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党的十八大报告首次确立"立德树人"为教育的根本任务,而师德师风建设是高校精神文明建设、提高教师队伍素质、建设良好的校风、学风的必然需要,对教育事业的高质量推进起到重要作用,对"立德树人"产生深远影响,因此师德师风建设的根本任务也就是"立德树人"。在研究师德师风建设对"立德树人"所产生的影响的基础上,深入研究以"立德树人"为根本任务的师德师风建设的意义。  相似文献   

新时代高校要完成向社会传输人才的任务,就需坚持党的领导,坚持将立德树人作为检验高校一切工作的标准。教师作为高校关键主体之一,承担着落实立德树人根本任务的重任。当前,高校思政课教师作为高校落实立德树人关键主体,其在落实立德树人根本任务具体情况上仍存在着亟须解决的问题,具体表现为:落实立德树人意识不足待加强、落实立德树人过程中断需延续、落实立德树人渠道单一待拓宽等。文章结合以上具体问题,为推动高校教师更好地落实立德树人根本任务提出相应对策建议。  相似文献   

新时代对我国高校师德建设提出了新的要求。加强高校师德建设是高校"立德树人"根本任务的需要、高校"三全育人"体制的需要、高等教育内涵式发展的需要。为有效解决高校教师存在的政治意识不强、学术不端、教风不严、行为不正等师德问题,要以习近平总书记关于师德的重要讲话为理论指南、以党和国家制定出台的师德建设制度为实践指南,通过以文化塑形、以思想铸魂、以制度夯基、以监督护航,建立高校师德建设长效机制。  相似文献   

“三可三为”是习近平总书记对思政课教师提出的殷切期许。在“三全育人”大思政视域下,如何引导全体高校教师按照“三可三为”标准加强自身建设,对推动高校落实立德树人根本任务、实现“为党育人、为国育才”具有重要而深远的意义。“三可”涵育为人“品”格,“三为”规范处事“行”为。以“三可三为”标准加强高校教师培养,既是新时代党和国家对高校教师队伍建设的外在要求,也是高校教师实现自身全面发展的内在需要,更是高校落实“立德树人”根本任务的智慧选择。应从强化思想导航、加强文化融入、培育高尚师德等维度培育“三可三为”高校教师,进而促进高校思想政治工作质量提升。  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本。高校立德树人,是为全社会立德,为全社会树人。立德,首先立师德;树人,首先树人师。教育大计,教师为本。教师是高校的镇校之宝,是高校的"关键少数",也是高校德之本、学生德之源。本文就高校教师如何在教学活动中践行职业道德修养做些简要的论述。  相似文献   

立德树人,师德为先,师德师风建设是高校教师队伍建设的重要内容.部分高校教师师德、师风存在某些问题,既有具体环境、高校师德建设机制尚不健全的客观原因,又有主观上对自身修养的忽视.在全社会营造尊师重教的氛围中,高校应建立师德建设的长效机制,重视高校教师的思想政治教育工作,这是加强师德师风建设的可行路径.  相似文献   

师德建设是落实立德树人根本任务的关键,是教学改革和素质教育的必然要求.建立师德建设长效机制,加强日常宣传、教育,逐步完善监督考核体系,推动师德建设常态化、自觉化和制度化.高校教师要坚持以"四有"好老师和"四个引路人"标准要求自己,在实践中充分提升师德修养和育人理念.  相似文献   

文章首先阐述了“立德树人”理论的现实意义,然后提出了新时代高校思政课落实“立德树人”根本任务的路径,包括优化教学内容是思政课落实“立德树人”根本任务的重要前提、抓好教师队伍建设是思政课落实“立德树人”根本任务的关键环节、提升教学效果是思政课落实“立德树人”根本任务的根本目的。  相似文献   

落实立德树人根本任务是高校教师的重要职责与使命。高校教师对自身身份认知的偏差成为其立德树人的困境根源。破解高校教师立德树人困境,高校教师既要正确认识自身身份公务性与专业性并存的特点,也要正确理解立德树人的内在价值和外在价值。推进高校教师立德树人可以从促进立德树人内在价值与外在价值相融合,构筑提高高校教师立德树人认知的法治基础,构建高校教师立德树人协调机制,推动教师培育体系进一步完善等方面着手。  相似文献   

薛媚 《科教导刊》2023,(6):53-55
高校师德师风建设关系着高校人才培养,是落实立德树人根本任务的一项基础性工程,也是实现为党育人、为国育才使命的必然要求。新形势下,高校应厘清师德师风建设理论基础及时代内涵,完善师德师风长效机制建设,优化师德师风建设的实现路径,推进新时代高校师德师风建设长效健康发展,为高校人才培养提供坚实支撑。  相似文献   

论大学生网络道德建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以国际互联网为主要载体的网络社会的出现,在给人们带来极大便利的同时,也带来了诸多伦理新问题。这些问题深深地影响着大学生的道德情操。加强大学生网络道德建设,使大学生们树立正确的网络道德观,强化网络道德责任意识,培养网络道德自律,规范网络道德行为,成为高校思想政治工作的重要课题。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课信任危机的产生与教育信息、教化价值、课程实施、学习过程和教学预期中出现的问题有关.化解思政课信任危机是加强和改进课程建设的重点任务,需要把握并正确处理教师主导性和学生主动性、主体性和客体性、理想性与现实性、内容单一性和形式多样性、过程即时性和效果延时性之间的辩证关系,对此,应以提高育人实效性为目标创新...  相似文献   

教师角色由传统型向创业型转型是创业型大学建设的核心问题和软肋。强调教师内在主体性的角色认同则是转型能否成功的关键。地方高校教师的创业型角色具有金字塔结构的多重内涵。基于A校的案例研究发现,教师的创业型角色认同是一个持续发展的动态过程。在创业型角色认知的基础上,面对角色冲突,教师结合自身情况采取策略,进行角色选择。创业型角色金字塔是一个理想的角色框架,然而实践难度较大。在外部激励不充分的条件下,个人自我发展和自我实现的内在价值追求成为教师积极应对角色冲突的潜在强大力量。学校可从制度激励和文化渗透两方面促进教师实现创业型角色认同。  相似文献   


This paper discusses ethical dilemmas in early childhood education as identified by kindergarten and elementary school teachers ( n = 26). Ethical dilemmas are investigated in the theoretical framework of virtue epistemology. The moral stances of care and responsibility are identified as basic elements in teachers' professional morality. The empirical findings present conflicts between teachers and parents, collegial conflicts between teachers, and inter-institutional conflicts in the community. The method used in the study is a relational reading of teachers' narratives. Interpretative accounts are created to give room for both care and responsibility voices in teachers' written reports. The analysis of the data reveals that the ethical dilemmas in early childhood education are very relational and deal with competing interpretations of 'the best interest of the child'. Teachers have taken the moral stance of care by identifying the ethical conflict. However, the responsible professional action has been more difficult for them to accomplish. Most of the time, discussions have not produced the desired results. Ethical conflicts in teaching invite teachers to consider the moral relevance of each dilemma by taking the perspectives of the involved parties.  相似文献   

社会文明程度的体现,不仅仅在物质方面,同时也在人的良好精神风貌.互联网的迅速发展,使网络伦理精神在网络社会中孕育而生.在道德转型过程中,作为社会新道德的探索者,青年大学生总是走的最前列.网络社会的发展深刻地影响着当代大学生网络伦理精神.高校作为教育的前沿阵地,应加强对大学生网络道德伦理建设.  相似文献   

Toward a general model of instructional communication   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
A general model of instructional communication is advanced and the linkages of four components in the model are tested. Data were drawn from college teachers and college students through a split‐class design which permitted collection of unique data from teachers and two sets of their students. Using by‐class analyses of data it was determined that teacher self‐reported temperament is significantly correlated with students' perceptions of the teachers' communication behaviors and the students' evaluation of teachers' source credibility and task attractiveness. All of these measures were also found to predict learning outcomes and teacher evaluations of another group of students. The results support the general model and provide a foundation for future research in instructional communication.  相似文献   

In a study of the ethical reasoning of teachers of children with severe and profound intellectual disabilities, the authors report on their findings from interviews with, and classroom observations of, five teachers of children in segregated classrooms. The teachers' responses to four ethical dilemmas were discussed and analysed for the types of reasoning that they used and for the presence of four principles often cited in normative ethics: justice, respect for autonomy, beneficence, and non-maleficence. Interview data also suggested the presence of some distinctive elements in the ethical discussion of the participants. The authors found that teachers gave almost exclusive consideration to individual student interests in their discussions of the dilemmas. Although justice played a significant role in their validation of their decisions, the governing principle in their argument seemed to be beneficence. Moral impasses have frequently arisen in discussions of the ethics of decisions regarding persons with severe and profound intellectual disabilities. The findings of this study are presented as an empirical contribution to that debate and as a mandate for further discussion.  相似文献   

In recent research on school improvement and effectiveness attention is paid to teachers' sense of efficacy. This research is focused on (a) teachers and (b) instructional tasks. Another restriction is that teachers' sense of efficacy is studied apart from the context in which it affects teacher behavior. This study introduces the Teachers' and Principals' Sense of Efficacy scale in pupil and school oriented tasks. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the context dependency of teachers' and principals' sense of efficacy. The central question is to what extent type of task and a staff member's position in the school organization are related to perceived self-efficacy. Besides, teachers' and principals' perceived school efficacy is introduced as ä context specific construct. In addition mediating effects of gender, work experience, and grade are analyzed. From the results it is concluded that the expansion of the sense of efficacy construct to principals as well as to school oriented tasks enhances its explanatory potential.  相似文献   


In this article, we wade through the muckiness of ethics in science, teaching, and teacher education, in the form of a generative metalogue. Grounded in Sara’s experience with preservice teachers learning about ethics through a case study of a high school dissection, we contend with what it means to shift away from colonial and masculinist binaries that produce particular moralistic orientations as 'wrong' or 'right.' We contemplate what it means to attempt to teach-think-feel with ethics as 'mucky,' without diminishing attention to relations of power in science and ethics. Through our own thinking–feeling process and grappling with the ways that science and education can be simultaneously oppressive and liberating in an unfinished, complex, and interdependent world (of difference), we propose: Thinking with muckiness is ethical praxis; drawing from our own embodied resources for ethical feelingthinkingdoing is central to this praxis; and (place-conscious) powered relations in science and education must be made explicit.


The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study was to identify factors that influenced prospective and experienced secondary level science teachers' reasoning as they evaluated or selected tasks to formatively assess their students' understanding of scientific concepts. The analysis of the coded written responses revealed two categories of factors that influenced the teachers' reasoning: (1) characteristics of the task and (2) characteristics of students or the curriculum. Characteristics of the task related to qualities of the task regardless of the learning environment in which it would be used, such as the level of student thinking demanded by a task. Characteristics of the students and the curriculum related to the learning environment in which an assessment task would be implemented, such as students' abilities to complete the task. Both prospective and experienced teachers' task evaluations were influenced by the same factors related to the characteristics of the task, although their interpretations of the meaning of each factor varied. In addition, experienced teachers' task evaluations were more likely than prospective teachers to be influenced by factors related to characteristics of students and the curriculum. The findings are discussed as a conceptual framework that presents the identified factors along three different dimensions: (1) the influence of task, student, and curriculum characteristics, (2) the influence of expectations for success, and (3) the influence of teaching experience. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 1113–1130, 2008  相似文献   

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