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论我国公共教育中的家庭教育权力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓教育权力,是指对教育资源的控制和支配能力, 也是对受教育者支配和决定的能力。教育权力主要包括国家教育权力、学校教育权力和家庭教育权力。教育权力是理解和认识现代教育的基本范畴。但目前我国学术界对教育权力的研究很少,且主要集中在对国家、学校的教育权力的研究,而对家庭教育权力的研究更是稀缺。这主要是因为公共教育属于社会公共产品,人们更  相似文献   

景刚  吴艳 《教书育人》2004,(6):62-63
2003年全国硕士研究生招生考试办法和往年相比发生了重大变化。主要是加大了对专业课的考查力度,增加了复试成绩的权重,大范围地扩大了招生自主权,放宽了对许多高校招生录取的限制,给它们以很大的自行选拔录取的空间。为“一贯生硬、无弹性”的研招制度增添更多人文关怀的色彩。一、“与时俱进”的研招政策现在,我国社会正在向社会主义市场经济体制转轨,在社会转型的过程中,伴随着经济领域的市场化,政治领域的民主化和社会领域的自治化,过去那种以国家教育权力为主要形式的公共教育权力便开始变迁,并对我国教育政策的有效性提出了挑战。为此…  相似文献   

论教育权力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育中存在知识权力、国家权力、教师权力等权力形式,教育权力在支配性结构中转变成消极的霸权或暴力。权力是社会实现公共秩序、保障社会权利、实现公共利益、促进社会团结的必要形式,暴力则破坏公共利益和公共生活。教育权力保障教育世界的公共秩序和交往理性,使得教育这种公共生活的形式和空间得以存在,从而使学生在教育生活中获得平等的权力和权利。教育权力的失能和不足,造成教育中种种压制性暴力的泛滥。  相似文献   

论政治腐败的德法兼治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
政治腐败是国家秩序生活中的异质因素 ,是政治权力根基的蛀虫 ,是社会发展进步的阻力。政治腐败在我国主要指公共权力行使者超越或滥用公共权力。政治腐败的原因可从公共权力行使者和公共权力本身来分析。从这一分析可以看出 ,对政治腐败进行德治和法治应是防治政治腐败的治标治本之策  相似文献   

教育管理体制改革的重心是重建公共教育权力体制。重建公共教育权力体制应从体制内部的权力下放和体制外部的权力转移两个方面建立一个多主体、均衡的公共教育权力体制。体制内部的权力下放,意味着要改变过去以命令和服从为主要特点的权力关系,在中央与地方之间、政府与各级各类行政组织之间建立起以指导、监督为特征的权力关系,以最大限度地提高各级各类政府及其人员的积极性;  相似文献   

批判教育理论将教师教育界定为文化政治。认为教师教育机构是一种公共领域。教师教育的目的在于培养转化性知识分子。教师教育课程是一种文化政治的形式,教师教育课程研究应特别注意揭示课程知识与权力的关系,关注权力、语言、文化、历史等内容。批判教育理论关注教师教育的文化政治属性,能为我国当代教师教育价值取向的转换提供有益的理论参考。  相似文献   

<正>教育管理体制改革的重心是重建公共教育权力体制。重建公共教育权力体制应从体制内部的权力下放和体制外部的权力转移两个方面建立一个多主体、均衡的公共教育权力体制。体制内部的权力下放,意味着要改变过去以命令和服从为主要特点的  相似文献   

公共领域虽然是西方社会的一个理论话语,但它对于研究当代中国问题也具有“跨文化”的普适性.从对构建社会主义和谐社会的作用来看,公共领域是监督制约国家公共权力的重要社会力量和有效机制,它通过把“话语民主”形成的“交往权力”转换为行政权力而实现了对国家政治权力的监督制约,进而促进着当代中国政治民主的发展.  相似文献   

国家作为政治组织在从社会中分离出来以后,有着双重属性,即阶级性和社会性。这种双重属性体现在行政权力上:其一,行政权力是公共权力的主体权力形式,行政权力行使的根本依据是公共性;其二,的确存在着总要摆脱公共性的属性。这决定了公共权力既可以成为谋取公共利益的权力形式,也可以成为谋取个人或集团私利的手段。防止和遏制公共权力异化,必须实现从统治到治理的转变;从权力制约权力到社会制约权力的转变;从无限政府到有限政府的转变。  相似文献   

马克思恩格斯的权力思想主要包含以下几个方面的重要内容:第一,从政治哲学角度阐述了人类的自由全面发展是公共权力存在的道义基础和终极价值;第二,从国家和社会的二元分立角度阐发了公共权力的起源和本质,揭示了公共权力的社会本位;第三,辨证考察了集权和分权、总结了巴黎公社的实践经验,提出了权力监督制约的人民主体性。联系当前我国公共行政领域的实践,马克思恩格斯权力思想为我们提供了如下几个有益视角:第一,公共行政要在科学发展观的指导下,坚持以人为本,服务于人的发展;第二,公共行政要加强政府职能转变,沿着行政社会化方向迈进,做到权力下放;第三,加强公共行政廉政建设,关键在于制度设计上要保证人民享有监督权。  相似文献   

政府管制的两个限度与高等教育市场化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘希武 《比较教育研究》2005,26(9):16-20,80
高等教育接近于私人物品,但具有公共性;这种公共性为政府的管制奠定了合法性的基础.公共性与管理方式奠定了政府管理高等教育的两个限度.两个限度的实质是政府、市场、社会与高校间的权力分割、责任分担的界线问题.所谓市场化就是要解决界线问题.但仅有市场化是不够的,非政府组织的存在是解决权力分割与责任分担界线问题的必要准备.此外,高等教育市场化的要旨应在于实现公私之间、公立内部之间的充分竞争.  相似文献   

国家教育权是主权国家享有的公权力,具体表现为教育立法权、教育行政权及教育司法权。面对教育的快速发展,国家教育权需要在这三方面逐步改进,才能有效保护公民基本受教育权利,跟上教育发展的时代步伐。  相似文献   

现代公共管理理论强调政府职能的调整和优化,主张公共管理主体的多元化,让非政府公共组织和民众共同参与社会公共事务的管理活动。社区矫正制度设计和安排应以公共管理为指导,使社区矫正管理真正成为政府和公众共同参与的公共管理行为。在社区矫正公共管理中,是将社区矫正管理作为国家或政府的职责和义务。社会力量将以独立力量参与到社区矫正中,通过这种特殊的社会治理结构实现对社区矫正对象的矫正和教育。社区矫正制度由国家主导的一元体系转向"国家一刑罚、社会一矫正"的二元体系。  相似文献   

Higher education expansion is expected to widen access to universities and promote social mobility, but evidence from the real world frequently contradicts this expectation, and China is no exception. Most empirical studies have been conducted on the relationship between social origins and education without considering studies on education and social destinations. As a result, relatively weak modifying measures are suggested without a panoramic view to inform structural changes. Inspired by the ‘positional competition’ observed by Mok, this study attempts to continue the exploration by constructing a dialogue between the two studies and look into the fluidity process across the two relationships to trace the determinants of social stratification in the country. Key findings include the following: 1) The education system is obligated to play a specific role in China depending on the governing theme of the regime, that is, the existing one prioritises economic growth but not social mobility. 2) Social elitist status in China is associated with an occupation in the public sector, the pursuit of which constitutes over-education among graduates. 3) The queuing model derived from the screening and signalling theory exercises explanatory power in the analysis of the public sector, whereas the thesis of human capital may still be illuminative in the private market. This study argues that, without addressing the state’s continual grip on commanding heights, which is a fundamental reason behind weak fluidity, future modifying measures to propel mobility may be fruitless.  相似文献   

中国经济转型中公共物品提供机制的演变与改革   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国经济转型时期的公共物品供给严重不足,一方面是由于财政支出中用于基本公共物品的支出未得到相应提高,政府退出一部分微观经济领域的同时,提供公共物品方面的职能没有得到及时加强;另一方面是由于大多数领域的公共物品提供主体单一的状况没有根本改变,基本上仍然由政府来提供。要改变这种状况,就要调整财政支出结构,适当增加对科教卫、社会保障、基础设施和政权建设等基础性公共物品的支出,并改变政府在提供中的角色和方式,即由以直接提供为主转变为以间接提供为主。  相似文献   

关于中国高等教育强国指标体系的战略构思   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前高等教育强国的指标体系研究尚无人关注。高等教育强国必须具有世界公认性,其标准必须具有普世性。中国在实施高等教育强国战略时,必须在遵循世界公认的标准的同时,从高等教育规模指标、质量指标、结构指标、投入指标、观念指标等方面制定符合中国国情的高等教育强国的指标体系。  相似文献   


Policy elites use rhetoric in speeches and press releases to provide framing that is intended to influence public opinion. These rhetorical events can be treated as instances in which speech usefully promotes particular discourses. Indeed, elected officials are able to influence how individuals think about problems and solutions through speeches and press releases. Two important rhetorical events in which political elites advance frames for social issues are annual state of the state addresses (SoSA) given by U.S. governors and gubernatorial press releases that inform media reporting about state policy. This study employed policy discourse and rhetorical analyses to examine SoSAs and press releases as rhetorical events within the context of educational policy. Our findings show that governors framed the roles of state government, governors, and educational stakeholders within a discourse that perpetuates a neoliberal version of education. In this framing, governors situated education’s purpose as being workforce and economic development, ignoring its role in addressing social issues and preparing informed, engaged participants for democratic society. Given that individuals make decisions about how to address social issues and understand public institutions based on framing provided by political elites, these findings raise implications for state educational policies and the public purposes of education.  相似文献   

Because higher education serves both public and private interests, the way it is conceived and financed is contested politically, appearing in different forms in different societies. What is public and private in education is a political–social construct, subject to various political forces, primarily interpreted through the prism of the state. Mediated through the state, this construct can change over time as the economic and social context of higher education changes. In this paper, we analyze through the state’s financing of higher education how it changes as a public/private good and the forces that impinge on states to influence such changes. To illustrate our arguments, we discuss trends in higher education financing in the BRIC countries—Brazil, Russia, India, and China. We show that in addition to increased privatization of higher education financing, BRIC states are increasingly differentiating the financing of elite and non-elite institutions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the changes, which have been introduced to public education in Australia, particularly over the last decade. These changes are analysed against the background of the free, compulsory and secular Education Acts that were implemented in every Australian colony during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. This legislation has formed the cornerstone of public education in Australia since that time. The principles of free, compulsory and secular public education and the underlying social values which underpinned the legislation are re-examined, together with the factors leading to the development of the centralized state education bureaucracies which were set up to administer the Acts. In considering current changes to public education policy in Australia, the paper argues that the principles underlying the establishment of public education have been significantly eroded. In the space of little more than a decade, the social values underpinning the Education Acts have been dramatically changed, leading to a re-invention of what public education means in this country.  相似文献   

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