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教师工作倦怠与管理策略   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
越来越多的研究表明,教师工作倦怠现象普遍存在,而且范围和强度呈增长趋势。工作倦怠的表现有三个方面,即情绪衰竭、人格解体和个人成就感降低。工作倦怠如果不能得到及时、有效的调适,将会对教师的教学质量和生活质量都产生很大的负面影响。教师工作倦怠不是对某一特定事件的过度应激反应,而是在较长时间内,对来自各个方面压力和事件所产生的累积的过度反应。总体上分析,教师工作倦怠的产生存在社会因素、组织因素、职业因素和个人因素。教师工作倦怠的防治可以从学校组织管理和教师个人管理两个层面展开。学校应当采取科学的、人性化的管理方式,积极预防教师工作倦怠的产生。教师应当在意识到自身处于负性的情绪和倾向时,通过主观的调适,化解这种不良倾向,转而形成正向的工作动力。  相似文献   

This study investigated K12 teachers’ Facebook usage habits, intensity, self-disclosure, privacy settings and activities. A multi-method design was employed by collecting quantitative data from 616 teachers with a Facebook account using an online questionnaire and qualitative data from 32 teachers using online open-ended questions. The results of the study showed that Facebook seems to be part of teachers’ daily routines. Moreover, they revealed that teachers were less likely to share sensitive and potentially stigmatising personal information on Facebook. Teachers were also found to set most of their Facebook privacy settings as “Friends” by taking intimacy, unwanted contacts and potential threats into consideration. Furthermore, the findings indicated that teachers felt themselves less comfortable when parents and students viewed their Facebook profiles. In addition to social engagement, teachers pointed out several ways in which Facebook was used to support educational and professional development practices. Implications, limitations and directions to further studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The results presented in this article are taken from a case study of novice primary school mathematics teachers’ professional identity development from the perspective of the teachers themselves. The empirical material was collected through self-recordings, observations and interviews. The results show how the professional identity development of these novice teachers becomes a pursuit in line with their image of a primary school teacher. To develop a sense of themselves as primary school teachers they need to establish their own criteria - individual (including graduation and personal knowledge) and social (the ability to work in one school, have colleagues and have a class of their own for which they do the planning and teaching). These criteria are shown to be both a precondition for and a part of professional identity development. The novice teachers’ image of what it means to be a primary school teacher directs their actions and becomes the goal of their professional identity development. Because of its high impact, student and novice teachers’ image of primary school teachers ought to be made visible in both teacher education and teacher induction.  相似文献   

论教师发展的途径和障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时代的进步要求教师必须千方百计地发展自己,否则将被社会淘汰。教师发展的途径主要是广学博览,与时俱进,在教学的反思反馈中不断提高;影响教师整体发展的最大障碍是良莠不辨的用人机制和教学评估;影响教师自身发展的最大障碍是个人环境因素和组织环境因素。  相似文献   

高职教育模式将由传统的学科体系导向模式向就业导向模式转变,随着教育模式的深入改革,高职教育的课程体系、教材、教学方法、师资等方面都要随之变化,作为教学工作的实施者,“双师型”师资队伍的建设尤为重要。与相关企业深度合作,教师长时间系统的参加企业整个生产过程,切身体会企业文化,为高职教师自身提高提供了一个良好途径。  相似文献   

The pace of change in today's society means that there is an ongoing need for teachers to learn, have new knowledge and use new pedagogical approaches to meet the needs of their pupils. For many teachers, this requires redefining their identity as teachers and what ‘teaching’ means in 21st century learning environments. These changes also require teachers to be supported in learning to ‘teach’ in different ways that are relevant to their own individual needs and to the contexts in which they work throughout their career. In this article, it is argued that a more integrated and collaborative approach to teacher education is needed with better understanding of those who take up the roles of teacher educator across a teacher's career. With a particular emphasis on ‘teacher educators’ working in school to support teachers' career-long professional learning it is argued that currently many do not recognise themselves as teacher educators nor are they recognised by those they work with as teacher educators. Drawing on an empirical study carried out with mentors in schools in Scotland, it is suggested that these teacher educators may be ‘unrecognised’ and remain ‘hidden professionals’ because of the identities they construct for themselves, the values and priorities that they or others attach to their roles or because of the institutional structures and cultures in which they work. It is concluded that it will be difficult to recognise and value these ‘hidden teacher educators’ and the distinctive contribution they can make to teachers' career-long professional learning without further clarification by them and others of the roles and responsibilities they hold.  相似文献   

It is widely recognised that teachers' pedagogical practices are influenced by many factors, including their personal experiences, their theoretical knowledge and the institutional context in which they work. Yet little is known about the beliefs held by Singaporean teachers about language and literacy development. Given the significance of early childhood for subsequent academic achievement, this study employed a survey method to explore the beliefs about literacy held by 79 teachers of 4‐ to 6‐year‐old children in prior‐to‐school settings. The findings indicate that almost all teachers viewed their primary goal as fostering children's ability to communicate and express themselves. They believed in using an eclectic approach rather than focusing on one or other ‘method’. The findings have implications for early childhood teacher education programs, professional development and implementation of Government policies in Singapore.  相似文献   

Conclusions Beginning student teachers have already acquired very definite views about teaching science before they begin their teacher training course. These views are generally similar to the views espoused by science educators, but are contrary to the classroom practices of many teachers. Their views seem to have origins in what the students perceive to have been meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences for themselves in their own schooling; and to a lesser extent for children they have observed. Female students who have studied more science at high school tend to favour the use of worksheets in experimental work. Several interesting questions arise from these findings: When these students begin to teach as qualified teachers, will they still espouse the same opinions? If so, does that mean that there is a ‘new wave’ of teachers entering the service who are more committed to hands-on activity work than their older colleagues? If not, what aspects of the teacher training process have caused them to change their opinions? Will these present students be using hands-on strategies themselves after they have been teaching for some time? That is, do system and school constraints effectively prevent teachers from using such strategies? Can secondary science teachers do more to influence positively their students' opinions about teaching science, such as engendering more positive attitudes to science, incorporating more hands-on work, and relying less on printed worksheets in laboratory work? This exploratory work has highlighted the concern expressed by Morrissey (1981) in that there is a great need for long term longitudinal studies of student teachers' attitudes to teaching science, with a particular focus on their teaching behaviours after graduation.  相似文献   

This study examined tensions encountered by 182 beginning teachers during their professional identity development, the feelings that accompanied these tensions and the ways they tried to cope with these. Professional identity tensions stem from an unbalanced personal and professional side of (becoming) a teacher. Tensions that are often mentioned by beginning teachers concerned conflicts between what they desire and what is possible in reality. Female teachers reported more tensions than their male colleagues, while final-year student teachers did not differ from first-year in-practice teachers in the number of tensions they experienced. Tensions were often accompanied by feelings of helplessness, anger or an awareness of shortcomings. Most beginning teachers tried to cope with their tensions by speaking to their significant others or by searching for a solution themselves. Insights into professional identity tensions experienced by beginning teachers are important in order to form a better understanding of the support they need.  相似文献   

This paper illuminates the experiences of beginning teachers using a participatory perspective approach and drawing on some of these teachers’ perceptions. We place the ‘subject’ of workplace learning research centrally in understanding the relatedness between workplaces and novice employees/trainees. This paper builds on previous work by the authors using semi-structured interviews with 17 beginning teachers in 19 schools that aim to better understand issues associated with beginning teacher retention. This study explores an application of a framework for evaluating workplaces as from expansive to restrictive learning environments, whilst examining individuals’ responses to and agency in these environments. In addition, these teachers’ personal networks were explored to idedntify how they shaped the teachers’ engagement with workplaces. This analysis revealed networks both internal and external to their schools, and hence a broader view of workplace than is often proposed. Together these analyses allowed an examination of the relatedness between individual beginning teachers and the schools they experienced. This paper identifies the significance of ontogeny and expectation that individuals bring to the workplace, along with individuals exhibiting different agency. These beginning teachers indicate how individuals can be proactive in creating more expansive learning environments for themselves through the utilisation of personal networks, even when these are not offered. This finding may have implications for beginning teachers to re-evaluate their potential to become empowered as they begin their careers.  相似文献   

Evaluating the impact of school-based continuing professional development (CPD), as with any other kind, is not without its challenges. This article reports on an evaluation of a CPD programme which was established to support implementation of a new primary school curriculum in Ireland. It examines what can be learned by comparing the views on the likely impact held by the teachers participating in the CPD and the support professionals providing it. The results show that both groups were very positive about the likely impact. However, support professionals anticipated a greater impact than the teachers themselves on teachers’ knowledge and implementation of the new curriculum. Likely explanations for these divergent views are discussed. The article highlights the importance of building in mechanisms within CPD to enable both teachers and support professionals to consider together the impact on an ongoing basis, and to use the available evidence formatively to inform planning for CPD. Incorporating a focus on impact in CPD is likely to become even more important in the years ahead given that teachers themselves are increasingly playing a greater role in decisions about what CPD is undertaken.  相似文献   

As teachers are at the heart of education, a substantial number of studies have researched the perception that mainstream school teachers have of themselves in relation to their work. This investigation extends this field of inquiry by examining how teachers’ self-understanding is altered when they transfer from mainstream to special school education. This study adopts the methodology of interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) to examine in detail how three female teachers in inner London experienced the transition from mainstream secondary schools to teaching in alternative provision for excluded students referred to as a pupil referral unit (PRU). Central to IPA is how an individual experiences a substantial change in life and the influence this may have on his or her world views. The research approach adopted is, therefore, idiographic and reliant on the experiences of a small number of participants. The findings from this investigation indicate that the participants chose to leave mainstream school education when they came to the self-realisation that they wanted to engage in more creative and personally engaging professional practice with a stronger moral purpose. When they started to teach at a PRU, the more persistent and personal relationships with their students brought about a substantial change in self-understanding.  相似文献   

实施乡村地区教师精准培训近年来得到了党和政府的高度关注,统计数据显示,我国乡村地区女教师群体数量和占比越来越大,乡村女教师已经成为我国乡村教育发展的重要支撑,在乡村振兴中发挥着特殊作用。调查显示,乡村女教师能够接受教育培训的机会相对较少,成为影响她们扎根基层、扎根农村、潜心教学的“心痛”。研究采用实证方式,选取中部脱贫地区A省D县抽样调查了346名乡村女教师,了解她们接受教育培训的实际状况、个人意愿和现实处境等,分析她们参加教育培训的影响因素与存在困难、相互间的关联关系和影响程度等,探索提出解决问题的意见和建议,并呼吁政府部门和社会组织对乡村女教师培训给予更多支持和关注,以期为保障乡村教育的稳定、健康、优质发展,推动乡村振兴和教育高质量发展提供启示。  相似文献   

While the term ‘learner‐centered’ is invoked in many curriculum standards documents, packaged curriculum materials, mission statements and criticisms of educational practice, there is little agreement on its meaning. Shallow understandings and conflicting practices abound. And rarely do the meanings ascribed to the term take into account the meanings of thoughtful teachers who live learner‐centered approaches daily in their work. Here we introduce lived meanings of learner‐centeredness found in the personal and professional histories of experienced teachers. Data were gathered in interviews that took the form of focused conversations which yielded elaborated stories and reflections that suggest that learner‐centeredness is a concept that cannot be captured in finite, static, unquestioned definitions. The teachers’ lived meanings are expressed in fine‐grained detail, are embedded in particular settings and the teachers’ own personal and professional histories, go beyond surface features of practice and are in motion and unfinished. Taken together, these lived meanings have the potential to challenge and deepen current understandings of learner‐centered practices. Further, they have the potential to bring humanity, humility and integrity to the work of those who engage in these practices and of those who would support or criticize them.  相似文献   

The objective of this study [Susinos, T. (Dir.), ‘Schools moving towards inclusion: Learning from the local community, the student voice and educational support’ (I+D+I, EDU2011-29928-C03-03)] is to gain a deeper understanding of the analysis of the discourses that different education professionals in the Spanish education system have on student participation in schools, based on the premise that they tacitly reflect different models of democracy and advance very diverse school practices. The study is based on the Student Voice Movement, which is defined by its commitment to deliberative democratic education and its role in the development of inclusive schools. In this article, we have conducted a qualitative analysis of the data from 31 in-depth interviews carried out with teachers and other education professionals from nine schools. These teachers’ discourses are summarised in four dimensions, which we have named individual, pedagogical, organisational and socio-political. Some conclusions of this work demonstrate a predominance of discourses linked to an individual and pedagogical dimension of participation, based on the idea that this fundamentally depends on the personal dispositions that some students have. It is less common to appeal to the socio-political dimension, which refers to participation as a citizen's right to debate and make decisions regarding common and public affairs. This suggests that teachers still see their work from a technical point of view, rather than envisaging the school as a space for democratic participation and practice. In short, with this study we aim to contribute to normative theories on participation and democracy in order to expand their empirical and practical support in schools.  相似文献   

Many schools throughout the UK are experiencing challenging behaviour from pupils and high levels of absence and exclusion as they seek to implement initiatives aimed at raising pupil attainment [National Audit Office (2005). Improving school attendance, London: The Stationery Office]. These initiatives often presuppose that pupils will receive adequate levels of guidance and support to help them make curricular, personal, social, and health decisions. However, little is heard from teachers and students undertaking initial teacher education courses on how they have been prepared for this extended role of supporting increasing diverse student populations; nor do we know how they define guidance/pupil support and integrate this with their concept of the professional role of a teacher. This article presents evidence from a one-year study of pupil support in Scotland commissioned by the Scottish Executive Education Department. The study provided evidence for The National Review of Guidance Provision in Scotland [Scottish Executive (2003). The national review of guidance. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive; Scottish Executive (2005). Happy, safe and achieving their potential. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive]. The study explored the views of all 32 local authorities in Scotland, a sample of students in training in two universities and teachers, headteachers and pupils in eight case study schools, and also a sample of their parents. This article focuses specifically on the findings relating to teachers and students in training. It identifies the ways in which they support pupils and how well they think they have been prepared for that task. Two dominant models of pupil support emerge from these data: an embedded and a specialist approach, and these vary according to school and education sector. Primary school teachers were more likely to embed pupil support into their concept of being teachers, whereas secondary teachers perceived it to be a separate, specialist function, which many were reluctant to undertake. Some implications for teacher education are highlighted.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of a long-term, continuous professional development (CPD) model, designed to support teachers to enact Project-Based Learning (PBLSAT). How do novice PBLSAT teachers view their acquisition of PBLSAT skills and how do expert PBLSAT teachers, who enacted the program 5–7 years, perceive the program? Novice teachers evaluated that they acquired the relevant skills but also expressed worries about enacting the program, due to potential difficulties for teachers. Nonetheless, the teachers enacted the program and identified unforeseen benefits for themselves and their students. We suggest that the CPD model helps teachers develop a sense of personal ownership and customization for the program, through multi-staged support to integrate student free-choice PBL into the formal science curriculum.  相似文献   

李雄 《中学教育》2013,(6):79-88
转岗教师是我国教师队伍中的一个新群体,农村幼儿转岗教师在新的工作环境(幼儿园)中的适应问题越来越受到教育界的重视,农村幼儿转岗教师在幼儿园中适应的好与坏影响着转岗教师自身和农村学前教育质量的发展。本文采用了叙事性研究的方法,访谈了一名刚转岗的农村幼儿教师,发现农村幼儿转岗教师不适应新工作的原因主要来自三个方面:第一,社会环境方面,幼儿教师职业地位低、职业压力大,入职支持体系、培训体系不健全;第二,学校环境方面,转岗教师与同事、领导的关系不和谐,与学生及家长的交流困难;第三,自身成长环境方面,职前接受的教育并非是专业化的学前教育以及家庭经济条件差带来的影响。针对农村幼儿转岗教师不适应新工作的原因,笔者从国家、幼儿园、转岗教师自身三个层面分别提出了建议。首先,政府方面应提高幼儿教师的工资收入水平,健全农村幼儿园转岗教师的各级入职培训体系;其次,幼儿园方面应转变管理方式并完善转岗教师园本培训,老教师与转岗教师建立一对一帮扶制度;最后,转岗教师自身要积极转变心态,同时制定自我学习方案,积极适应岗位的转变。  相似文献   

本研究通过对天津地区高校80名外语教师的问卷调查,分析了影响外语教师专业成长的个人因素和外部环境.研究表明教师对待本职工作能够做到爱岗、敬业、热爱学生,但以课本为中心的教学观仍主宰着教师的课堂教学行为.教师主要阅读与课本相关的材料,在很大程度上忽略了学习支撑教师专业成长的教育学知识、语言教学理论、语言学习理论和科研方法等理论体系.研究结果同时也表明学校和学院为教师提供了一个基本平等和谐的外部环境,教师间有机会分享教学科研活动.因此,研究结论对探寻有效的外语教师专业成长途径有一定的启示意义.  相似文献   

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