把词素释义作为教学中心的价值,远远超过了词汇教学本身.汉语的语素是显性的,代表“语素-音节”的汉字为汉语语素分析提供了得天独厚的条件.汉语的句子——短语——复合词的内部结构具有一致性,而这些具有一致性的“结构”的底层是语素,因此语素是对汉语词义、特别是合成词词义的理解和释义的突破口.把培养学生的语素观念和构词意识作为教学的重心,不仅使学生能掌握课内学习的词语,还能使学生对汉语内部结构的一致性有明确的认识,具有在课外交际的语境中学习新词语的能力.  相似文献   

There is reliable evidence that new vocabulary is primarily acquired through wide independent reading. However, struggling readers tend to avoid reading, resulting in limited word encounters and inadequate vocabulary growth, and they often have difficulties inferring the meanings of new words from context. While there are no clear solutions to the problem of vocabulary acquisition for older students with reading difficulties, there are instructional approaches that have some evidence of effectiveness for this population. We describe the research base and promising practices related to three aspects of vocabulary instruction: (1) creating a verbal learning environment that fosters word consciousness, (2) selecting and teaching specific words, and (3) teaching an independent word learning strategy through a combination of contextual and morphemic analysis. These instructional approaches are grounded in overarching principles recognized by researchers as being characteristic of effective instruction for students with learning difficulties, including explicit instruction, promoting cognitive and collaborative engagement, and providing many opportunities for practice, including distributed practice, with teacher feedback. Finally, we discuss the possibilities inherent in a cross‐content schoolwide approach to vocabulary instruction at the secondary level. We conclude with a call for additional research examining the effectiveness of instructional approaches to vocabulary development for secondary school students with reading difficulties, including a schoolwide collaborative model.  相似文献   

唐芸 《毕节学院学报》2012,30(5):98-101
教学策略是教师根据教学任务和教学对象用来组织或实施教学的方法,英语词汇教学策略是外语教学方法的重要组成部分。词汇是语言的三大要素之一,词汇量的大小是提高语言学习者水平的关键。在大学英语教学中词汇教学起着举足轻重的作用,但目前仍然存在许多问题,问题主要是学生记忆词汇的方法机械、单一,费时低效,缺乏有效的词汇学习策略,这些问题既制约着学生学习英语的进程,也影响大学英语教学的效果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to examine how large English language vocabulary is used in elementary,middle and high schools in China in order to plan for teaching how much English vocabulary college students learn in the first two years to develop general English ability.One corpus is used to examine how many high-frequency words are included in elementary,middle and high school English vocabulary and Vocabprofile and Text Lex Compare of on-line tool-http://www.lextutor.ca/are used to.There are three interesting points arising from the analysis of the three word lists.First,most of the words consisted of basic-level words.Second,from analysis of the degrees of word repetition,students only learn 2208 new words and there are1812 repeated words in the three stages.Third,from analysis of how much coverage of the three vocabulary families each of the three base lists provide,99.9%of the running words are in base word list one,two and three.Based on these viewpoints,basic words should be identified scientifically and educationally for Chinese learners of English.  相似文献   

常用合成词语素显义类型统计分析及其对教学的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代汉语中不少合成词的意义都与其构词语素的意义有着不同程度的关联。本文对汉语常用合成词的语素显义类型进行了梳理和统计,对汉语教学中讲授语素知识所适用的对象、阶段、课型、方法等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

学习任何一种语言,词汇的习得和掌握都是至关重要的。随着认知语言学研究在国内的兴起,其相关理论在指导英语词汇教学中发挥了重要的作用。象似性作为近些年来认知语言学领域较为热门的研究对象,在多个方面显示了其在指导大学英语词汇教学中的优势。结合以往的词素构词记忆法,象似性能够在很大程度上帮助学生进一步扩大词汇量,巩固英语词汇学习。  相似文献   

要迅速扩大词汇量、巩固已学的词汇、加深理解词义、善于运用词语 ,学习和了解英语构词法中的词缀法是最有效的途径之一。我们应该把英语词缀法尽可能深层次地引入到精读教学中 ,分析词汇构成的每一形位、说明每一形位所具备的含义。这样 ,学生学习词汇时就可以有逻辑、长久性地记住 ,而不是机械化而又只能短期地记得。而且 ,学生在泛读中也可以用精读课上学到的词缀法构词规律来分解生词的形位 ,并根据每一形位本身所具备的含义综合推测生词的大概词义  相似文献   

词汇是构成语言的最基本的素材,词汇教学是英语教学的重要部分,是词汇的主要输入来源。大学英语教学中由于词汇量大,社会发展所出现的新词日益增多,学生运用英语的能力的要求不断提高,词汇的具体运用是词汇教学的难点,因而有效的词汇教学显得尤为重要。本文就词汇的重要性及学生在词汇的学习中存在的问题,探讨如何有效的进行词汇教学。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a vocabulary intervention designed to supplement research‐based classroom vocabulary instruction, implemented with students who may be at risk for language and learning difficulties. Participants included 43 kindergarten students who received research‐based classroom vocabulary instruction. Students with the 20 lowest scores on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test‐III administered at pretest received additional small‐group supplemental vocabulary intervention. Results of within‐subjects comparisons indicated that, overall, at‐risk students made greater gains in word knowledge on target words that received the supplemental intervention as compared to words that received only classroom‐based instruction. In addition, at‐risk students who received the supplemental intervention demonstrated word‐learning gains that approached those of their peers who received classroom instruction alone. Implications along with limitations of the current study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Vocabulary is the foundation of language systems and the students' vocabulary ability directly affects their ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating.However, the traditional college English teaching of vocabulary can't meet the needs of memorizing words for students. Memorizing words is a heavy burden of students.Teaching practice shows that using the etymology of auxiliary teaching in the process of teaching can improve the students' learning interest and deepen their memory,also can improve the efficiency of vocabulary memory,which isnot only help students enlarge their vocabulary, but also can strengthen the students understand the English national cultures.In this paper, we start from the importance of vocabulary teaching and the present situation of college English vocabulary teaching,we talk about the feasibility of using etymology college English vocabulary teaching strategies based on the etymology related knowledgein this paper in order to improve the English skills for students.  相似文献   

The complexity of words makes vocabulary development a multi-faceted process that presents challenges to early childhood educators, offers benefits to young learners, and must be supported through evidence-based strategies. All students, regardless of socio-economic status or background, need to make significant gains in receptive and expressive vocabulary at home and at school each year in order to support their growth in literacy. Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds and those students who speak English as a second language are particularly at risk of failing to make proficient vocabulary gains. The most effective way for early childhood educators to enhance the vocabulary development of all students is to implement evidence-based strategies for teaching vocabulary. A key finding in the research is that young children need to be actively engaged in vocabulary development if they are to remember new words and begin to grasp the multiple, nuanced meanings of words. Other effective vocabulary instruction practices include meaningful repetition; combining the enactive, iconic, and symbolic modes; and reading aloud in a dialogic style. In light of the trend in the research data that links the child’s vocabulary level to gains in reading comprehension, early childhood educators have a special obligation to teach vocabulary more effectively.  相似文献   

当前的小学语文生字教学从教师到学生到教材再到研究队伍都存在不少问题,要解决这些问题,可采用如下对策:小学语文教师应掌握古代汉语常识,特别是以"六书"为中心的文字学知识;教师应结合"六书"理论制作精美的课件,再配以生动形象而又通俗易懂的语言进行多媒体教学,以激发小学生浓厚的兴趣;语文教材后应附录一个以"六书"作为关联的集中识字的生字表;高等学校、科研院所的科研人员应与基础教育一线教师联手开展生字教学研究工作。  相似文献   

Vocabulary knowledge has been shown to be a predictor of academic success, posing a challenge for children and young people with language disorder. Language disorder can persist into adolescence and yet there is limited evidence on how to support the vocabulary skills of adolescents with language disorder in a mainstream setting. This article describes an experimental study aimed at investigating the feasibility of a whole‐class approach to increase the understanding and use of curriculum vocabulary in adolescents with language disorder. Ten curriculum words were taught by the science teacher using a phonological‐semantic approach, and 10 matched same‐topic words were taught using routine teaching practice. Progress was made post‐intervention in word knowledge of both low‐frequency experimental and control words, with significantly greater change in knowledge of the experimental words. Most students, and the teacher, viewed the phonological‐semantic word‐learning approach favourably.  相似文献   

Language is a complicated system, which mainly contains phonology, vocabulary, grammar. The vocabulary is just like stocks used to build the house of a language. Lexicon is fundamental material in language learning. The author attempts to explore English word formation form morphemes. The morpheme, can be considered as "the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words". Morphemes are classified into prefix, root and suffix. In order to have a good command of words, English learners could adopt the rules of word formation from morphemes to enlarge vocabulary efficiently.  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查的方式,从学习习惯、单词记忆、生词处理方式等方面对浙江教育学院09级高职非英语专业学生英语词汇学习现状进行调查分析,发现高职非英语专业学生英语词汇来源单一,主要依赖课本;存在不良的词汇学习习惯;缺乏词汇记忆和生词处理策略。根据调查结果提出了引导学生培养良好的词汇学习习惯;教授学生一定的词汇学习策略;适当改变词汇的教学方式的建议。  相似文献   

词汇习得研究与大学英语词汇教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,人们已经越来越认识到词汇对于英语学习的重要性。但是,由于对词汇知识内涵的认识还不足,大学英语学习者没有充分重视高频词(使用频率较高的词)的学习。在新时期,社会的发展需要大学生具有一定的英语口语表达能力。高频词则是英语口语的主体,它们对于学习者语言能力的提高极为重要。因此,大学词汇教学的主要任务之一就是要让学生了解词汇知识的内涵,以及高频词对英语学习的重要性,并将词汇学习的重点引到高频词上来。  相似文献   

词汇是语言有机组成部分。在传统的词汇教学过程中,我们对词的讲解重点在于它的音、形、义,而义的讲解仅停留在字面意义上,对词汇深层次的文化内涵讲得甚少。因此,学生学习词汇只是重复进行枯燥无味的记忆,文化知识的贫乏导致了在跨文化交际中出现一些笑话和错误。由此可见,在讲解所学语言词汇时,导入其文化内涵及产生这一词义的历史文化和背景知识显得尤为重要。在本文中,笔者主要就英语词汇的文化内涵与词汇教学等方面内容进行浅析。  相似文献   

语义关系习得(semantic relations)在大学英语词汇教学的应用的研究比较少.本文从语义关系的角度,根据相关的词汇知识、词汇能力与语义关系的文献研究分析大学生英语词汇能力发展存在的问题(即教学误区),再从语义关系习得提出四个有利于大学生英语词汇能力培养的有效的教学策略:词汇-主题教学教学法,上下义词汇教学法,词汇概念法和语义网络法  相似文献   

Vocabulary is one of the three important events that consists of language.Vocabulary teaching is an important segment in English teaching.The objective to learn vocabulary is to master the pronunciation,spelling,parts of speech、meaning of these vocabularies and how to use these vocabulary. As foreign language vocabulary is also difficult in English teaching.The students ability of learning,saying,reading, writing and communication depend on whether they master a large number of vocabularies.The English teacher should search for the reasonable method to arouse initiative of students and stimulate interest of learning English.  相似文献   

词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是外语教学的基础.但调查结果表明高校英语专业学生的主动词汇量远远少于被动词汇量.高校英语专业教师应对此进行思考,设计出更加有效的教学方案,加强学生对词汇深度知识的掌握,帮助学生摆脱在运用新学词汇时的心理焦虑,营造适宜的语言环境,提高学生对词汇的实际运用能力,最终将被动词汇转化为主动词汇.  相似文献   

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