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In the face of accelerating technological, demographic, socioeconomic, and political changes, successful organizations are flattening hierarchies, forging active communication networks, promoting cross‐functional and cross‐level collaboration, and actively supporting grassroots innovation. Traditional performance management practices lack the capacity, scalability, and speed to support these cultural strategies. This article describes a new breed of performance management: an appreciative inquiry‐inspired process that focuses on strengths and puts employees in the driver's seat. It increases commitment and forges trusting relationships between employees and their leaders and paves the way for the next generation of performance management systems.  相似文献   

This is an exploratory study questioning progress in the shift from training to performance. A total of 62 training and performance professionals responded to a survey administered at two professional conferences, ISPI (International Society for Performance Improvement) and ASTD (American Society for Training and Development). The survey, constructed by two people admittedly keen on performance technology, queried respondents about concepts relevant to performance perspectives: analysis, solution systems, cross-functionality, customer and collegial expectations, and shared knowledge. We also inquired about perceptions of how to move their organizations beyond the status quo. Overall, organizations report that they are making progress in the transition from an emphasis on training to the concepts associated with performance technology, although room for progress remains. Bedrock human performance technology (HPT) concepts, such as analysis-first, data-driven decisions about solutions and collaboration with colleagues across the organization, are reported to be more typical aspects of organizational culture. On the other hand, customer and colleague perceptions lag, and measurement and boundarylessness are only occasionally components of the organizations described by respondents.  相似文献   

This quantitative study sought to identify the performance capabilities and competencies that organizations in the northern midwestern United States expect of future performance improvement professionals at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Eighty‐nine performance improvement professionals representing 89 organizations completed an online survey that captured the participants' perspective regarding undergraduate and graduate‐level performance capabilities, and undergraduate competency expectations. Results suggest that participants expect several training and development performance capabilities, a few organization developments, and no performance management performance capabilities at the undergraduate level. Several training and development capabilities, most organization development capabilities, and all performance management performance capabilities were expected at the graduate level. This definition is fundamental to support academic curricular development and the field of performance improvement.  相似文献   

A key facet of performance improvement transformation is team effectiveness. Often projects fail because we are not able to get the best out of all the team members. As a result, the effort becomes centered around a few so‐called high‐performing individuals while the others languish. The team members who often are not used are branded as ‘dysfunctional,’ ‘inconsequential,’ or ‘inoperative.’ While it is easy to negatively brand such people as ‘incompetent,’ seeking the positive contribution from them is key to success. The author refers to these people as ‘underdogs of performance improvement’ who have lot to offer. All we need to do it to look at them differently.  相似文献   

In this study, a web‐based questionnaire was used to measure attitudes of members of a professional performance improvement organization relative to adoption and implementation of Level 4 or results‐oriented evaluation. Participants were 274 members of the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI). It was expected that frequency of Level 4 evaluation use could be explained by innovation diffusion or change variables. Findings suggest that the adoption of effective performance improvement measurement systems and processes at the organizational level is relatively low compared to other types of evaluation. This level of adoption is impacted by a complex array of factors. Stakeholder participation in the adaptation of evaluation systems to increase their compatibility with current practices, and experimentation with this type of evaluation on a limited or trial basis may increase the rate of adoption. Management support of the development and adaptation of a results‐oriented evaluation system is seen as providing the opportunity for the change process to move forward. Implications for diffusion of this type of evaluation within organizations will be discussed within the context of a HPT Change framework.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of work engagement on the relationships among job resources and job performance and turnover intention in Korean organizations. A total of 571 complete responses from Korean organizations were used for the purpose of data analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM ) was used to examine the proposed research hypotheses. The results showed that job resources had a direct and positive impact on employees’ work engagement. Also, employees’ work engagement had a direct and positive relationship with their job performance and a direct and negative relationship with their turnover intention. In addition, the study revealed that work engagement had significant partial mediating effects, not only on the relationship between job resources and job performance but also on the relationship between job resources and turnover intention within organizations. Research implications, limitations, and recommendations for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether self‐efficacy influenced students’ educational outcomes in introductory‐level economics courses. First, this study investigated the correlations between problem‐solving self‐efficacy, academic self‐efficacy, and motivation. Second, this study investigated whether problem‐solving and academic self‐efficacy served as predictors of students’ motivation, test performance, and expected grade. Correlational analyses suggest that problem‐solving and academic self‐efficacy are correlated with student motivation. Results show that problem‐solving self‐efficacy was a predictor of student motivation and test performance. Academic self‐efficacy and problem‐solving self‐efficacy were also predictors of their expected grade. Implications and future directions for economics education are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the teaching styles of the professor, learning styles of the students, characteristics of the students, comparisons of Pearson's correlation coefficients between student grades earned in the course versus their cumulative grade point averages, and factors to consider for future Web‐enhanced courses. The objectives of the course were to develop students' understanding of productivity and work measurement. It also explored the ability to understand and apply systems thinking and innovative planning for the purpose of improving personal productivity, the productivity of other people, and the productivity of systems and organizations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT : Increased diversity in the workforce brings several benefits. However, organizations may also face challenges as they seek to embrace diversity within team-based work environments. In this paper, we attempt to gauge the magnitude of this challenge by examining the level of diversity that results when individuals self-select their own team members. We describe a quasi-experimental field study in which we examine the ways individuals select project team members and how the resulting group composition is connected to the success or failure of those teams. We find that teams are most likely to form through prior acquaintance and/or demographic similarities. Linking composition to group process and performance, we find that ethnic diversity decreased similarity of work values but did not affect group performance, which is primarily predicted by satisfaction and conflict. We discuss the results in terms of the challenges and opportunities organizations face with a diverse workforce and a team-based work environment.  相似文献   

The Indiana University Instructional Systems Technology statement of purpose is, “We improve human learning and performance in diverse contexts.” Our focus on learning and performance improvement includes K‐12 schools, higher education, business, industry, the government, military, and non‐profit organizations. This article gives an overview of the IST's background and history, key program elements (academic degree programs and leadership development programs), faculty's research and development activities, diverse students demographics and esteemed alumni (academics and practitioners), and future directions. We have led the instructional technology field through our commitment to remain a quality and forward‐thinking program.  相似文献   

Diversity programs are common in the American workplace. Most organizations, either formally or informally, have facilitated diversity interventions designed to educate employees about cultural differences, to recruit a diverse workforce, to enhance career opportunities, or to improve cross‐cultural interactions. Unfortunately, many of these programs have failed to deliver the desired results. One reason for this lack of success is the failure to connect diversity programs to organizational performance systems. This article offers a five‐step process to use in systematically developing performance‐focused diversity interventions and evaluating their impact on individual and organizational success.  相似文献   

由于文化和政治体制的不同,探索我国高校行政人员工作绩效的本土化内容结构,对揭示我国高校组织的特殊性、提高人事选拔与评价的科学性具有重要的意义。基于对69名行政干部的访谈和418份问卷调查,本文构建了高校行政人员的同事间评价工作绩效和评定上级工作绩效的两个模型,经过信、效度检验符合测量学要求。高校行政工作绩效评价主要由个人素质指向的绩效和任务指向的绩效两个方面组成;但是根据不同的评价对象,绩效的具体标准存在较大差异,高校行政绩效评定的主要内容包括处理人际关系的修养和行为特征。这两个模型对改善高校行政工作绩效评价有重要价值。  相似文献   

Limited research has addressed the issue of truckdrivers and their performance regarding highway safety in terms of reduced number of crashes per driver. The primary purpose of this study was to determine how tractor trailer truck drivers' job performance could be improved while at the same time ensuring increased revenue for the transportation companies employing them. The target population for this study comprised of tractor‐trailer truck drivers employed by a leading transportation company in the United States. The data used in the study included demographic, human capital, compensation and workplace variables. The results of this study should be useful to several individuals, organizations and the entire U. S. economy. The transportation companies should benefit by knowing the factors that predict good job performance for the drivers. This should assist management in designing work conditions or other activities that promote good performance in terms of reduced crashes and improved productivity of the drivers.  相似文献   

Complex human interactions involve more than just performance toward pre‐determined goals. For this reason, systems that measure and seek to improve performance must adapt to a wide range of ever‐changing patterns of individual and group behavior. Historically, HPT professionals have recognized these complexities and responded in a variety of ways. This article uses a case study of community change to explore principles from human systems dynamics (HSD), an emerging field of theory and practice that explores the intersection between nonlinear dynamics and the wide range of social sciences. Given that human performance technology (HPT) draws methods and measures from a variety of disciplines to solve problems and pursue opportunities to improve, HSD and HPT could be mutually informing. The case study and analytical model described in this article draw metaphorically from the nonlinear dynamical concept of attractor patterns. Patterns are recognized, and their influences on performance are explored. Each of the patterns captures options for action to observe, measure, evaluate, and intervene in human systems to improve performance.  相似文献   

在终身学习理念的影响下,工作场所自然成为学习的重要空间。一般而言,工作场所学习的时间比学校学习的时间还要漫长,因此,对工作场所学习这一研究领域的重要性怎么强调也不为过。个体可以通过工作场所学习实现自我价值、促进其生涯的发展;组织可以通过工作场所学习提升整体的竞争力和实现其持续性发展;当社会的经济和结构处于转型阶段,工作场所学习更成为促进个体和组织适应环境变化和主动创新的重要措施。借在美国学习的机会,笔者访谈了人力资源开发领域的著名学者雅各布斯(Ronald L.Jacobs)博士,他在访谈中论述了多个与人力资源开发专业相关的问题,并认为工作场所学习与绩效咨询是人力资源开发重要的实践领域,他整合了在该领域的教学经验、研究主题和咨询项目,实现了三者的互动和连通,多维度地促进该领域的发展。雅各布斯博士,美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,简称UIUC)人力资源开发专业教授,另外还担任该校教育学院国际事务处主任一职,他在各类期刊发表了百余篇论文,出版了六本人力资源开发方面的书籍。1994年,雅各布斯博士获得了由美国培训与开发协会(ASTD)颁发的教学科技研究奖;1995年,人力资源开发学会(AHRD)表彰了他在学术上对人力资源开发领域的卓越贡献。从1998年到2001年,他担任《人力资源开发季刊》(Human Resource Development Quarterly)(SSCI来源期刊,且为人力资源开发领域的主要学术期刊)的主编,现在仍担任该杂志的客座编辑。雅各布斯博士还担任ASTD工作场所学习与绩效(Workplace Learning and Performance)认证机构的顾问委员,并于2012年当选为新一届人力资源开发学会主席。雅各布斯博士早在1987年就提出"结构化在职培训"这一概念,并著有《员工岗位培训手册》(StructuredOn-the-Job Training),该书成为很多人力资源开发实践者和培训师的参考书,且被翻译为简体中文、繁体中文、韩文与阿拉伯文等多种语言,他早期的研究着重于研究结构化在职培训的经济效益,协助组织做出与培训相关的决定。目前,韩国就业及劳动部已在全国范围内实施大规模"结构化在职培训"试行计划,以帮助本国中小型企业提高竞争力。雅各布斯博士在人力资源开发领域整合了系统理论、工作场所学习、绩效咨询等理念,并在ISO10015培训质量标准中完善了绩效分析与投资报酬率等概念。雅各布斯博士曾受邀至荷兰乌特列支大学、台湾师范大学、新加坡南洋理工大学、华东师范大学等高校担任客座教授或特聘教授。他有三十多位博士学生现供职于全球各大学人力资源开发及相关领域的教授。雅各布斯博士多年来积极参与对实践的指导工作,他为许多企业组织与政府机构提供过咨询,包括通用汽车、荷兰航空公司、雅培、现代汽车、希捷、莫顿盐业、科威特国家石油公司、沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司等。雅各布斯博士参与的咨询项目通过开发工作场所绩效系统来满足对员工的能力需求,擅长采用合作研究整合其咨询活动、学术研究和教学为一体。雅各布斯博士喜欢航海、高尔夫,以及他在伊利湖畔别墅的夏日时光。  相似文献   

According to Kissler (1991), performance management begins by determining why it should take place at all. He believes that performance management helps organizations sustain or improve performance, promote greater consistency in performance evaluation, and provide high‐quality feedback. Performance management helps organizations link evaluations to employee development and to a merit‐based compensation plan. Moreover, it forms a basis for coaching and mentoring, permits individual input during the evaluation process, and allows for a blend of qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Performance management is a process that helps manage employee expectations of job demands and factors that reveal how well the job is done.  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-syne with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors. and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape; our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities. our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach–the systems design approach–by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

Misspecification of the nature of organizations may be a major reason for difficulty in achieving performance improvement. Organizations are often viewed as machine‐like, but complexity science suggests that organizations should be viewed as complex adaptive systems. I identify the characteristics of complex adaptive systems and give examples of management errors that may be made when these characteristics are ignored. Command, control and planning are presented as managerial tasks that come to the fore when a machine view of organizations dominates thinking. When we treat organizations as complex adaptive systems the focus of managerial activity changes, and sensemaking, learning and improvisation become appropriate strategies for performance improvement. Each of these is defined and described. A modest research agenda is presented.  相似文献   

基层党组织是我党各项工作得以有效贯彻和执行的基石,对基层党组织党建绩效进行科学评价,可以促进党建工作科学化。本文采用模糊综合评价的方法,设计建立了基层党组织党建绩效评价体系,以期为党建研究提供新的思路、工具和方法。  相似文献   


In‐service teacher training programmes in Japan are conducted by various organizations including local education boards, the Education Ministry, and public foundations. Pre‐service teacher training is extensively offered at national, public and private colleges and universities. These formal programmes fulfil the basic needs of teachers and they have little link to distance education systems. Teachers’ spontaneous energy to teach themselves is now directed towards using personal computer networks and the Internet. These telecomputing activities are reviewed and future directions suggested  相似文献   

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